_ � - . ,� - --- s` ' . . - . �' . � ----
<br /> _ . ; - _ �f- .� '- '- � - - - .. . _ ' c.: � ---
<br /> _ . . .. ... .. .. . - _ .
<br /> �.�e . ��s . - '�-' ` .. .�"-- • . . _ . a -
<br /> _ - . - .-�i -. -. . . ( , � . . . . . . _ . . _. :
<br /> b _ ' '� `�...� . . ' . ' ` ' . . .. . . i
<br /> .. _._.�.� - �- i - . . � � . � � .. t. � . , � ' � - ' .
<br /> _ — •. a �C.-� 't , • - . `. . � . . • . • . � ` , `�� . �1-�����r . .` ,
<br /> - ' '' �.�5 Wi 4i��Yi[R�IU�. !,��[r1W�M`+�•^•�N�II�YF��C O�W i OG C,RI�i��\����� . .
<br /> aippt�vat which shall not Ee unie�a�bty wifhheW. If Bamwer fails a a�ai�corerr�e Oe�cribed a6ave.Laader nwy��t � .
<br /> � Lsnder's aptioa.ebwia�covera�e to p�u�act Lende�'�righs!n�he P►�eccy ut uco�d�ee vrith p�rssraph 7. .
<br /> AU inwhnr`e palicies iad mrewais s�ll be acaptabk to Lender and shsll u�clude�st�wdatd mort�a�e clause. Laoder
<br /> si�atl have ttrc r�ght to hold thc palicies andmiewaI�. if Lender cequit+c�.Eioanwer st�U�nptly give to Leadet att�ceipts• '.
<br /> _. �. �.__��£�id�miu���Rnerw�t�.!)oti�es, tn__thg ev_mt_of toss,Bamnwer shall gixo pmmpt notice to tht`ins�r�nce c�rier aod
<br /> - -----,re� r tnay poo 0 oss� rt�.�c pom y 6y�.- - - _-- _ . --- --- —
<br /> � Uniess Lender and Borrawrr utherwise agee in�writing.insuraace prosceds shatl be applied to res�aation vr nep�v af
<br /> the Ropercy dam9ged.sf t6e restor9tion or repur is ecorwmic�iy fe�ible and Len�er's secxuity is onc�kssene� .If t�
<br /> ` � nstaatioa or espair•�s aot xo�omicatty fe�sibtk or Lender�securiey woutd be lessa�ed.�tt�e insurance pcuceeds si�ali be
<br /> applied ta the sums secuRd by Ws Securiry Iastrument,whether or na then due. witb aay exc�ss paid to Boaower. 1f
<br /> Baaawer abaadons the Ptope�ty,or does not aaswer with'in 30 days a notice fmm Lender that the inwrance catrier has
<br /> _ offe�d w settk g elrim.tl�ert l.ender may colkct the iasurance pmceeds. l.ender may use the pnbceeds w�epair or n�srane
<br /> the Properiy or to pay sums socuted by titis Seavrity[nsuumerK.whether oc not tben dua Tbe 30�day pedud will begin wheo
<br /> tfie t�aice is gtva�. � � ' , .
<br /> Unless Lender aad Homowa.atherwise agree in writing.any application of proceeds to principal shail aa�t eattnd or ,
<br />_= postporie the due date of the monttdY paymeots referrcd w in paragraphs Z and 2 or ch�nge thG arn�t of tLe payrneats. If
<br />-- utfder pa�agraph 21 the Prope�ty is acqnirod by L,ender.BorTOwers right to any insurance poticies and p�ocoeds�esulting
<br />- fnom dunage to ttx Ptaperty pria�r to the acquisitio�shall pass w Lender w the extent of tbc sums�securcd by this Security
<br /> - Insuumetu inunediately prior to the aoquisitwn. ` • � �
<br />�;;.• G.. OraiP�cy+ Pr±aervstioa. Msirttoaoce.aed Pc�otectba or tl�e Pro�rt�: BoRaov�'s Law Appi�tion:
<br /> - I.anebold�. Bcxrower shali occupy.estaDlisb,and use the Propetty as Borrower's principal reside�ce witdin sixry days after ,
<br /> = the exeeu6ort af thia Securiry Ins�urt�ni and shalI continue to accupy the Properry as Boaower's priocipai residence for at
<br /> y kast one yrar after the date of accupancy. aniess L.ender oti�erwise agras in writing, whicb cansent,s6all not be
<br />-``i . yorcasonabty withlKld.or unless extenaating circumstances exist which ait beyond Sorrower's cantrol. BamqWer shal[t�at
<br /> = des�oY,damage ar impair tAe Ptoperty.allow tlx Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the�xrtSr. Bqt�ower shall ----
<br /> "'-� be ia defauit if any forfeituc�e action or pracerding,whether:civ7 or crim'utal.is begun ihat in Lender�good faitb judgmen4.,
<br />.' could resuft in forfeiNre of the Plroperty or othenvise materially impair the lien creafed.by tttis Sec�uiry Tnsttument or. ` . —
<br /> l,ender's security interes� Borrower may cure such a defauIt and reinstate,as prorided in paragraph 18.by causing tIte action �,_ "°
<br /> or proceedingta be d.ismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's`good faitb detertuination,pneeludes forfeituce of the Borrower's ��-.-
<br /> _ ��� __
<br /> intenest in the Ruperty or othec material impairment�of tlte lien created by this Security instrument or Lxnders security �5� .�:t��;;:,
<br /> inu�res�. Bo�tower shall also be in defal�It if Borrower, during the laan application process. gave materiaUy false or ,�,',�1
<br /> � inaccnrate infom�ation ot statemeitts to Leder tor failed to pravide t,ender with any materia?infam'�on)iti connection with _ z�::.,.���:
<br /> ' ttie[oan evidenced by th�IVote, inci��, but not limit e d to,representadons conceming B orrnwer's occupancy o f t he �."-���t�^�' �.
