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<br /> l,° . ;.. _4._y_ .�,. ,_� applicablo law may�peci[y for reinetatement) beforo eak of the Pr+operty puBUant to pny puwer ot wk conuined in thi� —
<br /> � �:ta-ity L�;:,a��,r�i:ar(b}�t� ai�#udgr.s�t snfasring sts3s Secnr3s;lcsetrsment. '�'h!w^_4.M�i!!C!!e��+n�hiu Anrtower: ro1
<br /> �-`'-.':��='--= '�' payc Lcctder �11 liUiii& WIIICIi thea �yould be due uadtr this 3ecurity lnslrumens and the Nu�e cas it no eccelernd�n hMl r—
<br /> � � occurred:(b)curea eny defwlt of any other covenonla or�grcements;(c)p�ya�II expenses fncurred in enforcing thia Secadty
<br /> ' � Imtrument,including,but nat limited W.rcasonable utomey�'tas: u�d(d)ukea such acdon us Lender m�y Raaon�bly
<br /> � ra�uiro to usuR ttw�the flen of thie Security Inetrument.Lenderb righle in the Property�nd Borrowerti obli�rdon ta pay Uw
<br /> � � _ . sums secured by Ihis 3ecurfty Ineuument sholl candaue unciunged. Upon reineletement by BotTOwer, this 3ecudty
<br /> Inatrument and the obligatione�ecural hereby ahall remain fully effective n4 if no uceler�Uon tud occurred. Howaver.thi� _
<br /> � • N�ht to reinat�to shall not�pply in Ihe case of accelentlon under pu�nph 17.
<br /> • ' , 19. Sde af Noki Ch�nQe of Lan&rvicer. 71ie Nde or� putid intereat in Ihe Note(togelfKr with Ihis Sxudty
<br /> -__ ` Inetrumem)nuy be wld mie m more�imea without pdar notice la Botrowcr. A mle moy rcsult in a change in the entity 4,>_
<br /> (known ae the"l.o�n 3ervicer")ttut collxta manlhiY p�Ymenls due�u�der ihe Note u�d Ihi�Socurity instrument. Thero dso
<br /> m�y be one or moro changee of the l.oAn Serviar unrol�ted la a wle of tho Nae. If therc i��change of�he l.a�n Servicer,
<br /> Bomowcr will be given wr{nen nafce of the ch�nge fn accordance with p�mgr�ph 14 above and applicable I�w. The nWice fr�•;••
<br /> . wfll elatc Ihe n�mc w�d�ddre��of Ihe ncw Laan Scrvfcer pnd Ihe Midreu to whlcb p�ymenb rhould be m�de. The notice will
<br /> �Iw canuin any olher iniarmaUon requircd by applic�ble law.
<br /> . �- 20. H,��nrdow l4ub�taaces. 8ortowe��holl not cause or pertnil Ihe prosence,use,diaposal. slorage.or rcleaee of ony
<br /> . Hwzardoue SubRtancea an or in Ihe Pmpeny. Dortower shall nd do,nar allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the -- -
<br /> Propeny that i�In vlolatfon af any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two senlences ahoil not apply ta�he prcsence.use,or rs-
<br /> ^ storage an the Property of small qu.u�titica of Hazuurdoua 9ubstancM thN are generally nco�nized to be upproprialc to nomwl ��=
<br /> � •• .. rc�idential usea and to maimenence of�hc Roperty.
