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��.-.ti-. -�� .f �: . z-r-- 'ZC_iSY _ _ __- __'____" __��" _c_�_- ____ _ �. . <br /> � - _-_-___ . . . . . . ��l._ <br /> .:�—_�."—'--•'--P-='=• '�'� _ __ . _ i . . . _ ._" • . . . '. '.�^_ <br /> -, . :, -� � -- ,__�_a�' '.l tf,a.. - - - - - _._ . . _ — —_ <br /> ' '` ' ' <br /> . .- ._ _z_ �.. ,. � <br /> , ` <br /> •a . _ _._. r. � .'-�-- - "- . ,r � ' . <br /> . <br /> . .- S . - ___ , ;� , ._ _ .._.. —.:._.._._ '_ . _— _ <br /> �.—__._�� _-_ . ` _ ; . .. ; ; . ` ; . _ _ ` . .. . <br /> _ : � : - ... � ` � � - . _�_ . _. :: 92- �r �4�4� <br /> ptymmts,wbich ue tsfemed w in Huagr� Z,or ch�nge tlre amouot of sucfi pa}rmeets. My excxss pruoxd+ovu an <br /> _ .,�c naqui�ea ta gsy all outu�ing iade�uader the xote ana this scauity rnst�nnent ah�u bF peid w,ee edicy <br /> ` tegaDy eatitl�d theteta. _ - <br /> a►Fas. tendcr roay collect fas and ch�ges suthorized by the Sa�tetuy. � � <br /> � 9 Gra��da far Aav�kratlow ot De6R ; ` <br /> -(a)Odank. Lender may.oacept ac li:nited by ceguiations issaed by it�Sec�emsY in the s�se of�n►yment defaoits. . '. <br /> -- _ _ -- — -� -y��ut€�siks�s�2-smas�a�d hJ stt�&cesseil��s�tt�-� -- - - - --- -- — - - <br /> (�)ff�aults by failin�co psty ia fu11 any manthiy paymeat requited by this 5ecurity Ins�ument prior , <br /> _ - - � worantiscd�edueafthes�extmontt�lYP�►Y��•� � <br /> (u}Bacowa defaeitts by failiag,f�a pertaQ of thirty days.w perfonn any�other obligations cantained in this <br /> . Sec�uy Iasaument . ` <br /> . (b)Sale Wftraut CYedk App�ovaL Leader shatl,if permittsd by applica6le!aw an�with the privr approva{of the . <br />__-- ScCtetary.to9uitC im ���paJ�nent in full of all the sums secuted by tius Securiry Incuument if• <br /> .:� (i)All a piut of the A+npe�ty.�a brneficiat intertst In a tnut owning�II or part of tNe Ftopnrt� sold or <br /> i�:= otliawise eransfemed tahec th�n by,devise a descent)bS!the Barmwer,and . _ <br /> (ii)'Ih Ptup�rty is not occupied by the punct�aser or grantee as bis or her princigal i�sidence.or ihe pur� <br />__ • or gr�etee das so occupy the Roperty but his or t�er c�edrt has aot 6een appcoved in accordsuue. <br />" with the zequitrmeats of the Sa�ctary. <br /> _ (c)No Wsirer, If cusu�tutanoes accnr that would permit Lender to require immediate paynxnt in full:but Ixnder <br />- .._ does not m�uue such��payirxets.Leeder does not waive its rights with nspect ro subsequent events. <br /> - � (d)Re�uWioas ot HUD Stcretar9• In many circumstances negulauons issued by the Seanetary w�i limit Lender's . _-- <br /> ' �ights,In the case of payment require immediau payment in fult and forectose if notpaid. This , __ <br /> Security Instrunxnt daea nat authorize accekration or foreclosut�e if nat permitted by cegulations of the 5ecnetary. �:__- <br /> � • (el Martp�e Nat Imaeed. Batower agtees�hat shautd this Securhy fisuumntt and the note stcund tlkc+cby not `�—'°`` <br /> _ ` 6e eligible far insurance under the National Housing Act with�n B laontha froro the �`w'�_- <br /> • date heneof,Lendec its option snd natwithstariding anything in Para�ph 9,ncluite immediate pa}rrtknt in �::-==- <br /> � ` fuU of ail sums secured b this Securi lnmumen�. A written statement of aa autlwriud agent of the � . <br /> ° �.woaths � y sec"``a`S' " t'�"=� <br /> 4._ dated subsequent to . from the date f�eaf,declining to insune tt�s Securiry ':,��`"�- <br /> � � � ` Inmument and the note secured thenby.shall be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding ' �' _ <br /> ,_ ..f <br /> - � :�` ' ' tHe foregoing.this option may nnt Ge exenised by Lender when tbe unavaitabifity of itisurance is solely due tQ =_ ___ <br /> i.. �'� ; � `;�, - L,ender§failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary. � <br /> $n <br /> -1 . �f�-� 10 Reinst�kmtnb Borrower has a right to be r e i n stat e d i f l.e n d er h�s requi r e d imm e diate payment in full because , �_ _ <br /> � � Li- ,.