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<br /> P�Y��Y no lo�:rer po roqulral.tt tro optbn of'l.axk�,if mo+'tY�o inruraucc a,vov�o(i�i t�u�w�wt�uul[ar c1w period =
<br /> �at l.axkr roquirc.r)provkbd by��instuar a�xova.�f by I.c:�dcr�in boco�se�vra:lu9lt+�.'u!i�c�t►te;�sad. Rorrorva�il pwy ttie -
<br /> �aa�io4ui�d�o maint�in rocxt�go �uurrnca in GFfoc4 or b provida�bis rc�rave.until t3w rcqultanant fac mort�a�o =
<br /> ioYUnaco u�ds in�oocud�co wii.h aay w�ltun q�roement betwxa Eiatmwcr aad I.�xxT�ci or e�►l�:ibin Sr'N. _
<br /> 4.Iar�sc•.iou. Le.�or iis a;��:s}� rnskc:rs�le �auies upon and ins;+�cc�ic►nF ot'ttw Propercy. I.cnda stWl�ivo =_
<br /> Bamwer aotice u tbe daao oF or priar w u�laspoctlo�a specifYin�rcasorubb causc for tba:a�n. _
<br /> 10.Coedea�atleo. The pcocoocis of wny award or cWm for duns�ges.dirc�rt ot ee►z►srxiutntiat. in ca�ukction wtth a�y -
<br /> �em�o�ar ot!►er takint of�ay paR of the PropertY.ar for conveyanoo ia liw of�a�x°a�tio°.are b�rcby s�ssi�nod and
<br /> 96a]l be paid to I.ender.
<br /> Ia the evau cf a wta!t�iciag of tbo ProQerty.the procoeds s4a11 be�pliod w tho cums socured by this Securiry Inswme�t.
<br /> wt�etlkr or not tba�due.with wzy eucess paid to Borrawer.In the event of a p�rtia!tstdaS of the Pr�o�t9 in which thc fair a�aricct
<br /> va2ue of the Pro�aty iaunodi�ue]y Ecfora the takiag is eqwil w or gr+ater th�a the�a�aunt of thc swa9 9ocured by this Socurity
<br /> Iasaun�atit immedistely before tho taid�g. unless Bamwer usd l�ttider otl�wise�ret in writing, tha wa�s sxurod by Wt9
<br /> Stxurity Ynstrumeai sL�ll be reduad Dy tho�ctwunt of tLe procoods mukiplbd by tdo fdbwiag fr�cdoa: (�)tha total amouttt of
<br /> tbe sums secuced iauaodiateiy befot+e thc Wdng.divided by(b)the fair maricet valuc of Uw Property immc�liatetY before the -
<br /> t�icing.My bal�r�oe sdll be paid to Borrower.Ia�he eveAt af a putial takiag of Wa ProQerty in whicd tha fiit market valuo oF tbo
<br /> propaty ia�maliately befae tbe taking is less tl�an the amount af tLe wraa secutod immodiatsl;+ befae tbe ta]cing�ttnl�ss
<br /> Bottowet m�d Laxiv at2�wise�ree in arlting or tu�kss applicitsle law odulwise pro�ides.tho pc+oc,�uls stull be�ppliod W the
<br /> sums socu�ed by tl�is Socurity Insuumeat whe@w or not tbe sums u�e thea due.
<br /> If the Propaty is abma3000d by Bortowu,or if,At�er notiee by I.ender to Soc:ower tdat the eoademaor aet�'�as ta malce an
<br /> awani a aeale�cl�im fas d�nagos.Bamwer fails to respoad w I.esrda withiu 30 days aitu tbo date tbe not�c:�givea,Lrader
<br /> is autborizod to collect and�ppty ti�e pr�als.�t its option,eitlxr ta nstoeuion or repair of the Propaty or oQ the sums soeurod
<br /> by tbis SeranitY Iasuummt.whether or asot thaa due.
