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<br /> 10.TRUS'PUH NQT REL.F.ASED: FYlFtlik:�4N.�1NCE Bt H�NEFIt:tARl'NO'I'A�YAIY�N.k:xten�iwi of tiw tiwe Wr�wvuwat _ .
<br /> oe ma�'rficatiai��'amo�tiu►ti�n of ttw sumi�curod by thi,�fiacu,ity L�ulauuicut�ri�t:d hy Firnrficta�v to Hup sua.:r,.u� iu _
<br /> interwt of"IYuytor�hall not aperats w►•eleiue the lisbility of tbe w'.kinallYurWr or'IYusW��y�'�+��p iA intotWt.HCnlGCiary � -.-
<br /> ��l � ���r�J �ro�AyPtu�e pn�ce�din� �aiaRt any �ucczwwr in intcrcat or refl�r w extend tiwe far p�ymeat or
<br /> otlucwiss modify+�murtisaaon�f the�uma cecurecl by chiy Sxue•ity lus:uumeot by reswon of any damand madQ by thc ori�iiul —
<br /> 'hyut�r ar 7Yttsto:'K �ucce�+r+ore in intrrYat.AuY f�utrsaraUCO�y Bes18IiC+arY it�vx�tC+aiaiL�}���t ut Pe(uYdY rhil) not b�� _
<br /> w�ives of nr prcctude the�Yarci�e of pny�i�ht or ramocly. _-_
<br /> Il.T�tANSiER OF TEi�:PRUPc.RTY OR A BENEFII'lAL INTERE.tiT 1N TRUS'I't)R.!f nit ur nny part of the H'o�rtY
<br /> or ruv intArest in it ip aold or trarwferred(or if w baneficiat intern�t in 7YuaWr ia rold ur tranafrrred and'i`ruYtor is�x't a --
<br /> natural perscn►without Beneficixry x prior written cancant,Hcnefici�cy c,uiy,at its aptio:i,re4u'ue immedixw P+i.vmen�in �
<br /> full of All uunw wxurnd by thi�Security Inrtrument,howe�er,thia option�hall nat be eYerciae�bY Heneficiary if exerciae _
<br /> i�►prohihited by federal law aa of the date of thia Secwyty lnstrumene.Ii'Beneficiary ekerci�+uo thir optiaa,Beneficiuy at►All „_
<br /> e ive TruaWr notice of acceleratian.The notice�haU provide a periocl of not lesa than 30 dAye from the dAte the notice ta _
<br /> d0livered or mailed witbin which tAe'Tnuwr amat pay a11 rwna�curad bY thia Security in9trument.If Truatw'faila to
<br /> PaY theae euma priar w the ezpirotion of'thia period.Benefic+arti ru�' imolce ac�y remediec permitted by thia Secusity
<br /> Inatruttunt without further notice or demand on'I�uytor.
<br /> 12,�VENTS OF DEFAUi.T.My of the followin�evenw ahall be deemed an event ot default hereunder:
<br /> A.Tn�stor ahall have failed W wake p�ymient of any inatalhnent oP intemat,principal,or principal aad inte+�e.st oi'
<br /> �qy other rum eecuro3 hemby when due:or �n�rnndition.pmvision,repreauu-
<br /> b.'There has oavrred st brnach of or dePault under any term.covenant,agree
<br /> tation pr warranty contained in any of the Luan Inatruments.
