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<br /> :h- r.lvbisi-J.l.:"'
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<br /> � ACKNOWLED06MBNT OF DBED OF TRUBT -���� r���?�"��+
<br /> .� ...._� �..-_-
<br /> � ' � . . . . �., 92-- �.o�s4� �;'�,:�'�-�:�=��-w--
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<br /> • t rr- �—
<br /> � Truotor undor4icindc that tho doeumsM thel Truelor 1��bewl tA�Kwauts b��d ol Truu and iwl�mortp�Q��nd fh�t 1M pow�r ��,-:� °���-;_,�., --..-
<br /> ol wl�provld�d 1a I�th�DNO ol Tru�t provldn�ub�unU�Hy dlM�r�nt rlpl►h�n0 obllp�don� Tru�tor 1hm�moRpap�In tl�rwnt r " �"=-;�s,�
<br /> 01�dd�ult or braoh ol ob11pN{on und�r th�ONd ol Tru�l,Inalud ut nol llmll�d W,th� d�r'�rlphf!o h�v�th�PropMy wld I�` "' '��"".'"."'"
<br /> by ths TrustM wlthoW�ny;udlald prooMdlnp. Tru�tor r�pr a • w nq d uokno �m�nl wu�out�d b1r � .. . , ,�.>
<br /> � � Tnntor bdon tM�x�ouqon of U��DNd of T►u�� �
<br /> , � � ' ...,.,.�;�:..�•'-
<br /> ' , ,.,._;_.,r..:;�r_
<br /> t Ap l.ivi ru�ls T qa • .
<br /> t..
<br /> --�-_ . Y J R� iLY04R �Z=a1�rJAq�:
<br /> L'001111iU�f �._;�f'. :�j .�x__
<br /> �.I.��i i1 Zt,�.�il.
<br /> ;;�.. ✓.��...
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is made a�ol the_��.day of M.�_ ,1932,by and amonp
<br /> � ih�Tru�tor, �eCL LivinO Tr�� �
<br /> � whoae maillnp adarea�Is �3 S Loau�t f3r�nd I�l�n�nin~Trwto�,•wh�t�h-ir6mwor mo»�
<br /> �.,� .,..�
<br /> ..�::,;tiiw,;�.��_.
<br /> :� the TrwWe, Riv. Poie� Baek� ■ Y�6ruk�_4or�or�tion , ' `� .;._
<br /> `.� '�I�-.
<br /> � whote melllnp eddre»Is P.0. Box 1307 Orand I�l�ad. NE 68802 (hereln"Trusw"�and '•{. • �,;i�'��'���-�.
<br /> .�� • • ;. :
<br /> -� 1he BenollciA � Fiv� Point� B�nk , • • ��«•�•����-
<br /> _,,: n. � �i.t.
<br /> `� whosa maflinp addre��Is �.o anY iS07 Gr.nd Ll�nd� �LE. fi8602-1507 � ..��� ��...; :-
<br /> (hereln "Lander►.
<br /> ---.i , "-
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATION,Includlny Lender's extemlon ol crodit IdenlNled hereln to ' "." ";�
<br /> 1 � _
<br /> „'_ _t�C1R L.ivt� Tr�iwt (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and lhe uust hereln created, ° - " --
<br /> - the recNpt of whlch le hereby acknowledp9d,Truetor hereby irrevocably granta,trenalero,conveye and asflpns to T�ustee,IN �'�`•-�
<br /> _-; TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benellt and�ecudy ot Lender,under and wb�ect W the tartns and aondidom hireNolUr sot '.�, - _"'_
<br /> y� � I forth,the real propahy,describad as follows: ��,;,�,�,�;�-
<br /> ;; I S� Att�ah�d 'Exhibit A• '-"�;., ..; -
<br /> _r;i . . ��,,:.,u`"��
<br /> ;. . �.,. . ' j ; �'cF�y-yTy 7,•i��_.
