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<br /> ,.,� :..�. ;�;, '` `� ,; perlodc�hat Lender rcquitcs. The ineurance curtfer pmviding the inr�uranre xhull he chosen by Bnmower�ubjeci ta Lenderk --
<br /> -- �•- ;���+-; n�mval which�hail nul be unrcu�onubly withheld. If Barrower failx to mafntafo cmern�te descrihcd above,l.ende�may,w
<br /> �;.. ' Lender R optinn.ubtuin coveroge to pmtect Lender R righ�s in ihe P�u�'ny i�i u�i�Ndancc whh paragmpl�7.
<br /> •• � :., All inRUrnnce polkiea und renewalx shnll be acceptable ro LenOl�BIId�IIINII�flCIU(IC 0 A1011da1'Q IYIMI((H$�CI�111iC. Lender
<br /> ,. ' �., s. " �, xhall have ihe�ight lo hnld�he pallcieA ond reaewols. IP Lender requirci.8ormwe�Rhali pmmplly�ive�o Lender all receipta
<br /> , of paid prcmiums and renewul natice�. In ihe even�af loss,Bartower�h+�ll eivs pmmpt naice to the in�urwue caRicr wuf
<br /> L.ender. Lencler mwy mnke prcx►f of log�if nw mak promptly by Bonower. _
<br /> Unlens Lendcr uoJ Bortower o�hervvise ugree in writing,in�urw�ce pmccedx slwll i+�e applicd�o�extorution or Rpuir of
<br /> ^ � � �he Propehy dumaged, iF ihe rcntara�iun or repai► is economically fea4iblc and I.ender��ccu�f�y irc nal Iex4eacd. I�'�he
<br /> � n�toration or rcpair ie not ecauimically feasible or l.ender�a ,ecurity wauid be larened,Ihe inaarwrce proceedr nhall be
<br /> � " applied lo the sums securcd hy �his 5ecuri�y (ng�rument. whelher ur nw�hen due,wllfi any excess paid to Bnrmwer. li' �_ -
<br /> � Hormwer abandans �he Prope�y,ar dors not anrwer wiihin 30 duys� �ice from Lender�hat�he inaurance currier hus
<br /> otiercd�a retde u clafm,ihen Lender moy collec�the inRUrnnce proceed�. Lender muy u.re Ilx pmcads�o repui�or reatore
<br /> 1he P�uperty or to puy sumA cecurcd by�his 5ecu�ity Inurument.whether or not then due. The 3U-day pe►iad will be�in when �-�
<br /> thc notice is gfven.
<br /> — Unlesc Lender und Borrower rnherwl�e ap.ree in w�ili�g. any upplica�ian of pmceeds ta principal shall nat extend or
<br /> - - ._--__=_--.
<br /> postponc the due dnte of the monthly payments rcferreo to in puragraphs I and 2 or change the amaun�ai Ihe payments. I f �►�-'
<br /> under pamgraph tl �he rropeny ic xywrca oy i.C11YCf� 8���.,wer: �ig�t n aay in.:�:ance policies and proceeds rcsu t n� �
<br /> from damuge to�he Propehy prior to�he acqui.rition slwll Fwss to Lende�ta�he extent of the sums xecured by Ihis 5ecurity
<br /> Inatrument immediately prior�o the acquisi�ion.
<br /> . 6. Occupancy� Preservntlon. Maleteaance and Protection of Ihe Propet�ly= Borrower's l.aan Applkatbo; __
<br /> • Leoseholde. Bortower ahall accupy,e9tublish,nnd use the Pmpeny us Bcxrowerx pdncipel rcside�ue within siaty doy:afte�
<br /> the execution of thiq Security Instrument and ahall con�inue to cecupy Ihe Prc�perty os 8arrower's ptincipal re�idence for nt r.,
<br /> leest one yeu after �he dute af cecupnncy, unlegs Lender othenvise ugrces in wriling, which concent shall nw be ,�.
<br /> _ unreusonubly withheld,or unlesg extenuating circumstancea exisl which urc beyand Bormwer?e conlml. BoRawer shall nat _
<br /> � �•� � dectroy,damnge or Impuir�hc Property.ullow the Pmperty�o deterEorale,or commi�wn.r•ie an the Pmperty. Borrower sholl --Q_-
<br /> • ' Ix in defoult if any farf'eilure uction ar proceeding,whe�her civil or criminnl.Ic hegun�hat in L.enderk good faith judgment ��_"
<br /> � cauld rcsult in forfeiture of the Piroperty or atherwi`e materinlly impuir the lien creuled by Ihia Securily Inxuument or
<br /> �� ' Lender s security interes�. Bormwer muy cure.r•uch u defauU und minsuue,ux prnv ided in parugraph I R,by awcing�he arlion
<br /> • or proceediiig lo tr dismicsed wilh n ruling Ihul,in Lenderk�tncNl fuilh deterniinution,precludes farl'eiiure of Ihe BaROwer 4
<br /> � fn�erest in �he F'roperly or ulher mu�eriul impuirmeM oi'�he lien created hy ihi� Security In.r•�romenl �r Lender4 recuri�y
<br /> �_ �;,�= interes�. Barrower 4hall ulao he in del'ault if Bormwcr, during �hc loun upplicution procetiv, Ruve mn�criully false u�
<br /> � .. innccurute informution or+�ntements lo Lender lor failed to pmvide LenJcr wi�h��ny muleriul inlimnution)in runncclk►n with
<br /> ;,;,�� �he los�n evidenced by the Note, including, but not limi�ed ta, representutionx concerning Bonower:s occupuncy of the
<br /> Propeny us u prfncipul residence. II'�hix Security Mxm�meni i.�m u Ien.chold,Horn►wer�hull camply wi�h ull Ihe pmvisions �-
<br /> � ;} of tne leaxe. If Borrower acyuires fee tiUe to the Properly.the IeasehalJ uncl the I'ee lille xhull not merge unle4s Lender ugrces
<br /> lo the nu�ger In wri�ing.
