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.-.. .� :� <. . � <br /> - - �. <br /> � '�"` ° � � - rr -- <br /> _ - - , ,,I, -_ - - _ _ --- <br /> . . � <br /> -- � ` _- _- - -- _ - <br /> � �� _ . . <br /> � _ � . _ <br /> � � �.�_ . • ` . : . . 1tA�E R�D 'IIt = - • � . � <br /> , . `. `. - -_ ;�� ` . � . °��4��� <br /> _iI� w _�- <br /> = -• ' � , -�l YNt7'sei�sg/�ode�•�aoe G10�1 '�G� ' � <br /> ._ :�� .. . <br /> <. < . ` . � , , <br /> � ` 21 ST d„ (MY _ . � � , _< <br /> THIS ADJUSTAit.E RATtslibER is�ry70e tA� M , - _-..t4 <br /> �d bi�corpohte0ialot�d!`Ml bcdw�rdto�rs rd�{qM�at t6e 1►fatiM<<lke0n[.7rwt.otSeawic7r Deed(iMe"Se�vYf I�tri�et"!ot <br /> . � dic�e d�te�i.a b!r t1��da�►P�A Ct�e"rotrawa")tv raure 1orr�.a'i Mjau�bic ftace ttae(the"Natt"1 to � <br /> ��11Q tua!�I�.e�'1�tLestll�dte aed oo_�i�tle P�Oaeri�'d ia tbe Secudq►tnstrumem md toated"u: . , <br /> .. � � �zzc�w. ��n�, GRA(� ISLAAD• n� sseo3� � � F' � <br /> � , . �Prapercy�►ddrefs) - , . - : <br /> � • � .. <br /> � . 'i'�i��Me.rdl�Ma/e�+Yr!sM*t�tK ef��!i�at i�leieq�alt�i�q�wdYy _ . <br /> .. M�r,�it�Ne alri IWfa tre�pt r7(Merpt�att ea�cM�e st�q�s ti�e�N , � . . . <br /> . i�lrerif��a/�r�ul�eMe��MR: <br /> ADptTtONAL COVENANTS.Ia a0ditio�to the ooven��xs and aQamo�n�sde in 1�SeaukY I�uaa�aeot.Barowa aw!t�eader <br /> MiKroae�tod�{rarfoYows: . . <br />_ . � . <br /> � . . <br /> A. �T tA'!E A�fD�IiDNTIfl.Y lAYMEN?AIANGFS � ' ` ` <br /> - '11ta Nare Provida far as WtW Werat ntc of-6.0 qb.Saedon�o[tbe Noa prov(des for ehaa�es io tbe intaat t�te�ed tUe <br />_`- waMMy0�7�•efoAo�rr.` , <br /> 1: %MEREST JGtTBAND MOXINLYPAYMF.NT CNANQFS ` • ` <br />- - — (A) �.'YysD�l� <br /> — ,�'�nqei.ri![P�Y����.I,►.d�aoip�o��a�thc•f-irstc��oyf 1��.�.���..'J-y�W' .�9 g3 .aodwtb�tdsY�+Y , - <br />--�.i' 72 ��V�Ri�i�Q.r.i1.I�YNi�wJW�myW�4fit�i�WYN���������� <br /> � �� : • ` � <br /> He�iq�ir�.�nh the first Ch�n/e intuac ate�vfp be buod on�n InAa�.The"Udea"is the Mrakty avua�e Yie1d on UnFtedStsta <br /> Tre�sury seau�tia+�dlusced tn a canuant muurity ot I m�de arail�bte bY cbe Fedenl Res�rve Houd.The nwst reoan Iadea fipuc - <br /> avail�bieuottbeQste4Sdtysbdoreacht4ianzeDateisctitedtlx"Curreat[ndeit." . � <br /> If the Inda is no loajet►e lVote Holder will choose a neM indac w1tiaA is�ased Wen oompar�bk iaformatiaa.'i7u Note <br /> liaide�witld�rcmeaadceotthischoice. - - . ' . <br /> (C) Calc*i�w�f A�S � <br /> . &tore ach Ch��e O�te.ihe Nae Hotda.viif catcukte mY��ntaat ate by addin� � AND �11E-HAL�' -pecanc�e <br /> •poiats!, -.�— �►)to the CuRent Inda ami roo�►a to the nearat 1/8th ot 1�Fi.snb1ect to ihe Umits st�ted in Sertiao�(D)6elo�v. <br /> 7Uis tounded amount wi116e my new interat rate antil the rxx[Cl�anje DAte. . <br /> < . <br /> 7Le Note Holder will then determine the amount of tbe monthlY D�Y�I that woui4 6e suificknt to rep�y in faU the priactpl 1 srt� ' <br /> ' � 'f ayectcd ta o9rton tlut Chanje Date in substantially aqual psymenu by the macsity date u my�iew interest rate.Tbe rauit of t5ia rafcutat�on <br /> - wiUbethe newi anraunt of aiy moathly�aymmt. - -_ <br /> -- (D3 IiiiUwLleralRakCY�at =�- .�---- <br /> The intaat rste 1 am «qu�red to pay at the ftrst Change Date will not De greatet than 8.00 9. or less than �-;�.—_— <br /> - � . !{.00 finterest tau will tkver be increaud or dareased on aay single Change Date by more than_S�t�- . ��=;��'. <br /> � �' • `• —(ZaL�Lfrom the rate of interat 1 have ban DaYing Por the preceding cwe[�e months.The minimum intenst rate on this twn wiq never be �r-` � � <br /> . � r-�=-^�=-_. <br /> 1_UD 9i. ":''t,..�-,�`__=-- <br /> ���4.00 9i and ttw ma�dmnm incerest rate will nerer be greater chan� �� <br /> Y (Ey E/lediveDakMCMrsei ' �ry.