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<br /> �- - - - existeu�x ur yu0sca�ueutly enxtcxl,agalnst any hw.�+rd,, casunities,nnd rnntingeneiea,Mcludins flrc, P�r whieh l.rnder re.quircx
<br /> � ` . fnsurance. Thia lnaurance ahall be mofntained in �he amauntx und fo��he perfads that l.encler requires. Bnrrawer shwll also '` '"""��
<br /> — •• inauro all improvcrnents on Iha Propeny. whether naw in existencc or subr.equenlly erected,agafnat Mcs by Oondx lo�hc cxlent ��'�'"`� �� �J�
<br /> '� n . . • rcqui�od by Ihe Seerciary. All insurnnce shall be carried with compunics appraved by L.cnder. The insurance pulieies snd any �--- �-
<br /> rcnewAlr slwll be held by Lender and shal l include los�payeble clausea in fnvar Qf,and in u form acccpteble to.L.ender. --� -
<br /> �-�.�- --.
<br /> �+ar_.;..z.�..r--.�-�`
<br /> In the event oi los�. Borrower shall give Lcnder immediate notia by mail. Lender moy mo{ce proof of lose if nat mede �( ' ""`"'�'�c"�°�;�-T-
<br /> �'' I promptly by Bormwer. Each insu�una company cancemed is hereby aathorizxd nnd directed to make payment for such lovs fi' , ='1'="'�"""°�='
<br /> directly la Lender, irotead of to Borrower and to Lender joinUy. All or any pan nf the insurAnce pmceeds may be upplied by f���
<br /> l.cnder,at iia option,either(a) ta the reduction of the indebtedness under Ihe Note ond this Security Inatrumen4 lirxt to any � ����1�
<br /> defl uent amuunts appliod in the orda in paragraph 3.and�hen ta prepaymee�t af principal,or Ib)to the rntorntian ar repair �• �.���+«�,+�+��^+d�+�
<br /> Ilq � , ..r,u• ♦.:r.s•, .
<br /> of the damoged Propeny. Any application of the procads t� the p�incipal shdll not extend or postpone the due date of thB '
<br /> � manthly payments which are referred to in paragraph 2.or change the amount of such payments.Any excess insurance pr�►ceeds '
<br /> aver an amount re uircd ta a all axatandin �ndebtalness under thc Nok and thie Secu�it Instn�ment siudl be aid tc►the �.'� �"'�`"� `° �'
<br /> q P Y �� Y P �.,..,.�-: -
<br /> entky legally en�itle�thereto. �. ..x�n..� r• ; _1�_
<br /> In the�vent of foreclosure of this Secu�ity Instrument or other irancfer of tille to the Propeny the�extinguishes the ,;.��
<br /> Indebtedness,all right,title and interest af Borrnwer in anc!ta insurance polkies in fortx shall puss ta tho purrhasar. I, - "'
<br /> 5. Oocupancy, Preservwllon� Molntenance s�ad Protectlon o� lhe Properly= Bnrrnwe�'s Laan Applka�tion; ' '(��;';,?,3�-
<br /> -� ' I.easeholds. Bormwer shall a:cupy,establish,ar►d uce the Property ac Borrower's principal residence witBin sixry deys afier � 1 ' �` . __
<br /> the execution of this Security Instrument and slwll continue t�occupy the Propeny as Borrawer's principal residence I'o�at least �,.-• -• -
<br /> . �,..,. r��,::=—
<br /> ;�.,�,�,�, one year aRer the date of occupancy, unless the Secretary determines thfs requirement will cause undue hnrdship for Bor►ower, � •• w::� _
<br /> �.: or unless eKtenuating ci�cumstances exis� which are beyond Barrower'x control. Borrower shall notify L.endars oP any -�=" '��
<br /> '•�"'ti'��� eatenualing circums�ances. Borrower ehall not carnmil waste or destroy,damage or aubstantiully change Ihe Praneny ar allaw �'.
