-.-�i�' __ - �.j __ _ _ {. _ ;.r'i'.�.. :_ _ „-_
<br /> . �:i " � ';41: _ _ . < .4 ;:±_ �" � 't'"_`�—_
<br /> � _� t - - � . , :.i�� _ __ .�-. .
<br /> � � �6. ���� ... . ._ - � . _ . � . _ . :i . . ` . . . .. _ '.. ` . `. ..r�.
<br /> . ..�.__r.�_iY�s.=_ - . . . .
<br /> �� . � ,..� � � . . � . . ; . � � , �. ��,��2-��4��� . .� ...
<br /> - sppUc�ble 4w mi�y apecify far rtinetatema�t)6ef�e sa�uf tbe Pbpecty puzsu�nt ta any power ot aaie cait�ined In this �
<br /> , Sec�rigr t�naument:ar(b)e�rY ot�j�dyrtent eatoncinB tNs securicy tnst�uma�t. 'ftase'ronditioes a�e tl�at BaKrawer: (�) �
<br /> P�Ys l,etider dl surtts which-thrn wauid be duc ueder thls Sawtity[nstNmen[and thc NMe s it,m acQekauion h�►d` .
<br /> accurted:(b)ciues�n�default o[any atlxer coven�►ts�ageeement�;(e)psys all expenses incurted ia enfo�+cing thLs Secwity
<br /> � � �insuumen�.inctuding,but not tin�iited to reasaiabte attomeys'fa�and(�tates such actia�as l.�Mer may reason�bly `
<br /> - - -- - — _-_ .__�uieicna�.scacietlw;the lien of tR��c�,*+�x lnsttumeat.i�del�DBhW it1 the�RY and Son+awers ob6g�uort to�y the----_ - __
<br /> iwms aecwtd by��ihis Securiiy L�stniment shs�il contdnue g pon n atecnent --- w r� �ry .
<br /> [asu�ne�t arW ede W�liptia�s sxured he�eliy s1u�11 r+emaia fWly effective as if no accekratian had occurred. Howeva,this
<br /> iig�t tataeiosntt sh�l!not appl}�u�thecase af ae�oe►under paragtaph!7.
<br /> i� Sde d Ptote;C��e d I.usa 3avioer..The Nae a a partial in[erat in the IVoce tcogetHer with ehis Securicy -
<br /> (�}nyy�sold oae oc more times wit6our prior notice to BorrowCr. A sate s�t resuit in a change in tix a�tity
<br /> (hwwrtas the"Lma Senricer")that collects moathtY PaYmencs due under the Nae and tt�is 5ec�uiry Iastnimen� 77xre atso
<br /> —' . nwy be one a m«e ch�nges of the laan Servicer uar+elated tm a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> Boa+uwes w�16e gbrea wdtten notice of the c�ange itt aceordance witb F�B�Pb f4 above aed appticabie law. 'Ru notice :
<br /> wip ai�te the iwne atM!uWteas of ifie new I.oan SeivIeer and tbe add�ess to whieh payments should be mada The noticce will
<br /> -- �Iso oontain any otLer information required by applicaDie liw. .
<br /> - 2�1, Hszwrdnw�Sub�tua�. Borrower sh�U mt cause or pennit the pnesence.use.disposal,stixage,'or release of any s
<br /> ,__�
<br />.,.-..._ �_...-- . ..L�— • .,
<br /> .. .__. .— — �
<br />- - --- - Ha��daus�u�an a�tii�Pmpe�ty: 8arowcr-sr,�-,iu�t da;uor-situw-a�:i�.w-H�.�..�.-ary...��' �sg �..-- __ . __ _ ___
<br /> P�peny tttiaat is in vidlatiaa of any Envimnmental Iaw. 'i1�a precediag twn senteoces shalt not a�ly to the p�ese�ce,use.or =
<br /> " _ stonge on the Property of smalt quantities of Hazardoi�Substances tha�ane S���Y�&�?�W be appropriate to nomtal ==__-
<br /> -t�' cesidentiat oses and to iaaunen�ce of the Property. ,. �.. ;., -. `--�' ; �':--�-- -
<br /> �.—
<br /> fi;� Bamv�r shall piomptly give I.ender written nutice of any investigation.claim,�dema�nd;�awsuit'or qt6er ac6an by any --_----
<br /> _` gov�31 or regutatary agency oc pdvate pany invotving the t'�roperty and any Hazallous Substence.or Envi�iimental ��" _=
<br /> :�: E.aw of::as�Barower has actual,Lar�wledge. If Bo�rower leatn�,or is twttftsd,by any„govatnnentzt or regutatory = __-
<br />-_ ' . : authocii;s;;cl�at aay remaval a other'�i�iiation of any Ha�ardous Suhstance affeeting�the.Ptop'e(ty is ri'eeessary.Bamnwer ==_--
<br /> •�':%shsll ptb+�ty take all neces,sary reatedealE actions i�accocdence wi[R Faivirontnetital J:�w.� r , . �
<br /> As�In this pardgtaph 20 "f�azardous S�istances"a[e�tase subeta�ce�defined.�4 tQ�d�:iri'tt��stances by� �°�`
<br /> - , �tal Law andthe fullo�ritig'substanet"sz��soline.keroseae.att�et,flamma.M�;o"r'toxic-�etrolet�a�r+oducts,toxic � =-°,
<br /> - , pestic���sd herbicides. votatile:soiv�rs.mnie�iats cqntalning.asbestos or fdrinaldertj�ej•�iid.radioactive materiais. A:s� � -..
