.�.'�,•t.J.� ' _ _...... .�_. •__. _..._.__. . ..�_. .. �. ��f..�• . ... ( __.._.._.._
<br /> � � � i . . - . . �� . . . . . __. __—__—i=.rr-_
<br /> 1 1 ' . . ' ' . � _—
<br /> ��1,�.,."..` _ , . . .1. , ,1, .�: �.... �vlr'q� ._.�...i►+'t�t�.. ...,�.�.. ._ 4 ... . . °�Ti YX� . 'J .
<br /> ;
<br /> '� ....�..�_ � ..._��.. " - - - ' .
<br /> `fY J� -- _ _...�_ .�...
<br /> .
<br /> , ,
<br /> ,�,�y��, �__...
<br /> ....I. .. . T1�If(ArM1.1��.1.i'iN.�AI�..A..'."' "_ ._........>. _.....�_....�".�...���..�.�� _. �.� � .... . ' ' .�._.-..-._..._ ____..
<br /> y��'.y.� ' . ..:.+.w.��....�.. ....,... .W�� .. .�..-..�_..._. ._.'_" ' _". ..._....._..
<br /> 'r:4"�� .�...�.[���.N��.I�MNJ'M't�Mr'w.��..:�-_.._._. ..�..__...�.... ' �—_ .
<br />. _.. .__A�.Ra ' "
<br /> '.�.v.i: .J'�� •
<br />_-�-� � � w
<br /> Iyf � �lY��� ���
<br /> (d) Cire�r hae the rlpht and lo duly suthorlxed to oxacuto and partnrm Ito Obllp�tlons undsr thle Desd rif 7ruet nnd those actlune do nt�9 end �1�'.,
<br /> ` , ehall not oonfllGi��,Ith liio provlciann o}ony r,4atuto, rc�utatl�n,ordlnance,rula of Inw, contract or other egraomont e+7��cli �nay Do bindinp an � -
<br /> �rantor at sny timo;
<br />:�';;•�..• `" (�) No aation or proca�ding la or�ha0 bs pendinp nr throat�npd which mlpht materlal�y aNect ths Proporry;and urtu�nt --
<br /> ::,- -��
<br /> ;,�;r��� (q C3artt�P hu not vlol�n�d�udoule Mat dNs)whF�h mlph{m�daliy�Hrict th PioupsAy o�1.�d�r's phtr or Intmrt n th��Rropeltty pbut not �-Y'•�
<br /> Ilmltad to,thoa�qovern �
<br /> _',,,�,e,�1� to thlo D�ld o}7ru�t.
<br /> . . 3� onth onQScdr�u�i B iv�'h�dT oahlf tlazd ot T�u�whlch Or�n or�prN�rto peY�nd�p�tu~rdmylo a Hm y mNnni��Ilth�a�e��ny prlo dMdi o1 trwt _ --
<br />-n,o'����„ thsn Gr�ntor�prMS to P�Y fauR under�n pr otld�Woof tnist�hiII�W�d�if�uR und�r 1rIt�ONd ot 7wct ond cfirl��r�UU3tl�ndor to%I��hn a d r°
<br /> �nd turthtr�OnH Mat�d� Y
<br />�.~�� nmail�a oonta�n�d h�nln or tn th�ObllpYt lon�to w h l c h L�n d�r w o u W b��n ri t l�d I n t h��w n t o f s n y oth�r c1Nau G
<br />,� 4. TpAN&fERa QF THfl PROPEAYY OR SEHEPICW.1lITrt aES�,nil pro�Trt1!di�,�R�p ti A.or uny Intenitth�reln,�or af a�or i n y
<br /> oontn►st for dNd or trunhr w an y p�reon of all or eny p�
<br /> =� �a a f ic6a i!n ter±�i t n G o n a w:r o r L r a n t o r(i f L�rrower or Orantor Is not a naturup�rwn orp�rwns but Is a oc+rporAtion,Ilmihd Il�bllfry company,
<br /> •' � partnershlp,wet,or other I�p�l�ntlryl,1.ertd�r msy,�i iia ohc�t�v��u:..l«a�t��c�.:t"•r��n y r r i n=!R"-t b'-�'-n c w o t t h�O bil patlone ptue saYUSd InHr��1 _
<br /> � �<,...• � '" J tive awn�nhl Int�ndto.
<br /> ; �� thsnon imm�dlat�ly du�and pa9+b��, At Lend�r'�r�qu��l, iu►tar or Borrovwr,ae th�cas�mny 1»,�hd�(umiah�comptst�n4t�moni wiiiriy fa�..
