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<br />: 'krJSn�:.1lii:111�'t'i'i'll��If tiic 6�i�irr,v;.��,�r.t�,�tc�v�c�r iic��:atic�Cs�.ti2:�I a;t cl�o(rr.�tc�Yy, .��t�!all cci•:c��t::sii�;js��l'F;,n��,l
<br /> ki�cca�"rr:� �S�w ur l�ertuRrr x purt �f the p��operiy, Afl crpluccmentn a�xf additions shull also bo covtred by thes S+:cucity
<br /> �.^ntru,�nen9�Al!uf�ix fUrcgain�ix refr,rnd tu in this Security I��trument as the"i'rc►perty." . �
<br /> EY,)�t3tOW�R G/.)VkPJA�I'l'S ttuu&�rrnwer is iawfl�lly eetsod op the e�tate herehy conveyod And hav thc right t�grant and
<br /> ccaa�•ry tfrtt Prvpetiy�urs1 �hat the PropeKy ie unencumbered, except for encu¢r►6,r�ncx� ot rococd�. &,rrower w�rce��t9 anci wifl
<br /> C�ntYtJ'M��ttbi����S+ti10 IIII[tA lllt E�tt�fCLty�A�iISI dU CI�IRIS lt1(I(It111(IfKIR,subject t�any encumbrances oT ros�ad. .
<br /> 'tr��:�Sei;iJlii►i� l�lii Kili�iri�i l'cuuroir�u�►iiuua wv,vciu�eis�u� �r�iio��l usc;�;;K1 �an�-ui�iWi+�t w����tts::ith lim!*Y:.� --
<br /> varit�tionk;by Juri�dietian to con�titut��unifcsm�securiiy insteumeo�t covering rral prokxrty.
<br /> tINbE�ORM COVBNANTS.&�rrower and L.ender cuvenant anc!agre�as foflown:
<br /> 1. 1"�y�e�t of hirc(pd asd I�teraAp P�'eg�l�aaet �nd Ia�Re 41�ar�es. Bonower sltxll promlx�Y paY when due the
<br /> �iro:ipa!vdf u�d ir�errst vn t!�w,�,►:,��.,;�.;.:,uy ii�o Note and any pnepoymrnt and late churges due undcr ihe Noto.
<br /> Z.!�� ior Taah+��ed Iawr�tr�et. Suhjoct to npplic.�ble law or to a written wr►iver by L,ender. Borrower shall pay to
<br />� ,�;cr�cicr on,ti�c day rrx�n►hiy payments:e►�duc uiklar tlie Nots,until the Nate is p�d in full.a sum("Funds"j far:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> umr.t si,xu�,rmeMs which►twy att�in prionty o�•er tri'ss Sec�rity 1nat�ument�x a lien on the Propsrty;(b)yearly leaetfiold paymcnts
<br /> ' cu gmun�t'r�ms on tho Pro{x:rty,if�ny;(c)�+e�rly hw►rd or property insurar�ct promfums;(d)Yearly fluod insurance prcmiurru�.
<br /> if•ar�y:(e��yeariy moitgage insurmce premium�s. if any; end(�eny swns payable by Bonower to L.ender, in accordancr,with
<br /> ttto provi3;tanu of paragraph 8,in lieu of the�ymast of mortgage inaurance premiums.l7xsc items are aellod "Escrox+[tem.s."
<br /> � L,end�cr n�'iay, Rt any timr, collxt�nd hold Funds in en amount na to exceed the mazimum amount a lerxler for A fedKr�lly
<br /> rrl�ted��t»�tg�ge losn may nquire for Bamower's escrow acuoamt un3er the federal Real F.state Settlemcnt Pr000dures AM of
<br /> }g74 aq umerdeci from time to time. Y2 U.S.C. Soction 26Y11 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another!aw Qiat sQplies to the hutlds
<br /> �!q� y 1ki,RCr unaint. If so. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an uixwnt not to exceod tha lesser am�wnt.
<br /> Y.uxier n.1ny estirtwte thc amount of Funds due on tha basis of cument data ancl rcasonable estirtwies of expenditures of fuwre
<br /> Flxraw It�trrs or otherwise in sccord�with Applicable Ixw.
<br /> Thi� 1 urK1a shall be held in an institution whose dtposits are insura! by u faieral agency, instrrimentaliry. or entity
<br /> , (�nc�ludin��t.errder,if Lender is�an institution)or in any Fodera!Homc L�n Bat►k.L.ender�twll apply tt►c Punds to pay t}ie
<br /> . �sc.c:,ri;�n���. Lc�.3cr rnay not ch�rge Borrowec for holding and applying the Furxis.annually analyzinE the escrov���+x, �►r
<br /> ��tri�'yinp�the Escrow Items.unless[.�tder paya�orrower interest o+t the Fuixls and applic�bte law pormits Lender to malca such
<br /> a charge::Huwever. I.etrkr m�y roqui�+e Horrower to p�y�o�x-tin�ee chuge for an itdepecxknt real es?ate tax reportirrg servia
<br /> used by,"��x1er in �.�onnection with this loan. unless applicable law provides ahenvise. Unless an agmmrnt is mad� or
<br /> s�tiicaltilt law coc�uircs intenst to be paid.Lend�r shnll not be required ta pay Borrower any interest or earnings oA the Funds.
