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<br /> prynunis mxy no ionger be rcquired,�t the op�t�on uf l.ender, if nw�4gagc fnsura�xe cuve�age(iTftifa amnunt a�xi for Ilx prriad
<br /> thnt I.ender rtyuEses)�►mvidcd by an insurer�ppr�val by Ler�der aqein becomey avaifablc arxf is obteintic6. &irrower shilt pny
<br /> �he premiums rcquired to mAint�in murfgnge insurAnce in effect,or t�provldc a loss restrve,untillhe royuirement far rn�rtg�ge
<br /> insuraike erxi�In ncco►dance with eny written agrarnent between Bbrmwer and T.axler or apFlic•able Isw.
<br /> 4. ii��c2N�.�.I..t:�xi��ur�ts��cait uwy 1l1itw4 INlwtlil:��I.:cratEirs u�c�ii nnd ins�::cdons c�f thc Nrop�ny. Lrndcr sh�ll �{v�
<br /> Barrower notice at the time of or prior to�n in�pectian spocifying reason�ble cause for the inspectiAn.
<br /> 10. Con�enieuRbn. 'fha�roceals uf any awarcl or clsim for Jameges, direct or consequential, in asnnectlon whh any
<br /> ca�uJem►wtic�n ar ntt►cr ta�ing of any pert af the Feaperty, nr far wnveyunce in lieu of conclemnaiion, arc hercby ussignrd xnd
<br /> shall be pa�d tn Lender.
<br /> in the event of a eotal taking of th�Pcnpcny,tltc proceeds Rhulf be uppli4�d to tho sums sccurcd by this 5tc:urity Instrument,
<br /> wi�eti►�r ur�at Il�eu due, with any exCess p�;.d tn �bnowcr. in thc �vcn!of a partinl taking of thc P��t}�crty in which the fair
<br /> m+�rEcet value of the Properly immallatciy brforp thc taking is oqual to or grcater thKn the amaunt of thc sums secured by this
<br /> Sxurity instrument irtuntditv,cty be;fom t4�w inking,unless Borrowr,r euKl[.ender otherwisc agree in writing,tho su►ns socu�i by
<br /> this Security Instrumcn!:sliaJll be roduccd by the amount of thn prnaods rnultipliod by the following frartion (a) the total
<br /> au�xwnt of the cums seeumd imn�ediately 6eforr.the taking,divid� by (b) the fair markat vnlur,of the Propsrty inur►ecliutely
<br /> befote the teking. Any baJxn�ce shall be {xid to Borrower. In the event af a partial taking of the Property iu which the f�ir
<br /> market v�lue of the P�upr.xty immedln►ely before the taking is Icss ihan the amount of the sums sGCUraI immcdiately before the
<br /> taking, unless Borrowcr anci Lendtr atherwtse ugnx in writing ur unles�appllcable faw otherwise provides, the proce�eds shuli
<br /> be�ppliai to th�sums securai by this Securiry Instrument v.�hether or not the sunu are ther�due.
<br /> If the Pro�xrty is nharylor►�d by Bonower,or if,a4ter noticx by I.ender to Borrower that tha concles�mor offer�to malce an
<br /> owud or settle a cttim for ci�magos, Borrower fails to resporn! to L,ender withi►Y 30 days after the d��tz the natice is given,
<br /> [,ender is autharized tc rnllxt and apply the procads,at its option,either to restoiation or repair of thc�'ropcny ur to the sums
<br /> sxured by this Socurity Insnument,wlKther or not then due.
<br /> Untess I.�nde:�nd 9�rro�tirr othenvise: eanx in writing, any appl�cation of umc��c+is to principal shalt not e�ctersd or
<br /> postponc thc due date of tht monthly psyments refercod to in peragraphs 1 and Z orchangQ��he amount of such psymr,na.
