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<br /> lf<�Taorer'�Copy. Bamwa eh�l!bo iven a�coei'orn�ocf co,�y of tho Ne�10 end oC this S�xurity Inawme.��.
<br /> i'i.`I'ra�rta ot tbe�ro�ert ar a�rate�+at iM�orruwer. Ii Nl or�ny p�rt of th�o Property or�ny iniae�t i�n it i�
<br /> sokl or a�n�Sarad(or if��icW inlare��n Hrxrower is�old or v+WUlar+ed and 8orrowEr ie nnt a n�uu�l j wlthout
<br /> 1�'�ptior wrltbn 000��Larlar mag��t ilr aptkm�ra4uh»M:tn►alLb qymonR�r�u oe�i,��uroa�ya Securlty
<br /> inswma�t However,thl�op�inn ah�ll not bo oxerci�oci by I.cmkr iP exarcise[o pn�.�ibitod by[edcx�l leiw�s ot qw d�LS of thtq
<br /> SBCUrii�Fsli�Hrufii6il�.
<br /> If Ix.�dei o�cercl�d�onHon.I,�nda�ll�ivo Bonowor aaioe of�oce�errtion.7'f�o notico�lu�ll provido�paiad of nat kr�
<br /> tfwi 30 d�ya from sh:d�o t5o tadca i�dcJlvaed ot m�ikxl within whkh&xrowru mutt py�ll Rum��ocured by thlt Sxurity
<br /> Inawma��If l�o�rAwer taik 1e. w oxptr�tfan�thts pakxl,l�:�dd�may invoko Any�remodka pamiaed
<br /> by d�L�Sa�ry lnatrumcnt f ' on Dotrorver.
<br /> la.Borroxcr'a R1�Yt b � � n� cut�in condiUau� Bortnwu ehW hr►va ttro riaht 1a havo
<br /> eeforoaneat ot dii� Socwrit�r C:d!/do'tit�oai a�dnY tia�e prior 1q the arlia of: (w) S d�y�(ar sucF�oiha�peri►�d�m
<br /> appl{cab3o�aw may sp�ify far n�tGnatt)betoca ealo a!'tha PraQatypc��nt W�ny pawer ot s�ie cant�lned i�i tisle"e�cur�•,
<br /> In�uw�+ent;ar(b)a�try of�,�dgmaot enfacina this Secur�y ineonmont.'IM�o candidana arrt that Hatir.o�va:(a) s La�dot���
<br /> e�umt�w�ich tNan wouid ba due uada this Socurity Lu�rumeat�d�e IVo1e�e if no ac��ak�ratii�o AuM ucc�(�b)cuaa��ny
<br /> dafiiutt ot�ny ot�a�covaWnts ar a6reemaib;(e)P�Y�All eacpa��a inc:urred in enforcing diia Sucurity Insuuma��includin�.but
<br /> not Umilad b�n�oa�bie�tw�neys'[xa;r�d(tl)t�ica wch�cdun at l.endei nuy rd�bly rbquine b assure th�t�he Ilen nf thi�
<br /> SeanytY Insuuromt, I�er�der's dgh� in dse proQaty and �iormwer'� obii�tbn b p�y 1ho �uns socurod b thie Sec
<br /> In�punteat sMU c�ntiaue uncb�n�ed. Upon ��by Horrorvet.thi+ Insuuma�t Mtd the ob�y � xc u d
<br /> here�y stall r�fully effoctive a�if ao acalaMion had ocxynred.Howrever.�his ni t b r�insOMe ahdl not app�y in Ihe cate of
<br /> Gi��i�'aiiGa iiiwi'a�i .�nh 17.
<br /> 1!.Sale orNate:�ise otLa�Servloa�. 7bo 1Votc a a prti�l iata+est i►� Ibe No10 (wgetLa� wiiA �his Seceuity
<br /> In�)msy be sold one ar maa t�mw�vidaut prior�icx a Bamwa.A eab nay resut[ia a clwngo�n�d�o eatitY(known
<br /> ai d�e'Lar�Savjcer")th�t oolkcis monthly ma�u due wider thc Naio�nd Ihtr Socurlty Ia�tr�rtxat.7E�ae aL90 may be one a
<br /> more c�ea of tbo Lo�n 5ervioar un�r�by a s�e of Ihe No1c.IP djao�s a of tbe Lo�n Savioa�.Barrorver�vill be
<br /> givca w�ritlen nodcc+of tfie ch�e in�cordmce�r,ith 14 abave md Mnv.The noflce w111 stale dre t�ne�ud
<br /> �idrr.as ot the new I.o�n Saviar and the add�ess b�yn�nu should mde.'Ihe t�tioe wiA also oontein any odKr
<br /> infonnWcin ratu'ved by�pplicabie law.
<br /> 20.Haa��dwis SrkM�oea. Boaoxa slwj! uot cau�e at Pe�mit ti�o�Sr�ence, we. di�oaal+ �ora�e. ot tr,k,an: of my
<br /> EVrndc�Subst�n�rs on tK in tt�Prc�aty.BamMer ah�ll not do.na aUorv aayooe else W do.�nydung�ffocta�g t6e i'rapaty
<br /> that ia!n vioi�i�ot'an�Envnnama►tal I.iw.T6e prooeding two�la�a3 d�aU not�pDly b tbe presence.u�c„ar�Ior�e�fn Ib
<br /> prnpaty af�ull qwa�i�s o�Ha�Subct�nce�a du�t are Ra�es+llY r000Bai�dd oo bo�ia�a w nan�al re�idaui�l me.s
<br /> MOd b mir11H1i1oG Of thC�rOpSJty-
<br /> - n�� �M��11 rrrin�rhr mtr� I,�Lr ani�. .w:...��v w�,.N:.w:..w L:.K d.. .� t�.. •. ...4 �.._
<br /> - r"—'�`v o- 7 �'O••w..y L'�.. �w..�iw�s swaur va w�i wiiw�i w•"i'j
<br /> 6�1 a�Y�Y a pri+rale prty iavolviag tbe Fmpaty wd my Fl�fou9 Subat�ooe or Ennviea�nn�L�nr
<br /> af�vbkh Aarrower Mie acsWi loao�►� e.It f3arowa I�nn.ar u noafied by any governmeaW or rq�u7trnxY�uthe�itY.Ib�t�np.
