._ M . � ' .. _ . __
<br /> . m
<br /> . . • - _ , ...-
<br /> , t ryl�wc.�hWON�ML�"A�f,t . '._'__'—_-____�1�w�P'+�.�.. _ _..
<br /> � --�� — .. ._--. --__. ___ ._ .. _ .___ _- -.
<br /> .c.�a�- - __-_ _ _ _ — — _
<br /> � ���
<br /> tM �xt�e+t of th�rMt insurM+e�proe�M rK�1Yb bY TrwtN. but o�lY tu th� �xt�nt of eh� setwl suN
<br /> �pwri�d �aidK tAis �'arl�ian.
<br /> 3. � �y�• If irwtar fs � ccrporattan, tt wlll dn alt thfnM rncNary ta pr�rvc it�
<br /> corpor�ts wi�t�na. rioht�. �d P�'fvtl�f�s untMr the l� af tM st�t�of Its incorporition.
<br /> i. �. T�tor, �t It• �xP��. will �inR�1n wlth tnaurt�s �pprowd bp Mn�ficiory� irw+nnce
<br /> with r�epet to tM INprov�nt• �+d p�rtonal {xop�rty eautitutinp th�P��xrty. �fWirwt lots Ny fir�, , 1
<br /> 11/btnie�, ta�rrdo. �d otMr p�'ita cowr�d Dy st�rd �xt�nd�d cowr'M� K'd°rsw^t, in an +wo�et �qwl
<br /> te �t l�t Qx Mi+d�'�d I�c�^t t1�1 of tM full ��pl�e�nt wl� xh�rtwf; �nd inrw�rK:e p�irr�e sush
<br /> e� �� � i� �h MwMtr ss is custa�rily c�rrf�d by o�+Kr� M+d oper�tor� of siwilar {xcpe�tiN
<br /> and �a Naftcl�y w�w r+Q�+ir�d.for itt �rot�ct4an. irussor wfit c�.�.:y �::n -+.:h c:her re•�«r..�ncc aa
<br /> . �������f�� ti�e to tt�e r�!�+Mt for tM pret�ction bY insw'+ncr of the �nterest of et,e r�µxct�ve
<br /> pMtf�s. Ali irrsurance {x►4ici�a �inuirMd pur�wnt [o th9s 1'rust De�d ahall nMe lruetor and N+iet�ciary
<br /> ' M ���,d�� ie tMir rw{frctiw fnt�re�ca �y a��, � P�'ovid� chat ther� shall bs no c+a+c��l��fan or
<br /> ■oditic�tta+ withau+c na'ft¢en notic� fiftNn 115D d�Ya p'�ur tu fta e�pir�tian d�te, iruac�e ar Mrofiel�ry
<br /> �ry pneun wch ir�sa�jrimce s�d tM�cate eMrr�f shall be add�d to tAe U�x� securad bY this Tra[ DMd ard
<br /> at.sti �aar�`lts!�f�� r.t th� �re�t�� of tM int�r�st r�co spetified thor�ien�or th� Kiqh�at int�rat ��t•
<br /> authoris�rif�lyy tIN lws oi th� fUta of iNfx'a�k1�. Trustor shatl d�liwr to{ettisftCnry tiw a'iYinMf �.o:it:+r.
<br /> af inwrq�ni2t �nd r�r�ls thK�of ar Meo capfss of auch polici�s �nd r�w�ls therwt� i+�ilurt io funnish .
<br /> , weA Imur�nele bY Truntar. 04 r�rwra4s M e'�4i+ivnd MrwrwiN• sh+dl. �t t�e oPtion of tM Nr�fici+rY. can.
<br /> �tiEUCe s dttwlt. , �; y�,'.�; ' .«�.....�we�ficfan.i ,ua�of �nrY �_� ^K�'
<br /> t�Ofl�b bY TftNTR. T��TOr snwli'aoriaT`{•7`�7 !II ..�'-- ---- - . - - __=-
<br /> �y tm� up ths diefici�ney in Q4Hr+�an� n�eh�+�Y �4 ��� Trwtes to pwy the fa+�eyaf�r/ St�s. .
