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<br /> 9Cr- �.�"�.� _
<br /> WYmGnts mxy no longa bo ra�uired�u tha otxion of L.enale.��if rnorr�aga l��sureriee eove��ge(In tix���x�;��t w�l for ti►o��l -
<br /> thu Lex�der roquina)dxuvidod Qy wn insw�u q�provad by Ler►der�Yfn hecort�es evNl�bb�nd i�obWnoA.Borrowor ehall p�y tho _
<br /> premiums required lo maintaln moctgAga lnsunu�cc in cffoct,or t� pcovlde a bss resuva, unt�l the roqutremcnt for martq�a _
<br /> insur,�nco e��da ir��coixd�nco w(th�ny writun�greunent betwoer�Horrower md I.eedu ar Mplicabk law.
<br /> 9.insp�ectioa►. Lender a its�gent may malce rc�e�scma�{c entdes upnn and inspections of tlb Propcny.Le�kr shall give
<br /> Borrower notice at the tima of or ptbr to Rn inspoctbn apxifying reas�oable cause fot tho inspxtion. _
<br /> Y0.CoNdemn�tioa, 71�o procoeda of any aw�rd or claim for Qiunages,direct oe co�sequential, in conncctbn with �sy °
<br /> condertm�tivn or otha Wcing of my�n 4f the Pcotx�ty�ot for wnveyanco in Ileu of condemnatlon�aro hercby asslxnod and
<br /> shall bV paid to[.cnder.
<br /> In thc ovent of a total Wdng of the 1'ropaty�thG ps�occeds shall be applled to the aums sa:ured by�his 3ecurity Instrument,
<br /> whcther or nnt ttKn due,with�r►y exoess p�i�1 w Bcxrowa.In tho avent of a p�rti�l taking of the Proputy in wh�ch tho fair market `�
<br /> v�lue of the Propaty imm�Waly befcno tho t�dng i�oqual to or gn,ata than the amount of the sums socurod by thla Socurity
<br /> InsWmeat immodLt�ly before �l�e ta&ing. unkss Barowu and Lendsr othuwlse agroe in wridng, the sums sxurod by this
<br /> Socurlry Iastnzment sh�U be roduoed by tha amount�f the procee,�lv muldplied by the foibwing fracdan:(A)tho total amount of
<br /> 1he sumc scc�ral irtunodlately beforo Ihe taking,cllvided 6Y N3 tho fa'u mnr�et value of the Propaty Immcdiftaly before the
<br /> t9king.Any balanco shall bo paid to Bacrower.In th�event of a pan�al taking af the Pruperty in which the fair maicet valua of the
<br /> Propaty immod'+�teiy beforo the taking is kss @wn tlje srnount of the s�uns socurod immodi�tely befoce the tafcing. unkss
<br /> Bamwer aad I,�nder othr.�wise agroe in wrldng or unkss appllcabk law othanvise provic7es�the pmcoWs shall ba ap�►llod W c}►es
<br /> 8UIC19�OCU[Ofl bY thlS�CCUT11y I11StNI11C�lt WIICt11�!OI IIOt th0 5111119 aro then dua.
<br /> If the Pmgaty is abandonat by Borrower.�r if.efte�notice by I.e.ndcr in Bomnwu that the sondomnar offcrs W m�ke�ut _
<br /> award or setde�cYiim for damflges,Borrower fails w respond to I.ender withln 30 deys afta the dat�tt�a noticce is glven.I.au3er
<br /> is�utl�or.i�.ect w a►tloct and appIy the pcoceod.9,u Its opdon,e[tfiu co resWreuon or r�epeir of tho Propaty a to the suma sxured
<br /> by this Seciulty Inswmau,whethar�ur not tt�a�du�s.
<br /> Uulesa Lendtr an�l 8arrower othuwisc agroe in wri�n8,anY apPlicatIon of procoeds to pr�ncipul sh�11 not exte�d a�postpono
<br /> ttw duo dpte of tho monthlY pyma�ts iefemd to in;psragr�hs 1 and 2 or chango the amount of such paymenta.