<br /> — � . Bortower ehall promptly give Lender writlen notice of any investigatlon.claim,demand,lawsuit or other oction by any
<br /> . � . governmental or regulawry agency or pr�vate perty involving Ihe Property and eny Harerdans Substnnce or Environmental ___
<br /> Law of which Bortower hos ectual knowledge. If Bortower learns, or is notified by any govemmenwl or rcgutatory �,�
<br /> aulhodty,that any rcmoval or other rcmedietion of a�y Hazardous 3ubstance eff'ecUng tha Praperty is necewary.Borrower
<br /> � shall promptly take all necessary amedial acNons in accardaoce wilh @nvironmentnl Law. �
<br /> t; As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardaus Subs�unces" are those subslnnces defined as toxic or hazarduu,�substancec by
<br /> Environmental Luw and the following substances: gasdfne,kerosene,other flammable or taxk petroleum pmductc,taaic
<br /> pexticides and herbicides, vola�lle solventa,ma�eriul.4 contuining osbesias or formuldehyde,nnd rndloaclive mulerials. As
<br /> - ° "' used in thie parugrnph 20,"Environmentul Luw"meuns fedea►I lawc and laws oi the jurlsdic�ion where Ihe Property is located
<br /> that relate lo healih,safety or enviranmenlal protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwcr and Lendcr funher covenunt and agree ns fallows:
<br /> 21. Arcelerallon; Remedies. Lender shall give notke to Burrower prlar to Accekralion followiag Borrower's
<br /> � ." breach of any covenwnt or agreement in this Securily Inslrument Ibut nal prior to pcceleraUon under parAgraph 17
<br /> , unless AppNcoble law provides otherwise). The notice ahall specify: (al the defoultt Ib)Ihe�ction requked to cure Ihe
<br /> ;�.• default:lc)a dvte,pot less thwn 30 days irom the date t6e notice is gtven to Borrower,by whkh the default must be
<br /> '''' curcd;pml(d1 thal failare to cure Ihe dePault an nr before the d4te specifled in Ihe naUce mwy rewdf io�ecelerniG►n of
<br /> ,_:"u�'-_ the aums eecured by thts 3ecurily Instrument and aale uf the Property. The notice shall f1urther inform Horrower o�
<br /> `'�T '�'� !he�ight to relnstote aQer accelerpllon�nd the right lo brin�a c��urt wetion ta�.�ert Ihe naq-exletence ot a defauit or
<br /> .'�� � ����!';':.. r�ny ather defense ot Borrower tu acceleration and sale. If the defoull ia nat cured o�or before Ihe dote specifled in
<br /> ���• �' lde notice,Leader ot Its option mAy require ImmediAte payment in iull af all sums secu�ed by/his Security Instrumeat
<br /> ``� `•, without furiher demand and mwy imoke the power of aale and pny otber remedie9 permttted by applicable law
<br /> �� .� Lender slwll be entlqed to collect All expenses Incurred in pu�xaing t1�e remedies provided In lhia paraQroph 2t. �
<br /> : ' ' including,but not limited to�reasonAble altarneys'tees end cosls of title evidence.
<br /> � lf the power of sale Is invoked.'Ibustee shall record a nolice of defanll in each county in which any parl oi Ihe _
<br /> � ,:ii,: Property Is lacwted and shall mall coptes of such notke M the mpnner prescrlbed by applkabie law to Borrower and to
<br /> the othe�persnns prescrfbed by applicable law At1er t6e lime required by appUcuble Iaw,7lrugtee shaU give publk _
<br /> '��� ' notice oP eal.to Ihe pe�sons And io the monner prescribed by uppNcuble law. 'IFu�lee.without demand on Borrower.
<br /> �i'.'�'"' shall sell lhe Property At public AucUon to lhe hi�hest bidder al the time and pluce and unde�tbe termc designated in �``
<br /> the noNce oP sale in one or more parcels and(n any arder 7Yu�lee determines. 'Irustee tps�y postpone�wle of all ur any
<br /> „ parcel oi the PropeMy by public ennouncement pt the time and plwce of'�ny previousiy scl�aduled s�le. l.end�r or its �i ..�
<br /> „ � derfgnee may purchase the P�operty at any 9ale. -
<br /> � • �.�•�,. Upon receipt oi puyment oP the price bid.'I�uslee shall deNver la 1he purchaSer 71rusiee's deed conveying the
<br /> Pruperty. The recilals In the'IYugtee's deed shall i�e pr{ma Pacie evidence uf the trutb uPtt�e slalement9 made thrrein. � �
<br /> l�i.� �' 'Ifustee sball apply the proceeds o�Ihe sale in Ihe PoMowing order: Ip)to s�ll cosls and expenses d'exerc�si�Ide power �_
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