<br /> ' 7. .��� Assn�Sl• �'7��witor shalt p+�Y �tl ax�s �rrc1 sp�cia� �sas�^ta�•tMri� or aR*eas�d
<br /> apintC •br�z)u� uPon tM Pr�P�+'ty b�for� delirr�uencY. +md yill d�llw+r, m or b�for� April 15th �rd lkpust .
<br /> iif. wd� twaa rrl «wei+�l MaM�'
<br /> 19tM ef Mol� 1�. Ra�f�xfieiary eopl�s of a13 �tcsiplts �howirq p�Y�►t:
<br /> Mnt�. If•RM Trwtov'�ails to p� th� t� Wr1or to tMr baorinY c�li�rwpnnx, LMn.tAe {wNtitia��y �Mr
<br /> . . ��'r'�nd 1f �o ���ti�� Tn�tor �W'+�t 4h�t thtr� ah�l,.t,be etkNd �o.ercA p�rfodic p�yw�r►t �► �row�x
<br /> ';� �aN�trJ W TrwtM to b wffici�t to �+rtrl• Truator to pry �t l«►at thirty(30) dM �f�� d�ti�wrK. .
<br /> �ll t�i, +��^«• .
<br /> ��...«_s..� te.�r� d+atl ddirer t0 TrYatM iucb f�d�tiwwl ww of �pnoY �� �re nscea• -
<br />- - rN�. ii�i(w�a:�"w�++r • . • . .. _ -
<br /> �' '� to w�k� W th�d�tfelw+er 1n th��a+nta r�+s�arY to rewibl� trusea�to piy th� forwoirq it�... ::
<br /> ;�„�i. �1�
<br /> . �. �(,jI9� l��• Tnwtor MNII �k� all p�'►ts of int�r�st M+e! pri�xiprl �nd P�1�nt�i.��1f�+rw • ;
<br />- �� ��� f�p. � �s contr�et�d to be p�id to arry sxistinD li�Mold�rs or prior b�n�f�c��iN .',�.,..-:�
<br /> brfore cAe d�t� theY .rd:ditY��int and ta ,r,.;,a;.;;
<br /> udK ahr PriK Trv�c DMd. wort�nr other sacurity ap�'a�rt, :,•.;:: „ • , ,;r,, ..
<br /> yry Mrj► atl�e1�4�.�Rith I�apMiaN the a�curjtY Oranted��i�rsin. :�1,,,;s:r�; � , � .
<br /> t ;�_ i�i.r,r�. s�aritr, �St1'O,uld TM'ipta� f�il to .,�� �r w,�•n;�,� !,t to ae;ircy.�c
<br /> �. tCRS�isiin's3,�;�1lrMi.-- „��e4i'"�cer�.►�x.;i�t����c�``..�� N�HarA.rr�.
<br /> �� � M�ln prwid�d, olr.it �n�l sctton or prot+e'��(4�1t�A '�� ebNll�e��d r .,
<br /> t Inetue4;i: but no# li�it�d �d.;�erii�iMns dwwin, irrotv�neyiti�,er+ni�nts w pro-
<br /> I�it�nst in tM ►ropr Y.
<br /> 1.
<br /> OMOI�� IIq1��1/I�M � b�fltf�Cy��jG.P.lSNC�M1��,t�1N1�Mfl���'C1TMhY OP TI'WtM bYt MI�hOVK���0GII0iZ�01� tfl.� �O� . ..
<br /> �nd r�tRaK nstta te a� tNMrd��b�1�TruatoP ��RSnd wlthdlK rolnMir� Trywtoe frow anq�t:dblfrtion ►wMVd��,
<br /> t.:.: u►«�s. a �i.r.,,,��a�.
<br /> �r�r�Mce or d0 dK sw �nd �Y P�Y. D����'dont�st or ta�pra�i� ar►Y �+c�+nu.
