<br /> `.'...�.-wt ".__:__ �-t-�;� _—__ "L __ -....__ .. "`_ " "e' '_"' _"" '_ _ ' " -___
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<br /> { � ., c�:.. - ., �- •>�`x '�-'`'�"�r-�:�� - _ - _ ... r _ ` _ � _ . . - � =.._�
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<br /> - - ---=:i'v�..� ' . :- � �. � . ' � - ` _ ` � `` r :-`--_ ����V� � ,` . . .
<br /> ���W,�'1�tI1C�t11�DY!lIIOfItS 170w dt I1C[�f�a[I IbG p[0'[kRjt.Slld 7l)l�Stftie[itS.aPpU�i�Ifat1C�S.
<br /> • . . �nd futatra now a he�fter a p�R of tI�e p�vperty. Alt�rptacemenc�and additioas ahaU also be wvaed by tbis Security . .
<br /> . tasQvoxnt Aii of thc faegoina is afCmeQ w in this Sscurity Insuun�►t as tlu"Ptopercp.° .
<br /> � BWtROWER COVENANTS tt�t Harower is lawfulty Fe�sed of the estate.haeby cenveyod and has the right to grant �
<br /> --- an�canvey tha Fmputy and thac the Pmpaty is unencum6ened.accepc for enc�mbrances of ncord. Barowu w�ranc4 aad
<br /> - - = ,'_ will defend�ene�rJly[he utle co the�toperty a�ainst a[i cG�nns 3nd detn�nds.subjecc co sny encum�of record. - _.
<br /> - , - --- - -- - - - -- --- -- -- -- --�-- - - =_�
<br /> , _
<br /> = limiud varisdons by jarisdictioe to consritute a unifoan seeurity insauatient covering ral property. -_
<br /> - - - -�
<br /> -- - . UNIFORM COVENA,�3'fS. ��rowet and Lender coveeant and agrFe as foltaws: • � _�- �_ --- - - -
<br /> l. A�s�nt d Prfodpai aad Iateres�Frepsymeat and Latt Ciar�. Bomnwer shafl p�mmP�Y Pay when due the �;__-
<br /> � �-�s pr7ncipaE of and inta�est ort the de6t evidenced Dy the Note and an9 P'�Y�t uid tau ctrerga duc uader the Note. �---=-_-� v
<br /> • L Fudd�tar 7�aa aad tasu�nnce.Si�bjeee to appiicabie law or to a writtan wuvu by l.ender.Bo�rowu shall pay co �=�``°�
<br /> !.«�der on che daty monthtY F�Y� � �j'- �_� -=----
<br /> u a�e duG under the Note.untit the Nata is paid'm fulb a s�n l'Funcis"1 for:(a}yarly �,_- �_._
<br /> . - . taxes an¢assessma�is w[�ch tn�y auain p�iotity ova this Securiry Instn,�ment as a tien an dts Praperry:tb)Yprly te�sttald ��is�_=_-___
<br /> �• �
<br /> P�Y�a�� un the Propeity. if any: (a) YrarfY�d�P�P�Y ����P���: (d) Ye�ly'fiood ��,;;�;m;-�-,�;�__
<br /> � °-= insu�nce pamiums.��ay:(e)Y�Y�S��P��if any;�ad(t�auS►stans QsYable by Bormwer to ���`-,��'�`-�--_=
<br /> ��R��
<br /> . Leader.in accadance with the provisians of pua�apb 8.in lieu of the paymrnt of mu�tgage insurance premiums. TKs� _tl�_
<br /> items are calkd"Fsaaw tums." I.ender may.at any tune.collect and hoTd Funds in an amouat nos w exaed the maximum `�'::�`�``
<br /> � ��-�•,
<br /> amount a knder fora fo�lIy related mottgiga to�n may nequtie far Bamwet's escma accovnt�mder the federai Real -,.=.:?c,_:-��_.�
<br /> .r IA A ""�'�Y� .
