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<br /> '�C)STHER WIT'H al the improvcments naw on c�reattcr crcctc.d�n t1M propeity,and a11 eascmcnts,ap�►i;ctenanccs,and
<br /> tlxWrer now ar hereatta a Mct af the prapaty.AU replacements mc!ncWition�ahtll al�be covuod by thLv Secu�sy Inadumen�
<br /> All of thc forcQo[ng is reicrral to in this Securlty Instn�men¢av the"Proputy."
<br /> HORROWBR COVBNMITS Ilut Borrawcr ia 4wfully aeisod of�he eslatc htteby convayod and has the r�ght w grr�nt and
<br /> convty tho Property and th�t tho Propaty i� uncncumlxred,�xcept for encum6rueces af rocard.Bcrrrowcr wArcant�end wlil
<br /> cl�fand gena�ily tltio Ul3a w tho Propex+�y agatnst all eWma�nd demAnds.subJect to eny encumbrances of rocord.
<br /> 17�5 SECURITY INSTRUME3IV'i'combinea uniform covus�nw for nadonal use and non-uniform covcnanu wlQi limlted
<br /> vu�►tlons by Jurlsdicdon b constitute s uniform security instrument covra9ng real properry.
<br /> UMIFORM GOVHNMIT'.S.Horrower and I.cn�kr cavenant and agree ns folbwa:
<br /> 1.��nae�t of Principal and Inter+[sh Prepa�aaent pnd Late C6u�es, Barowu shall pramptly p�y wtr..n due thc
<br />- princlpnl�f a►�d lntaest on tho debt evldeacod by ttw Note antl pny+�m:px��nent end lua chacges dttp undGr thh N�ott+.
<br /> 2.�'imtla for TNxes�nd lnturnA�t. Sabjxt to applks�Iilt+.�a+r or W a wr�itttn waiver by L,ondar,�nrrpwca shaU pay to
<br /> I,endes on tho day moathlY PeYma�is�m dua undu the Note�unoil the Note is padd in fult.a sum(���u�ds")far:(a)yeacly tmces
<br /> uKt uusur�ente which may atta�n pcioriry ovu this Socurity InsWmcnt a�a Ikn on the Froperty�(b)Yearty ka�hold paymettts
<br /> oc gcot�nd ren�on the Property.if anyt(e)Yduly hazard or propa�ty lnsurence premlums�(d)YearlY fiood insu.�naco premivms.if
<br /> �Y+�o�Yearly mortgige inau�c prEmir.!�s.if�ny;a.nd(f�any aums gsyr.ble bp Bnrmua w Len�,in:.�coraw.'�c:.*aith t)��^
<br /> provisians pf p��sh $.In Iku of tl�e paymer�t of mcutgage insunmce premiums.'t�tso ltems vte csllod "F,xcow Item�."
<br /> I.ender mny.�t�ny Wno„collect wid hold Funds In an art►ouni not to exceed the maximurt�amount a).ender for a fcd�rnlly relnte�l
<br /> mortg�ge lott�may require for Bormwer's cscmw account uncki thc feQeral Real}3state Scitlement�'toceduns Act of 1974 as
<br /> �rnaide�d fnxn dmo W tirne.l2 U.S.C.Sec@on 260�er s�q. ("RFSPA").uh'less anothe�r I�w thAi applie�s io tta Fwuf.g sets a leasa�
<br /> amouet. If eo�I.erKia ma�y.at a�vy tim�.colloct and hold�1w8s in ar►umaunt not to excood tho la4ser amoc►nt 3.�r.niderr may
<br /> w�se the arciount of fiu�ds due on the bavis of current dn',.a.and re�9anab}c eswrwts oYexpra�dltiues of fuwre Fstcrov+Ikms or
<br /> otherwex in�cooc+�Lnr�s with applica�►b law. � _
<br /> 71a Funds eluill t�e hWd in an insdtutbn whoee deposits sre fnsurod by a fWer�l agency.iastrumenWlty�a endty(includL�B
<br /> I.er�der�if I.cnder L�such�n instit!�tion)a ln any Federel HMae i.o�n Hank.F.cader ahW�ply the F�nda to pay thc E�crow
<br /> Ita�u.I.erKfea may not ctwgo Barower fa hokWg and applying the Funds.annu�lly enAiyzing tho eacxow aocamt,or vuifS'�8
<br /> d10 F�1C[�OW ItCi11S.Iu1k�I.�ndf1 OIyS Botrowet inttlest on the Fund,�3nd onnlir�hle 1,►w�.mlia T�n.tw.e�.e,�.M...�_s,'�!_.ar.
<br /> Nowever.Laxkr may req�re Borrowa to pay�onatimo clwgo for m Inde�dawt re�r,s�ete uuc repqrting xrvice wod by
<br /> Lraxlu en connoctioe witA tt►ts bn,tuika9 a�t+cabb!aw provkle.a ottkrrr.i�o.Unkx�a�i aqreanent is made cx�ppincabb law
<br /> raquleta Iniar.0 to bo p�id.i.ehd�r shall not be roquiood fo pRy Borrowar�np int�rest or�attings oe�the Funds.Burro�wx and ,�, �.