<br /> i)om�rnr�and I,axkr mty asr�e in writing,fwwever, that interest stu►4l be paid on tDe runCS. i.en&r sit�it give to�tcn�nvrer.
<br /> �►�it��ul:�large, an annual�ccounting of thc Funds, showing ctaiits vd debits to ttr�Funds xnd the purIwx for whid►each
<br /> ciebit w.D?hG�'unds wts in�.'xhe Funds are�I�lged ag addidonal security for all sums�ecurnni by this Security Ineuument.
<br /> ' li}�e Ftinds held,hy Ler�der oxcoad the arr�ounts pennittod to tae tkld by applicabk f�ai;�,I.Gncler shalt account to Borrower
<br /> ' for tha icxoesa Fwids iin x000niar�ce with the roquirements of appGc.�ble law.t�the au,c�awu�of the Funds held by L�ender nt any
<br /> , timr is��at suk'ficiaY.u�p�y the Ew:row Itans whrn due.Lender nwy so nntifjF Abrtower in writing,atd,I,t�such case Borrowa
<br /> ' s1�11 parys to Ld�der tfie �a�ouat neoese�ry to make up the deficieacy. Eorrower shall maka up tbe cieC�'s�pacy in no sgone dian .
<br /> twetve t�tionthlY P�Y��,at I,ebder'is�ok discre�ion. � ,,�..
<br /> ll�on pny�nent in Po!1 of all sums xcun�d by this Sacudty Ingtiuman, I.euder shall prariptly refilied to�HatSn.wa'�n.Y
<br /> l�uno�s iMUU oy�xausr.[r,under p�rag�apit 21,L.rndar shall acquire or ull the Pmpeny,L.ende�,prior t�t G'ao�.y�ri��:c:�s„ta �
<br /> of 1ho 1?eop�erty,stall apply any Fw�ds heid by I.ender at the timc of aaryisEtion or sale�.s a credit ag�iixvt`the swns sa�red by
<br /> � tF�t Sotttrity Irotruaaent. ' , '
<br /> 3'�;:Ap�tiar d Prywe�Ma.lJnkSS applicable law�rovides othcnvise,all payma�ts nceivod by L,ender underW�+P�
<br /> 1 ard:,siWl be�pplied:firat.to�nY P«MYma�t chargea due under the Note; saad, to LcKwnts pry�ble under prn4�nph 2:
<br /> . lMird,!u fnterrst due:fau�th>to principl due:and last.to r�ny late chuges due under the Note.
<br /> +�: �° �.(�C'Wi�ea;k.Se�.Bom�wer shwll pky all taxes,assessments,chergts,�nes and ia�QosiRioa�atta�wt�bk w the P�vpa'ty �
<br /> s���•� � whi�,'1�:.ynaY attain�xiority rner this Security Instiumrnt,ard la�sei�old po7rrneuta or gcnund rcats, if s�j�. 8ornower shdl.l P�Y '
<br /> . • thaEO t��lig�tiau in the arumxr provided in paragnpty 2,or if not paid in tha2 manna.�3orrower sh�ll p�y tl�em'on time directly .
<br /> to che:;;�erson owcd payma�c.9orrower�1►a1t pc�ocnptly fumish W Ir,nder all notias of amou�s ro be p�id under thia pragr�ph.;
<br /> lf Flai�ower maka ttxae paymerus directly.Horrower shall prnmptlY furnish to l.cder receipts evider�cing tbe�rments. ,
<br /> ' ;abrrower�11 pc�m�tty dix�arge any fien which has priArity over this$xurity Instwncnt unsess Burrowu:(a)agrees in
<br /> writii�i to tl�e pwyeneM oF the obliga.tion stcured by the lien in a m�ru�er acceptable ta L�aider: (b?co�x�ts in good fsith the liea
<br /> • by. �i�r ckfad.s +gains� rnfimxcnent of tha li�n �n, �egal proaecdiogs wbich in the I.e+nr��x's opinion crpereot tn �r,event the
<br /> . enfir.�itisy»ant of the licn:or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agrornxnt satisiart�w•�Eu Lender suborctiiwticg P.'h�lioa to
<br /> thia;r�ocurity irutnemtnt.If l�ender detemurns that any �act af the�vpecty is subject ta a iien which mny attain{►riority ova
<br /> • thi�'}iocuraty Instn+maat.I.ender may give Borrowa a caoti�e identifying the lien.Borrower st�ali srtwfg�1►e lien or take one or
<br /> ';,:; . mce�iic of the�tions sct forth above within lO days of the giving of notia. .
<br /> ' , Foms�'� 9/9a
<br /> � vr,�.a a e �
<br /> , .
<br />