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<br /> fc91 ' �3�frfe of o�eci�ilo�� o�nfZ�G��;��%��t of nny t)mller�racaY� nhnll bN Cntered Raninat Yru�t�r evhfeh siiall E;-::.
<br /> beceme e Il�n an th�e Trust Eetate ar eny portlan t�eraaf ur Intarett ti►erein entl e�ah execuilon, etteciu��ei�t or al��i.l�r
<br /> � pracss�oi�ud�mrnt I�not rek�sed, bo�xled,astiitlad,wcated or ct�yod wlth3n alxty l80)days af�er ite entry ar lovy;or
<br /> (�) zMre has occwr�d �breMCh of ur dnleuit under any term,cover«nt, i0reement, candltton, provlelon� _
<br /> repreimtetlon or w�rr�e�ty cent�lned In any prior deed of trwt.o►mott0�0e wfteotinp tt�Tru�t E�UtA.
<br /> 10, Ilao�rrfbh �n C�I�1 Ad�M��� N �n went of d�4�uli occwo, �ena9lclasy ��i�y d�clarc th� �
<br /> Ind�bndrwu M�cund hsaby to b« du� �nd P+�y+�bN �� t� ��^� ��N thsreupon b�come due and pay�a� without �
<br /> pnR�ntm�nt, d�m�nd, prat��t or nutic�of any klnd. TF�re�tt�r,B�neti�i�ry m�yi
<br /> (1) �ItMr��Mnon or by�pant,with or without�rinpinp�ny actton or procead!np,or by�nasiver�ppol�t
<br /> by�court�nd without rwsrd to the Mlaqu�cy of It��acurity��nter upon�nd t�ke pa�aey�lon of the Truat Et4ate,or�n
<br /> part thaeeot.In Its own narrte or In the n+�me nf T�u�tea��nd do eny acte whlCh St deems neceaaary ar desi►Abte to praserv
<br /> the v�lue,m�rkst�blllt�c or rent�bfilty of the Yrutt Est�tA,ar part the�eot or tntereat thareln,Ir►crease the�ncome therefrom
<br /> or protect the�eiceKity hereof end,with or without hkinp pnateasion of tha T�u�t�ttate.aue for or otherwlse collaot the
<br /> rents,iasuet end praflte thereof, Inetudir►q those pAat due rncl unpald, arxf apply the same,less cost�ancl expenao�of
<br /> operatlon and colleetion ineludirq attorneys'teea,upon any indebtcdnese seeurad hereby,all In auc:h order as BerMficlary
<br /> may determk►e. The enterinp upan and takiny poasesslon ot the Trust Estnte,tlie collection of su:h rents, lasues and
<br /> profits and the applic�tton thereot at sioressid shall nat ctxe or wstve any default or notice o7 defeult f►ereur+der or
<br /> Inv�lidate arry act done �n reaponse to such detai�it or pureuant to such notiee of detault and, notwithstandin4 the
<br /> continuance in poseesalon of the T�uat Eatate or the collection,reCelpt and spplication of reiits,is�uas ar proftts,7ruatez
<br /> or Benariciary shall been enNtled to exerclse every�ipht provided for in eny of the loan Inatrumonts or by lav� upon
<br /> occurrence of eny event of defautt, includinp the ri�ht to exercise the power ai aale;
<br /> (If) comme:r+ce an action to forecloae thi�Deed o}T�ust�s a mortQspe, appo�nt a recetvar or apecifically
<br /> �ento�ce any oi the covr.r�rnta hernof;
<br /> (iii! deiiver tu 7wstna a w�ittan dcal��ftiare ei��fa�.�it and dem�+nd for Aate end a written notice oi dehult and _
<br /> elect�on 4o cauae Ttustor's interest in the Truxt EsteEe to ba sold. whiGh notf�ce Truatee shatl cause ta be duty file�tor
<br /> record in tl�e appraprbato afldces ot the�aunty in which the Trust Estate is located: or
<br /> (i�) exercise such other�fpht�s or cemadtes at!aw ar in equlty.
