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<br /> �(X3�sTFi�R WI'i'H a!1 lh�s�mpcoecment� now or ncriaftcr crcctcd o7�t►c property.�8I1fI QII CI13CtY►CFIL4��►ur�cr.arcc:cs,ar�d
<br /> tixlu�now oe hcxcAflcr�a put of the proputy.��II rt�Lcemtntn ond addittons shall alsa bc Cavw+ed by�►is 5x.�irlty[nyUrumee�
<br /> All uf►iio fc�-��aing i�refrarod w in thte Sxurlty Inauument�u�fto"PnsperlY;'
<br /> AORROVIiLR COVBNANCS th�t Harmwnr ia l�wfully aci�od of tha estata hareby conveyod�nd hiu tho�ight ta gr�nt�nd
<br /> ca�vey tho Proputy And thai tho Praperty is unencumbercd,exccpt far ensumbrencea of rtcord, Aorrnwer wnrrant9 und w111.
<br /> ckfa�d�eria�lly tho Utb to the Propedy��inat dl claUna�nd dem�ds,�ub,joct w�ny cncumbauticc,�of rocord.
<br /> THIS SECURi1'Y INS7RUNIDt�T cnmbinea unifarm coverunt� tor n�donal uao�nd non-unifcAm covenants w11h timitod
<br /> vuistbna by juri�dktbn to consdwta a unlfam eocurity fastrumcnt covuing ccal property.
<br /> UNIHORM COVflNANTS.Borrawcr�nd L�u c�vcaumt�nd a�ree a�folbws:
<br /> l.�'a�aent of Prfncip�l aad Iatereatj Prepaymrnt�nd[.�te Cb�rQes. Bormwcr shalt promptly p�Y when duo U�o
<br /> princip�l of md intaat on tha dcbt evldenccd by tho Noto�nd�ny�xegaymertt and latc chargcs duC undcr the Notc.
<br /> 2.Fuad�tor�`rucy�nd Ie��r�nce. S�b,}ect ta applics►bW aw or w a wrltten waiva by [�enckr, Borrower shall pay tn
<br /> l.e�ier on�he d�y monihly p�ymentt�ro dua undu ihe Ncuc,unUl tha Note ie paid in fuil,a sum("Funds")for:(o)ycarly tues
<br /> and au�auncnts which may auain pria�rity ovu�his Security Instricmer►t as a lie�on the Property:(b)Yearly leasehold pAymecus
<br /> or ground rents on tho Proputy.if eny:(c)Yea�1y huard or pcoperty insuranca Exaniums;(d)Yearly flood lnsurw�co premiums,if
<br /> anY:(o)Y�Y�B+�Be inwrance p�cmium�� if�ny:�nd(�iuny aums psysbk by Borcawa a l.enAu�in �ccadanca with tha
<br /> pcovitfona of p�grph 8.in Iku of thc p�yma►t.of mcxtgnge insuronco praniwma. '[tkso ikma arz c,�llat "Bscrow I�an�"
<br /> !��er�y.�!eny tinr_.crllocs��!n!�F�!s!ds in an�ma!at r!�!M!�r.x�d!hr[nax�m��!n�.x_+ens a k.±�r.��'ar a fecierally re?a�ed
<br /> mat�o ioa� nuy requiro for 8orrower'a e�crov�eocount unda 1ha fock7al Reat Estate SUtkment Procodures AcS of 1974 as
<br /> amet�ded from tims io time,I21J.S.C.Sectlan 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA").unk�as anoilx�x Isw�ttat applies to the Furidy sau e ksser
<br /> amounG Ii a. La�ekr may�u any time� coUact�nd hold Funds in an amouni not w esxceod 1he lesscr amoeinG L,ender may
<br /> qtinuNe tho�r�unt of�nda d�on tho bais of cum�t data�nd reax�bk estimatee of expeadidires of fututi IIxmw It�dr►a cx
<br /> a�ha�wlte in�cx�r�Lnce with applicabk law.
<br /> 'The FunOs shW be held in an inadwlbn whose dqx�siW are inwred by a fodual�gcocy.instrumanality.ot ennt5'(�S
<br /> I.a�der.iF I,axla ia smc.h n inatitudon)ar in�ny Fodere!Ha.!�e+�,�+�n�.l.axfer�haU q�ply the Funda W pey tho Wcsuw
<br /> Itrms.La�da may no1 charga Bomower fa ix�iding md�pplying the Tunda.annu�ly arWyzing tho tscxow accaunt,or verifying
<br /> d�o Exxow Item��ur►ias LaKkr pays Baraower intarst oe�ho Funds�and q�plicab3a 4w pamNs I�a m�ke auch�chirge.
