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<br /> � pedods that L.ender requias. Tlx:ineumn¢a caRier provlding the Insuranco shall be cho�en by 8orrower subject to Lende�'x
<br /> � •�� � ,a � approval which shall not be unrcasonobly wNhheld. If Bamwer fiil�to rtuinta�n cavera4e described above.Letder may�u
<br /> -- --�-- .-- Lx►xler's opiiun,ubtoin cuvengC to protect L.cndcrk dghts in thc�op�y in accotdance wNh pategr'nph 7. �
<br /> ,.' �"� All inaurnnce po8cies and renewala ehall be accepubla to Lender -wid�h�ll include a stmdad m�►rt���e clowo. L�ender
<br /> , .,�•4,�..:� ,� ehdl lu►ve�he rf�ht ta hold the po�icie�md�anewel�. IF Lender rcquiret.Borrower siull prcxnp�lY�ive to Lender dl rocefpts
<br /> f. of paid premiums aW renewd naicea. 1� tha�vent of losa.Honawer shall�fve prompt notice to�he i�uurance ciurim'�
<br /> -= �•-•---_ - � l.endec Lmder may make proof of losa if nat made p�anptly by Borrower.
<br /> � ' , Unlean L.ender and Borrower othenvise agrce in w�iling,insurwnce procads sh�ll be applied to reetorntion ar repair of
<br /> ,a . the Property d�maged, if the rcetoratian or repair i� economicnliy Pe�eible and Lenderk iecurity is not leuened. If 1he
<br /> renoratian or rcpair is not economically feasible m L.enderh security would 6e leaened.tho insunnce prooeeds�h+d)be
<br /> �� • applied ta Ihe euma+eecured by thia Security Instrument, whether or not then due.witb eny exceas paid to Borrower. If
<br /> � � � ' ` � Bonower�bandona the Property,or does not omwer within 30 days e notice irom L.ender �hat the iniuranco c�rrier h�s _
<br /> � � offercd ta�scttle a cleim.then Lsnder may callect the inaurence proceeds. Lender m�y use the procaede to rcpair or rcstae
<br /> ' • � , the Property or�o pay sums cxured by thi�Security Insaument.whethar or nut then due. The 30�day periud w1��be8in when
<br /> ° the notice is given.
<br /> Unles.�Lender and Borrower otherwi�se agree in wdtiag,nny application of pracceds ro principal shall not extend or
<br /> postponc the due dete of thc mon�hly paymentn refemed to in pairographa 1 end 2 or change lhe amount of the payments. !f
<br /> ' �� under peragrnph 21 the Property is ecquired by Lender.Bortower`a right to any insurance policiea and proceeda reaulting _
<br /> „ „`� from damage to the Property prior to the acquiaition slwll poss to Lender to the exant of the sums recurca!by thi�Secudly
<br /> - � Instrumenl immediately prior la Ihe acquigiNon.
<br /> 6. QecupAncy. Preservation, Mpintens�nce and Protectbn of Ihe Property; Borrower's l.oan Applkatioo;
<br /> ' l.easehoida. Borrower shall occupy,eslablish,nnd use the Properry as Borrowerh principnl residence within sixty dayt after
<br /> the executfon of�bis Secu�ity I�strument nnd xhall condnue to accupy the Propehy av Borrowerk pdncipal rc�idence for at -
<br /> ' Icast one year ufter �he date of cecupancy, unler�a Lender athenvise agiees in writfng, which consent shall not be "
<br /> �� unrcasonnbly withheld,or unless extenuating circumstaneea exist which are 6eyond 9orrowerk control. Bwrower ahall not -
<br /> - destroy,damage or fmpair the Property,allow�he Pmpeny ro deteriorate.ar cammi�waate on�he Prnperty. Borrower sh�ll
<br /> � be in default if any forfeiture uction or proceeding,whe�her civil or criminel,is begun that in Lender R good faith judgtnent -
<br /> could resuU in forfeiture of the Property ar otherwise materinlly impair the Ilen created by�his Secu�ty Instrument or =
<br /> Lender's security intercst. Borrowe�may cure sucb a deiault and reinsta�e.as provided in paragraph IR.by causing the actlon _
<br /> or proceeding io be dismissed with a ruling Ihat, ia l.ender s gc�od faith determination,pncludes fo�feiture of�he Borrower!c
<br /> � imerest in the Propeny or other matedul impeinnent of the lien created by this Securily Inswrnent or l.ender� secudly
<br /> intercs�. Borrower shull ulso be in default if Borcnwer, during the loan applicatian prace+c. guve materis►Ily false or _
<br /> � • inaccurate infarmntion or s�atements�o Lender(o�failed lo provide Lender with eny materinl iniormalionl in connection wl�h
<br /> ' � the loan evidenced hy the Note, including, but not limited to, representatioos concerning Borrower's occuPancy of�he
<br /> . . , Propeny as A prfncipal rcsidence. If this Securlty In�trument is o��a lea4ehold,Borrower shnll comply with all the provisions _
<br /> af the leaae. If Borrower acquirea fee title to the Propeny,the leasehold rnd the ia titk shAll nd merge unless L.ender ag�ees
<br /> � to the merRer in wriling.