<br />. `" a110}Ra�toakholdore,memb�n,or partn�rs,�s appro(xiaH,�nd th��xt�nt of thNr rofp�c P y Indud;ny
<br />�„rT;�;u� 6. ASStQMAAENT OF RENT9. M con�ld�tp d d rtin�u�ac+���o�hf nafNr un utroyd In��11�e�x�tetinp nndGuwr i�s�el of th�ProperlY(�nd�r all __
<br />��r.■'+ !K� Gr�ntor'o��tat�,rlaht;etHe tnNrw�f,�.��: o}��p�rty(p�4uch leasss end aprNrr»nts wh�th�r wtltten o�ar�i,
<br />..�n�rr:L.
<br />_..�,;��,�,�;, sxtsnaiom,ren�wats�nd iub�saw�),all aQrssrrwnta ror uN�nd oocuPuiaY
<br /> - ��,� an herstiMr nt�rnd to as th�'U�»s'),and dl puazantl��of leas�s'p�rtormina und�r tM Uassa.tcp�th�r xrlM th�Imm�dl�t�Rnd cont nu np
<br /> •��;�_;��� Inciudl minimum
<br /> ��r.N�__�_ dpht to coll�ct and na�w si�of the ronts,incom�,racsipr,rw�nws,laauee,profits and oth�r Incom�of eny natun now or hsrNk�r dw pnclu np
<br /> ---- any Incom�of+�ny natun oominfl dw durUy any«�m�uN��n�a�oor�itnDution�tex�ind I�nturana oon�tr twU°"�,detid�incy nnts,
<br />----=� r�nM, uddlttanal nnts,p�ro�ntap�nnb,park�n0 un8�r �ny Poli�y p} Insura�na�w�inp loss ot rYnts rowlUnp irom
<br /> -��� Ilq�tldn�tnd d�aQss toll�winp dNault In�ny Uaa all proas�f�l pa�������q�it of s teosf�'s exeds�ol an optlon to purchaN tM -
<br />_J-"`�� u�►IM�an?�ili r,�us�d b d�shuction or d�m�to t{�Prop�rty. Pr •hom
<br /> prqa�k�,aul prc�owdi dKhMd irom thn termination or r�Jw.�uon at cny lnMa!n n b!nkn+�tcy or othx lr+aohrsnoY Proc�binG,�1�I{�roa�
<br /> ,�.,,,,,w,r� any right�and cldms of ar�y kind wlilcta�Crantor moy hsw ap�inst any le�und�r ti»LsasaNd�p� ���n����Ile�ct u►�tip1�Y
<br /> here�ft�r ootlncthlsly rohrt�d to sf tt►e"R+ntn'). Thia sssiynmmt i�wbjut to tt►�dght,pavr+
<br />`:�+wr�� th�fi�ntt. This asal8�trt*.ea!Is tecordW in�ccord�ncs wfth applicabN st�N Itw;t1m 1Wn a�at�d by thla n�atynm�nt Is Int�ndad to b�
<br /> iiable state law na emanded trom tim�tc ttm�, N �
<br /> '��n+�:` p�rt�ctad,��d choat�u�n the rscordiny of t}tfe De�d oi Tn�st,aIl u provided by app"
<br /> --°a t�ers la rm d�tault und�r th�Obilyatiana or thl�DNd of Truat,l.+�nde pr�nts Grantor�rovoceibk+llcen9s to xllect a�il Renri irom th�laaws whan
<br /> due enc9 to uss such proou�ds in Grantor's buain�optrationt. Hovrov�r�Lsnd�r mt�y et my trtie�'�Quin(3nr►tor to d�pofit N�R�n�IMO�n
<br />,_:,��;' , � aooaunt malntelned by(irantor or Lender at Lsnd�r's inatit d haw,holddman�0+,17�xi a�nd°I�n'�3h1°��°�°�°�s�nd tor�p�riod of tl�rt►��
<br /> Und�r may at Its option uk�pos�ession of th�Rrop�rty
<br /> -'� Mat l.,�nd�r dMms prop�r. Lrndu may proce�d to omlbct u�����!ma dMmiprop�r,I.wian�miY��pP�L�p°nn I^au^�r's�dk����
<br /> -;s�! a{t�r�tton�,ronovaUon�,r�paln or ropiaoem�:^t o ho�to such alt�r�tion�,ronovaHona,rspake�nd roplaam��7Y�y� ���y
<br /> ��y�t o}th�pbliations or to th�paym �i�ly and th�m�nap�rn�nt and op�ratlon of th�prop�rty. �p
<br /> -�� ukln7 uid raWniny poiNS�lon of tM Proporty PN xp�n o�d =
<br /> -= propsrty inw� ddNom tlzo R�nU ucoiv�d��nd Wy unp dmam�4�aN��to th�pri otP�l ot tl��Obl'�aU��c. Ttw�s�mcuM�,1op�thsr