<br /> 11.Bormw.er Nat Relased;�ortiearxna By I.entia�Not a W�liver.Extcnsion of the time for p�yment or modiGcati�n
<br /> of amonizntion�f ihe sums securod by this Sa.�uriry Insirument grantod by L,ender to sny saccessor in interest of 6arrower shall •
<br /> nat ape[ate to relcsse tt�c fiability of the original Borrower or Bonower's su�cessc►r�in intercst. LeMe�sha11 not be m7u�rod to
<br /> oommenoe pn►ceodings against any succcssor in inte�+est or xeiwsa.to eater�dme far paymenc or auhc�wise modi"ry�aimriiz�sion
<br /> of ths sums sec�;xod by this Scxuriry instr�ment by re�afa of.any demancf made by the original Borrower or &ircower'a
<br /> .� sumessors in intr.Yest. Any fotbe�..sance by Lender in eaercisin�wry dght or remddy shall rWt be n waiver of or proclude the
<br /> excrrise af ac�y ri�ht or remaly. •
<br /> �2:Successors and Ae�ar Bound;Jotnt aad Sevmil Y.IaMiityi Co-sS�nax. 'I'hC wvcnaMs a��d agreunanta o�'this
<br /> 3ocurity;instrument shall bind••xnd lxuicfit the successors and assigns of l.endrr ud�lariuvctr, subject to the provisicxx�of
<br /> p�ragr,lph 17. Borrowec's eova,nutitc and agraments shall be'joint ud severnL�As�y':NonowGr who as•signs this Soauity
<br /> Instn►mene twt doAa noa execute the Note:(a) is co-signing this Stcurity Iiuteumrnt�nly ta aartgago, grant�u�d convey that
<br /> Bormwer's inta+�et'.in tht Propercy under the terms of this Securiqr Itutntma►t:(b)is n�K pusoradly obligAtod to pay thsa ams
<br /> ��... L:_c T .�� •. .1 c.nn�no l�ef iw rIN►� �I o (+w{���O n •:.`..». M! rlWr n
<br /> Sa:ww��:...o..,::�i3t,.r�sr.w..,rs:..(c)..�,...r..L r. R,...'.2;., JT�`.._.::e;,}.IIezc^,to C �,^.:....iE;,f4.»....r r.
<br /> ' make u�y acconunodatiors with(regard to the temu of this Secu�ity instnunent or the Nr}go 3vlthout thai Borrower's¢onsu�t.�
<br /> 13.I.wn C�e�e�a.if tho�loan savsed by this Securlty�fnstrum,tnt is subjat m a!#w yY�ich sets mxximum lorn charEa, "
<br /> and thit law ia fintrlly::tni�rpreted so t�wt ttie intarest or oiher.loan charges colla°ted or to be collected in coru�octian witL tLc
<br /> - Ioan ezcexd the pecn�itted limits,then: (s)�ny such la�n chuge shaU be naiuoal by the+unount na.-�aiir,v ta rocluce the c�nrge
<br /> �;.��� to tf�e pemutted limit;and(b)any sumg atresdy collected from Horrowet'which ea��i permitted�Yi�iiits will i� refmdad ta
<br /> ' HQRUW('�'. Lerda may chocne tu mxk� this refurvi by ra,�ticing the principAl owed t+nilcir the Note.or by m�Cina s diroct
<br /> . pry'incut to Bomower. If a refu�xl rod�aas principal, tht+�:�(e(4tbctian will be trrata;,�ns:a putial prr,�raYmcnt wi►�hout �ny
<br />, P�Y��Be unckr the Nc�te. ' " �''` -
<br /> 1�.Ndlay.Any nexioe to Bonower provided for in thiR Savrity�n.vziutnent shall be given by dr.livering it or by m�iGog
<br /> � it by�iru class m�il�zuiltss appiicablr.lnw requircs use of urother�i,,•fii�notice shatl tx dicectod to the Property Addreas
<br /> or a�ip,ather addi�.�s�.�iorrower;�designatts by nWice to L.endcr. Any e�`tiCC to Lencler shall be given by finst class miil w
<br /> La�l�rr'9 acWress sidfoi!hc:r�in�vir&ny vther address�.ender tle�ig�a(es by�otia ro Burrower. Any notice providcc4 ia in t6is
<br /> ``. Sati't�it��Znsirumertl�hu11 be�cioemed t�have ban given to Bofi'tlwa or Ixnc�Ct when givrn as providod in thas.�n,rp�tiajih.
<br />�''��� 1S.C�v�i�tg [.rw; 5everabfiity. Thic Security Instniment shall�be governed by fodcral ]1�i .an�i1:11�t l�w of the
<br /> >�ti ;:�� � ,jt►ris�liction in which the propeny is located. In the ever�t that any provisivn or clause of this Secut�ty.7 ��sjz�mcnk!�.�t the Note
<br /> - co�flict3 wtth�licable law.such conflict shali not sffxt ret�ltr provislons of�ttis Security Instruu�rnt or the Ncitc:�'�fch r,an be
<br /> � giv��1�i+M'�oet without Q�e conflicting provision. Ta tlils end Qhu provisions of this Socur�.ry�la�st�um��i urxl the Notc �ra doclared '
<br /> .. to bie xve�able.
<br /> 16.Norrnw�ir's Copy.Borrower shall bc givm onm oonfonnod oopy of t��e Noto and of this Savrity Tnsuunxnt. .
<br /> . , Fom.soze ereo
<br /> Repa A a10
<br />