<br /> � 11.Borrower�Nn1�telawed;C��xbxarance By Le�oder Not a Waiver. Hxtaision of tho dma for ps�yr�t a modlficAtion
<br /> of amorti�adcm of tlws enma secwreii�Y th�s Sxudty Insaunxl�t,��nted by I.enda W eny su�ce,�sar in inbxest of Ba�rower ehalt
<br /> � not apeta�e tu rcka&e tha liabWty of tho alginal Borrowtt a Bwmwer's su�re in interesL�.ender sh�ll not be ra7uir�d o0
<br /> �pcoco�dings,lgainst any sucotasor in inter�st or refuP.e.w axtend drt�e fo:poyment�o'r od�awlu rtadlfy�of
<br /> ; thc sums xcurod tiy:33►�Security Insawnent by re�se�n of any�eanaad madu by tho aciginAl Bannwrr ox acxrowu'a aucasson
<br /> �. in inlaeat My fabaannx by L.endar ia oxa�cising any right(ir remady stuW not be a waivet of or p[eclurle the e�nclso of any
<br /> +� �]�S+�cca�ore�rd Aseips Boradi Joht ud Several Li�bWty;Co�e�t. 'Itie Covenany and �groana�ta of Ihi�
<br /> � Sec�uity Inst�unait �taiU bind and ba�ef'a tha suocacso�rs +md�►ssigns of I.urrkkr w�d Bormwa.subjxt w the panvidon� of
<br /> `• pir�gr�h 17. Bamwa's covesw�ts ond agtdZmenlv sfiall ba j�int �►s! apvaat. My Bwruwer wla co-sign� thi: Security
<br /> r Ir�trua�ait but doe� not wcacutc tha Noto: (a)�s cp-si8nin8 this Socurity Insmnr�ent only to mortg�g0.S�t�nd caavey th�t
<br /> �r Barowrr'e intaat in Ihe Property wncla U►e 1erm�of Ihis Secutity Inet�mr,�4(b)is not P��uY��5�b WY�� .
<br /> j axured by d�is Sociaity IestNmex�t:and(c)agree�d�t Y.aWnr,xld�y odia Bon+cnva may i�gcoa b extaKf.modify�fa�ixar a
<br /> mAte�ny�ocomr�adabans with ngen➢W tho ta�ms of d�i�SocutSry Inshumau a Iho Noto without th�t Bat+utver's uoetsea�
<br /> 13.1.0�CY�a��s. Yf Ihe lan socurod by d►is Security Inaw�r�an ia 'subject eo�laM wh�ch�W�ntxitnwn lo�n c1w'gea. ' .
<br /> �nd d�t!Rw is finW y iooerpmod so th�t tho int�ae�c a other{ortt cl�arge�coUxted or w be wlloct�in coanx�ion writh tho bm .
<br /> , exoeod�he pamiaod lt�nits,�en:(e)any such laen ch�rgo ahaiU be raluood by the�mau�t noodea�y to reduoe the chm�o to the
<br /> pamiaod 1'uni�and(b)my sums�dy cofbcted from Bam�vu which oxcoeclod permiuod ILnib�vill 6e relluxlod a Borrowrr.
<br /> I.aKla awy chaoro to mako this iefwnd by redueing tha principol a�vaf under the Note or by m�ici�g a diroct p�,ymdic a
<br /> �amwa. If a ref�nd�duces Ixincipal,the roduction w�t[be veatad as a P��P�Y�t wlthout�aaY Ix�Y���Se
<br /> unda d�e tVoi�.
<br /> 1�.N�oticti. My notice a Bcxrowa pmvidod fa!n this Security Insuurnrnt shsU t►a�ivcn by�ialivming it a by naalling it
<br /> : by Cmst;cb�sa m�W unlaa agpUcxbb taw roquires use of snoOJicr.method.'ri�c notix stu�lt l�r;�iira;ted to 9he P�ojx��i A(ld1eas a
<br /> any aihcr�addras Bo�rowu de�ign�tts by notic�o to La�der.Aay notice to I.encla sIu11 be glven by Cutt clt�e rriail to Y.a�der'a
<br /> _ �ddn�s a�ood hetcin�a any otls�cx addr�ss Ira�da designat�s by notice to Barower.Any notica prov+ilod far in this 5ecuriry
<br /> ' Ia�aua�ht�mll bo rda+nal w havo been giveri�o�3o�rower ot Ixnckr wba�given as previdai in thi�p�n�mph..
<br /> ° i,S.,+ft"vriererui��LawiSevaxbf�ty. This Sxuairy 1�sument sfwU bc govcmed by fodail ]aw aod tha tew of thc
<br />- , j�uixtic�.+n in which the Fkoperty is k�catocl,in tho evc.��Ahn3�ny provlsion or clause of�Is Security instrum�;nt or tho Noto
<br /> canilicts with�ppii�,abb Is�w,such coadlict atWl nat affect olher pmvisioe�s of this Secur�ty Instnunmt or the Noto which can be
<br /> � givon effoct widmut the oonf'1lcting provision.'C�m this end the pcovisicv�a of th�s Sociuiry Insv�n�t and t�a Nato nm declacai ta
<br />_ be xvaaUk.
<br /> Form 30II�9/00
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