<br /> 7. Protectlon of l.ender•s Righte in the Property If Borrower fails to perForm the covenunts nnd ngraments
<br /> --_ - =_-- coniained ln this Security lnstrument, or lhere is a lega! pracee�ing th�:t mQy signiticently afPc�!�1 !_�►�r+a rigbts in the
<br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probete,for condemnali�n or forfeiture or�a enfarce laws or regulations).then _
<br /> , l.ender may da and pny for whatevcr is nececsary to protecl the vulue af thc Pmpeny and Lender!s rights in the PropeAy.
<br /> Lender's ectians mny include paying any sums secured by u lien which haa priori�y aver�his Saurily Inslrument,uppeu�in�
<br /> - in court,pnying repsonable ettomcyc'fec¢ and entering un the Property to make repuirs.Althaugh Lender may take s►ction
<br /> under�his puragruph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. �
<br /> � Any emounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionab�ebt of Borrower secured by Ihis
<br /> Security Ins�rument. Unless Borrower und Lender ngree to othe�terms of puyment,these emoums sholl bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest.upon notice from Lmder to Borrower requeating •
<br /> � payment. •
<br /> , . . 8. Mortgage lnsurance. If Lender mquired mortgnge insurunce as u candition af making Ihe loan secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument, Bortower shall pay the premiums reyuired to mnin�ain the mortgage insuronce in effect. If.for�ny
<br /> rcnson, the mongage insurunce coveroge required by l.ender Inpses or ceu�es to he io efiect. Borrower Rhall pay the
<br /> prcmiums required to obtain coverage substantiolly equivulent to the mortgage insurnnce previously in effcet, at a cost
<br /> substnntiolly equivalent�o the cost to Borrower af�he mongoge insuronce previously in efiect,Prom an ultemate mortgage
<br /> insurcr opproved by Lender. If substnntially equivalent monguge insurnnce covemge i4 not uvailable, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> � . l.ender each month a sum equal lo one-twelfth of the yenrly mortgnge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when Ihe
<br /> • '� . insurnnce coverage Inpsed orceased to be io effect. Lender will accept,use and rctain these payments as a loss rcserve in lieu
<br /> , .� , of mortgage insurnnce. Loss reserve paymenls may no longer be required, at �he option of Lender, if morlgagt insurance
<br /> • , coverage(in the amounl and for Ihe period Ihut Lender reyuires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender ugain becames
<br /> • . i available nnd ig obtained.Borrower shall puy the premiums required lo mointain mongage insurence in ef'f'ect,or to provide c�
<br /> foss rcserve,until the requircment for mortgage insurance ends fn accordance wilh any written ag�+eement between Bomower
<br /> end Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 9. Inspectior.. Lender or its ugent mny moke reasonable entries upon and indpec�ions of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> -� give Borrower notice ar the time of or prior�o nn inspection xpecifying reasonable cause for the inc�ection.
<br /> l0. Condemaation. 'll�e praceedx of ony nward or claim fur damnges,diact or consequential,in connection with any
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