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<br /> 4: . . .
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<br /> ,_.�i��li ._.... ___.__ _
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<br /> .. . .. . . .. � ...�.:+, . < . .. ._ .'-:.– —.
<br /> , . ; ..� - _y�.��an..�.n•r�-.
<br /> ./�r�•: .r.�.. .. � . -. � � .. . � , . N� c.ty � � ,._.,...,..•—:.-__---�--.-••.-. -�
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<br /> -- -�'�`-'i'�..'F!a'_"�r'�.�r_�._t.'."t�:��'��'W�=�_---------
<br />__�. . � ...�.;...�-.,..aw. _,w:� ---°—'�—___--—=— - -- -. — --- -.-,..-
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<br /> , . - •- ' .. . . . _. _ -- -�
<br /> , .. .- _.. .. .�•--.•• ��-v�• Ml�A`1'tII'_'Kilr5pi.'itKi'%LT'i...._ �� m ��'-.-
<br /> . !Ftii:^t:'_l.^.....:.T�.'�:f_'_�.+.� ._ �%�+fy!/R . .... . —_ --•
<br />' . � ..*�
<br /> �r,
<br /> � 19. k�OY�OWB�'0 �Ig?it 4B R�111�tA�tB. It Borrow�r ma�to oeria�i ao��dRbno, Borroww ohaG hava tho ri�hl to hava
<br /> dntorcYnHnt ol thi� Socurity InsWment dis�ontk�uod �t sny clrne prWr to the a�r:ar aP; (�)Ei aaya (cr aeoh oliias Ncr3nd a:� r�pl',Gh!�
<br /> , } ' � i�w rt�ay�p�oity for nlnotatNr�ent)boforo eat�af tho Pre-psrty pursuant to eny powa�ot tab conttlned h Ihf�SeaurNy In�tnim�nG or a
<br />- a�R (b)�ntry ol� Judpnknt�nlnrotnp thw Sw:urky In�trummti Thui� oondlkane u� thet Bortowtir: (�){�aY� L,�nd�r�N wmf whbh th�n �
<br /> • wauld bY d�r� undK lhls 8�aurity IneWrnnnt and th� No4 a� M no aca�hntbn h�d ooa�rt�d; ib) cura �ny dMwM of any othK
<br /> tsovMUnt or ap�NtrNnt�; (o)poY�aN �xp�neM incumd b �r►toroYtp thll B�CUrky M�trum�nt, Inoludh�, but not Ih�k�tl to. naeonabM —
<br /> � �� , ��� ariom�yi'h�s: utd (d)Wcu u►ch action as I.and�r mny r�eon�by rraui�to�ttun th�t th�um ot thk SecurRy�nsttim�nt,l.md��
<br /> fiVh4C NI 1i3��70�3:+►y Ctid G070'::;.�a ob!'�tlon to R�Y th�tuma eer:arM by thh L�curMy Inatrument sh�M continw unch�np�d. Upon �
<br /> ' . �•' nlntfaNrtNint bY��• thk S�curity Insbwr�tt�nd tho obMp�lfom wcur�d INnby ehaM rwn�in luly Mhctiv�n M no �cc�frntfon �
<br /> '�• htd occui»d. How�vK,thM ripht tu ninstaM sMM not�ppy b th�caw of r�aa�etbn und�►panpraph 17.
<br /> 'I�. SilO Ot N01l� Chanqs of Lar� S�n►160T. Th� Nof� ot e pHttftl Ent�rott h tttA Not� (toQ�thir wkh thN S�CUrky � —
<br /> � � !� Inehummq mny b�sob on�or mon tMn�s wNhout prbr ootio�to Borr4xw. A taM m�y ntut h A thanp�In th�mtky(knqwn�s tha
<br /> /I "LOAII $/(V1CM")iMtt CON�CU TOIllhly wYf11M1U d�10 Ui1dM tIN NOt� �tld 111{�$�CUfRy IfliftllRNflf. 1710fr 11�0 t11�y bil OR� Of �'MNA � �'
<br /> TM'------ �s Chtnpw Of M�Loan 8«vblr unreltl�d t0 a tab of th�NaM. If lMrt N a ohNfpo of the Loan S«vicor.89ROwar wW b�pM�n wrttttn G _-
<br />, � nolic� of th�ch� h accada�c� wkh panpnFh 1b�bow and �ppiicadf�ihw. 'tTw notica w�l otata tha esame�nd ed�rasa o1 the Wj �
<br /> � `'"' n�w Loon S�rvkw a��d th��ddnc�to whtah paymenta�hould b�m�de. The notir,�wIN�No contaln sny othw Inlormntlon nquind by �
<br />_. � �, �pplicabM kw.
