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<br />- 1'7.'►'r�r�sf'ex�of the li�ro��erty or u Bt���cflclal Inte►rest tn Hur►�uwcr.If all or nny ps�rt of thc I�rarx;rry ar any lnt�:rest in it
<br /> is sald or t`aiisfcrrcd{ur If A benciicial ircerest ln&Qrrnwer ls snld or tcanvPcrrc.�1 and Borrowcr is nat a natural pi.�reon)without
<br /> I.ender's prior written consent, L.cnder may, at its option, rcquire immediate payiuent in Pull af all sums scr.urod by this
<br /> Sr.curity Instnmxnt.�lowovor, this nption shall not be cx�rciscd by i.cnder if exercisc is prohibitcxl by fcclernl law;�9 of the date
<br /> of thirs 5ecurity Instnimcnt.
<br /> Tf I.endsr exercises tl�is option, Lerxkr shall give 8nrrnwer nasice af uccelsration.Thc notice shull provide a period af not
<br />, Ic.SS tfiten 30 dayc from the dnt�N�e notece is dellvernl or m,yiie� �vithin which Rorro�vrr must pay 111 sum:, securel by this
<br /> Socurity Instrument� It Borrawcr fails to pay tfiese sums prior to the explratian of this periad. i,encier mny invokc a��y ren�edics
<br /> perniitted by this SecUriry Instrumcnt withaut further noticc or demnnd on Borruwer.
<br /> 18. &�rn►wcr`� Rlght to Rdns►.ate. If Bonower meets cerU+in conaitions, Borrower sliull huve the right to have
<br /> cnforccmtnt of thls Securi�y Instrumcnt discontinued nt any time prior to ti�e earlier of: (a) S duys (or Suct�other perioci u.g
<br /> appliseble law mYy specify for reinstatcment) before salc of the Property pursuans to an� powcr of sale containcd'in this
<br /> Security Inattvment;or(b)etttry of a Judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditIous arc that Bc�Trowcr.(a)pays
<br /> �.�ender all sums which ttien would be dw under this Sccarity fnstrt�ment and the Note as if no t�cceleration h;sl occurrYxl; (b)
<br /> cures any dofuult of uny otlur cuvenents or agrecments; (c) pays all expenses inc�med in enforcing this Sec:udty Instrument,
<br /> irrcluding, but not Umital ta, n:asonable attome�s' fees; and (d)takes such nctlon as Lcndcr may rcasonably requiro to assure
<br /> that the lia�oF this Security Gistrument, Lender s rights in the Pr�peny and Borrower's obligatio�i to pny the sums sccure�by
<br /> this Security Instn►ment shall continue unr.hangeci. Upon re3nstatemcnt by Barrower, this S�curity Instruu�ent And tl�o
<br /> obUgations secured I�oreby shall re�n.vn fufly effective as if no acceleratian had occurred. Howeves, ihis iigbt to reinstate shnll
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under{�aragrnph 17. .
<br /> 19. Snle ot Note; Ctu�nge of C,aatn Servker. The Note or a panial intenest in the Note (together with this Secupity
<br /> instr►tment)m�y be�!d on�or:nare tin:�s tlidtout�rior�atic;,to Bc►rrowcr.A saSe rnay r,sult ln a change iu�lia c;�tiiy(kuown
<br /> as.tl�c"Loan Sr.rviar")that collects monthly payments due uoxler tha Note and this St�curity Insirument.Tliere ulso may be une
<br /> ar more changes of the l.oan Ser'vicer unrelatrd to n salo of the IVote.I�f'there is a change af the[.oan Sevvicer,Borrow�r will be
<br /> given written nntice of tho ahange in accor�lance with parngraph 14 above mrxl uppiicabla law.The swtice will state the naine a�xl
<br /> address of the ncw Laan Servi�xr And the address ta which payn�ent�should be made. Tne notice will ulso contain sny other
<br /> Infarn�ation requircd by applicable luw.
<br /> ZQ. Hju.�rdous Substa�ne�v. }3orcower shall not cuuse or pr.rmit the presence,�::;;, disposal. stvrage, or release of an��
<br /> l�azardous Substanas on or i;� the PropeRy. Borrowcr shall not do, nar ullow anyone clse ta du, xnything affixting thc
<br /> Pco�rty ihal is in violatlan oF any Bnvironmental L.aw. The preceding two sentenceA shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> storagc on tha Praperty of sn�all qustntities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be a�proprinta to nomia!
