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.� �.V.,�+.�,pgl� 1d7 a, • .ra <br /> , n., <br /> "'� Vv}<{t.y�,' ' `'���t/ �'f�'"�a'�tW r 2 i,'r{7� ""� ._ <br /> {rt,�� �h } 4 . ' ' ra"'�'.,.;i,u �+ �iL-r t ,.t� „ 1 - ... <br /> i 1•,}�c. � <br /> :� �� ;�•.c�i,� rrr�.� ;-, �..,...: <br /> • ' - 'l�. . � , "+i�;;:�4'.`��'S�'.dlr _'__ -- <br /> ' ' , — <br /> • ' . .: .�, i i .( ' ,�t.lYt�' ��:{�%J:_ � ��.d.; � • •' ^ �� _'' <br /> .. .i'Ye� 1� �� 1" ,fX.Y� 0�1)µI1Fy, �_fit <br /> �� <br /> ..� e Y �•yt..,.�1...I:1.�YiO1I�aYlYtlflfYi <br /> ., <br /> i <br /> �), �-,. �!. <br /> � <br /> . <br /> a k--�.. <br /> . . ...e..�..... . .: . ... ....adW�.a��r.w....... . ..._. ...!�...�_:�� . ' - . <br /> . .arr.�- <br /> �.aY7e�aa �s�..rib� <br /> . • �e. 9��OQ�$¢'�' �,.��,�'':___. _—_ -- <br /> . M���.. -• �.�;�•-::s;'.__.- <br />, --- - - U! �w�r Md IIM�aad.�xtanuon of th�tlm�tor pnymmt or modlNcedon ot anortlr�don c�1 the auma wcurod by thla 'W`•'Y "��-_����W <br /> „. ' DMd oi Truq p��nt�d b�r L��dN to�ny weoM�or In IMrrNI of 8o�raw�r�h�ll nol op�nt�to rNNw.In�ny mannrr.tlw Il�blllty �^ , +.., <br /> ^ ol th�oripind eonowK�nd 8orrow�r'�waansa��n Int�ra�t�n4e ahill not b�rpulnd to eommma�proeMdlnp�apdnq � - <br /> • woh�ur.a�o�a rNuN b�xqnd tlm�br q�mmt o�othKwiw modly�mordtAGOn af q�wm�Nound by q1u D��d of Tru�t , •- ;.,., «,,x.... <br /> i • . , by nuon ol�ny d�rtianM mad�by tM orlpin�l 8orrown�nd Borrow�r'��uoo�uon In Inbrnl r � <br /> (b) L�ndM'�rowN�,Wllhout�B�oUnp th�N�bllllp o1�ny oth�r p�rwn II�bN for UN p�ym�nt of any oWlp�Oon hKNn ' . <br /> � � � m�nllon�d,�nd wllhaut afl�Alinp Ih�Il�nor ohnp�nt Ihl�0��ol Trwt upon any poAlon ol th�Prop�Ayr nol Ih�n or ther�tolor� ' . ..4 . <br /> rNM�d�s aourly for th�full�mount ol�ll unpald obllp�Qon�,L�nd�r may,lrom dnN b Um��nd wldtout noda�lq relNp�rry �� '-,.;r,::,t;:�`'„sc�r�l• <br /> p��on�o Ilabl�,pl)�xbnd th�m�lurlly a�Il�r��y o/th�brm�of�ny such obllp�tlom,(HI)�r�nt olh�r Indulpsne��,(hr)rel� � '� <br /> . _ _ _ _ _� or reconvoy,or aeuea to ba roleaaod or roconveyod al anv limo at landar'r opUan any oarcol,nnriinn n,�n n�n.w p..M...w. . - <br /> - ' - - (r�iake ar r�Naw �ny oth�r or�qdltlon�l uourNy for�nr obMpatlon h�rNn m�ntbn�d,w�vl)m�la aomposidon�or ofhir w <br /> ; '� . 1 unnp�menu wlth debton In relatlon thereto. ; <br /> I (a) ForMn�na�by L�nd�r Nol�W�IvK�Any forbs�rance by L�nder In exsroldnp qny ripht or rsm�dy hereund�r,or <br /> othsrwlu atlord�d by eppllasble I�w.�h�ll not bs a w�lwr ol or pnclud�ths sx�relw ol any�uch rlphf or remody.Ths <br /> I proouremsnt of Imurence or th�psym�nt ol�Ke�or othsr Il�n�or ch�rp��by L�nd�r th�ll not b��w�iver ol L�nd�r'�riphl to ; <br /> I accNerata the melurlly ol the ind�btedne�s�eaured by thU Oeed ol Tru�L � <br /> (d) 8uaonsor��nd b�n�8ound�Jdnt and Sw�nl I.I�bI11tJ�C�pHoru.The cownant�ond�preemsnb hereln con- <br /> ulnsd shell bind,snd ths riphu he►eunds�rhall Inure to,th�nsp�oqvs�ueesaon�nd aul�m of Lender�nd Tiu�tor.WI F � .:.,�� •.. <br /> oovenAnu and apreemenb ol Tru�tor sh�ll b�Jolnt and eevsreL The o�pQon�and hudlnps ol ths paraprapht of thl�Geed ot , . .