<br /> „ � '1�Q. Hazardoui Substancea. BarcowYl sh+1N not caus� or pwrmN lh� pni�nc�, u�. dkPo�a4 stor�� or nNaN o}onY �y
<br /> • Hwrdous Subst�ncN on a In Ih�Prop�rty. Barow�thaM not dfl,nnr�Ibw anyon��ica to do,�nylhinp�M�othp th�PrOp9�ty thlt
<br /> ,. M h vblation of sny EnvironrtNntal I.aw. Ti� P��� Nro �aertmcu shnll not �ppN to th� D���� usa� w stonp� on th�
<br />. �. PtopKty ot�N qiantkiN of H�rudaus bl�betamcw thnt w p��Ny moepntsd to b��pproprtaN to nonnal nilde►tW u�ond to —
<br />• iPi9ri:wW.�6?th0 PtC�371y. _
<br />- � eorra�w�r shaN Pron+PtN olw l.a�d�r vrritVin naUc�W�ny hv�tiy}�Sk��,oM:Yn,d�nwnd�kwiuk a othK aotbn by�ny pov�rxrNntai
<br />��� .:•:� ot ropuYtory�p�rwy or P�a p�rty hvoMr(rW ths PtopMty utd any H�nrduuo bl►baWiC�ot EmrYnnm�t►ttl Law of which BOrroww ht�1
<br /> �►ctual knowMdp�. II Bo�ower kams, a ie naEMMx1 by any povommer►ta1 or ro�ui¢tory authority, that anY romc►val a othw ran�dl�tton
<br /> �.- •. of any lifardoui blib�t�no� aM�otinp th� Prop�rty ia rNCOtc�ry. BotM�wP� �haN �"wr��tiy tak� aM M�C�staty nrtMdyl aations In �
<br /> , ,�' .� uccord�ncs wllh Envirot�n'�altl Law.
<br />��;; •�:;�� M us�cf tn thi� panq�ph 20, "HwrMud SLbst�ncu' � thoN wbat�ncM dofirNd as toxb a haavdous wbatanc�s by
<br />- :� •r,-::,,, EnvlrorommGl Law rnd th�PoNowYp sub�tmaas: pasoli�.kaos�,otl��rr MunmebM ar toxb pWroNum pruducts,toxb pKtbkbs�►d
<br />`„r. s... .., M�bi�Id�s. voktiw soWmts,rn�tari�k cantnin�p ast�ctGS or fonnaldehyde, �nd ndloaatiw rtyOKi�N. b uwd h thM �npnph 20,
<br />=d�y.:,�5• � � "Envtronm�nial ltw' m�ana NdKd law� �n4 lawa oE t1►� �urkd�tbn whnrn tho P�opeRy N bcabd that nht� to hwkh, t�Nry or
<br />����:-.v... MrvtrOam�nW prollCtlon.