<br /> 13.ACCELERATION;RE1�1ED1ES.Beneficiary shall give notice of default w Trustor prior to acceleratiou following
<br /> Truator'a breach of aqy wvenant or afirPement in this Teuat Deed.The notice ahall specify:la)the default;lbl the action _
<br /> required to cure the default;(c)+�date,uot lear tbaa 90 days firom We daLe t�ae notioa is�iven to Tnutor,by which the
<br /> default mu+�i be cured:and(d)that failure to cure tha defaulL oa or before Lhe dAte rpecified in the noLice auy re�ult in
<br /> aaakratioa of the aums recured by thi�Sec:wity Instivment and sale of tt�e Property.The notice ahall further infona
<br /> Trurtor of the rigbt to reinstaLe after s►cceleration aad the right to hriaQ s�oourt action to s4sert tbe non�eriatenoe of a
<br /> detault or any other defenae o£'ltvstor Lo acoeleratioa and 4ale.If the defi►ult i�noL cured an or before the date specified
<br /> in t,he notice,Beneficiary at ita option maY *e9uire immedists payment in full of.all cums secured by thia Security
<br /> Inatrumeat without farther demwsd aisd maY iAYOke the P°�+er of sale and any other remediea Permitt�l by applicable
<br /> ls�w Truator shall be entitled to wllect all eYpe:sses incurt+ed in Purauine the remedies pmvided in thir pars�e'api�13. --
<br /> iacludine,but not limited to,reasooable attorney�a fee�and coets of tptle evidence.If power of aale is invoked,Tru+tee�haU
<br /> recard a notice of default in each county in which aay part af the Property ie located aad absll mail copiea of auch aotice
<br /> in the mauner prescribed by applicable law to'huator aad to tt►e othar peraoas Pr�scsi'bed bY aPPlicable law ARsr the tims
<br /> required by applicable law.Truatee ahall give public notice af�]e to the peraon�and in tha manner preacri6sd by applic-
<br /> able iav4. 'Fewtee,without demaad on TruaLor,chall reU the F'ro�ertY at public suctioa to the highe�t biddar aL tlse iia�
<br /> •ad plaoe s�i up�er tt�e tsrma deaignated in the notice of wle in oae or nwre paroe4 aac�at the time aad plaoe of�
<br /> Ttvat�aWf P�i�cale of all or any parcel of Lhe Property by puWic aanw:nceaaen
<br /> c-iousiy�u1�ca1e.Benefioary or ita designee awy purchase the ProPertY at awy eate.Upon receipt of panoeat of the
<br /> grice bia,`II'rustee ahall deliver W tlse purchsaer Truatee's deed conveyiag the Property.T�x recit�3s in tLe Tnute�'s deed
<br />- sha11 be prima facie evidenoe of tho truth of tha atatemenLc rosde the�in.Truatee shail appl9 ttis p�of tbe sa3e in
<br /> - -�-- -- �-•.;o�,.w;�-�.i�s�-r_�a�•��n..�n�of tho rale.iacludintL bo:k not limited ta,Trusiee'a feea u permitted bY aPPlieat►te
<br /> ls�w�ad reaaawble attorneY's►feea;(b)w a1l sums secured by thia Security Instrum�at;aad(c)a»Y ezoss io iae persaa a�---
<br /> perwna legaUy entit]ed to i� 23 or abandonment of the PropertY.
<br /> 14. BENEFICIAEtY IN I'OSSESSION. Upoa aooeleratian under Para�raPh
<br /> Beneficisry(:n pereon,bY ngent or by judiciaUy appointed rea�`ver)slsall be entitled tn enter upon,tske ua�ion of�nd
<br /> nsans�e the property aud to oollect tr3�e rants of the Property ia�iudin8 tlw�e Ps�t due.Any renta co11e�.�ted Ay Beaefi�a�y
<br /> or tLe meiver�hall be applied first to payment of She costa of^+.���°�^�+t of the Property and collect�on of rents,includ-
<br /> in(�iuxe not limitad to,receiver'a feea.Premiums on receivera boads and reasuaul�le attomey'a feea.aad thea to ilse sum�
<br /> s�cure�DY thi+Security Inahvmeat.
<br /> � 16.REMF•DYFS NOT EXCLUSIVE.Tn�tee and Benefic�y4+nd eac�af them,�hall be entitled to enforee p�ymeat
<br /> aad per5ormanc�of any indebted�c er obligsta�as secure3 haebY+und to psrrcise all rights sad powa�s w�des t2�ia l3eed
<br /> of Tn:st ar u�ler aay Io�n InsLvmeat or olher agreemeat er ar�y�Lws now or 6enafter in£one,notwi+�a+�n�'=�aome
<br /> or all of tha sueh indebtednesa aad obligatioos secured hereby may no�v or�ereatter be otheroviae eecuned,whether by
<br /> mort,qags,deed of trust,P1ed6r+lien,�gnmeat w'�.Naither the acceptaace of lhis Deed of Ttvst not its enfaro�-
<br /> msat wbather by oourt ac�ion or pu:suaut to tLe power of sale or otber powers hereia oontained,aha11 Pn7udioe or ia aay
<br /> m�nn�c affert Tn�tee'o or Beneficiar��right to realiza upoa or enforee any other eecurity now or hereatter hel@ by Truttee
<br /> or B�c+a*i'•it being�greed t]�at Truatee snd Benefic9su7:=acE ead�of them,sha11 be entitLd to enforoe this Dasd of?rust �
<br /> - aad aa�r oth�r secarity now or hereafter 6eld by Beneficiuy or'LYvstse in such order aad•,•�^^�*a�t2uy or either af t3a�m
<br /> may ia tLeir absolute discretion.determine.I10 remedy hc�ein conferred upon or reserved W'Prustee aa�Bene6cia�!i�
<br /> iutended to be exclus�ive of any other iemedy is�z�ein or by law provided osr Qerrnitted.but each�hal1 be cumulstive and
<br /> shall be in additian to every other remedy given hereunder or now or here�.'ter e�dstiaQ at law or in equity or by Rtatute.
