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<br /> • IUN1Fa�tM COVGNAN'i'S. �lnnow��atKl l�:it+lcr save��ant aEfti�grcc�:�folluw;;:
<br /> 1. P�yr��9 oY �'ainci�w! ��id ���tert�. Cuiya�c•ce :,fiall �3rut�y�tly y�ay d�hcu de•:: it�v 6�ii�isi��:tl nn� iu?��rc:;i ��:
<br /> iixieUtaAxss�vidnK;ecf by the N�He And Iwee chxr�es p»provi�ed iu the Nate.
<br /> �. Etind�ior T�xea�nd Ruduranca SuhJc�;t to spplEc�ble I�w or�wrltten waiver tsy I.�ncler.&►nu�ver�hali p�y to
<br /> I,e�wSte on the d�y n�nntl�fy�yn�en�.9 af pdrx:ip�l uul interest atc�y+�ble ui�er�he Nntc,a�uil tbe Nwe is qid in fl�il. �
<br /> atm p�nin"�uads'?Wual to c►ne•twefAh of Ilr.yeariy tues�ad assessnxius lii�ciwli��g conciundnium arwi planned unit
<br /> d�welc►pnx�u Ase�:ssmei►te. if rny)which nuy attain priotiry ovcr this Dtal of Ttust.�u�d pmuad rents°n thc?mpen5'� iP L
<br /> any,plua c►ne-lwelfth af ycyu�y prcn�ium i�ut�itnx�NS f�r hs�d imvrxi�:.plu.y u�r:-�wef.t�i o�yw:riy�:+�+�d�im(r:�llm�r*s�
<br /> fc►r mat� insur�nce. if�ny, �II � ra.conrbly estlmat�d initi�ily md from tlme ro tiutic by Lender on the buis af�
<br /> a�essmeots aixl bills an�d ressaneble sstinwtev U�ercaf, ec►mnwer sful!ncH tx���hliguecl tn m�lce such p�yn�nts of Fu�tde
<br /> ;��..d.r�n dr.:rnu rJut Hnrmwcr[n�lces SuCh O�VOlEUlB t0(LC IwtdCi Af�(f�inP tl101t��;e cx deal of ttist if such bokk�
<br /> is an institutiorail lender.
<br /> If&xn�wee pays FunQs to Lttuier,the Fusds sh�l� be 6eld in�n i�Ktitutiun thc cieposits or�:count�of wlilch
<br /> i�uured or guanateal by s Fedenl or state�gency(inclt�cliag Larder if LerrSer is such�institutian). l�nder cbsll��pl
<br /> the Funds eu pay said quces�asstssn�entg.i��nuruxe promiun�v Rnd graund rents.l.ender�uy ncx chuge for so holdlnj
<br /> epplyiqg �be Nu�sts. �lyzing �ld ar.cot►nt or vedfying �nd wnapiling s�id assessruents and bills. unless Lender�Y
<br /> &xrower iotenst on the Fumis ar1 ap�►licabio law pemiits Le�xler ta ma{�e sucl�a chuge.BQ�rawec and Lender m�y a�e
<br /> in wridng at thc da�c of eaccudon oP+this Deal of Tsust ttat interest on the Fuucks sh�l be pxid to Bomnwer.uri uniess
<br /> swch adrcsmeat is m�de or applicabic law roquit�cs such itM,e[�st to ix�id,Letxkr st�il nnt be raluind ta p�►y&m+nwer
<br /> �u�y I:���c.�arr.�.;�s a�t!�Fu�s. Le�a��h�ll give t�nfor which�ach debt it�Q►e Fw�w�n m�de, 'lUe � _
<br /> sbov�of credit�ud debite to stie Funds and thr purpase
<br /> pledjod+�s�dditior�al�socurity for the sums secumt by tlde De�1 of T�us¢.
<br /> If tbe amount of tbe Fuadg held by Lxndcr.togethor wish tbe future nxx�thly i�ilmeds of Fuuds p�Yable prior to
<br /> the due cttues of taxes. �asessmens. inu-n�nce p�emium9 atd g�owod centc�sl�ll exceod�he�mou9t t+a�utnd w P�Y�
<br /> tax�.s. ::.sessux��ts, i�rance fmmiumg a�grrxiad �ents rs th.y fiill due. such eacess thill be. u 8o�mwcr's optiou.