<br />-i'�i; r•~�:' NON-UNIFOF'NA CO1fENANT6. Bamwu�nd lond�r Muthw corwi�nt�nd W�N u bNOws:
<br />�-.4'',`���' 2t. ilcc�l�ratbn: R�m�di�a. I.�ndor af�ll �W� aeo'�c� 1� Bor►ow�r prior b �cN�ration tolbwiny
<br /> z���"`x.. Borrnw�r'� brsaoh �of �ny covenant or p�Nm�reB In t8�1�o S�wrlty I�um�nt (but not pr€or i+o
<br />�":�`y�,a��: acc�lrr�tlon undK �rspr�ph 17 unla� �pilcabis Inw p►t�+c9sa ot4�srwOw�. 'Th� nol�ce stwll [paalf�:
<br /> "� , rl' (a) � d�fauit: (b) th� �etlon requi�ed to �ur� th� d�M�etl6 (c:D a dat,s� not kss th�n �0 �dayla tr�tm tho
<br />�Y`�>`:'���'''r" dtts th� notic� b ��ven fo Bor�Aw[,r. by whiah the c4�b�o�i�st b� cured;�nd (d) tlw@ f�t�llur�ta ct►r�
<br />�f�r�;r�� th� d�faut� on or betar� tho �ate �peelfled In t�ae m�tt�ce may rwutt In aoeelar�Rlan of ti� �urn�
<br />��`"'�"���:a .' aecured by thGr ��fiy ia�+um�r�t �d swo of L"� ��c�s;.�ty. Ths e�+3�ae et�!! t�rthK InM!� _
<br /> � �i9p�,
<br />���� BoROw�r ot th� riplht to reinsUte Ntor �coeler�tbn �nd t� �i��ht to luln� � �ourt�ction b �t the
<br />"==4�u� non-�xi�nce ot� aDefault or �ny ott►er dei�nse of Borr�v�Qr b� �ccNaratbn�d a�. 1!� d�hutt Is �
<br /> -_°��":._:�e7c� not cur4d on or be�ors tt� dat,a �poc�ttiod In the notica, Lxrrra�t �t Its optlan may r�q�Ir� Imm�dtat�
<br />����'�� p�ym�nt in lull ot a!1 �ums �cured by tht� SRCUriry I�tat�r�n�nt without further dema�d �nd mey
<br /> ��-f''�� Invalce the power of a�l� �nd �nr ott�r ramedlea p�rn,ut�9 bY �pPilc�ble I�w. L.�nd�r �h�ll bs
<br /> �u=,�x� entlWd to collect �il expen� Insx�rr�d In pu►eulre� tba� r�m�d6�apr ovid�d In thls parpr�ph 21�
<br /> �._.."°� tnctuding, but not�imlt�d to,�e�o�bM� attorn�ya'iss�ur�pos�of tl31� �rid�nc�.
<br />=��,s� If th� pow�r of MII� N inveked� Tr���es N�all ��cord s mr�cs of d�tauft in wch cnunty in whicl�
<br /> �ny p�rt o! tt� Pr�eperty 1� b�at,ed end M�ali mall copi� cA�uch notic� in 9h� man�ar pr�acrWtel by
<br />�-::�;t�i +�Pp11c�N I�w �o Barow�r anci to the othsr perwn�e �arascel�bod bY �PP��ca�bt� law. Aft+K tl� tlme
<br /> -{�,� r�quk�d bY rPplicabb law. Trust� Mialt �iw publlc �eotP�� oQ al� b tlw p+atsons and In tiw m�fe�r
<br /> ��N� pn�cribe�A by �ppilabte I�w. Truotae� w6ttwut d�mand exe Eloe�otK�r� sMl9 sa�� n+. Prop�reY n pubno
<br />-�:�:;N� auctb�r t� th� hipt�a�t biddar �t ths ttme �nd placo �ncB �o�xl� t� term� d�N�n�t�d In th� noUca of
<br /> ---- - sd� cn one or mon�e parests �nd I� �ny order T►ust,a c0�i�ma��. TrustN m�y pastpon� a�N of �YI
<br /> - -�+� or �ny parcN ot th� Prap�rtY b1► Publla a�nouncama�at +r�t th� tim� �nd plMCe nf �ny pr�vbuity