<br /> Uakss I�et�da aod Bc�wa othe�wise�ree in writin8,auY�pplicuio�oF Proceeds tn PeinciP�l sliall not asttod or post�oae
<br /> d�e di�a da`e of d�e moot5�t�PaS�ma�ts referced to ia par�1 aad 2 or clynge tbe uoount of wcd P�Y��
<br /> Il.Baeeo�+�er iW�t�Yeiaued;Forbe�ra�oe By l.esder Not s W�iver. Bxa�.�9±of tta time for paymeat or modifira�tio�
<br /> of amatti�of tl�e su�s sx�ued b�t�Socauity Insinuuant�by I�ier io�ay s�essat io inmest of Botro�s�fl►�11
<br /> oot apeialm 9m tekas�ct�tis�ility of tLe aiginsa Borcowrr or Boa+n+�er's suooesw�s iu ittttraa.ireades shaU not be toquit�d o0
<br /> comoxaoe paooediRgs�any successar m inte�est oc refir�c oQ�xttad Wae for pAYmeat or whcwise modify a�o�ti�a oP
<br /> tbe auu��ecurod by this Security 1s�nt by nasom of�ay dema��d mAd�e by tlhe aaginal Barowa or Barowdr':s+�ooesrors
<br /> in�Ar�y far�xaranoe by I.ea�der ia axa�cis�ng any right ar ranody shall aot be a waivar uf ae p�rclada tha w�a+ci�e of aay
<br /> �a�Y•
<br /> Il S�cnsors a�d At�i�t�s�atd;Jaint a�d Several 1d�b�it7:Co-�ipax '!be oovea�ats �ad �roemeats of this
<br /> c.�.�.;�„ rwr.+�.�w .hott n6�cf aed t�it tbe mooes�ors iod�ittns of I.endet�nd Boauaa. wblect Io tbe Prn'i�lons af
<br /> . _. .. . ------�— - �- - - . _
<br /> � p�ajripb I7. 8arrowar't oov�o�ats and q�raemeui� s�a]1 be yaiai ocd uti�cal. Aay Baato�ra�avbo co-s�gm this Soctxicy
<br /> Iasteummt but doe�not aecwe d�e Nde:(�i�oo-signiag Ihis Security L�strumait oaty oo woct��e.�nt aod coavey tt�t
<br /> B«�o�a's iukxst io tbe Yiro�ty�maer me�ams of mis 3ecuri�y ias�uma�io�is not pasow�r '�w�++�i-w��:
<br /> �ecuiod by dr�Sac�ritY Ia�uma�aad(c)a�ees that Leadrr�nd aoy otba Ba�rroMer a�ay�ree a eac�r�aoaifY.fatbear a
<br /> mal�e�ay�a�od�o�o�aitb n�rd w tbc t�amf of ttis Saairity U�umeat a tt�e Noto wittiout tWt Barro�ver's oonsent
<br /> 13.Lw�Ci��ei. if tba lo�n aocured by tbis 5ec�uity Lnsuu�eai i�subjaci to a law wt�lch aets••,�tt�•,�,+*b�d�rgq�
<br /> � �oc1 ddt tav i�Soilty intapresed eo d�ae tbe iaarest a ahei bao charges ooliected a�n be oouocLOd in ooanedim with the lan
<br /> . e:oeed Bre petmined limita.t�ao:(a)any a�cD lo�n ch�r�e sl�ll ba reducecl by d�e�a�otast aecessacy to recM�c�e t6e cLatgn to d�e
<br /> peimined iimi�aad(D)�nY wms�ircadY oolia,�ted frap Bamaver wrbicb eacceeded pamitted liaaits�l be retuoded to Bartowrr.
<br /> � I�cader may cLoo�e q mfice t�ia refaacl by reducing tbe principal o+�rad un�ler t6e Nde ar by m�loo�a dirxt pay�t b
<br /> Banu+�er. If a�[iyad a��droes priocip�l.tbe co3�ctim�ri�be�ea�ed a4 a P��P�Y��a+� �Y P�+Y���
<br /> uodet tbe I�Ie.
<br /> 14.riot�ca. AQy na6ce oo Basowez provided fa ia d�is Sxurity 1ns�umaie sh�ll be givm by delivain�it or by�it
<br /> ' by fint cLas mail uaiess�ppiircabie Fz.v req�ee uae of aoolher mdLod.'Ibe norice�116e dioecmd to tbe P�+opaty Ad3�s or
<br /> iny a�ei addreas BaeaMer de�tcs by notiee to I,eac3er.Aay�doace m Laider ah�il be glve�by first e4ss mW to Izaclet's
<br /> �Idcas slaletl6e�rau or my otber address I�eadet desig�ala D5'noace to Bat+o�va.Aay aotice prn+idal fa iu this Saxuity
<br /> lastrummt�it be daa�ed oa fsave 6em givea w Bacrower or I.ea3er wban givai as providod ia this pwrag�n�.
<br /> ls.Ga�a+�iq I.aw;S�vrrabilitp. �lbis Sa�uiey Iasuummc s6au be govaaod by fedarsl law ood me lawr cf the
<br /> jmi�Qictioe ia.vLich tbe piupaty is➢�caied. Ia d�e oveai d�t aay pmvisioa ae cl�u:e af tais Secauity Inttruaoeat oc tbe Ivoie
<br /> c�ooflicts�vid�ipQ�icabie Irv,s�coaflici s6a11 not a�'xt ot�ri povimoat of this Savrity IasTruaoaoi or the No1e wHicb ao be
<br /> �iv�pe e80Ct�IlfbOOt 16C aootticxiqg p�W'tSiOn.TO dris Eod d10 provisi0os Of tl�s SeCUrity Il�suutaeat Yud 1hE NOiE�tE deClmOd b
<br /> ba s�wrabje.
<br /> - foraei so4�1 9l90
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