<br /> , �,^.;, Est�te SeWaneat Pmcedmces Ac�nf 1974 as ama�ded from time w mne.12 US.C.�2601 a rcq:("RESP�►').antess another _�-�.K.y::-
<br /> - - tav�r thu spplies to the Funds seis a lesser a�aoim� If so.I.ender may.at ujy time�collecc and M1d Funds in an amount uot w ;��-`
<br /> ;�F; - exceod the lesser�noua� Lender may e.sdmate the amoont of Funds due on the basis of cument data aad c�easonable . .. _ ,yv�
<br /> ,3,. �: - es�ta o�expendiwtrs of funat F.semw Items or odntvirise'sn�c:cordan¢e wittt appHc�bk law. :�.�;_., _
<br /> ','�' �. TTGe Funds shall be 6eld'm aa iastiwtion wdose deposits atie iauued 6y a fede�al��i.7►,iasu�uneatalitY,or eatiry ,.�:;F Y��
<br /> e �
<br /> ,:. . {, . : 'Cu�etadin8 L�ender,if I.ender is sucb an insrin►aan)a ia.any Fedeiat Hame Lwn Bank. I�►�r sZr�a���'c FvacEs�ct�ay �;, �. f��,:
<br /> ;,'y =y.` t6e Fsctaw Itans. L�nder may nat�charge$oaovver far hold"mg and apLxi�^;.'�ihe Fmc�.ac��aaliy'��$t�e�eW . �.'> . �
<br /> � ,�� ' - x s Botsowtr i�I�•�t�•gun�a:�d .1�.��� '. � «
<br /> . �.. i'� '�.. accoun�or verifyur�t�.Escanv� �.nns:untess I.ende�paY �� ' 'S -
<br /> ' � a, .�. J"'.� _ , 7 �f;`;.'' ,�� 7 _-
<br /> �; �r,��� :��,� LendeY w maYe st�w-��a,cg'�e:���zv+er,l.ender may req�ure�orrav��ec ta pag a o:�-i��`�'.aige fair an nr�.� F, , !�4
<br /> .+ ��;�� `;f, �estate tas cepocting ses�jes c:s�'�=�xrtder in c o n n e c 6 o a witJt i�Ts I o a n,ca�Iess agp�cabis�.�t avides attserwis� �:�e.v� • : .� `f;i r;
<br /> ` � t - agreeemeat is msde o'i.s�Fitai��r�equaes intectst ro 6e paid,I.asdec ashaIld.r�ot 6e�e.�.zQ pay$ormwec anY inre�az �. }�F���--
<br /> . > ,� ;,� , � gr meat �,i�
<br /> `.<:;i�,�;�:L���,%� �.� , e a m i n g s o n t h e F u�d s.,'B a^i a�r;�L e r i d e r m a y a g r a i n w r i t a t g,h o w e v e r,t l t a t i n t e t e s t s�b t p a i d a�a i h e F a-�d s. �:ea6er � �. . ,�`
<br /> ,..• .. ;;z;�si�:��`>,•'�'<:��`� � � t� of the Funds showinp cr�rts a�d debiu ta t�se Funds aad the ,, '?;��'
<br /> :7°``itt ��rC'.t_.�1 S�$a14 �OII�9i�.1'1'►NlI��IICC�.n.�p'.•�II 1[InU3��C0�1� ♦ O •�(, �'�
<br /> - -• . ;:Y r�T�s�;;;�y'"«: . , p�p o s�.�o r w 1�c h e�h d e b i t t o t h t�u a d s w a s m a d e. 7 7�e F e s d s are pl e d ged as addido�seeiui ty for all um s�artd ,::"�t -
<br /> s s by ;:J;:�
<br /> �si,.,.-.,:°`-., :t:.��'
<br /> +•.- f-_.':'` this Security Insuument . �f�'.