<br /> � ; � Topether with all buildlnps,Improvements,fixtures,etreets,alleys,peeeaqeways,easemente,riphts,privlle�es and eppurte• � ''�`
<br /> �• � nanoee loceted thereon or In anywlee pertalning thereto,and the rente,Isauea end prollts,revereione end remalndera thereol,and � �
<br /> `l � suah pereonal qropedy thet Is atteched to the Improvements so es ta conedtute a Iixture,Includinp,but not Ilmited to,heapn�and ` ,
<br /> � coollnp equlpmen�and topether wlth the homsetead or msNtal lntereale,H eny,whlch Intere�te aro hereby retsassd�nd w�lv�d�all � . -- �_�
<br /> of which,Ineludlnp�eplacemente and addltlons thereto,la hereby deelered lo be o pert of thKeal od�to waund by the Ibn ol thl� k
<br /> D�d of 7rust and all of the brepolnp beinp relerrad to hereln a�the"Property". . ':��
<br /> - . :..-��-.
<br /> Thl�Deed af T�u�t shall securo lal the peyment ol the princlpal�urn and Intare�t evidonced by e promitwry note or andR •-
<br /> . , _�,�;�
<br /> ayreoment dotod ,havin�e merority dato ol ��■ti�r ��d i994 , ,- ,-
<br /> :T;e{..Fs
<br /> In the orpinei principel emount ol S �.�-� , and any end all modllicatlons,exlemlons and renswel� � � , ' ' `,;:
<br /> t h e r e o f o r t h e r e t o e n d a n y a n d a l l f u t u r e e d v a n c e e a n d r e a d v a n c e s t o B or ro w er(o r an y ol th em II m or e th�n on e) h ero un d sr � �'�•
<br /> punuenl to one a rnore promiseory note�or credlt egreements(hereln called"Note");(b)the payment o1 other euma edvenced by � '�"
<br /> � Lender to protectthe eecurlty of the Note;(c)the peAormenae of all covenants and epreemente of Truelor e�t torth hereln;md(d)all � '''�`"�
<br /> preeent end luture indebtedneee and oblipetlons of 8orrower(or any of them If more then one)to Lender whether direct,Indirect � , � �••
<br /> - abtolute or condngent and whether arislnp by note,puerenty,overdreR or otherwise.The Note,thia Deed of Trust end any and all .
<br /> other docuenb thet seoure the Note or otherwlee executed In connectlon therewith,Includinp without Iknit�don pueuantee�,seourlly . �'?-��'�
<br /> apreements and�ssqnmente ol lea�ss and rents,ehall be nl�rnd!o hor�ln at the"Loan Inthum�nt�". f '.:'Y�?•=:
<br /> — Truetor covenanb and epreea wlth Lender es lollowe: , "."_�."
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt W Ind�bt�dn�u.All Indebtednes�eecured hereby�hell be pald when due. �
<br /> 2.Titl�.Trutlor le!he owner of the Proporty,has the ripht�nd euthorlty to convey�the P�operry,�nd warrenq that the Ilen � =�
<br /> creeted hereby le a Ilret and prlor Ilen on the Property,except fo�Nens end encumbrancea�et forth by Trustor In wddnp and
<br /> � deNvered to Lender belore executlon of this Oeed ol Trud,and th�sx�cutlon and dellwry ol thl�Cead ot Tru�t do��aot vblale�ny
<br /> conaact or other oblipetlon to whloh Truetor la subjeot.
<br /> 3. T�xM,Au�am�eu.To pey betore dellnquency all faxef,sp�cl�l oseum�nq and all ofh�r charpp palnN th�Prop�rly `
<br /> - now or hereeRer levled.