<br /> 11, l�rm�larun byriowwot'SaN. It Berwflcfery elecu to tanetose b�exercise of the Power of Srb herein contatned,
<br /> 9eneficiery sl�Il notJ�truatee�nd ehaM dePasit with T�ust�e th(a Second Dbed of Tnist and any nofe evidenclrq the Mdebtedness
<br /> and svch rece�Rta and evldence ni expenditures mAtfo and secu�ed hereby �s Truste�may require.
<br /> (sl Upon r�aeipt af such notico trom Berietictary,T�ustee shall ct�uan'ta be�ecorded,pub8ahed and detivered
<br /> to Yrustor such Notice of Defeult And Nertice of Sale es then required by law srid�y this Second Deed ot 7rutt. Yrustna
<br /> Sl�all,without demand on Trustor,aiter auch Nme a�may tNen be requked by law and afMr recadatic►n of iuch No2ice ot
<br /> ' Dehult and aitm Notico of Sab havin0 bn�n Qivan es requi�ed Gy I�w.aell tha Trus�Estate at the tim�snd pt�ca of ak
<br /> •�t3xed by it in suth Notic�e ot S��e,ekhtsr na a whote,ar 3n 4epar�te lats or pa�cela or kema sa Trwtea afwN d�e�r+axW�diu�.,;� _
<br /> :ar�d in such ordtr ea It maY detarmine,at pubHc au�tidn to the h191Hest bidder for cash in lawful morfey of tttu United SUtas'
<br /> payabb at th�Nme of a�te. Truatee shaH delivar to such puechsssr qr purchase�s thereot iU noad and surficieM deed.ar•
<br /> deeds corw�yinp the prope►ly so co�d,but wlthout any covenant or+n�arronty,expre4s or implied:7he neitalt in such deect "
<br /> of sn�r matters a lacts bhe11•iw cor�lueiv�proof of the truthiuln�e� thereof. Any persan,:oncludinq wittwut limitition'•
<br /> Tru.stor,Trwbe ot i�enttficixy,mey purchase at aL�:h s�le. , • �
<br /> (b? As mny�l�e parmitted by law,atter d�ductinp all costs,fees anr}�xpenses ot Ynutere and�i�t�i:Tnitt,
<br /> includinp cosu of ovldonce oi tida in corw�ection wit�s�k.'1'rustee shsll�Dqiy the P�'4ceeds at��N to pay�'�nei�t oi li)thC
<br /> Indebtednass t�)s!1 othnr aurna ther�secwed hereby,and{iii)the�emainder.if anY,to the person or pera�na IeQ�ll.y AntiUe'.]
<br /> thereUO. .� .
<br /> � (c) Yru�tee mey In the menner provided by law postpone asle o1�It or�ny pertlon ot the�'rusi�atst��'
<br /> tZ, IPr��IYbt ExcDrdw. Tn��tee and Beneficiyry,uM each af ther�,s�il pe entitled ta er�iorce payment end.
<br /> portom�ance ot srsy k�dAbtedness or obNyations s�cured hereby and to ex�erclse all riph't�and�c►wers under this Sacax!Dead t�rt
<br /> Tn�st a under ony Lo�n fnrtniment or other apr4nment a tnY I�ws now ar herodter Jn 1orce:notwithst�ndinp,�ome or�II ut ttie
<br /> :uch indebNdnesx and obl�jadons secured hereby maY►ww or hareattar be othe%wise a�cured,whathet by mort0�4e.aead ot truat;
<br /> pkdpe,lien,asaipnment or otrierwtse. Neither the�cceptarnc�of this Sacond DeeA of trust na Fts entorcement,whptfier by cour:t
<br /> �etioro�r�ursuu�2 to tho power ot sale ar other powen herein conained� chaM prejudice or in�ny mann�r�ffacY�ruatee's a�.
<br /> Ber�l3ciary's rlpht ta resli2e upon or ontorce any otNer security+ww a he►�alter held bY 7rustee�+r Benetichry,it bair+y spveed tna't
<br /> Tru�tes and 8eeeticis�y,ar�d e�ch of them,ahaN be entiHed to ento�ce th+a Sacond Daed of Truat�nd a�y other secu.7ty rsaw ror
<br /> � 3
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