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<br /> ' ,-'' ' - •�.xar �,I � u.}��., _ . . .. . , t.�.r_.:.`i"T°�'.'�.'j�.—"�'F' �,�-
<br /> �� . �. . . , • - i..'i�<.n,c+1�' �wouerrr• y.,
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<br /> Tf1fiRTHAR WITH�II�hr i mv�rtwmlR n�w�r hnr�RK�rocled on Ihe �.`'. '. - '•'-:..'-'�"'°
<br /> ..a. - ._ �^!' �+ry+(+erty.and all ea�enxob.aDP�tten�noea.ond --
<br /> flxwcer now ar hereafter o - --
<br /> _ - - . peR of the property. All repl�cxmente and Rdditfans ehall also bo covered by tMt Secutlty � - - - .
<br /> ,�-` --- " In�trument. A!!of the foregoing ia rcfened to in thfs Se�curity InMn�m�nt R+�he"Prrperty.` -
<br /> ^ • B()RRQWBR COVBNANTS lhat Barrower is lawfully�eisod of Ihe estpte hercby canveyad and hav Ihe rlght lo gtar�t And ��� � � ?�•���y-
<br /> " convey the Praperty ond lhal the Propeny is unencumberod,exapt for encumbranca of rcrnrA. Borrower warn�nts and will "• , "
<br /> � d o fe n d gene�l ly t he U Ue�o t he Pmpeny ige inst a l l c lr im+r u�d demanda,sub cet to en encumbrances of record. �•xµ'•, .,. ,�v',�°
<br /> { THIS 3ECURITY IN57'RUMBNT rnmbines uniform rnvenants for nAtianal use and non•unitorm cove�wnn wilb limilod �� ,�iv�.M��
<br /> � � va�i�tiona by ju�i�diction 10 consNwte u uniform secu�iry inxtrumenl cavering real propeny. �` '���r�"'`
<br /> -- . _ _ . , � UNIi'Olihi COYCNANTS. tk►�ruwc�,uK{(xiKier wven�u wwi ag�e:,as foltow��: - ------- _:
<br /> � •� 1. Paymeat ot PMoclpd and IMee+att Prepa�yme�t and I.ate Chorges. BoROwer shpll promptlY paY when due tho ,ti� — �
<br /> � t:��;«�-_.--
<br /> . principAl�f and intercst on the dcbt evidencxd by the Notc and any prep�yment and latc cherges due uoder Ihe Note. tr5�_,-___------
<br /> , _ I 2. C�IIIIAi(W'TpxlS Ltild if1YU1'�IICl. Subjcct to applicable low or to a written waiver by l.ender. Borrower shall pay to L�=''„"�'"'"��'_=s;.
<br /> ��:z;.�:•i��x�:_�-_-_==
<br /> I.ender an Ihe day monthly paymente arc due under the Nate,uMil the Note is paid lu full.a sum("Funds") fo�:(a)yearly taxcs ; �, e�;;•=--.��.
<br /> ;�;}�;•,^�:r:::�'_,.,_-_�°`-
<br /> • a and assessments which may att�in prioriry over Ihie Secudly Instrument as a lien an the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold pay�a . .�;.�..,_ ;:;.+.•;�•rrn•-
<br /> or ground rents on the Propeny, lf ony;(c)yearly haz�rd or property insurance prcmiuma;(d)yeuly flaod�ruura�ce premturos, ��:,,.�•�,�-_
<br /> - - �� � �f eny;(e)yearly mahgage inwrance prcmiums, if atiy;and(�any s�ums payeble by Borrower to I..ender, in accordance witb ��r.`•3�4"��=�--
<br /> � ��.:z�
<br /> tho provisions of parngrnph 8, in lieu of tha p�yment of mongage insurnnce premiums.1'hese itema a�e called'Escrow Items.' �'"�`�,� �. r��'�=a-"'=
<br /> � ..J'�'"__
<br /> , I.ender may, a1 any time, rnllect And hold Funds in en omount not to excced the mauimum amount n Icrder Por a foderally „ ,,;� `"
<br /> relatod mortgage loan may require for eorrowe�'s escraw AccoutN under the fodernl Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act af ���
<br /> � 1974 as amended fram�ink to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et s�q. ("RESPA"),unless another law Ifwt opplies to the Funds ♦ ;����7�+-'�`-_
<br /> " seta a lesser arnount. If so, L,ender may, at any Ume, collect end hold Funds in an emount not to exceed �he lesser amount. t'�°`�==
<br /> - [.eiulcr may�timate the wnount of Nunds due on the bawia nf current dqta and rca.aonable estimates of ez nditures o(Puture L=. _��-=:""
<br /> P� l.._:, �r_ _ ,
<br /> Eserow Itema or otherwir,e in accordance with uppNcable luw. � • � . . - -
<br /> The Funds shall he held in un ing�i�ution whose depnsits are iosured by a fedcral agency, ins�rwnentality, ar emity � �'-�
<br /> (including Ixnder,ii Lender is such un instiwtiun)or In any Federol Home Loun Bank.l.ender Rhall apply t6e Funds to pay�he ! •. • r "= L-;�
<br /> •• Escmw Items. Lender may not cherge Bonower for holding aiul applying Ihe Funds, unnuAlly analyzing Ihe escrow uccount,o� '
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless l.ender pays&�rcower interes�on the Funda and applicnble law permits l.ender tn make such � "
<br /> _ a charge. However, l.ender may require BoROwer�o pay n onc-time cha�e for an indepcndent real eR�ale�nx rc�rting servicc ���f�' ����r�`���,
<br /> used by Lender in cannection with this laun. unless upplicable I:�w providec o�hernisc. Unless un ngreement is mude o� ..,,..,,��siiW�t
<br /> applicable law rcquir6s intercsl to bc paid, L.ender shall nat be reyui�ed to pay BoROwer any intercst ar camings on the Funds. �' � •',�.