<br /> actions may pa�
<br /> ----- �.�;,�...-`�:r s���he!��rnim•gart M th�ObIlCatlona secursd by thia Reed ot Trun. ... ... ir cn.wrcnlnatlon a th�
<br /> - - b. LEA9ES AHD OYHER AGpEEMEh"1'S. Canrtor shdl not tako o�ta11 ta wc��ny acuon"'rin �i tu�PropsRb. idditlon�Onnax,without
<br /> === ���a}��pitymtnt In oonnwdon wHh any L�eAa�or other�y�N�H���rei� tn�mori thAn on�monYh in udvuia: (b)modifY+nY
<br /> -- - L+►nd�r'�priw w tbn con�r�t��h�il�ot: (p ooii�ct any mani�s p+ry t o4�ny eum ot ott�mabMi�
<br /> -- /Ian4m.�nt; (o)a+�9n or allow a INn�iecurttY Inhnst or oth�r�ncumbr�nce to reomenNt adxa�lorrths nonpa9m�n 4e and I�In�nd b�Y
<br /> .-.� /Ipnorn9nt a 1M unounti payt�b!s ttiereund�r�or(d)tuminat�or canal�nY f+G
<br /> ,�----� ba�ch by tM o1h�r p�rty tfi�roto. H GraMOr r�fwe�t v►y 8rM�ny�vritl�n camR:unicn�on�ts��s ��nmun riCation (+nd!��' wb�4�
<br /> -�-- -� P��portln0 10 tumin�Ee w canal any llGr�rtknt, (iru�bo► fh�ll PromptlY Wrvrerd caPY
<br /> _ oommuNa+�lona rN�dn�i O�wrip�iit�lo�sU�. NI auch �OrNrtKMS�nd tM�n►ounts slw M Gr�n4x sherwnd�r an MnbY�D^�M Undr+a
<br /> acklltlornl��aurity►
<br /> Ixd n�otullmflsd�ORNa�is�Il�ana�r.9ov�mm�til aut aritt�s�fnw��no�om�P+�¢��Y uund�in��IO1ocl�n�aYor�obti�n owl�D p
<br /> �-- Gnntor wltfi t�t(»ct to th�Prop�nY(cumulaUvMy'kuhbt�dn�s�'1 w��Mr or nat a d�fru t ox ate uncNr t�la U�ed oY Trust. (3nnb►ihNl dNip�nW
<br /> atl
<br /> ��I�on of Ny�1nslrum�n�ri or o�Vi�nmlttuea�wfth�n p�i�ct 40�tt�k�d��bUan�s�to lowl�n Me ptving ot�notlflcatlon or M�����rnnts a
<br /> otMr rwrkunas oontdtut�tM pr�Ym�nt of�ny InWlyt+dn�or th�P�ym�►t of any fnwnna or 000d�mnaHon prooNdt�Gr�rttor�t►�11 hold
<br /> wch tn�trum�nb orfd oth�r nmlttanas In trust tot I.,�r�r�part trnm fb Wh�r prop�rt5►��ndone tM InsUum�nn�uW otMr nmtttanc�a W L�r�da�
<br /> and Imm�dlrNy pravlde Lsnd�r wkh poa�tlon of th�Instrumx►b�nd WMr nmltt�. l�nd�r o�b�r�����u�M�ttlo�a
<br /> I�W prxNdlnps ot oth�rvrla)��xt�nd N»tlm�tor payrtn�nt�oompromlw��xchlume or���any 100
<br /> ttk Ind�bNdnMS wFwtt+�r a not�n w�nt of dNauR�xttl�under th{�Apa�v d�m J�nwlHnp therofcan. Nohr�3hs't��ln�p tl i�lo�pdn�,�
<br /> omioslon or dNay I spd�r to b�dwrs'�sd a mortp�ap��n Ml�put�sbn� Y �
<br /> - h�o1n 9hall cau�e
<br /> �. 0l8�AND�11l1'�lI�IiCE OP PiiOPERTY. Cxanta�hdl tik��I actions and m�in any ropaha na�d�d td mufnt�ln 1M Pro p r r i y In
<br /> oondtHon. (inu►Lar ahall not carmit or p�rmk any wwN to b�oommltt�d with reapeet to th� Praperiy. (3rurEa:efall u�tM Prop�rty wINY In
<br /> �mpI�u�o�w�th applloab4�lav+u�d Insur�na poUc►MS. Gr+nt�x ct+sll not m�lcs Ary mtt�ratons,�dditlon�or ImpraHnM�na to���m
<br /> L�rbprbr written oonMnt. VlAthout Ilmkln�th�tat+yoing.�I�It�ntians�rsd�ons and f.mNrov�m�ms made se 7rte ProMrty
<br /> tM b�nNIc1N Ir►leriri b�bnpfny to L�nd�r��hdl not bo remowd without I.�ndK's pr�Cr vrritun wnNnt�u�d�h�ll bo�rnnde��e tinntoP�wl��xp�nM.