<br /> Eve�g Pu�'er or remedy given by any of tlse L�an la�vment�to Tn�atee or BeneSciarY or to which eithee of them nsay bo
<br /> otlsec�risre eatitled,�ay be e:erciaed,ooncurrentlY or indePQac�a�1Y��m time to time smd as oRea aa may be deemed�espe-
<br /> dieet yy'Tr�tee or BonefuiarY and either of them may pursura incoasiatent remediea Nothing herein sball be conatinud
<br /> . ,s piohibit�B�sS�ary�m�1�+�Y a deficiencY l�at a�sinst the Trustor to the eztent such actiun ii parmitted
<br /> by L�r.
<br /> !6.GdYERNiNG Y.AW. Thi�Ueed of Trust�rstl be Ea�erned by the lgucs of tlse State of Nebraalcs.Ia tbe sveat Wat
<br /> - aay p:uri�;o���e:au:�af s3;a£i3s�L�a3 Zastrume�tA c�o�s�uta with sppticsbte li►w0.anch confticts ai:sll aot alCect cth�'
<br /> praviapos of such Loan Iaairum�n�which caa bg Qiven e46�.k wit]�out t�e ooatlietin8 Proeisiou+and to ti�is end ttii�pra
<br /> viaioos of tlse Loaa Instrumeata are decLred to be severable.l'his instrument canaot be waival,cban�ed+di�sis�d°�' .
<br /> ceemia.c«1 o:auy.but ody by.n inatr�^�+a+��ia arri+iny ai�l bY+he vartY��wmm�of aqr�►�, �.•
<br /> c�aage,discharge or terniination is sought.
<br /> 17. RECON'VEYANCE.Upon payment of all sume secured by thia SecuritY Iustruiaent,Beneficiary shall request
<br /> Tnastee to reconvey the Property and ahall surrender thig Security Inatrument and all notes evidene.ng debt aecured by
<br /> thiv Security Inrtrument to Tructee.Truatee ahall reconvey the Property witlwut warraaty and without char�e to the per-
<br /> ooa or persona legally entitled to it.Swh perooa or peraocu�sball pay aqY reoordaboa ooata
<br /> ' lg,REQIJEST FOR NUTICES.Trustor requeste that copies of the noticea of default und�ale be sent to Tnutor's
<br /> addr�aa which is�ti�e Property Addresa.Tnutor fnrther requaata thst copiea of tha notioeo of default and aale be sent to
<br /> esch person who u a party hereto at the addrese of cuc�pereoa aet foct�G hereia.
<br /> 29.NOTICES.My notice to'tn�t�,r Proeided for in tbia Sacurity Instrumeat shall be�ven by delivering it or by maii-
<br /> ing it by fint clase mail unleria appGcable law requireo use of another method.The notiee shall be directed to the ProPertY
<br /> Addreaa ar any other sddresa Trurtor deoi�satea by notice to Benefuuiaary.Any netice to Beneficisry 4hall be�ven by fwt
<br />— claw mail to Banefuiary�a sddres:stated twrein or any other addreea�eseFicw*Y designater by notioe to'IYuatoe Auy
<br /> notice provided fnr in thia Security instr`^t shall he deemed to have beaa Qiven to Trustor er Beneficiary wben pvea
<br /> _ fs provided in thie parsgragh• f,l�
<br /> - 20.ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE.Ti ruatee accepts t6is Tn�st when thia Deod of Truat,dulY executed aad trckiwwt�
<br />� ed,�ed.is made a public n�cacd as pmvided by law /�{,(/
<br /> �a r V
<br /> _ -
<br /> �
<br />