<br /> either pro�t17 rcpeW w Borrower or craiiud to Borrower esn mo�hly iast�tln�of Funds. IB the s�naux of tbe Funds
<br /> 6eW by I.ender shall mt be�'icient W pay tues. as9essmeats. iasurance�et►uums:o�l grannd rcuts ac tbey fall dne.
<br /> Bormwer siu11 p►y m I.ender�ay�mount necessuS► to ns�ke up the deficiency in one or more payments�s l.ender asay
<br /> "°q+'itr' recw�a w eomnvMer any Funds
<br /> ()pom paymrnt in full of all svms socurtt!by this Deod of Trust,l.e�xler siv11 PromptlY
<br /> 11l'W b�f L�COOCf.jI ImqLT pltlilErnP�i i i�wi 2ui:..y j ib ary.^•:�lw.Rrw_rW in cMF�r.rWISC lCLIIITLd�)V l.td�Ct.LpldGt ,
<br /> sWll �pty. m Wer thnn i�nnxdistely priar to t�c tiale of tba Prapecty a its icquisition by Le�r,u�r �uads bdd by
<br /> l.ender u th�drae oC�y:y�licuioa�a credit��i�s�t�he stun�socurai by thia Doed of Tn�tt.
<br /> J.Ap�ptiou oP�rnaits. l�afess�3is�'�9:b�pmvides othstv��.�u:pynxets roceived by l.ouder uader tbe �
<br /> Ndt an��ar+tYht�t�n 1 aod 2 6eroof s1s�11 be ap�saied by Lender first in paymeat of amo�+�ns gm�f,4bk w I�xkr by Barower
<br /> uader f�i��sph 2 bereof.tben to ioteKSt payabk un tLe Note.and then W the[►rtnci�l of tt�E Note.
<br /> 4. ilrior 1HatPta aod DeecM of Trunti C�L'�i Ua�. Bormwer shtll perfom� �11 of Boraowrr's obll�ations
<br /> u�er aay mnr4�:. �feed of uust oe otber security r�rament with a lien which h�s priorlty over dus Deod of Tn�at.
<br /> inclu�qg BcKrowrt's coveouite to nnke Myments wlxn due.Bomower sh�U p�y=ar causc to be p�id all tues.�ssmtnts
<br /> and�x1�cT ie�arYes. fioes aad impoaitionc utaibut�bls to tLc Propeity which rmy attdn s priority ova Uus DFa�of Tcust,
<br /> aad Icatcshotd p►Ymeats a�o�usd r�t��if�ny.
<br /> 3. Nmrd Inur�oor. Bonnw�er si►�II keep ehc impro�veme�rs now existiuu,s a betrafter erocted on the F'.'�a4�'%i
<br /> inA�ced�pi�t lo�by 6re.t�urdn includa!within tLe tecm'eatcaded sovenge'►oa�l a�ch od�er haaitds�Lender mt�r
<br /> ceqaire t�d iQ��mounts ud fa such periuds�s I.eader m�y rcquire.
<br /> Th�e at�suna�e carrier provid'an�ahe iasunnce siull be chos�n lsy B�rower subject tv u�rov�l by Lendn':Ex�m►it�.
<br /> t�ut suc'��prov�l dµU mt be iuua�won�bly vritW�eW. All in�ance policies ud cexlewals theaoof sLait be ia a:�'oxm
<br /> �1fi�C!O 1+COdC1'AflQ Sbi�I ITICIUdC a swW�rd mo�taa�e clat+se in h►vcx of uid in a fdrm acxpabl=a►l.endef. �
<br /> sL�il tuve tbe d�ht td_�►o1d tbt polkies ud tenevv�s fheceof.sub,�ect to the ternss of�ry mat��e.deaD of m�,u or c�Lcr .
<br /> sec�rihr�peement wIth a ikn vrhich h�s priority over tl�s Dood of Tn�st. �
<br /> la the event uf Ie�ss.Borrovrer sttall give prompt�wtice w the insuraace curier and Lender. Lender nuy m�te�of
<br /> of loas if not qrde promply by Bottowcr. .