<br /> �. � , ... used m.t�a$3?�S*�Ph 2Q."Envirn�imetc�l Law"meaiis federal I�ws and laws of the jurisdtcftoit dvhere the Property is loczi:�3�� ��.'��t`.
<br /> --.f ,�, thattElafcto#iealtli.safety:o'teav+ronmr�tatprotecUqn:, '` "` "' �:"� ,,. .
<br /> { lYO1V=ESIVIFORM CQVENANTS,Borrower,�i►d ieuder fitrdfe"rcavenant aqd agree as fa�tows: . � ^'. �f r ;`�
<br /> ., = ,,, �1�;Ac�eratlon;R,anedies.;Lentke ah�l!°give qattoG W Borcower'prto�.te acceters�tlon tdbwing Borrowcr�s. . •;�,�" -
<br /> f�,�; � .;'-ticakb oipny coreaant o�ag�eement ia this.&cunity�It�sh't1mWt(but noE:p.ii0�'tai aoc�6eration ander paragn�i ffr�. .s� Y�r� ;�
<br /> T � f�-
<br /> ;4 : aak"ssapplkAble 1sw provl�ca WhePwise). Tl�,npt�sAAl�.�y- (a)tlie`4ettuL�:fbl.t��€tian reqotred to caret�..' --.f�, -
<br /> �„ ' `�. dtfsqlt;(c)s dste.nd kss thA�30 dryg fcaittbt date t�e notWe is givea to Boreo���-��icb tbe detsnlE�C�e � '�
<br /> ' � cured;aad(dl th�t taitqce to cure the defautt o�oc de[ore the date specifkd in t6e aati��sy result in accsekratioR oF _
<br /> � t6e sua�secured by th(s Secucity[nst�u�deat and s�le ot the Property: The noNce shall fuither tnform Borruwer of ���n�
<br /> `: � ":m'.
<br /> the ei�ht to reinst�te aRer�cceleraNan and the rlght to 6ring A capd action to asser/the nomexistence of A defpalt or .� .. •
<br /> �- any dhtr detease ot�rowe�to acceleration and sala If the defaatt is not cured on or betore the date specifieA in .;=.�. �, -
<br /> ' the noNce.Lender at its opHon may require immediate payment in Ifull otall sumssecu�ed by Ihis SecWrlty InstrumeM ° :Y����:'x`•�
<br /> : :.:-,..:�T
<br /> �� `` veithuut turther demand and may invoke tfie power ot rade and aey other remecfles permitted by applkabk law �• �-.
<br /> �. l,ender slwll6e entltkd to calkct all expeases Incurred ln pursuing the remediee!�provided In this pstragraph 21, . •
<br /> iacluding,but nollimited to,re�sona6le�ttorneys'tees and costs oi titk evidence. -•��
<br /> :-�- �y If the pawer ot s�le is inYaked.Trustee shap record a�otice oi default in each cau�ty in whkh sny parl ot the �:�
<br /> ' • - PropeMy is lacated s�nA Ahall mail capiee!j otruch notice in Ihe maoee��prescribed 6y applipbk law to Borrower and to • . ''—_'':-�
<br /> � tbe Mber persans prescribed by applicable law Afler the time reyuieed by avplks�bk tAw.Trustce slwti p,ive public � � ___
<br /> - notke otsak to the persons aod in Ihe maneee presc�lbed by applicable 1aw 7Yustee.without demand on Barrawtr. � `____
<br /> . _ slwll sell Ihe Praperty al pubOc auction to the high�i 6idder at the time and place and under the terrns desianated in ' � '�,;�=_
<br /> ,. __ the noNce o/�sak tn one or more paccels and irt aay order 7lrustee determine9. 7Yu.stee may postpone sak ot Afl oe any `
<br /> . � parce{o�the Property by public announcement at the time And pface ot any preWousty schedukd sale. Lender o�its ;-m�•,
<br /> ' . � _�:. de.slgnee may purchase the Peaperty at an}sale. � •- --
<br />, ' , -�: �-�r�,: Upan nceipl at paymenl of the price bld.Trustee Ahall deli��e�to the purchaser 7Yustee s deed canr•eyin�the ,� �;�`=`_
<br /> �.,t,�'--� Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee'y deed shall be pHma tacic evidtnce ot the truth of the statements made therein. �=^—�-T
<br />. 7leustce shall Apply the proceeds nt the rate in the[allow•ing order. (a►to all ca�s and expense.s of exercising the power , , ____
<br /> ' ;, . -- —
<br /> F,�;�
<br /> -�..� -
<br /> . �;� . �' .
<br /> ��
<br /> „ • ;�>,'- - ,, � . .
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