<br /> residcntial uscs uid to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Horrower sh�►11 promptly givc I.ender written notice of uny invcstigation. clxim. demand. Is�wsuit or other aclion b��any
<br /> govemnxntal or r�cgulatary agency or private party invalving the Property and any Haxardous Substance or Environmcntal Law
<br /> nf w��rh Rnnn�r8£�lE�°^l::S�LlSOL.'3�XS$C. Sf£Om�::,i l.:Qits, v.�s nvii�a��r ur�y g��er�i���c���f ur�gu;aiary aaiJwriry. [R[t
<br /> uny rcmova�or othtr remediation of any Huardous Substance affecting thc Property is necessary,�arrowcr shall promptly take
<br />- all nectssuy remodial actIons in accoxdance.svith Environmental L,aw.
<br /> As usad in tt�ia paragraph 2A, "Hazai•�lous Substam:es" are thoso substances definal as toxic or hazardous substanas by
<br /> • �nvironmental Law and the f�llowing snbstanccs: gasoline. kerosene, athcr flammablc or toxic peuolwm products, toxic
<br /> pesticid�s and 6erbicides,volutile Wlvents.materials c�ntatning asbestas or fomia7dehyde,and radioactive r►uteriuls.As usod in
<br />"�_ this parwgtaph 20. "Bmtronmi.�jltal I.aw" nxans federal laws and laws of the juriscliction where the E'roperty is located that
<br />_ rciate to health.safcty or envlronmcntal protection.
<br /> NOId-UMFnRM COY�TNANTS.Bonower Atxi Lencler furrher covenent and ugree as foltows: '
<br />= 21. Aecela�tiM�;Ytemedir�s,I.ender af�sll�ide�otice to Borrower prlor to acrxleratbn fdlawiag H�xrowr,r's bre�� • . '
<br />= of any cavau�pt or�qreefnt�ni in this Stcurity Instrutnent (but not qior to atti�eleration undtr p�rYgraph 17 welesa • '
<br /> - applkabk I�►w provid�s ut�iersvlse).Tbe notice sh�ll speclfy. IN)lLC�71WN.(b•the actt�n neou(rnd to caer,ihe de�aut�;
<br />` tc)�ds::,r.�2 t.:,4 t:ar.3if Jt�ya Pn�m roe rince the noticc is gi�m to Borrowcr,�y whkh t6e defeult must be cuned;and
<br /> ;A.•• (� th�t tdture to cuc+e t6�alefeult o�or beto�e the d�te Qpecltted tn the notke m�y resWt ip �xt6on o[tht a�ma
<br /> secured by thia,�ecurlty Irestrumr.nt ami snle o!thc Property. The nolice shall[urther inPorm &�rrower uf the ri�ht i�u
<br />;'.d' rdnctste�Rer Accekixtion and t6e rfght to bring �court Action to assert the non-exLstence ot a default or�ny ot6cr
<br />-s dKaae ot aonri7wer to�ocetet�tlon�nd eale. If tlK defiult 1� not curM un or t�dore the dste specifial in tlie noticx,
<br /> � ifin'der, at its option, may.�rc.�u(re (mmedir�te ppYrnent In iiull ut�Il sums secured by this Security Instnn�cat r►ithont
<br /> !`ut�her ddnan�l�pd m�y tnvoke the power of a�Je w�d any other rem�djes pe�uiitted by app1ica�bk taw.I,e�der sb�lt be
<br />-� �ttitkd tu colNec!°s�ll a�pcnse.9 incurrcd in pursuing rbe remedies pra�•lcled i��thi��r�grsiph-�1,indudiaa,Mit�+M Iimil�ed
<br /> i� to,ninon�Me atibrncys'tees�ad coata of title evlAetke.
<br />-* If tbepo��er'of�ls fa[nvokeei, Tn�sta stull reoord a twHce of ddault in each co�wty in whki�nny p�rt af tbe
<br /> ' PrcrnpatY ia located and shail mall copiee ot such noti��`in the m�nn�r p�er�l�ed by applkable l�w to Bnm�nrr and to �
<br />-; d�e�►ther perauua p�+esci�llKd by rpplkable law.Aner the.time required by Appli��?bk iaw,Trustee shdl give publiC notioe
<br /> � �Snle to the��u and in.t6e r�artner prescribed by apRlic�bie law.Tr�ustee,•sr;ithout d�nnand an Borron�er,shall�dI
<br /> � tbe Property�t�public a�kfion to thie highc�t biddea�at the ttme and platx aas!nritkr the tcrn�s desfznatoc!in tlw�xitice u[
<br /> .. erale Gi uee or�nbk,e p�rcds�nd iu any o�r�`Is:r'I'rustec determincs.Tra�stee maY I�lwnt�tule o[911 or any p�rcd ot the
<br /> � �rapa�ty by pub�ic announcAment at the tirtfe and p1ACx of any pnevIously sclteduled eale.I��der or itx de�ignee may �
<br /> pnrchae the�'roperty at aay sale. � .
<br /> � ' � •� • .
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