<br /> 4. M�unnc�.To keep the Property Inaured egalnat damape by fire,haurde Included wllhln Uw term"sxHnded covenpe",and �
<br /> auch other hezerds ae Lender mey requlre,ln amounts and wlth comp�nfe��ecept�ble b Und�r,��minp L�nds►as�n�ddlGOmt _
<br /> — nemed Insured,wlth loaa payable to the Lender.ln caee ol loet under�uah pollcl�s,th�L�nd�r I�oWhorl=ed lo�dJu�f,eoll�ot and � �w�,.•yi,�?�_� ;��:,. :
<br /> P compromlae,all clalme thereunder and ehell heve the optlon ol epptylnp all or p�rf ot fh�Insurrnce proce�ds Q)to any Indebtedneas ?;�R,�;• !y'k�:•.
<br /> aecured hereby end In euch order ae lender mey dotermino,pl)to the Trwlor to be ue�d forth�npak o�nstontlon dth�Prop�rty �a�'.'�.•: ;: .
<br /> � or(III)fa any othK purpose or objeat setidectory to Lender without efl�cfinp fh�IIM OHhI�DNd Of Tnnt tor th�luq�mount s�CUnd ��"'�`" ""' ' 41
<br /> ..W.�:,,._..�,,.,,., ., _
<br /> hereby betae�uch peyment ever took plece.Any appllcetlon ol proceed�to indebqdn�a�N not�xand a pos�o�1M dw "�.^;,�-,�:•••
<br /> dab ol eny paymente under the Note,or cure eny deteull thereunder or hersunder.
<br /> - 5. Faorow.Upon wriften demand by Lender,Trustor shell pey to I.�nd�r,In�uah m�nn�r u Lond�r m�y d�dprwt�,wfflcl�nt '
<br /> aums to eneWe lender to pey ae they become due one a more ol the fdlowln�:(I)dl t�xq,anN�m��nd odwrcMr�a ap�MW `�.=, ��r''r,�
<br /> the Property,(II)the premiums on the property Inturanc�nqulnd h�nund�r,�nd piq fh�pamium�on ar�morlp�pf p�w�na
<br /> �equlred by Lender. �'%��
<br /> �� � B. Yalnt�mnc�.R�n�Hs�nd Comollanc�wllh LaWa.Trwtor�hall k�ao th�Prao�rtv In aned cnndltlen and rwedr.�h�tl
<br /> � promptly repelr,or replece eny Improvement which mey be demaped or di�troq�d;1hNl not comntit a p�mih�n �w�or •�:
<br /> � � deterlontion of the Prope�iy;ehell not remove,demolish or eubatanuMly elter�ny of th�Improwrt��nb o�fM Propr y;�h�H�ot . ��� • �
<br /> commlt,euNer or pormlt any ect to ba done In or upon the Property In vlolatlon of any I�w,ordln�nas,or rpulatbn;�nd�h�ll pay�nd
<br /> prompty ditcherpe at Truator's coat and axpensa all Il�ns,�noumb�ca a�d cha►ya Nvi�d,Impa�d or awaad ap�lr�t th� . '
<br /> Property or eny paH thereol. � '
<br /> 7. Hmin�nt OomNn.Lender le hereby eaelyned ell compeneatlon,awerde,demapss and olher paymsnb ar reI1N(Mrelnafar
<br /> , "Proceeds")In cannectlon with condemnatlon or other teklny of the Property or pert the►eof,or for convsyence M Neu of cond�mrn-
<br /> I tlon.Lender ehell be entltled at Ita optlon to commence,eppear in end protecute In Ib own n�ms�ny�cdon or proceedlnp�,snd
<br /> � eholl aleo be entltled lo moke eny compromlae or aettlement In connectlun with euch takinp or d�m�.In tM�vent eny portion ot
<br /> ' N�C31871MOMpKUhu�1 W�G�RwfO�!!
<br /> � Q IM�NMqnN bN M CarnKp Tiw1�M
<br /> �Y�N�oCIN�a�.U�ealn.lN1rrL�
<br /> S�
<br /> tki:
<br /> � ,
<br />