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<br /> .��- <�' _ . _ '�'_ . . _. �. . . . .. .._ -�'l'i�'. S�
<br /> � _'i' _ ' ' � �4�V -} _' t _ " _-_ ' '.. _ .. .. . �`l_ ' ,�
<br /> _,_ _.�.�..�_�._5�..._ .S_ �_ L• . � � . L�.}f .'Z�'.f.� .. �� " '- ' _. _ _-_ _.',_ ^ ( � _ •} _ " ' '_'.
<br /> �. • �- � - -- � $2= i-Q.4��7 . °-`����. .. .
<br /> . _ � ,��� �
<br /> -- *�- , � � , � �a.,.�� s---,,—�., gi-- �t�7883 -
<br /> � 2�la D�M ot tY�e la wd��.esis 16�h is7r��♦ �r 1l�I_� ��nd siaet J06�"�il A. �t
<br /> �+a�L��1E1 e� �s �+■+`Ruta wJt+@ s b�fllaaft�! f!tltt�Q CO Y '�1ni/t0l�w
<br /> Mo.. ..umi at�.�. !� 909 w: 1�th. GCentl ISlaarls N�i. 68801: Ai+e��s'�d A�ta�[
<br /> Qcceenq ae rar.e.nseaie.r car.rna to a. ... +�o.a�.iu�s•aar.st isP.O, BOPC 790, Grand Islaad, I�
<br /> aninafs�s rst�sc�d to u"len�ftciat�, a�w�a r�ilius a�d�ss =.
<br /> �- _ . a�_tl�_RRtTet�.,�TI�L 1��O!R�ISL�tD►b
<br /> � is T. O. to7c lii!■ 4aed Itl�ods I[�hratlrs 6il02. . , -- - �
<br /> Tor�al�Dla eaasidaraeim, lY�stns isre�oeabi�t�+et�. n+�fsr�. caaw7s�d i�ai=as W TcossK. L trwt.
<br /> . vith pwr ot �al�, tot tLs beacfit asd seeusit� oi�eaefiaLrTc m�= ���et to tl�� es� w+8 eaoditiass ,
<br /> of t� DMi Qi itYt. tbt t'oIladl��eserlb�P:op�sq• locat�l fa ��►�7s 1eDraNr�, towitr --
<br /> IDP 7wD f2,� �D� � (1?). IN FAIAVI�II P!lI�C 1lIDITIQ�I R� �
<br /> CI1Y OE'Q�Ai�D IS[�AND, HAI.L�NPYs I�KA•
<br />_��-_ � '.� — , ,
<br /> - usetl�er vitA all b�ildia�s. ii4r�sat�. ltat�aes, streec�. aile�s. Wsapw�7a. e��is�ut�;ri�ts. asirii�a
<br /> - ao8 appurt�a� loc�t�0 tUas�m ar io auf aa7 P�t+�t elrs�to. aW ttN ra�lt, is�un•-�rofits. s�eaiw�, .
<br /> -- a.a ses rs..s�as� ct,e�rsoe� inanabas aii sne�pse.mai vrop.scs ea�p i• aceacb.a w cbs sa�ra.�.�.�• so.�so -
<br /> catscicatt s fittar•. a�li a�YAics, isel�dfas r�placM�ts ad addiciop�.tMnto. �as L�r�d�clarN to lE��
<br /> pa�t of ;ha s�ai atatt eaa�4d ie esast 1�sehf: it b�tas a�reed tbat all ot eb�ton�otai tbt11 b�bu�faafE�s
<br /> `-_- :
<br /> -;-! .. . � - - -- -
<br /> - s�iRSr�e to w shi^Prop�stp° _.. .__ :.. .. _ ' .'
<br /> ' `°' IOR iaE t'ORTOSL 0! SGCf�D1Gs. " .
<br /> (s) ths P+Jsa� of yt[�oosl iodebt�da�ss aoia�ira�lsastor to 1aMficias�.•r:a�l�ac�d �
<br /> b1 a lta�Lws7 Ilots at swa das�ber�vitlt in th� osifioal Oslaeiyal awouat of 'I�ui�lve
<br />- ' _ _ f�R.�._��i I14s• tLmhwGA AtF► Tf� � 1M - �S if+rWi�(o '-.". •':. ,���::,.,f . . . .. .
<br />�- �.. ..