<br /> -:=.;�,_,.: ;`• � : If the Funds hetd by Lender exceed she amounu permttted to be held by applicabte iaw.Lender shall aecount to :i,�,�
<br /> - �� � '� =° -. Borrower for the eacess Funds in accordance with the requirements af appitcable law. If the pmount of the Funds held by . .. ..._
<br /> � ,.,',.�.;�::>: ''.� Lender at any dme is not suncient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Boaower in writing.and.in • . . .
<br /> , . � ` . . such c�e Bo[rower shall pay to I.ender tde amamt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shaU make up the ?'�
<br /> .:��_'-:.
<br /> � .� . deficiency in no more tlun twelve monchlY PaYments.at Lender�s so�e discretion. � � i�r
<br /> � . . Upon payment in tuii of all sums secured by shis Securiry Insuumenc.l.ender shall prampQy cefund to Bortowa any � �°-
<br /> � FunAs held by Lender. If.undet patagraph 21.Lender shail xquirc or seil the Praperty.Lender.Qf10�IO lhC BCQUt51t1011 Of �- _.-.-
<br /> � .` sate of the Property.shatl apply any Funas held by Lender�t the time of acquisitian or sale as a credit against che sums f . � , •�
<br /> - � � secured by this Secudty Insuument. ( '. ` �_
<br /> � ' � 3. Applkatko ot Payments. Unlass applica6le law p[ovides otherwise. a l l payments nceive d by L e n d e r u n d e r � -
<br /> � ' pazagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:tirs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note:seconQ to amounts p ayable under �
<br /> - •• patagraph 2;thirQ so interest due:foutth:to prfncipal due:and last.to ony lacc charges due under the Note. � , � -
<br /> � 4. Char�es;Liea�. Borrower shall pay aU taaes.assessmrnts. charges,Pu�es and imposiaons amibutabte to the � � -
<br /> ' • Property whicb may attain priority over this 5ceuriry Inst�umenti and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower � ° -
<br /> � - ` � , . shall pay these obligarions in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manna.Borrower sha}1 pay the�n on , .. -.:
<br /> � � ' dme directty to the person owed payment, Harrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of amouats to be paid urtder I ' .7
<br /> . ihis paragraph. JY Borrower makes these payments directly.Horrower shall prompdy fumish w l.ender ceceipts evidencing ; �
<br /> ' ' ''� thE QSytilttlts. f' . •
<br /> :,};.;:;�.. �
<br /> . Borrower shall prrnnpdy discfiazge any lien which has prior�ry over this Security lnsuument untess Banower:(a)agrees ' , .
<br /> � in writing to the paymeat of tbe obligat�on secureA by the lien m a manner acceptable to Lender:(b)contests in good faith the � . °-
<br /> � � ' � llen by.ot defends aga�nst enforcement oP the lien in.tegal proceedings wirich in the Lender's opMlon aperate to prevent the I ;�`
<br /> � enforctment of the lien;or(c)sccures trom the holder of the lisn an agrcemrnt satisfactory to LenQer subordlnating the lien � . .
<br /> • �' ?�;-�-:��� to this Sec�uity Instrumm�. If Lender determine�that any part oi the Property is subject to a Uen which may attain priority
<br /> . `' ?' • over this Security Inswment.Lendsr may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. So�rower shd11 satisfy ehe lien or take . �
<br /> �• • one or more of the actions set forth above wlthin!0 Aaya of the giving of notice. . ,
<br /> .' S. Hazacd or Property�nsnranee. Borrawer shall keep the improvemeau now existing ar hecoafter erected an the . �
<br /> Property insured against toss by fue.hazurds included within tho term"excended coverage'and any other hazards.including �
<br /> ' � • Qoods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. Thls insurance shal!be maintained in the amounts and for the ; •
<br /> � �..
<br /> . �.
<br /> Fonn3018 !!f0 /OcBi 2 af 6 yags» �
<br /> . � .
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