°,,-;-�'°=�t:�°. . o{'f�aBnorto��wMer's failure to pay an amount due under the•Note or tbi.s Security Inswment. This righs applies even sifftter -;:i� ,_ <br /> •,'lx4' t'•��L't�' IO�K�OSW�. raceedin s are mstItuted. 7b reinstate the Securi Instrumen�. Harrawer shall tendcr in a?vmp sum atl - � � � <br /> ,;t`_�5.>,r.,, p, g tY , _ =�� <br /> • • �•-�-�� �`�'":""� amaunts reqwted to bring Borrower's account current including,to the eatent t h ey ate obligations of Boavwer under this , --_ <br /> .:;� „�,, .. . <br /> �r�- ',� � Secutity Instrument,faectosure coscs and reasonabie and customary attomeys'fees and expenses propecig associated wIth ``:'y' :j; � — <br /> . ��.�.'' the fo�eclosure praceeding. Upon reinstatemen t b y Bormwer,this Securiry Insm►ment and the obligauons that it seamres - ,. <br /> ° ".�. s h a l l rem:un in e Nect as i f L en d e r h a d no t requ 3 r F d�mm e di a t�p a y m e n t i n f u l l. H o w a v e r.I.e n d e r is not c e q uir�d to p e�e it �. <br /> �""��:, roinstatement if (i3l.ender has accepteA reinstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proceed��witfs�t�cv - <br /> ' � '` - years immediately paeceding the cammence�ent of a current forectosure ptoceeding, (ii) reinstate�e���r.�tt grec'Lc�.: �. • - � <br /> � �•�i�'yi�;r.'���: -'a ' . . :`..'�.� . ::F .. <br /> -.� -*� focectosure an di�fer�;grounds in the fusur��:(ui)reinstatement wiU adversely affect the priority of the tien cmate�by . _ , <br /> ��LL�`'°`-` �`T this Security Instrument. . . - , <br /> � ='''-; �i � �1L BorroWee Not Relea�:Forbear�nce 6� I.ender Not a Waiver. Extensian of the time of paymer't oz ,=�r,�•_ <br /> ;�,;}r�':�,'` . modification of amortization of U*�e sums sr,cured hy th�s Securiry lnstrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest � � � � <br /> � . _ • of Borrower shall nnt operate to reTea.ase the liabitity of the origmal Borrower or Borro�ver's successor in interest. I.cnder � �`' �r:�s� <br /> • ��'"''•' � ' shall not be r uirec!to commence proceedings�;a�nst any successor in interest or refuse to extenc!time far payment or . , _� '= = <br /> `=:�`,.�.�:: __,:_ <br /> �:._• otherwise moi�fy amortizatian of the sums secured by th�s Security In.mume�n by reason of any demand made by ihe , "_:- <br /> . -K;''�'�.,`��' • <br /> ;,�. ; r} origin a l B o r ro w e r o r B o n o w e c's ti u c c e s s o r s i n i n(e r e c t. A n y f a r b e a r a n c c b y E.e n d e r i n e x e r c i s i n s a n y r i g ht ar r e med y shaq � �:�_j� <br /> ��-�':•'.' not be a waivet of or prectude the exercise of any rtgl►t or remedy. �y°-_- <br /> � �� ��''� -: ]Z. Succes.gors and As9lgns Baond;Joint and 3everal Lia6illty;Ca-Signera The covenants and ageemenis of - "�= <br /> ' �-�� •. , <br /> •� _ ' Ihis Security Insirument�hall bind and benefit the successarti and assigns of t.eryder and Borrawer,aubject to the provlsions . ��-�:;: <br /> � • ' ' of Parag�apb 9.b. Borrawerw covenants And agrcemcats shall be jaint z-�� �aves:�l. Any BoROwer who co-signs this . . �� <br /> ::�: _ .. - Security insuument but docs not cxccutc thc Note: (:�i is cc�-signing this Security Instnrment anly to me��age.graat and ,, • • ....� <br /> � , � - camey that Borrawer's interest in the Property under the terms nPthis 5ecurity Qnstrument:(b)i�nm per�:::.Iy obligated to � , •:..;;,:;j� <br /> � ' - - ' ' pay the xums secured by thiy Security lnstrumen�and(c)agrees Ihat Lender and any other Bonawer ma5 agrec to exr��. ;:��`.; <br /> ' _�'�`=:==' mad�fy.forbear m make any accomm<xlations witb rcga�d to�he termc af thi.t Secur�ry ta�strumcnt ar the Note withant t:�at '' ��-�= - <br />;,� i ..ri; s.,c:"_ . ... � • ., TA'•� <br /> � , y�:1i=��•: _ •, � Barrower s consenl. .'"