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20110111C <br />forty hundredths (1,159.40) feet; thence N23°20'S0"E, a distance of three hundred <br />twenty seven and sixteen hundredths (327.16) feet to the ACTUAL Point of <br />Beginning of Tract #5; thence N50°10'03"E, a distance of one hundred ninety <br />eight and thirty four (198.34) feet; thence N69°23'00"E, a distance of six hundred <br />eight and twenty four hundredths (608.24) feet; thence N�5°00'03"E, a distance of <br />two hundred fourteen and twenty eight hundredths (214.28) feet; thence <br />N77°22'06"E, a distance of sixty eight (68.0) feet. <br />TRACT #6 <br />The centerline of a twenty (20.0) foot wide utility easement and right-of way tract <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot One (1), Lassen Acres Subdivision; <br />tnence southwesterly along the southerly line of said Lot One (1), on an assumed <br />bearing of S54°44'35"W, a distance of one hundred eight and seventy one <br />hundredths (108.71) feet to the southwest corner of said Lot One (1), being the <br />ACTUAL Point of Beginning of Tract #6; thence S00°OS' 18"W, a distance of one <br />hundred twenty five (125.0) feet. <br />The side lines of the above described tracts shall be prolonged or shortened as <br />required to terminate on the boundary of Grantor's property. <br />The above-described easement and right-of-way tracts containing a combined total <br />of 1.57 acres more or less, as shown on the plat dated 1 U23/2010, marked E�ibit <br />"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, <br />together with the following rights: <br />Grantee shall ha�e unrestricted ingress and egress to the above-described easement and <br />right-of-way for any purpose necessary for the surveying, construction, inspection, maintenance, <br />repair, replacement, reli��ati�n, exte�s�on, removal, an�i �peration nf sucl� public utilities and <br />appurtenances. Such rights of ingress and egress shall be exercised in a reasonable manner. <br />Grantee shall ha�e the right to excavate and refill ditches and trenches necessary for such <br />public utilities and appurtenances; to place electrical line anchors and/or anchors with guy wires <br />attached thereto on Grantor's property; to remove, clear, and keep clear, trees, bushes, hedges, <br />undergrowth, and/or any other obstructions interfering with the surveying, construction, <br />inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, relocation, extension, removal, and operation of <br />i� <br />