<br /> [f tbe P�uperty is aba�Woned by Bormvrer.a if&xrower fiils to r�ond to Len4er within 30 daYe trom dx due .
<br /> notj�:e is msikd by Lcnder to Bomower tlut If�nar�,cr+nce carrier offers to settk a claim fa ias��rin¢c be�efits. I.sndec is
<br /> autLor3�d to colkct aad�pply the in�u�nce piv�c�eQs ae LenAer's uptioa elther to restanuion or repair of tbe Prope�ty or
<br /> to th�wu�s socu►nd by thia Deod oyF1!'eust.
<br /> i. Ptae�wMioa aod NWr�� ot Pro�tyi 1�dei CaKlomiNtan:.lP,laaned Udt Daetaproau�•
<br /> Sotrnwer sball Icesp the Pcopert!'rr�good repair a�ad stutll aot commlt wute�T pemt�t ia�aim�ent or deterioration of tt�e
<br /> property aod shall cor�ly with the provisions of any lease if tliis Dedd of'd'vais�is on a Itaschold.If�is Den1 af Tnist is
<br /> on s wdt In a coed�o��mri�m or x pl�nm�al uuit devdopmen.Borc�owKr shsU�,�crFrnm�I1 of Bixrower's obligatic►ns wrdec 1be
<br /> doctar�tio�or em+ea�nts c�c�r governing the condo�niaium or plw�l unis devaioproent.the by-1f�ws sncl�egul�►pan9
<br /> of[he oc�ndomimum or plwxd ur�a devclopnxnt.and cc►rimYituent clocuments.
<br /> 7. Pr+nteetioo of I.axier'�Securfty. If ec�mwtir f�ils to perform the ooveamts tt�d�8rc�metMs contaimd in this
<br /> Deed af Tnut.or tf any�ction or procerclinE is s�inwxocod which outeri�ily affects 'Lender's imcrest iu+tl�e PropertY.t1�cn
<br /> Lemer. at Lerxkr's uption. upon �wtice to Bnrmwer. may malce such appeannces, disb�use svch a�a�. includi�
<br /> .�, _� •....,rr.
<br /> ; tasort�ble attumeys' fees, and qke such xtion as is neccss�y t.o pmcecc i.e+�r e�u���• �� ��M� ����•��-
<br /> . irovran�cc�s a condition�f nWcing thc Ic►�n secural by tUis Deed uf Trust. BQrrowtr slull pay the pnmiums�+equirr3cl to
<br /> - mtintair suc6 Inwrance in effect until such time av ttx re�uircmenc for suci� intiuranee tecm�lnates in accordance with
<br /> parrnwer's aid Lcoder's wretten ygrecu�nt nr applicable law.
<br /> = Any atnounts disMusecl by ix�xler pnrsu�x ta this pArrgroiph 7, with interest tl�erean.at�he 7Vote nte,sLaU bocome
<br /> - �wldItion�l i�xleb4edaess of l3ormwer secur�ed by�his Qeed of Trust. Wiless Born�wer and I,�nder agree to otber tecros of
<br />-_ �►Yment. such annw�ts shail lx payable upnn nocisc from l�ender tu Borrower ro�uestin8 MY�ut tlxronf. Nothiqg
<br /> coniatnod iu this p�r�,yraph 7 shall�c�quir�Lender to i�wur wy exper►4e�r take�u�y wciion Ixreureckr.
<br /> " 8. tnpedfep, Ler.der may �ke or cau�e to be wd� reas�►n�b1e cntrics u�x►n wd imspect�o� of thc Property.
<br /> -= Pcovided Ihst Lendcr sinil givc&�r[�wer exxicc prior to any s�x:h iaspec;tion spec:ifying m.�onablc cause tlxrefor related to
<br /> Lendcr's iaterest in tt�e Pcvpeety.
<br /> �l Ncbnstr 26sY6•1 SNS Oriyia�al(Rsc�rdrd) Cupy(HranoLl Copy(Cu�tc��r1 Pato 2 or s
<br /> � _ _
<br />