<br /> (b) tM pa�nc of laterest at tt�rate or rstt�pso�ldd !a t1►� atore-d4�c�tbi�,>iq6ta
<br /> �ad ths PsJ�ent of Lotb osinclyal aad iftt�sest m a�aid all sq�evalss'wodifiaaEi4is•'�qd
<br /> '. tsten�iats of sucr notes: - - . :�. ..=+,� • _
<br /> . - , (c) ths ps�in►t o! psiACiyal auod int�reat m aal tutuss ad�ce as wsr,9a ii�daac?ed �
<br /> �in
<br /> D7 pst�isaos�notss a[atlt�tb�7 ate securM by tbta Dsed of 4sost; pro�ld'eA�,� �hui�i'�►it�s� .
<br /> chat tfis total psinctP+l ind�bt�dusas. noC lncludiat s�s� adv+wc.�d to yrotice tbi iscatiit�
<br />_ � ,
<br /> ac lnt�ssst aacsueds shall not nccNd tl►���of 'j�l{� 'I�fOl1SA31d TW[3$ltl�t�2d QiG
<br /> . - QTMe �8/1 (8 �.201.?8 ); . .
<br /> � = ^ (d) th� pssiosNmca of each aarea�eat aqA covmatt of 7custor heseiu eoatained; aad
<br /> - - (e) the pape+►t oY aay ��s os ��of �oney vhich �sy 6e h�tesftar yaid as advsaced b� -���
<br /> Hmaticiar�r uades iha tnrs ai thia Daad of Tsuai, togethes vitr intesest at tt�e higfiest rate --
<br /> ,� yravid�d ia she aotes �seured hereDy. �`_.�_
<br /> - ;':�-,i ~. To protect Che �ecnrity o! ttiis AeeB of?rust, Truatos fieseby edvenmts snd �see� as foiloins aT ,�.M___
<br /> - l. Fa�ens of Indabtednesa. Ta"pap dhen due. the psircipal of. aad tUa 3�tterest m, tha ��*T:�-'�
<br /> - ittd�bt�dnsss Fafdaaced bq ttN,�aote. chargea. fees md all othes a�su as psavided ia th� loa� tustsu�s►ts. '-r=�-
<br /> , _ �.: �r=�;-_
<br /> 2. iitfe.� Tsustos 1s thO oinies oF the proynrty�ad hss the si�hs aad authorit�to eneeute tMs -
<br /> _=,. -
<br /> Deed o! 99ru�t id re�pect.to th�psopaty. , � ...
<br /> � - 3. Tax�s aad AssnsssesEa. To psy, vhea dae. all taxa, specisl ssseasments usd all oiher charaes . •
<br /> ' - �gsinst ths Qroyessq. beYore the s�re beco�e deliaqumt, and. in the event Eeneficiasy ah�ll so requlse, ,
<br /> � to add to ttse�s,y�ents seQuised tader tLe note eecured heseDy, auch oount as ssy be suiilcieat to m- ,
<br />; ,•; ';� . ��l . ' able Eeaeticissg to pay such taae�, iseeas�enta or othes chssgea as they beco�e due. • `
<br /> � • 4. Insursacs. To Icfep tbe i�yrave�ente no++ or heseafter located on the real estata descsi6ed
<br /> : �rein in�used �taain�t davutge by fise and auch other hazasda as Eenettciasy fsy tequire, in aso�ts "' �
<br /> 'aad co�pania acceytsb2e�to_MnePiciasy. md vith loss psysble to 8eneiiciasy. Iu case oi los� wdes
<br /> • �: . sneh poiiciea. Eme!!alarp.is authosiaed to adjust, collect and cosprorlse. is� ita discsetion, �11 _ _
<br /> �'� claias thereunder and, at its sole opeion, is authosised to eithes +��Dly che ysoceeds to che restosa- , -
<br /> �� � tion o! tha tiroperty os uyoa the indlbtedness secassd heseby. bus pspsmta require8 by tbe�aote abali
<br /> � �;�,�: ; contiaue until tha s�s ucured hereby are pdd in lull. , ,.
<br /> �:'r'"`�'�''' � 5. Revsis. Msiatenaace and Use. To psoapily seyair, rostore or rebuild any bulldings or.lsprove-
<br /> .,. '.r.::: ._ ,...� '
<br /> � - snnte nov or heseafter on the 9topestY; to keep tE�praperty !n good condltion and repais. �ithout vasta
<br /> - - �..- . ^ and free fra�aechanics os oiher liens not espseest2y su6ordfstaCed to ttie 11ea hereof; to not make, euffer �
<br /> `�"'� � �� - : or pessit �1ny nuisance to exiat nor to diminieh os tepats the v`alue of the praperty by anq act or osissloa
<br /> '� ��r?�.''� to act; anA to co�ply vlth all require�eats of lav vith raspacx to the ptopesty. .