<br /> t�eoaov�l or otba remedi�niort a6�uy Su�be�noc at�a,'t6tg the l�ropdty is no�t�ry.�onq'�vcr ahdl proa�tly nk��l!
<br /> nooe�r�remedid actjons in anart�t�c�oe wiih F�nvironmtnte�I.a�.
<br /> . /!9,anxd in dw pir�r�pi���„"3�Cdous 5ubq�w�t'sFe+�}roso aubfxance�dafaod��io�ic or harsrdoua aabatAnor,a by
<br /> .r E�nvi�t�r►�anadtal L�v sad d� f�TiA:o�ng aubsqneea: g�oW�e. 1ist+�ea�e. oth�r tlarnmabla or w�ia potroieum Rraipcp, Ic�ia
<br /> pesdcit'9ai 1�nd babi�cid�"s,valeti6e:�olva»a.mtwerials oonninu►g asbeaba c�r fam�rldehyde.md�ymanxW�.As us�ad�n
<br /> .' 1�!���.~�1'�Q.�T.�1Y"11lC�Il�f0d!'li��iN���t1Y�Of f�lO�WqdICf1011�V�1!!�0 f�1E �S jDC�Oa(�CL�
<br /> ! b heallh.�M'Oly OP CXeIUR�T1d1�J1b1 pr0loCtjOf1,
<br /> 1
<br /> � r.;;a-urm�;�ovs�r�.rrYS.�A,:s�:r�.a;,:r;�,�;:c:�ti;:,�:�.a�,,;,:��.a:,;..a
<br /> � 2i.Aecdar�io.p Ra.eAiee.Lader rwd�Ere wt�oe a eorrowtir prio�r w ao�ratio.actSoi.i�aarower•.e.+eac�ot
<br />::� sq co�t or �rea�aet t� tNr 5ea�rity IaMt�t (Mt rot Kior In �ooe�eratic� ��der piura«rapU 17 �
<br />__ yip�s�4ie hwr�rorides otYerwi�e).'�'re rotioe�W sp�clfj:(�)trr dd�alii(b)tYe�clior reqr�e+rd io are twe desi�lt;(e)
<br />�°� a d�M��M Ma�t!�30 df�x fYn�tre dape t4�oti�e fi�a b�orr+ow+er��y wlifc��e delMlt i�r�t 6e a�ro�:a�d(1)
<br /> tlq�t�#+�+e/o aa+e tMe iet�wlt.aMa�be�ore tre d�te apecifiltd i�fl�e�oliee raJ ns��4.:1��e�tie ap�s iee�rrei
<br /> �7�,.�7 Lytrw�at�!m!�e o�tLe Pro�ar/�.TMe rrret4ee�M fi�rlMr i�aru��orrowr.r vr.tAe ri�Yt�ye a�lE41e
<br /> .fb�r.00ek�naiN�wd tb�e rT�l1l� "!o bri�.oorre.ctioo by��ere�oe or s aer,oWe;iorr,;�.r aMr ae�eMe� �:�
<br /> Bo�rv�er�s�oaeii��+t:�or w�d fp�ie.U t�e drt�dt i�s�a��+�d a�or��+e die tlNe�eclfk�i�t���o�ioe,l�der�it M�
<br /> - oMtloy�req�r+e?��te�n.�t i�hM ot a��a recrr+�a b�t�it searle�Y�e.t..kio.t n�ru�ar ie.��.:
<br /> a���i�rel�e tl�e pwa af tWe Md�ny ot�rt�wiiti.��tNd b�ap�eaMe I�w.l.e�ler s�a��e eMilled�o eo�ect �
<br /> �N a�ew[s Mkwr�d tr �tMe re�ies pr�rided�ti�i�Mwrapopli�1,Y�i+M�t�ot Ii�f�sd td,� :..
<br /> Mlorney�'hes�d coeib oltitle�evldes�Y. ; .
<br /> I�tYe�o�wer d wie i� irake�, Trwte�e:�r+a,�ord a Notict af dd�dt i�wd�eo�t� i�w�iie� ariy p�t d I�e �,
<br /> � l4�pert�it beMed ud�re�to'i[s O�.sur�tiqfia i�3#e waa�e,r pra�ribed�r ap�Cable I�w to dati�r awi to t1e
<br /> � otMa'lo+so�prai*1Med b��1�1;�bk M�w.AIIlY I`1G Nlblk.�Ti�I���MY...�r.c�fYB Trwtee iia�Rive.wWk natioe of
<br /> rate a tie rerro.s awa 4 d�o w�pre�rWed�y a�lk t�w.Trn�ta�witioiats�alks�d os Borr�er,d�it ses ue
<br /> 1't+opqrty st pMbOie aMCtjaw M tLe�i�he�t bklder at ttie t4e aad pGioc Aad under tk terw da�aeed ie Ue�odct of atle
<br /> Fotw�9�i 9I10
<br /> : ��OI(N���z�.o� . d,�ieote inxaw:
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