<br /> —�`�»=� �ch�duled NI�. Lsnder or !N dNt�no� may purciu�e ti� Wop�ty�t�y aM�•
<br /> - --= Upon r�a�6�p! oT paymtnt ot th� pria� bld, TrustM tl�niG d�RvK b tlw �urchaa� Truat�a'a doed
<br /> ,_-�=-:� conv�ylnp th� Propsrtyo Tho reoiWs (n tl►� TrustM'�m�s� �tull b� pri�na hci� ov{denc� ot th� truth
<br />- ---_ = of tlw Wt�rrM�t� meKii thoretn. Ti�u�tae ahall �pply t1� p�a�ed+�ot � Mta In � �vlbwleq ordK:
<br /> ���_� (�� b all coeb ��l lxp�ns�a ot �ac�'o�tin� 1!►� pow�e o4 takD. I1�ttw pir� O�tCfudlr�� Uh� psymllnt of
<br /> _,�_.�,,, ;,,�p tf� TrustN'�t�sr�ctually lncurr�d, not to �xaNd �% 04 t� priRC�pal +imount o0 tfN notv
<br />�.�..r �-� � at th� time of th� d�ctar�ttan ot dofzult, �d ru�onaWm etl»cn�y� haa�s ps+mitted by law: �Cr) to ell
<br /> ����`':::�
<br />�.i:;,;,s,'�� wms ttcur�d by this Security Inst���rne�t; �nd (c) �n,y [scc��s b th� p�aon or �w�on� {eW�h►
<br /> ;�'`� . �..���� �nUtted b H. -
<br />�,..;. . :_:«<:�� �; �2. R�convayon,ce. UPa�Parmen�oi d sums acund by thtc S+�cudty Intuanbn�land�r sh�N nqu,��m,�fa a naansy
<br />�,.�.;..._.:,,.�_.
<br />�.�.;,.: '•.'. th�Prop�rty�nd sh�1 tu�r�ndK Mis S�ouriry Inthtix►wni�nd aM notN�WtlaaLaq d�bt t�ceirrd by tAy S�o�xky InxYwn�nt to T�uttM.
<br /> ;t'�`���;yt����' Trua1M ahll rlC O rt w y tt►�P r o p�t y wktwut warraMy�td wRhout Cftarq�W tltD
<br />:;;,_M,•.,. , . ' tt�non a perion�Mpelty�nikNd to k. 8uah pKSOn or
<br /> _ '`_i;�+�'."�` p�raon�sMN p�y�ny nootdatfon Cosb.
<br />-�'��:-��
<br />-n..�-�.;.�,=_�jt ;
<br /> t:,._ .,,.�.;��� �3. Subatituu Truste�. una.►�u �s ocabn, may Nom «mo eu turw nnwv.rn,sw�nd aPP�K �euocetsor wsin to
<br />_- . �ny TrualW ap,�otnMd h�rwnder by en inatrwne+�t rocord�d h tAe counn� In whi¢h thie S�cusiy MsUum9nt N r�cora�a• wRnouc _
<br /> �..::,�- a �
<br />�'��'• • conv+yw+a G!tM Props�ty, wcassa truttw �hs1 wccMd to�d H» tNta,power�nd dutiw conirrt�d upon 7�uata haroh �nd by
<br /> .:w' t:�„�'' ' �ppiiccahM yw. 4.
<br /> ■
<br />- '�. 34. Requqt fOr Not1C�t. BorrowK nqtw�ta that copiM c�the notias of dekuk�nd�aM b�s�nt to Borrow���d�dna =
<br /> �.
<br />-- �. vrhich M thr Pro�t� Add+'��. =
<br /> .� �6. Rldsr� W thb&ocuPlty lnttrummL If oM a mon Mdan en �oaoul�d by Borrowe �nd naord�d ta�cnK wKn �
<br /> � ,. • ' thN S�CUr�y MtYtNlMet, thf CovMNntf�nd�prMntlnfs c�0 woh wCA rldar ihnM b�Inctrrpa'at�d hto and shall art�td�nd wp{7YrtNnt _
<br /> tM Co+�nrnb utd aprMrtMnts of thM SeCwk�r Mtlrument as R tM rlda(p)wN��prt ol this S�curNy InsWmmt.
<br /> ..'. ,� �.
<br /> � ,,w,�/ Fonn 002�OJiO �-
<br /> _ : �,,.C. ` F,o�o.�MO(�) ►+y.�o�e o
<br /> ,': :. .
<br /> �,
<br /> : a�e j
<br /> t
<br />