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<br /> ' Nb 21 �.1992 lUeedofTnts!)tobeentutdintatmongTrustor. , �.
<br /> Arend R. 8aack � � ("Trusiee")and HOl►1E FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AS.�QCIAT[ON , �
<br /> -- - -_ � .
<br /> b�aRAND 15LAND!"�fic+u]►'�.coveti-ns tLe foitowing dscn'bed prcopeny: - , : -
<br /> - A tract nf Iand comprfsinQ,the �outhetly�;One HundFed Tw�s and Five Tenths ('1D2.5� fee� af
<br /> , ` the Northerl� Faar f�hx�dred To�elve and Ffve Tenths (412.5) feet of all.'af Lots Eighteen
<br /> (18). Nineteen (19), Tmenty (20) -and the east Half (E 1/2j of Lot T�t�' Qne (21) aIl�in
<br /> Sass Seibdivisions situated �in Par� of the lto�theast Quarter of the Nar�Tneast Quarter (NE
<br /> 1/4 11E���4) aF Se�ction �ai�r�een (14y, Taansfi� Eleuen (11} North, Range Nine (9� tJest of
<br /> - tiie 6th R.{A.. i�n liell�Coun�y, Nebraska. - . _ �
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<br /> � the Trusta thsn a mortsa6e in the eveAt oi a def�ult or breach af obligatIon. � _
<br />" Trustos acicno+�ledsa that thts Acicnawled�t�vsis made prior to the execution of the pad of`frrat.
<br /> - Execated�nd deHvered this 7'� da9 l9_�g,_.
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<br /> � �� ?�-�': V4fitness my h• d and notaria! al at land. NebrasEsa..-.- in said county.the da�e aforesaid.
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