<br /> 0. LOSS O!i W19ii�1tiG. Gk�ntor ah�ll b�ar th�anUro�lek of�nylo+�e.tMit�d�sVactlon or d�m�(cumulntiwwly'Less of l,sndi�r�ropalr th����itt�ct�d
<br /> eny �portlon tMra3f from any caus�whabo�w�r. In tPM w�nt ot a�y l.ost ar Dam�W� (inrrtor ehall�at tM option
<br /> prquer�y to Ib ptevlous aondNion or pay or cauu to b��Id ta Lender 1h�ds�xws In tM tdr ntukn valu�of tM athet�d P�oPNtY.
<br /> 10. INSURIIN�'£ 7he Prop�rty w�ll b�k�pt tnsurod ior Iri tull InwnbN value (nple�»nt ooit) �.�Inst W�a7a�dt Includlnp�oss or dar►u0e
<br /> - caus�d by flcod,earlhnu�la,Mmado�n�ta Undsr�'n�c�s ad�tM��i�A����n���i��utro t ie Insun�anc�oompmy to�
<br /> kom wcn oompanien a w�a y
<br /> Und�r wNh�t I�ast----d�ys writtsn noUoe b�ton Rut�h Polld�s ar�mhend or canal sh�l�afhct�tM rlyht oftl�r bo W�pa�t�,
<br /> ::r�� nvna lvnd�r aa a!oa psYes�nd txwid�that no as�or an{ubn W Gr�nta or any otMr p�non L�nd�r (athr
<br /> - - �nwrana prooe�ds pKtalnlnp to tho los�or dun�g�of tM Ra�erly. In tM w�r+t C��ntor fafl�W aoQulre or malntaln I�the Inwrwx�w ooit
<br /> providlnp notloe�s may W nqulnd tssl law)m�y In it�dlaa�tion nroain�pproprlato Inwronc�comr��(�����y
<br /> ------- ehall b�en ndvance payal�Ie artd beuinp Intrnn as dtxxlbed In Parpraph 23�nd�eau�d h�rWy. (3nmtor eh�lllumlfh L�nd�r w1Th avtd�na of
<br /> ---_--°. tnnunna IndlaaUnp th�r uIrc^9���'e�on eYy d n ���InsVum�int dr�awn by i y wr�or.�O�a�oh�eu�no°n PdI���I b �
<br /> -- cuialllnD�Y I��Y �Mliwr�d to I�r+du aa furthe�Mcurity►io+tM Ubllpatlans. In th�wtnt of Gs�aiti,Rlrantor�hdl Imm�diatNy Annn
<br /> °�--�°. Imm�dlAtaty noslpnad,R�e�d dUyctt to l,�ndor
<br /> -- - Len�r wrftt�n noHa�nd UnCor Itt�uthorii�to m�k�proo4 ot lo�, Each Inwnno�companY la dlr�ctet!tn e�flko Pa �th�cost o9
<br /> �nete�d of to l.snd+r uid(iartta. ��unri�m�iy�t L�sr►d r e op on Wo�Wp�led tn tl�eulnvsr�ee�d�r of tlte d date�tfiinoftow
<br /> - rebuilding end r�tainp th�Prop�Ry.