�'�r"�,�;�-, <br /> ' My new interat rate will baome efPectiva on each Chan3:IIate.l will pay the amo�Tt a€c^y new momthly paymrnt beglnning on the tirat ���;;J�_:-_:i;:�� <br /> '+ momhly payment date alter the Chs�nge Date wen�the amount of my manthiy pas::�t c:ha.:gz again. ��;�� ,:- <br /> �b � <br /> (• . <br /> " � Naliee Of 47ur�es �f:-. <br />' The Note Hotde�will ma:d or deliver to me a notice before ea:b Change pate.The na[icevcill advisa me of: r�• = <br /> (i) theneavintcres�rateonmyloaaasoffheChar.g:D�te: ,;;�:,i�';� ..:.';_ <br />- (fi) �heamountofmymonthlyDaymenefoifowln��heChan�e0atc; ��•��.;="�'�.. <br />. (Ui) sny�dditlonal mattera whkb the Note HolGer is repuircd to dlsclose;and ���, � 4 <br /> �: � ._Jri�,, <br /> � (iv) 1he address ot tAe associalion you wutA contact rcjudln�any questio�u about the adjustment noUx. � • , <br /> ,_; �:;';: . . . <br /> . . Y b CHARCE6:UENS - , ` <br /> ^� tlnifonn Caven�nt 4 of the Security lrotrummt ls amended to rpd a�follows: . <br /> � � <br /> _. .__ ;;�•�.-.; � ���:�.�no�shall pay ail tua.assessments,and oiher charg�.fcnes.and impasitivns attributable to thr Property which may <br /> �� �---=--- <br /> ��«f��.�t,.°� utaip a priority over thi�Secudty instrument.and�aseholQ payment�otgrourtd rrnts.lf the manner provided under pan�pA 2 hereaf f, � . <br /> � not paid in such manner,by Horrower makin�payrt�ent,when due.dlrectty to ihe p�yee thereof.Dorrawer shill promptly fu:Nsh Leeda <br /> � ��`' � �l)notiees ot amount�due under thi�pf�ap�ph.and in the event Borrower shall make payment directty.Borrower shall prompt3y futnish to ' ' , . <br /> � ,�:.:�;: <br /> :� ���:;.:: . Lertder receipts evidencins such psyment�.Horrower shall p�omD�ty dlsch�rge any Hen whtch has pdority aver fhi�Securi�y instrument: f� . • <br /> � .,��• � however.Uorrower shall not ba rcpuited fo dischar6e any auch lien so lona as Borrower.(a1 shall aaree in wdtin�to the p�yment pf the ` � <br /> ' � ;�° ��*`•a•, abti{u�on secured 6y wch lien in the manner accep�able to l.ender;(D)shsd!1a good faith contest such tien deten0 ipinst entorci�nenc at E •� <br /> ' °*'�'=-�'�-- wch llen in, occedin�s which in thC opinion af Lender oyerarc co revenl the mforcement of tha Uen o�tortdture nf the Property or aay i <br /> �.:... �P� F <br /> . �1,.;.._:'y�"�:`.. put thtreof:or(c)shall sccure fram the hotder o!such tien an agreement in a torm�aUsfactory to Lender snbordlnatina�uch lien to thi� F <br /> . '_,=''�; -. - Secudtylastrument. . <br /> �,:����.����,;_�-.:° . If LenQer deuimines that c1t or any pare of the Praperty is sub}ect to a lie�which m�y altaln a prioHty over thls Securlty tnsuumtat. �� <br /> ' . � I.eaQer a6a11 sive gorrower a aolico idrntifying such Ilcn.8orrower shall satisty such tlen ot Iake one or mote of Ihe aetions set tonh above ` � . � � ' <br /> ' ' _ withintenQ�ysdflheglvingof�henotice. � � - . <br /> � ' C. fVQ'itC& � , <br /> Uniform Cavenant t4of�he Securizy lnstrumene isamended tc,read es tollows: � <br /> . i . <br /> _ , � , ,� _ [I. NoNe�.�xeept!o�any notice requirCd undef applic�bfe law tn bt given ia unolher manner.(u►aoy noNre Io gurrn+�er provided fu�in�hii � <br /> . • : , � <br /> - --- ---.--• .---_ -: Secudty lnstrutnene sbaU 6e given by dclivering it ar by mniling it by flrst�lsw mail ta Boauwcr a1�he Propeetp Addres�or at snch o�her addte.a : <br /> � - . • a�Borrower may desiy�ate by notice ro Lender as provided herein,and Ib►any noUce tu t.Cnder shatt br gi�en bp tlrst class mail tn Lendet's_ i' <br /> -- - - - sQdressststeQh�tlanrtasse�atheraddreis�Leadermaydesignatet+gn��lcetc+W!ct�µer_a.�.�+EC�tetedlkrein�AnKtu+Nceptnv�ttedfnrintht� _ _---- <br /> a <br /> • , . Security lnsttum:nl shatl be Seemed to Mave been Riven to Horruwu or Lendet whee given irt Ihc manncr dc�igfwtcd heteln. <br /> . . , . <br /> , . ' . . i ' <br /> . '' # : ' • - - - : _ . • . ��� -' <br /> . • ;� <br /> ! , . �: . <br />