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<br /> �- '� � 92-- �.04545 �;-=�:�
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<br /> — " ' pe�iods�hat Lendcr reyuiren. The insurance corrier providing the insurnnce tiholi be choan by Borrawer subjecc to Lenderk �W �� � " ..
<br /> _._ . ' �• � o�mval which Rhnll not be unrcasonubly wftidield. If Bormwe� faflc ta maintain coverage de�c►ibed abova.Lendet may,ut `�; ___ --__ _���_
<br /> � Lender's opUon,obtaM coveroge to protect Lendcr'�riphln(n the Pro�eAy In accardonce wi�h puug�aph 7.
<br /> - All insutance polfcie�and re�ewale ehall be accep�ablo to Letida�and sh�ll include o:twidard marlgapa clt�u�e. L.amier r�'_^_
<br /> �; �� � � -� sholl have the�ight to hold�he policies and rcnewals. If Lendar n�quiros,Barrawer�hwll promptly�ive Ia I.and�er ull reoaipl� v�__�
<br /> �: oP paid prcmiums ond rencwal aoticea. In ihe even�of Ioss, 8orrawer shall�iva promp�notico ta iha insumnca rs�Rler and � -°°—
<br /> �° " Lende�. Lende�ma make roof of lass if not made m d b Borrowe�. �-=- --
<br /> Y P Pr° P Y Y �..,.-�;:,:.-„----
<br /> -. Unless Lender and BaROaer othenvise agrce in w�iting,insumnce pracads ahull ha upplied ta rastorntlan nr repair of .���;,�-�-z-:,.s:�
<br /> y the Propeny dnmaged, if the rcsto�alion or repair i�econamically feasible ond l.ender's secu�ily i: not IesFened, If the K'?�y�._,,,__
<br /> a• '• '' restoration or rcpair is not economically feasi6le or Lander's security would be tc�uned, �he insumnce praceeds�hall ba �=- - ,@,�--.
<br /> . . ,�-a:
<br />_-_� applied to the sums securcd by this 5ecunty instrument, whether�e not then due, wi�h any exasc pwid to Burruwer. if ; _:..��..�.r����-
<br /> � • .r,.=- -
<br /> Borrower abandons�he Prope�ty. or das not an:wer withi�30 daya a notice from Lender�hat the insurance ciuriar has 4.�'.j,�:.�_.__
<br /> offared to settle a cluim, then Lender muy collect tha insurnnce praceeds. Lsnder muy use tha proceeds eo�epafr or r+estane `�• - ;,,�-�,�:-,�,--
<br /> � ' the Prolperty or to pay:ums Kcurcd by this Secu�ity Inatrument,whether or na then due. Ttte 30-d�y pe�iod wi 11 btgin when ``1� ���=�-�-a
<br /> :,;,;•ti;.;—
<br /> rhe ooucx is given. * •
<br /> , • Unkss Lender nnd Borrowe�athenvise agrce in w�i�ing,any upplicn�fon of procads to principAl shull no[ eatand or �'�, �.;�,�'�'`:: ��
<br /> , postpvne che due date of the monthly paymenls referred to in parograph� ! aod 2 or change tha nmount of the payrnents. IP � ' �'`�����"
<br /> ucMer paragraph 2l the Fraperty is acquired by Lender, Borrowers right to sny inaurance policiea and proceeds roeulting '
<br /> , from damage to the Property prior to the ecqui:ition shall pass to Lender to the exten�of the sums securcd by thi�t Secudty ��,:
<br /> . . {�y 4y�YkN6i1�1
<br /> ' lastnanenc immedi�cely prior[o�he acqufsidon. ,,�;,,����',Y�--T°:
<br /> 6. Occupaacy, Pre�enation� Matntenance and Protectbn ot the Property; Burrower'e Loan Applfieution; - _!�`�•°__-
<br /> ��� Leaxbold�. BoROwer shall occupy,eatablish,and use the Property as Borrower�s principal residenee withfn sixty 4�ys aRer � �'`�---
<br /> �_;.'r�,_°�._�—.---.
<br /> the e:ecuaan of this Security Inruvment and ahall continue to occupy the PcopeRy ns Borrower's princip�l residence for nt � ..;:�'�,,ri,,.�-..
<br />