<br /> - — 1L ZpHINQ AND PRNATG COYENAN'1'8. Cxantor ahel�n°Q�^�tlat�w�or;s�nt to any chanpo tn th�zoNng prwlstona or pdvat�oownanb aff�cHrtg
<br /> -Y -�_� ovf�lon f�tar�l not�causa o�psrmtt�sud�tuse o bY dlacon�tlnued or abund nsdr�out tl�ie PAor wr�oo�na�nt ot Lsttd�r. (irantor 3�S
<br /> -- �..,.�uw�v nro,rils lan�r wtth wrltt�n noHw of any propoasd chan9H to tM:oni^�provb{ons or prtvet�covenant������m�Mt dumaln
<br /> ID"°��° 12' ����� tl�pr�op rt�yr�.�NI mo'ntse payabl�e to(irrantor hom cumch cond�mn Uon or tRkln y��.�n h�nby assi�ned to I.�nd�r and shall be
<br /> ,�=_�:---�a-,,�� op�p��d�nt�th�paymtnt of L�nder'o �ttorn�y9'fee�, lopal expensea nrd oth�r oosts (Indudlnp �pgrsisal t�a4) In oc�nnectlon v�fith the
<br /> ---���•^�=�� cond�mnation or�min�nt domatn procMdlnps�nd th�n�et th�aption of Lx►d�r�tu N►�p�Y�'isnt o}B�e ObUyttlonA or M�nstoraUon ur nptlr af U�d
<br />-._:�=r.F,x• »�: tl�
<br /> -_��.,�;:,�', Prowrty
<br /> --��-"-" ' 13. Lfd1DE6i'S RIGHT TO CG�IfMEWCG QR DCFENO LEQAL ACTIdH$. Grant��hdl Im r(ms�dUndi an laa attornsy n tact t�oomm�napinterwne
<br /> -`"�,'�"`"��� or thnahn�d�ctlon,wlt,a otMr proo�dinp athcttnp ti»Prop�rty. Gru►tor Mnby eppol
<br /> -��:e�i�,,,�,w � r h or any dama�s
<br /> _''�'.��'.,�,,x� In.�nd clthnd such�ations�aulh�or othe Npal procMdlnpa�n�to compromla o:s�t�b u►II d�fm or oontrowroy P��nI���. �r��1
<br /> ��.,�,,�__�¢,� not lH Ilahl�4o Gnntor for�ny�ctlon.�rror,mistdice,omfaslon or d�fay p�rtetning to th� actlons d�scrlb�d In thls puap ap
<br /> �.�; ro�wttln�tMrNto+n. Nothlnp contatrnd h�rNn vrfll pnwnt L�nMr lrom taklnp ttie actions deacrib�d In thla pu�pr�+h In fte ovm n�•
<br /> `::.;�;�:.��`;: ; un�N�nyMNrcum��c�e.Gnntor ehtll Imm�dlat�lry prov�Ide Lend�r�wlthwr�4t��i notia�of sed Ind�m fy andIIhold UnWr en�d tte s u�o�lder�a,
<br />,'•.•,� • 1.�..�
<br /> :r��.•t,�� d l n c t o n,o t t i an��m p lo Y N S�^d s�nU humbcs irom dl dalma,damape�,IIabllltiea pnctudlnq,attomeye'1..a and�o��!�xponrAa),caus�a af
<br /> _'�.:.�"�ti�.�;i nctlon,�ctWm,sutu and oth�r Ispd pr000�dlnpe(cumu t��ul•h�fn Ipil�u�n��l N d�hnd Undir irom e duch Clalms �nd Ip�idy h attornsys'tyh�s,
<br /> -_��'�.-,�,.: Ha:ardouf N4�tnrtalt). Gnntor,upon tM roqwn of L.�nd�r�
<br /> ,;;:^�^�"^^�fr,�,�� Nqa1�xperi�of and oth�r coete Incwrnd In c�onn�ctton thorwviM. M tM�Itrmttlw,Lsn�r 6hdl b��ntitNd to�mptoy Its own M0a1 cou�w�to d�nd
<br /> euch dalm��t Cirantor'�cost. fir�ntor'�obllp�UUn to Ind�mnity L�nd�r und�r thla Narapnph shdl aurvive tM torminrtlort,rN�as�or tar�clowrs of
<br /> .,,.,° thle Deed ot Trost.
<br /> Pag.2 ur e--_------
<br /> . ' lFNE6tt0 ��armAt:onT�cnnoi�:a.ina(t/:0/BSI t�13Jt3so0
<br /> �---_.. — -..
<br /> _
<br />- _.1 _ .. . --- . .. . .. . .
<br />