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<br /> . s.liazor�7 ar Pra�eHy Insurwue. Baaav:�r shal]Cor�ti�a unpro�:manu now�u1�n�a baralicr crxted o�the Pn�pe+ty =
<br /> insiuc3 a�ainst toss by fis�e,harsrds iacluded within t���usiai "ext�ulr:l w�araQ�" �ad aAy oth,:r tuLtds. includinr tl�ods or _
<br /> flaodin�,foe which L.cncicr rcquires insuranca.'iliis insuronca s3u�11 be maL�tat�ud in the anwuats r�nd for tAe periods that L�ic�' `=
<br /> requirc9,lbe insur�sce carricr providin� t1w insivanco shj►11 bu chasrn by Borrower subj��xt ta[.GU9�:r's appsnval wh;ch sLatl not =.
<br /> bc uarebsonably witltheld. If Bacrowcr f�IG� to cr�air�tuin co:�q�o describod wbove� Lt�der may�at I.e�da''c aptiot�. obtain _
<br /> cover�ge W{�axt Lead�cs's rights in�hc Pn+�erty in aa,�edaiiai►with Para�r�ph 7. °"
<br /> All iasur�oce poticias�ul r�cwats shult be acczptstl�lo w Leadcs aad shall ineiut3c A swnil�r�mortgzge ckuise.Leiula'stLZll =
<br /> havc the right w hold tho poticics and renawais.If Len�iur n:�uir�s,Bort�wcr shall P�P�Y Bive to L.e:ultr all receipts of paid
<br /> Frcrr�ivau ana ra�cwal cwiwes.W t�e evento�{css.Ba-:a�ar shal!�iw ptutapi aorice ta thc iosutence sarrier and Lentkr.Leader �_
<br /> tuqy maict proof of boss if not ma�le prompttY by Bonowtu'.
<br /> Ucilesc I,esx{er�d Borrowrr odulwis�agra in wriiinQ,ir�.s�uance pcocrodc shaU be appliod to resu,+r.Uion or repair of Wc -
<br /> Pro�ertY dama8od,if tbe restoration or repair is economit�llp fi:asibk.and Lender's securiry is nat kssenal.If ihe restoradon or
<br /> r�pair i�not xoaom�c�ily fessihte a Leiukr's securi,t�wAUid be 1e.ssaxd.�he insuranca proceods shall be appliod to the sumv
<br /> securod by shis Socurity Iastrun►en�w6cdur or not than dua. wub aay c�ccess paid w Barower.If Barrower aba�Wons the
<br /> Pro�ty,or does noc answex within 30 days a rwcice fiY�m Lender tha:t�.e insurance csurier has offered to seule a claim.then
<br /> I.mdar may colkxt the insurar�ce proconds.Lrendcr may usu tlta proccul4 w npair or trseore the Fropaty or w pq►sum,:socuced
<br /> by this Socurit�Instrument,whether or not.t6en due.Tha 3Q-ds�+Pcri�d will begiu wbea tde norice is�lven.
<br /> Un3as I.auler and B.noRer otlu�wive agree ia writlnp,any applicadon of procoods to principal shall not extead or posq�one
<br /> tlu due date af che moat�tv payment�refercul w in paragrupbA 1 and 2 or cl�nge the�unount of the poynxats.If uader p�r�caph
<br /> 21 the Pmperty is acquit+ad by Leiu3er. F�orrower's right ta aaiy ias�uance poUcies s�ad procoals n.su16a8 from damage to the -
<br /> �Y P�a�he�cquisirioa s2s�al1 pass w I�eader w�tba mctcac af rh�sums sxurod by tbis Sra-x�yr Inst�umeae ia�ediuslY
<br /> pcior w dse acquisitiaa.