<br /> . Ihe Property to dete�iomte,reasonable wear and tenr excepted. Lender may inspect the P�operty if'the Praperty is �acant or - _
<br /> abandoned or �he loan is in defuult. Lender may �ake reusonnble ncdon �o pnNec� nnd pre.serve such vuccnt or abumloned =
<br /> Pmperty. Borrower shall nlso be in deiault if Bornower,during the loon npplicAtion prnceas,gnve mnteriully false or innccurale
<br /> information ar siatements ta Lender lor fuiled to provide l.ender with uny mwerial informntionl in cannectinn with �he Inai� �;�,,;�,��
<br /> — evidenced by the Note, including, bui na limiled ta, representations conceming &►rcower's occupuncy of Ihe Praperty us n
<br /> • _ { principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrnwer shull comply with�he provi4ions of Ihe lear,e. If _ _
<br /> __- —� J R�,rmw�r�q4�ires fe1+title 10 the ProFcny�II14!IfA4fIN�I(1 A11t)P!x•IIIIY��WI) nnt 1x mprg�xl unl�x I.���r egr�t�1hn merger in =-__----- _-
<br /> - wrfting. �
<br /> , F:o"'.�
<br /> „ .•'� 6.Cbar��to�n�ower and I'totectlon of I,ender'x Rlghfs in lhe Property. Bomnwer�hnll pay ull g�vernmcmul ar
<br /> �"=,;,_�.
<br /> � " municipal charges, fines and impositbns that are not included in parogreph 2. Bormwer shAll pay these ohli�utions on time � =
<br /> �.�j_. �.��_—•
<br /> . directly to the entity which is owed the payment. If failure to pay would adversely afPect Lender's inloresst in tl�Propeny,upon �,:=•,.._
<br /> - � Lender'�request Borrower ahall promptly fumish to Lrnder�eceipts eviJencing these paymehta. �";?���=•�
<br /> . . •ip�p�'�
<br /> 1.. �
<br /> �'!'`'' If BoROwer fails to nwke these payments or the payments required by parngruph 2, or fails tn perfarm uny other cavenants . - -
<br /> . nnd ugreements contuined in thi�Secudty Instrument,or there is u legul prcueeding that moy signilicantly affect l.ender's rights , �
<br /> � in lhe Property�such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnatior.ur to enfnrce laws or regulatinnc), then L.ender mny do K��r��'x
<br /> , .. , nnd pay whetever ic nececsary to protect the value of the Property and L.endBr's rights in Ihe Property,including payment of . °:�a:
<br /> taxe�.hozard i nsurance and dher items mentfoned ln paragraph 2. '.':��
<br /> :• :.
<br /> .i:;'.�^��. Any amounts dlsbursed by l.ender under this parygraph shall hecome an udditionul deht of Borrower unJ he sewrecl by ,; ' {%�lt;.;
<br /> �• ��+,t` this Security Ins�nimrnt. These umoums shall bear iMerest from the dale of disbursement,at the Nnte rete. wd at the optlon of , ����
<br /> ' , L.ender,shall be fmmediately due end payable. . '-�"°_-
<br /> ;; ���
<br /> :.:�.
<br /> ;�;' 7. Condemnadon. The proceecls of any award or claim far damageg, direct or conrequentiul, in connection with ony ' F , �
<br /> � ' , condemnation ar other taking of any part of the Proper�y,or for conveyance in place of condemnation. are hereby acsigned and .
<br /> shall be paid to Lender�o the extent of the iull amount of the indebtedness thet remain�unpaid under the Note und this Secudty
<br /> Instrument.l.ender shall apply such pmceads to the reduction of the indebtodnes.c under the Note and this Security Instrument,
<br />--� ` . , first to any deNnquent amaunts appNal in the order provided in pnragraph 3, pnd then to prepayment of principal. Any
<br /> '• � , a lication of the roceeds to the rinci '
<br /> pp p p pal shall nd extend or postpone the due date of�he monthly pnympnts, which ere • �
<br /> �-4RINE1 vq�3 oe e
<br /> ,, . ',
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