<br /> �'s.,::,;.
<br /> .4 ` -:r� ' Piuperty as a principal residence. If this 5ecurity Instcumem is on a Ieasehold,Boaower shall comply with all the provisions � 3_-=�.
<br /> ' " of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee GUe to the Preper[}�.the Ieasehold artd the fee titIe shall not merge untes.4 I.crtder agrees ����x=-`
<br /> �=
<br /> , to the merger in writing. �_•�.��`
<br /> • 7. Prutectbn ot tender's Righb in tLe Property. If Bormwer fail�to perfocm the cavenan�s andagreements �•�"":' -
<br /> . contained in this Security lnswment,or there is a tegal proceeding t&at may significantly affeet Lertderk rights in tha .'�:
<br /> Ptoperty(such a.4 a procee�ng in banktugtcy.probate,for condemna�on or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then � ,-`;•�_:�-
<br /> . Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary ta protect the vatue of the Pr and Leader's ri ts in tbe Pro •��'-`"��•'�•
<br /> � QP�Y 8h Pe�Y• .:.r:�-�=,-.�
<br /> . �.� t� Lender's actions may include payidg any sums secuced by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrutqent,appeanng . . • _
<br /> in coun.paying reasonable attomeys•'fees and�entering an the Property to make repairs.A(though Lender wa}r take action • .
<br /> - � � under this paragraph 7.L.ender does not have to do sa, ' . _
<br /> - . :'�� '� My amounts disbutsed by Lender under this paragmph?shap become additional debt oF Botrowes secured by this �
<br /> ' a Securiry�nstrumen� Untess Boaower and l.ender�►gee to ather terms af paymenl,these amounts shall bear interest from the . . -
<br /> , date of disbu�ement at the Nate rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Homawer requesting -
<br /> � i payment. . c�':_� •
<br /> � S. Morfg,age lnsuranc� If l.ender reyuired mangage insurance as a condition of making the ioan secared by this • ' =-
<br /> � Security /nstrument.Aorrower shali pay the premiums required[o maintain the mongage insurance in effecn. If.for any ' '
<br /> ��' teason,the mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by l.ender tap.ea os ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> ,:� . 4 premiums required ta obtain coverage sub�t�ntialty equivalent.to the mangage in�:urance pce�ioasly in effec� at a cost • . . . ' _
<br /> .�, substantialiy equivalent to the ca�t to&�rtawer af the martgagc insurance previously in effect.from an aitemate mortgage � .
<br /> ' insurer appruved by l.ender. If substantially ecluivalenr mortgage insurance coverage is not uvailable,Boaow�r shall pay to
<br /> L,ender eacb month a sum ec�u:�l to one•tweifth af the�•ear{y martg�ge inYUrunce premium being paid by Borrower when the r
<br /> • insurarce coveragc lapsed or ceascd to be in effect. l.er.der wiU accep;.use und retain thesc payments as a loss reserve in lieu • . :-
<br /> _ � � of mortgage inaurance. [.as�re5erve payments may no longer t+e required.at thc option of l.cnder.if mortgage insurance � _
<br /> , :� coverbge(in the amaunt and far the pedad chac l.eader requiresl pr4vided by an in.rurer appraved by Lender again 6ecomes � ,
<br /> _ .,_<. ' availabie and is obiained.Borrower shalt pay the premium�reyuired to mainlaia mortgagc insura�rcc in effer�or ta pravide a � .
<br /> � �_,:.a��.�;�� lass reserve.until the requiremcnt for mongugc in�urance ends in accardanrc with any writtcn:�grcrment detween Barrawe� �
<br /> , •: ,�y:�.`-,•�.:`� and Lender or npplicuble taw. � '.
<br /> �;:-•:�. . . 9. inspectbn. Lender or its ugem may make reasonabte cnt�ies upan and in�pectian�of the Praperty. Lender�hall �
<br /> . _— � .;�;;:, _;.; -f give Borro�ver nntire at the time of or prinr to an inspectinn�perifyino rra�on;�ble cau�e f�tt the inspertion. { _
<br /> °:�;• '." �, 10. Condemnallon. The prcx:eedy af any uward or claim for damage�.Jirect ur a►n�eyuential.in connectian with any f •
<br /> f' <<', i:'
<br /> '���' _
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