<br /> in dr Ju�nt of �itMr KiPwrs,ja'�ffret si`�b PropKty; in �r.�rei�in� +mf� �ueh Pawr� tM Meriibiwr or ,
<br /> T�rM �y Irour� any lt�bi�.:<;trj,.,r+d �xp�nd wA�c�wr �+nts, IncludlM ai�+!'f,!'M�'�t� of r�a�aal•
<br /> attorn�lr'� i«s. uAid± in thei��::inbabtutr discrftian � b� Mc+�s+ri�s. In tM.�ro�t tlu�t Tnwtor �hsll
<br /> f�tl t0 pr'otur� 1►rs�xvr+n a' to /�Y t��M r►d �pe�isl a�lw^ts or t0 N+Icf arh �f�r►t• t0 �xiitiey or
<br /> pNor it«iwl�s o+' bm+ficiort�a, th� �e�eficf�rY w�Y procw4 such isiou�snn'+md�ke such P�'�^tr.,,. Al►
<br /> , . � 1���e��� with ihe�� rovisiona ef thYa'Trust ?+�Nef +r�
<br /> � D�fici�ry or Trwue is �ccor�►�*• , .N
<br /> �* ��by rtd bNC fntM'�at ;�4..Lhlr �xir�w allawsbt�t i"af��S rt�t�p pt`uvidW, howew►�� that �t t� aptfbn ,�'•:
<br /> M Mrftclsryl or irtMtN wcw K�cvnu�;wy b��cW�d to th�p�i�c%�(o�l b�l�r�ce of any indrttxiWnasY N►cunid M�'rbM i'•.,.
<br /> �nd de1111 b�' th� sw iMtrqi��.��+t wch ind�bt�a� �nd ai�iall bo p�Y�blt r�cably.ovCS• tf.e rp�ei�ronp terw • .
<br /> . �f' r wK) �uthOrity du�inq tMr cat+RirNiYnr.e
<br /> 10. � ���, �eficillry sMtt hbvf the riOht, powe
<br /> 4f this Truat OMd to toll�et nent6, f�wts +nd profits ot the Property, +nd of �ny pertonRl projx�rty 1oCSt'.
<br /> I�d t1Y��on wlth or without tMcirr�:pq�ssion of the prap��ty afftC�ltl het'�by, 1Md ia•ut7.tor har�bY reMOtutely
<br /> .. _� _____ __.r _r�aa. rn�.u.flriacv. !enlfi�f�rY. MlK+Kr. �r�1'
<br /> - - . - �nd INYCdfldltibi'Nilly IfiS1R1G att sear r�+i..� ...�.� �.....f.._..-- -- -- - - .. _ _ . _..
<br /> rwt��nt�to th� Yrustar's toltsction �nd ret�ntio� of such rents, issurs end profics as they +ecrue �+d
<br /> ►f�ltqr pyllblf so lonq a� trustor ia not. at rutA tf�ea. in tl�iwlt wi[h vespeti to payaen*. uf any ind�btW
<br /> � �ed Me�by or 1n YM �trforwnce of any �perwni hennxWtr. Upon any such def�ult, i�nefic�ary
<br /> �I�t Yny tiw�, •1th�r tn perse�r+. bY apant, or by a receider to ba appclnRed bY a court, wf t�ouc notice �ntl
<br /> wlthout �qKd to tM �1eq►�cY af �Y �wfiy, ta) �nt�r upon r�d c+�k� I����ion bf the ircperty or sny
<br /> p�rt thxwf, �n/ tn 1t• oMn �e d+� for or oth�rulw coll�ct �uch nnt�, issws snd lxofitr, ineludir+�
<br /> t� �� � �1 ta�Id. �nd apply the a�. l�ts sorta�c�d�xp�tit of optr�tians �nd collacia�, includ-
<br /> ino r�MOMDI!�ttorMy ft�� ���^Y indebttdnest •eeur� herehy, �nd in�uch orWr ss �sntfici�ry w�y
<br /> datera�in�, �b) p�r(orw such rets o4 r�ir or pratectim �ti wy t�e n�e�sc�ry or proper to cawerw the valw
<br /> 04 tht Irop�rtY: �c) LNS� tIK srM w' �^1' Wrt thlreof foe auch r�ntsl, t�rw, md uPon wch cadi2ioM �s
<br /> its JucyMnt rwY dictrt�. Unl�ss Tn+ata' �r�d N�ficfary �prN oth�rwise tn writinp. anlr M�plicatlon ot
<br /> . 2
<br />