<br /> Noweva.[,atider cnay requira Bomower W psy a one•tLne chrge tor n fnde�er►dait ral wq�te lu rqwrling sarvla wed by
<br /> imlri in cm»rrBon with t6is loen.�u�lrsa aooticsble law aruvid�s ahriwiso.Unlrsv an a�mnmt is made ot aDnlit'�law
<br /> t+eqnires iakrest Go be paid,I.ender st�all rat ba mqulrod w pay Bomow�x sny int�a�st tx wrr��ings on tho Funds.BoRUwa�r�d
<br /> L�cier may�groe in rvreting,ho�veva.that int�st sh�tl be p�id an the Nw�d�.Lraider sh�ll aiva to Borrower,without ch�e,an
<br /> anrtual xoantL�g of the kYtnds.showing crodits�nd ck�ia a tho Fw�ds�nd the pucpo�e for which ach debic w the Funds ws
<br /> m�de.'Ibe Hmds�e pkelgod ps�dditiau�l aecurity[or rli sums socurod by this Security Inswma��
<br /> If the F�tfs held by L�erKler�ooad ths er.�ounu pamiuod to Le held by q�plicebb law�i�e,nda�shall uccount w�atroa�cr[or
<br /> tho exa,ss D�nc1s in a000rd�nce with tho maqu�nts of�pplka6la Ww.If the�nount af the Funds held by L�enda�t�ny time is
<br /> not su[ficient to pay the Eaamw I�ans w?�en due,I.end+x may sn nodYy Borrower in writa+g,�nd�in such case Btxrrnva shaU pay
<br />, rn I�ender the amount ncx�uary to make up the doficia�cy. Harrowar st�ll make up tha dct�ciency in e�a moct the�n twelve
<br /> moadilY P4YR�ts.9t�a's s;,:c;iscm.tion.
<br /> Upan qYment jn full of ell sums aor�uod by this Se��!riSy Ins�vma�t,I�s6all l�E�Y retued o013�rrower any Funda
<br /> Me3d by Y��der.ff.under pra�raph 21,L,a�der sl�ell�cquiro or xU the P,ro�paty.l.a�ler.Drbr to tho�cquisltion or sde of tbe
<br /> Ptopaty. slull apply�ny Funds heW by L�der at the lime of acquisitan or eak a�a crodit.�g�inst tho aums eocural by thia
<br /> Sacudty Tnsuume�t
<br /> 3.Ap�liattlos utP��arenta. Unkss applicabb kw tx+nvidw ntt�wi�o,all payma�ts roccivod by L,eada u�nder pan�gcaphx
<br /> 1�►d 2�aU bc aapliod: firsc.w�nY i�Y�c charges due widta dx Naot s000r�d.a amounb payabb under p�ragraph 2;
<br /> . third.�intnrest due:fourtti,tc prir�cip�l dtre;�d lsst,to any We charges due unda the No�e.
<br /> 4.C6araes;Liem. Borrowa shall pay all tues,a�swr�a�ts�ct�rr6es. fwea md im�OSitions aaributabte to the Prol�Y
<br />:? � �rhkh may�ir,priority over this Sdnuity In.�rr�+t,and{a�aW ptyma�tt ar gco�nd rent��if any.Bormrua oh�lt pRy dkse
<br /> � ' obl;�tions in the manoer p�oviaea in�gra�ph 2.ar i��Soc paid in ctsac mmr,x.6amwer shsu pry than om amc dirocdy a t},e
<br /> � pa�un owed pnyrtca�� Borrower shall promptly fumish to L,endc�ull noticxs of a�nounts b be p�W und�x thie p�agn�h. It
<br /> � Burowor makes these p�ayments dinxtly�Borrowa shall P�PUY fx►mi�h to I.ender rooeip�s ovida�cing the payments.
<br /> : Borcawa stull prom�tly di�ga any Ik,�which has priority ova tt�is Soc�uity Tnsaument unksc Baaower.(s)agrocs in�
<br /> �.��ta�riGeg�01he p►yma►t oE'Ihe obligation s�nrod by tlie liat in s mAnner aoceptabb to I.e�tder;@)conx�ta in good faith tho lid�t
<br /> . �;�, by, or dtfends pgainst enforcement ot'etw.lien in, lcgal procc�edings which dn the Ltncfex'8 ODII11I1f1 O�K�IGC 10 pCCYG1t�tE
<br /> �• arfar,ement of the lirn;or(c)•sxures from tt�c holdsr of the li�n an agropncnt satisfwcrory to l.ender subnrdi��ating thc lkr to
<br /> • � this Security InswmarG If Lt�da datermines�hat�ny pstt af tha l�rb�aty i�subjxt w a lien Nhich rruy�priority ovu this
<br /> . : "�Soeuriry Inst�ument,I,ender may give Borrowu a notica identifyir,�the licn.Borrower sha11 satLify tho Ilen a Wce one or mae
<br /> F ' ot'the acerons setlorth above within 10 days of the giv:�ng�f nodco.
<br /> . Forni 302� D/00
<br /> ; �•e��NE)ioz,».o, a.a.zme ihiu.ir. _
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