<br /> ' __•_,___- 7. Protection oP Lender's R1Rhts in Ihe Property. If B��rmwcr 1'ail+ to perliimi �hc rnvemm�x und ugrcementx
<br /> " ' cuntoined in this Security Inxirumcnt, or Iherc ix u legul pr�xeeJing that muy tiignilicantly ut�ecl I.enderk rightx in �he .
<br /> , ,. Propeny lsuch as a proceeding in bankruptcy,h�0I1AlC.for amdemncuion nr ti�A'eiuirc��r In enforce t•rwx ar regululionx),Ihen _
<br /> I.ende�muy do und puy for whalever iK necessary to prrnecl thc vuluc of thr f'r.�+eny �md Lrrxl�r+righ�x iti Ihe Pmpeny.
<br /> - • � Lender's ucUans muy incluJe puying uny xmnx tiecured by�i lien whirh hu+pri�xi�y nver thix Securily Inxlrunxnl.uMxuring
<br /> in coun,payfn�t rcusonuhle utlorncyv'feea und entering on Ihe Pnipeny tn muke repuir.;.Although Lendcr muy luke acli��n
<br /> ' - � under Ihis parngrnph 7,L.endcr does not h�ve tn du xa.
<br /> ,. '• A�iy nmounts dixbur�ed by Lende�under ihis purugroph 7 shzdl become udJitic1rt11-deht of Bormwe� �ecured by Ihis
<br /> � Sccurity'nsmimcrn. Unlesx Borrower und LenJer ugree���o�her�crmx i�f�yment.thexe mnoun�x xhull brar in�eresl from�he
<br /> �., " dnte of disburcement At the Nae rate end shall be payuble,wilh in�erext,upon notice 1'rom Lender to Bomower reyuesling � �
<br /> •, payment.
<br /> - " ' - 8. tilortg��e Insur�nte. If Lcndcr rcyuircd mortgaEc insurance a. u conJition ul'makinF tt�e laun securcd by thjs �__
<br /> �•. .� Securily Inslrumenl, Burmwer shnll pny ihe premiumx reyuired tu mainiuin the mohgugr insurunce in effect. If,for ony _
<br /> �. � ••r renxon. Ihe mohgage in+urunce cnvem�e reyuired by Lencler I�ipxes ar rcaxeti to he in effect, Borrowe! shall puy Ihe f:.
<br /> • prrmiums reyuired to oMain crveruge subzlunliully eyuivuleni ia tlm mongage in�urunce prcviouxl� �n effect,ul e� rntil �°
<br /> _- • � _ � nubstum�nlly eyuivnlent to the cost to Borniwer i�f the mart�tuge in+urance pmviuusly m ellec�,uum u�i ulternu�e monga�e �.,
<br /> in�crer nppmved By Lender. If 4ubstantially eyuivuleut mortguge insurunce coveruge ix nut uvailuble.B�irrower xhall puy tu ���-
<br /> • ' � Lender each month a sum eyuul ta one-tweliih uf Ihe yearly mongage inxurnncc pmmium being puiJ by Borrowcr when the F�
<br /> �� inQUrnnce cme�aFe lupsed or cru.ed�o he in effec�. Lender will uceept,uxe:md relnin ihese puyment�us n laxx m�erve in(iru �;:
<br /> • aF monRnge insuronre. Loss reserve puymemx moy ixi lon�cr he reyuircd, nl the option nf Lender,il'mnrtguge insuraice
<br /> , ;overuge(in the amount und for the perial thnl Lender reyuireKl pra�iJrd by un inxurer uppmved by Lcnder ngain becomes v
<br /> pvnilubk nnd is obtuined.Borrower shall pay Ihe premium�reyuired�o mointnin rnonguge msurnncc m el7ect,or to provide u
<br /> � to�s reserve,until the rcquirement for monguge insurunce end4 in uccordance wi�h any wrinen agreement be�ween liorro•,ver �.
<br /> " - nnd Lender or opplicable iaw.
<br /> " ••� 9. Inspection. Lendcr ar its Agent muy make rco+onuble entricx u�xm und impeclionx of Ihe Property. Lender shall
<br /> _� �, - give Bomower notice ut�he time oi or prior to un inspection�pecit'ying reutinnaMle cuuse for ihe inspeelion. _
<br /> l0. Condem�wlion. The proceeds of nny nwnrd or cluirn For dumuges,Jirec!or conseyuenlial,in connection wilh Any
<br /> . ��°
<br /> Sinpk FamflY•-Fonnk Moe/Freddk Mrc UNIFONM I�tiTRUMkN'1'••Unifomi Curcnimh 41911 1�N�kr?��jn Ix�,pr�l �
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