<br /> , Barmwer and l,ender mny agree in writing, howevcr,�hot interest shatl be paid on Ihc Funds. Lender shall give t a B a r ro w e r. I L a,..,.,,.x��—��
<br /> wi�hout cha�e, an annual accounting�f�he Funds, showing credi�s and debits �o the Funds and the purpose fur which each f"`"n "":`�'
<br /> _�
<br /> - ---- - - -- dthi!to tler Fustds svas macle.The Funds arc plcdged as additiunai xti-uri�y tur aii wums�ecured by this Security instrument. �- -
<br /> , � If the Funds held by I.ender eaceed the amnunts permitteJ to be held by npplicnble luw, l.ender xhull uccount lu F�irriiwer � • • ��'
<br /> far the exces4 Funds in acrnrdonce wilh Ihe reyuiremenls of upplicuble luw. 11'Ihe umaunt of Ihe Kuiuls Ixld hy I.endcr nt nny F ._, . `� '�
<br /> time i4 not sufficient to pay Ihe Escmw Items when due,l.ender nwy so nrnil'y&i�rower in wridog, anJ,in such case Horrower ( "�:�
<br /> i sha l l pay to l.e n der�he amount necessary to make up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up �he deticiency in no mare than � „•`'��`
<br /> � twelve monthly payments,ut L.ender's sole discretion. ,,., � . ,..•;�i,���- _
<br /> Upon payment in full �f all sumg secured by this Security In�t►ument, I.ende�shall promptly refund�o eormwer any !
<br /> Funds held by L.ender.If,under parngmph 21. I.enJer gholl Acyuire i�r sell the Propeny,I.enJer,prior In Ihe ucquisitk►n nr snle ��;
<br /> ° af Ihe Property,shull upply any Funds held by Lender ut Ihr time of acquisitian or nale as a credil against the sum.c secured 6y , �'���
<br /> .a .
<br /> lhis Security Ins�rument. . ' ' °
<br /> , �'�_ 3.AppQculMn oi'Paymen4g.Unless applicuble Inw provides otherwise.All pnyments received by L.ender under paragraphs ' .'•�€_�
<br /> '• :�!�. 1 and 2 shall be Applied: fi�st, to nny prepayment chnrges due under the Nrne: second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; "^�'
<br /> ' ' , thitd,to intetest due;taunh,to principal due;and lust,to nny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> : ,.. 4.Charges; Llens. Horrower shall pay oll tnzes,ossessments, charges, fines und impositions auributabk to the Property �
<br /> '''�'�• ; which may attain prio�ity over this Securlty Instrument,and leusehold payments or graund re.nts, if any. Borrower shall pay �
<br /> �.:�� . these obligations in the manner provided in paragrnph 1,or if not paid in that manner, Bormwe�shall pay them on time directly
<br /> `� ,� to the person owed pnyment. Borrower shaH prnmptly fumish�o l,ender all notices of amounts to be paid under�his paragraph. ,r:-a�p``
<br /> !f Borrower makes theae payments directly,liorrowe�shAll prompdy furnish to l.ender receipis cvidencing the payments. ' "
<br /> , Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whirh hac priority over Ihis Security Instrument unless Borrower: (al agrees in
<br /> „ ` writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable�o Lender;(b)rnntests in gaod fai�h�he lien ' �
<br /> by, or defends against enforcemeul of the lien in, legal proceedings which in thc I.ender's opinion opernte t� prevent the
<br /> � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from�he holder of the lien an aRreement satisfactory to L.ender subordinating�he lien to
<br /> , this Secur�ty Insaument. li Lender determines thut any part oF the Propeny is subject to u lien which may attuin priority .�ver
<br /> this Security(nsln�ment, l.ender mey give Borrower n naice identifying�he lien. Borrower shall sutisfy the lien or take one or �••
<br /> — more of d�e�qions set fonh above within lU days of d�e giving of notice. ,. , .
<br /> . ' w.m 3o�e s�oo
<br /> • r.o.so�e
<br /> ", � :
<br /> ;., .
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<br /> _ . ._--_.. .-_ � �
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