� <br /> Trud�re lor oonvenleno�only and are not W be used lo Int��pnt or dsMS th�nreyl�lon� h�reoL � ' .���.: .,, <br />- (e) Rpual lar Notloa.Th�psrtisihe►oby reque�t that e copy of eny notlae ol delault hsrounder and e copy of any nodcs •� <br /> - ol ssle hsreunder bs mslled to s�oh pary to thb Deed Af TruN et tho addre�set fo►th�bove In the maruisr presorlbed by <br /> applicabk law.Euoept for�ny othsr notlos requlred undsr eppllcable law to be piven In anotNer msnner,any notice provWed •� ` �•��:�, <br /> lo►In thl�Oeed of T�u�t shell b�piven bymelBnp auah notioe by ae►dlled mall addreued lo the other pardee,et the addrese tet . � <br /> forth abova.Any noGce provldsd lor In d�ls Oesd ol TN4t ehall be eflacdve upon metllnp in the menner detigrntad hn�ln.If ' <br /> - Trwtor ie more th�n one person,nodae�ant to!he addreae set brth above ehell ba noUce to all auch peroona. ;� � : <br /> (Q (mp�cUon.Lender may make or oauae to be made reasonable entrles upon end InspecNons of the Property,qovlded . �' � <br /> lhat Lend�r�hall pive T►wtor noGce prlor to ony�uch Irnpecllon�peciyinp►aasonable cauae Ih�re(or retated Oo l,KU�r•c � ;.. •• � <br /> Intereat in Ihe Propeny. :,'r; ;'�••�" <br /> _ ;i��:�t,. (p) R�conwy�nc�.UponpeymentolalleumeeecuredbythlsDeedofTruat,Lenderahallrequeattrusteetoreconveythe { -�,,s <br /> � •• �; ,� • Property and ihall aurrender thle Daed olTruet and all notee evidencing indebtedneae aecured by thla Deed ol Trust to Trustee. � <br /> • Trustee ahall reconvey the Property wltl�ut warranty end wlthout oherye to tho perwn or • ' -�'��"` <br /> • Trusto►�hall psy all aoats of recordstlon,If any. Penons lepelly entided thernq, i v_� <br /> � •.�'s::,� <br /> , (h) P�non�l Prop�rly;8�ourN�r AprNm�nf.As eddHlonal eecurlty lor the peyment of the Note,T�ustor hereby arar+ta : ' ::TMt,j��! <br /> Lender under Ihe Nelxaska Uniform Commerclal Code a securNy Interest In all IIxW rea,equlpment,and other peraonal property i : � ;�q� <br /> ,..:, u�ed In connectlon wlth the resl eatate arlmprovemeM�located thereon,end not othe►wlee declared or deemed to be a part of ` �..i:�:a <br /> � , ;r the real estate�ecured hereby.Thls Inswment shell be conet�ued ae a 3ecurity Agreement undei eafd Cods,and the Lender F ' ", `},��. <br /> —. ' � .:'`�• � �� � ehall heve all the riphta end remedles ole secured party under eeid Code in edditlon to the ri�hts end remedles created under ' <br /> ��' '�� � ' ' � an�!rr������Q Lender purauan!tp lhls Daad ot Trusk pravldsd thai Lendar'a rl p h i s a�i d rern n diae u o dsr t rt is pareprap h s h a l l � , <br /> -- --........ ......... . ,..;-_ <br /> � � r: <br /> _ ,:,_r�....._�_ � ,r . , -.,.�,,. <br /> _- �� . . be cumulative with,and In no w�y n 1lmwtlon on,lender's dphb end remedlei u�der eny othe►secu��ly a�rNm�nt�ipned by <br /> "' � � ''� Borrower or Trusbr. � c: �, <br /> _- P) ��md Enoumbaaaa.Trusta hereby warrents and represente that there Is no delault under the provlelona of any • `�.?�;�'' <br /> � mortyepe,de�d of truet lease or purehe�e conVact de�erlbinp ell or any pert of the Property,or other controe�Instrument or ;, �t <br /> — apresment consGlutlnp s Ilsn or ancum6rance�y�inst all or a�y pert of the Propertyr(collectively,"Llens"),exlstin�a�of the � .• <br /> ' d�ta of thb Oeed ot Trusf,and that eny md all existinp Uena remaln unmodllied exce't,pq dlsobsed to Lender in Trustor's " <br /> wrltt�n dl�alo�ure of Ilsm snd snoumbnnces provided for hereln.Truetor ahell timely peMorm ell of Truetor'�oblipeqons, ' � <br /> �� aovemnb,r�pres�ntatlom�nd warrantla under any and all exfeldnp and luture Llene,shNl prampUy/orward to Under copls� � �� <br /> - of ell nodc�s ol default tenl ln connecQon with eny and aN eristinp or future Llenr,end�hall not withoul Lender'e prior wr11Nn � - <br /> con�snt In sny menner modify the provlllons ol or allow any tuture edvances under any exiatlnp or IWure Llem. � . <br /> . , U)APp�k�aon ol Paym�nb.Unlesa olherwiee requlred by law,euma paid to Lender hereunder,Includinp without Ilmllatlon <br /> � p�ymrnb of princlpal and Intsres�Insuronce pracaede,condemnallon proceed�and rents and prolla,ahtll be apptlsd by <br /> L�nder to the emounb due�nd owinp/ram Truetor�nd Borrower M such order ae Lender In Ita�ole discredon deems deil►ebls. <br /> (k) 8wNrbtlNp If eny provislon oi tliia O�sd of Truat conlllcte with eppllcable lew or le declsrod Inwlld a othe►wMe <br /> unantorceuble,such conlllct or Invalldlry�hell not eHeot tha other provisons ol thla Deed of Truet or Ihe Note whlch can be <br /> 1 qiven eflect wNhoW th�oonlllodnp provl�bn,and tothi�end Iho proviWons of thl�Dwd of Trust�nd the Not��rs d�alar�d to Iw <br /> wv�rabls. <br /> p)T�nn�,The termt"Tru�tor"end"Borrower"ehaN Include both elnpuler end plural,e whan ths Trustor and Bor�owN - <br />- , I an the Qame person(a),thote terms as wed In thl�Daed cl Truat ahell be interchanpesb i � <br /> I (m) Gov�nlnp Law.Thla Deed of Truet ehall be governed Iqws 1 the te obros ;'. <br /> . � T►usto►hat o�naubd fhls Deed oi Tiuet es d Ihe date rrritten abo e. <br /> — , <br /> � JOCAR Liv n '!'1rJilsWr; <br /> �• � , <br /> � Y.(John R. Gunderson.�atax Trustee) <br /> _ � , <br /> �, . <br /> A <br /> I <br /> �S- .. . .1 <br /> __ ' _.... . . . i <br /> � <br />. . ±� �•-�j , ' <br />