<br /> L�Mer maY agree in wrim�8�however�that intuGCt st►oll bc pdd on tho FvniJ�.�.e+�der sh�i1 give to Bonmwa�w3thuut ch�rge.�r► �,.
<br /> �aw�ttd+trxonating of the Funds..�ctuc��ting�:sodita And debita to tho HlnKls and tha pur�wso far which wch debit tn thc'�wnd9 w�
<br /> m�dc;'Iht�HLeKi�aro p{edged�a wxdttic►n�sxurity for W sidr,s sxurod by this Socurity ins�nurkn� .
<br /> If the Funcb beW by I.erda'exaxd the amounts patnitted W be held by�plic�ble 4w,I.erider tlu�ll acxaunt W BrSauwrr fcx
<br /> tht�Pundr in�ccordx�ca wfth the req�dranents of qipliabb 4w.If d�e ortaount of tbe Funds heW by I�ida k any tiaie is
<br /> nat eufC�cieut oo p�y the Bsexow It�rms wher�due,l.endsx rrwy so nodfy Iionower in wridag.�nd,u►euch case Borroxer�P�Y
<br /> b LaKk� tho wnQUnt neoess�ry u► m.+kG�m the def'�ckncy. F10�1Wf�f l�!�[!!�!k0 EiQ tR:��:S��:a���r 1� ra r�Me��s ttic!�r: _
<br /> ��Y P�Y��s.�t I.a�der's sob discraion.
<br /> Upon ptrn►a�t fn Cull of W Rum�wcurod by thi�Securlry Insvuma�t,ll.eni{ar ad�►11 pcomJxlY r.lnnd w�omnwa any Funds
<br /> I�d by 1.axlor.If�uroder p�21,I,en�ar shall acqulro u�r eell tho prupacty.LaKkr�Prla to the acquisition a xak of the
<br /> P�qpertY.�11�ply�ay�nds heJd by L�eaxler�t thu tlme of ecquisiti�n or sub as�crodit�g�insi the s�uns xctund by tltia
<br /> Securiqr In�tru�nont
<br /> 3.A��Na�a�Pa�aRnb. Uniese spplk,�bk law pr.a.vides dherwl�c��ll pytnaita roceivod by I,enddr undor;P�6�
<br /> 1 �d 2 elaq be+�pplbd:fust,oo�nY l�MYmaie r.l�rgrs due unda tha Nae� socaKi.ro arnoun�p�ayabb under par�g�Z;
<br /> third.�iat�dt due:foucth.�o princJp�l due.�rx4 @�t,to�ny Lte ch�rge.f�ue untkr the Nate.
<br />- 4.C6�r�e�j L�. Bo�towar sFWI pay nl�t�ces.�rna�q�cherBes�Cu�es�rW Impositians M�'bulabk Do the Propaty
<br />= Mhich may atnin priority ovcr thia Socwiry Insnumrnt�and lwetw{d paymenro cx grauM renc�.if my.�wa�1!pay thde
<br />-- obli�tion�in the enwner proridod in paragc�2�or if nat{pdid in th�t mmux,r�Dacrc�w.er sh�U p�y them on time d�rsxtly w the
<br />' pason owad peyma�t Bor�awa sh�il PmmPtiY fumish to Y.u�cior all not�ces of mount� w be P�W�der chis�h. If
<br />. Borrower en�t�tt�e paymaita diroctJy,Barrower�sliell P�P�Y fumLrh to I.a�r raxiptv evWa�cin8'�P�Y�b• .
<br /> Aorcowa elull P�P�Y di�cturgo any lit��w�ich has prfority over t�';;�Secwri�y Inshumau unlcss Bcrmwa:(s)�groe.�i�.
<br /> writ4n�M the prymettt of�he oblig�tion s�cured by tfio Ikn 9n a muU�t��acGep�t►b Ic►Lendax;(1�)oo�tca�in gootb�nilb tl�e litn ,
<br />_ bY. or dct'e;ncL�in�t d�forcat�ent of the lien In. 1e8a1 P�noc�din6e w�ich ln the I.etxler's opinion oneraoe �o;psevent ctk
<br /> arSnccanrnt ot the tkn:c►r(c)secuces fmm tl�e hokkr of tha licn on egrrtment saGslFr�csory to Laxk+r subardir►xth�g�tho lien co
<br /> this Security Intwment.If Lxncku deoemnines thst any part of ti�I�,v ia 6ubject W a lian which mny utain priorltyr ovu thia �
<br /> Socuriry Inst�uner�t,L�eder may�ivo IItxrowel a nndce ickntIfyinE the Ilon.F�umc�war sball eatisEj+tho lian a take orte or more ._. -
<br /> ' of tht�cticxu set forth above within I O days of the giviag af npNce.
<br /> � For�e aoY� viQO '
<br /> �-�R(ME)�s9+x�.o� a�•eo�e � ' Inill�ke_
<br /> �. — �;�- ,�r� -
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