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<br /> �. �.�'7�4 11Ufi f 1993 �,
<br /> , !!� �!4!E? DS5'�l��r'T (��?IJEt1f �� FRl�t.t. �:OUN�'Y, n�e��a A cti.���r 1., ��rcie;� '� .
<br /> JAHICE 1AA�tY k2(F�l.�TT ����
<br /> �E'CI'�'IONlR
<br /> �r�� STIPULATl01�
<br /> Case Nu. �6�012
<br /> GE2�;GG ALA� RIfll.��"C �
<br /> R'ESPONDEN'� .
<br /> Thc� pa�tics ccimr now before th� Ceurt and stipulate �s �o�lows: `-' ���� c 6 w
<br /> 1: It wcwtd� t►r in the best interests oi the chll�rer� if the dncree
<br /> w�nr� mRUli�,r.d� ta �wravid� that tfie parties have 'toint custody of the Ghildren,
<br /> Oumt'sn, �nmes Riblett, ban July 19, 19E2, now almaat �eleeren ycars oid, and
<br /> Kile Aaen Rit►lctt, !►�xn March 26� 193E, now iive ye�rs old.
<br /> ?.. It 1s A,p,��eed tfiat jaint custody would include sharEns the �t oi
<br /> ,. �aiairtg tltc childr�n, sharin� the decisiions involving th� chitdren, and each
<br /> � bcin� mcaninKiuUp invulve+d in the raising o� tfic cluldren. The pacti�s
<br /> � � contempt�te tltt�t �+t�n tfie cfiitdren ace in school they wdlD live with tfieir
<br /> � mt►tl� tx�t tt�at th�x will s�end substantial poctions of sunemer va�atiot� with
<br /> ' ttt�ir fRtF►�� dcpcnding on his job sit�sation.
<br /> - 3. Tt►e {►artscs agree that tt►� :#+�ther's obllgation nm pay cfiild s��ppoct -
<br /> ' ttNaugh .the court wlU tKminatt ei��e�,Z�re th� date the cXwrt approv�s this -
<br /> ,. .. • -
<br /> .;�: :��c, . fti{fttl�.Ri�r�n� �, , : �'. ', , •....'
<br /> ;;,;';:;��� , , �.. :•,,
<br /> ��-'' �. A� �•t , af ther..���ideratbn fac t�+'minatir�_,�`+�d�ild s�spport the .,,:.;,:'.�•
<br /> ''.,p,. .
<br /> ,•.. •' ipthcr :+g,r�s to•'sugn ovec��'�tQ.the mother all his rigbt;`��a�,'�;.. arx� intr+rest in��..�`
<br /> ,,�,�.,:,
<br /> ,.,.. �:. , .. . .
<br /> . .. . • thst �art�ain 1981 ilonna '���;�,'. Mobite Ncxn�, B1ue-Gcey, 2'.'kiedroo�+4 �IVhith is
<br /> ,. �,�. �
<br /> ,,'�,;.:���° paid, for and prests��tty titied 'in baih names. The fatt�er further�''�u+tll 3ign •;;:. �'� .
<br /> � ' ovec ta ttte muther all i�is ri�ht, title and i�terest ,in the bt upon whicfi the��,;;.;;�. �;�:'
<br /> � .,;�..,. ,
<br /> ,,.., ' � lWiobAc.Norr►� ls bcated,�.�,n� .wit Lot 2, Blodc 4, Dalt Roush Second Additio�' :,':: ,
<br /> . ��.: ,;:
<br /> , � ' � �to tt►� Clty of� Gr�nci t��nd, Hall Cnu�ty, IVebraaka, which said !ot is also '�� ,
<br /> ' � paid�for and' pr'�lye�ra�� title�l in bo4h namcs. ' �
<br /> , ,;- � ..
<br /> ,�. ,�.�
<br /> . ��'� :: 5ign�ed thi� �'�ay oi ��ime, 1953� �
<br /> ��::.;':
<br /> ; ..� Y�CROF]IL!!
<br /> � - �
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<br /> �ur� :� l4Sary N9 S� i Gregg A n ett - � . � .� .
<br /> �
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