°_�.- <br /> . ••�: :� r: 13. Nodceg, Any notice tu avrrawer provided for in thiti Sccurity Intitrument�hal!he given by delivering it or by � � t�-;'-� <br /> ` ` � �� � mailing it by t7rst class rnaii unleti�upplicable law requires use of:u�other meth�xl. The natico shalt to�dirccted to the ' . <br /> �y;;:,. .,-,:• ,', . . . . <br /> - ''� `_ . Property Address or any othec add�er�s aarrower de�ignateti by notice tn�Lender. Any notice ta l.ender�all be given by , <br /> ' �'-`�� •�'`.���•'� fir�t clas.4 mail t�Lendery address stated herein or any address l.cnder de�ignates by notice to Horrower. Any notice •. <br /> � � '.�i"�' :. pravided for in this Security ln�trurnenl�haU be dcemed tu havo bccn�ivcn to B��R��wcr or t.endcr whcn given as provided • ' <br /> � `'.� � in tQsis p�ugraph. <br /> la. Governin&Law; Severabllity. '1'his Security In�trumcnt.hatl fx g��vcmcd i�y Fcdcral law and the law of thc ' <br /> -' jurisdiction in which the Praperty is tocated. In the cvent that airy pnn+i�icm or clau+c ui�hi.Sccurity instrument ar the - � <br /> � Note wnilictti with applieublr law,cuch cunilic141ia1!not affcct othet ptrni�iun�e�i this 5ecurity Intitrument ot the Nate <br /> ', which can be given effect wiihout the cnnfticting provivinn. Ti>>hi�end�he pruvitiiou�ui�hi.Security ln!�tn,men�und the � � <br /> ��.,.,., Notc arc dcclarcd�o hc ccvcrablo. r - . <br /> � ' i5. 8orrowee'.v Cupy. l3urruw..7 shall br�ivrn um cc�nfr+rmcd curY uf thi.Sccurity in�trument. �' <br /> � � �.,:"" 16. Assi�mrnt ot Reolr+. Bonuwcr uncuizditinnally a�yign�nud uat�yt'cry tu l.cndcr ull thc tcntti ttnd revcnuc��+f thr `• <br /> ' • ' ..' Froperty. Borrowcr aatharlr.e�l.cndcr oi l.rnder ti a�:cnt.t��c+�llrct�hc rcn�.��nd re�•cnuc�anJ h�rchy dircct�rach tcnant��f <br /> , ' the i'roperty ta pay the rcn1�to l.cndcr or l.rnder�ugent�. Ili�wevcr,pric�s ce:l.endcr:notice tn Hnnoarr c�f Hntrowcr� � • <br /> ' ` ' ' . breach of uny eavenant nr ugrCrmrnt in the Sccurity In�ttument.Norrotiver.h.::�rallec�s::d cercive s�l!rc.^.fa and revenuc.r n! � <br /> �hr Prope»y vs trustee f��r�hr henefi�ctiP l.�nder c+nd Harru�ver. Tbic:�s�i�nntent uf rcnt� am��itules an absututc a�si��meitt <br /> � • and not an�svignment fi�r s�ddili�fnal lecurity��nly. I.. ' . <br /> • , lf l.crtdcr gives ni►licc oi hre.rcN tu Harn•wcr: fal all rrntti received by Hnrr�wer�ha:►i�c hefd by E�orrt�wer a±m�.cce r , <br /> - - -:. . for bene�t of Lendrr un/ b�'�pplica tu ihr�um��ccurrd i.y th�5rcar��y ln�tniment:(b►Lcnde.rt�E►a�i ln:rntdQrcl t�� � �. � <br /> ' . CUIICC{�ft(I iCCI'1VC�dl��i the rentti��f�he Nn�peny;:mil(c�cach tenam nf the 1'ruprrty shall pay all rcn��Jcr�.m�f tuzr�id tu � <br /> •- -- - Lender or t,cnder's agcnt on Lcnd�r ti writtrn dcmand ta tttc t�hu�n1. <br /> . � 8orrawer hus nc�t exrcuted any prinr:���i�;nmenl�+f"!he rent�and hu� nul and will n�t petfumi imy ac� that we*uld � <br /> � '� prevent Leader from exerci�i»�i��ri�;h��unQrr�hi.Y:�r.igr:�ph 16. � <br /> . . Lender Sha11 not be rryu�tecl u�enter upi�o,t�e cnntral ui'nr maintairt the('roperty bcfan ur�k�t�iviug nuticr of � <br /> ' • : breach to Bnrrawer. Howover,l.ender ur�fuJlcially �p�uinted rrceiver m�y do�a at any�ime tl�err i�a hreach. Any <br /> . applicuti�n of renfv�hall not cure��r w.i'tve:�ny Jefault ur�nv:didate any uthcr tigNt ur rcmed�af Lan�trr. �'his assignmenl � ' <br /> _ _ __, of rrnts nf the Pmpcnp sha(1 tcrminatc whrn thr dcht�ccurr�i by�hc Sccurity ln,�rutnent is r;ud in fult. �- . <br /> . ' • � ; . <br /> � �r.����?�./J pureo , . <br /> . . ' _ ' . _ _ _ " _ " " . . . . . L. . <br /> • , ' .. _ . _ _ . _ .. � � <br />