<br /> r- .. -m}±.s•.'r . .
<br /> •+- �`�'�~'� 6. CondsteCion. !n ehe event the proyerCy, or aay part thereoF. ahall ba takea 6Y ea�inent do�s in, j ,
<br /> ' • . '�. •;•�'y"• . ' !
<br /> ��_��;,��;��'�;,: leaeiic�asy !A"l4t1t1eA•tit collect and receive alI r�mpenaatiun vfiich map bo yaid tor a� propeYty takm !
<br /> ,-;t.f�,�f�,��r,, . at.for darybs Co psdpartY+soe tatea, and Beeeficiary ahall arpply sucA cadptn�etfan. at ite option,
<br /> • �.v���ti 4iu'.:�tf��',. either ta a'.redilctloa o Y t h� in de bte dneaa secura d h ere by o r t o r e D A l r a n 3 s�a 9 t o z e e t ro 6 l a p e r t y a o t a t e n. I
<br /> �t�%'k': . . S
<br /> , ' "z��;�1��::�°.�.�� 7. Y�rfarunce by Beneficlary. 9eneficiuy �ey, but etwl]�have no obligatim to, do anp act ufiich �
<br /> ������''�' �`' � ' irustor hed ageeed but failed to do, �t Eemiiciary aay alud do aap Bct it deess neceesary to�sotect
<br /> �..,. �
<br /> '�'�irjf:;�,-: .. , �' tha lien thereof. Tsuator agsees ta reqay, upos� de�utd, any s� eo oxpendeA by 1leaeficiary tos the : •
<br /> `' ``' , � ' �bove purpoaea. and any a�a ao eupende� by sene!lciary ahaii be addeA to the lndebtedness aecured hereby
<br /> ' - aad becoma secuteQ Sy the liea hereof.. EeneYlc3sry s1u11 not lacur any peseane� 13abillty because of ,
<br /> . -- --- anpthina !t my do or o�it to do here�ader. • ; �
<br /> -�.._....:..�... �
<br /> - � 8. InsDectioas. Eene!!clary. or !ea ageets, represeatativea or vorkaen, ase authos!=ed to estter
<br /> --- - - - -- at any reasoaab2e tlme upon or !n any pars oY tho psopesty !os tLe purpose ot ins�eotir� the nam� and. �.
<br /> • �. , � Fos eM qarPose oF pesfosdaa aoY oF !he aets it ie authoriscd to perfoss mdes tlse tesm9 0! any loaa . �
<br /> - � � iaatsueatia eueeuted by 7rustos. ' � �
<br /> • � •� 9. 11�ei��ent of Eenta. Deaeticiary sha11 have Che =ight. pmrer and sutfioriey during the can-
<br /> _ -_ - _-=_--__ - s4aueace oi thia*Jeed nf irwt to col�ect che reats. lesue� aed pratita of tt� propextY and of at�Y _
<br /> _ � __._ paraonal prapesey loeated thbrcoo vlth os vithaut tating yosses9laa of the psoyertp atfected hereby.
<br /> aed Ssustor heseby aDsolutely and uecoadiiiaaaliq assfgfia a21 euch :ents, lssues and ptaflts to ;
<br /> �_��-_.. __ - �..-
<br /> SeaetielarY. saneflclary. haaever. hr[eby eoueata to itusior's collectlon aa� zeteatioa o! such � �
<br /> -==-
<br /> rcnts, iaetues arid qsotita as theq aecrue"aad beeome'pgya[ble. 96 IbIIR d9 �TU9t0=f9 IIOty at aeeh t : � '--"- -
<br /> � ta Qetault vith respccL to payaesst oi any lade6teQaess secured hereLy. os !n the perfossaace of any
<br /> � a�ceaeat heremder. it any event oi aetault Qese:ibe8 bereaiter in respect to thia Ueed of Sru9t �
<br /> ;� .
<br /> � _ _ . ' .. _ ._ . _ _ �i_ . - -- _ .
<br /> • �
<br /> � �
<br /> ;r . .
<br /> � . �R
<br />