<br /> i.pa'�D�scy,praerssti°°+Msiatttwace�d Prota�t&ta ai t6e Propa'tJ: Borrowa''t Lo� AppSeatir�i 1�auebdds. -
<br /> Ba[mwer sLall occuPY,establish.aad usa tbe Pcoper�jr n�Btirc�awa's p�iac.i�s1 re.side�soe within suty days af�es t�exocution of
<br /> thit S�curity L3ttrua�eac aad stwll condaua w occtipy thc Ptopcxty as Bamwer'e p�iaciprl resi�oe foc at 1ca�u�yar after the -
<br /> d�te of aaupracY. unk:4s I.euda�'��o{.theswLise sigrope�s�itt w�citing. whiCnh�c�onsait�Lsh��a�ll nopt�b,.�e�y witbheld.or un3�ss
<br /> �ffM�lffiA�MMII}�IM9M}O�WWi4 ArC U{iy�f1i�1���W/�•.5 rr�Q�iM/�YWQ MiW.lV��wl4Yys�C�����s �
<br /> allow tl�e Property tn de�riorata, or commic wasco o� d�a Prope�ty. Barowa shall be in default if any forfeiwre s�ction or
<br /> pcoceediog.wbett�er avil a etia►inal,is bagua th�t ia Lasdar's gond faith jtidgmeat could ne,a�t ia farfeit�u�e of tbe Piropaty a
<br /> otdrlwi�e m�eiially iwpsir tbe liw cera�d by tbis Saaurity Instcumeat ar Ixstider's�ec�rity Lu�e�Banowa may cxu+e such a
<br /> default ood xeiast�te.as provirdod 'vs p�,�,qraph 18,by csusiag tLe actioa ar pnooeed3og ta be d�sed witb a�t�t.in
<br /> I,eadu's g�faith da�cmination.Procludss forfeiwuro af du�Bamwer's intcrest in tLe Propeity er wlxr m�aial lmptirmaic of
<br /> Ihe lie��r,a�ed by t6is Secutity Iasuumess�or I�.nder'+:s�u�ity iatarst.Bomowtr sh�ll also be in defauit if Boe�owrt,durio�tbe
<br /> 1aa a�pik�oa Procers.8ave awkiiaUy f�lae or imocurnia infona�tioa or�w I,eoder(or fii3ed to gcovi�le La�der witf�
<br /> �ay �ial ioformatim) ia ooanxtion with thc losn•ev�i�Y the No1e. iacladlutl. bu nat limited to, s�ntioos
<br /> oonoan�go�mwes•s oca�paacy of tLes Prop�ty��princa�al resi�3anoe.If this Socurity Insuurarat is m a 1e�etwW.Barowa
<br /> shall crm�ply with all d�e provisions of tbo ieaae.If Bo�+oara su�uires fee tit3e w tLe Pfropa�ty,t6e les�ebold aod tbe foe titla sball
<br /> - �RRli��v�WiiitwiM��i��w�f+wwl.:��j�2»�b..°-sF n��,�.t}� c - �.����g�,,_.1 . . �a -.' "_..
<br /> 7.��f,iffRa S�YY�Y���� 4 DY�iY�Y iilil��LM�iY ���ars�i W�MI�M�Y�GY m
<br /> this Seanity 1as�ument.or there is a legal pcoceedin8�chAt�maY si�nificmtlY affax I,mde:'s riphts in the Pro�aty(sacb as a
<br /> P��m�Y,P�'�•iar c.COClemaatiou ur�iminiaua ur w wiwu�r+ws ur rtgulatioas),Ihea I.e�det miy do ind pty
<br /> fa wWkvrr is neoes�ry oo prwoct tl�yalue of tLe Propaty aud L�a�der's ri�6ts in the Propatg�.I,eada's actionc rn�y iociude
<br /> p�yiag aay swns aerau+ed by a liea which 6as ptio�ity a��er this Seauity r*�•,����pariog ia ooiat,I�YmB r�omto�o _
<br /> �qomey�' faes�d e�lerioY on the Property m tnalce rag�rs.Altbeu8t�I.a�d�a m�'taice aetian under Ihi�c prrsg�npb 7,Itader
<br /> does not h�ve to do 90.
<br /> Aa;aman►!s ti.�v�ed by Leadrr aadri tWa p�ap�b 7 sh�11 i�ecm�e additioail ddx af Bcia[�er�ec�uod by this Secaoty
<br /> Imt�nmmL Uaie� Barroaa �od i.tadac agioe W oi�er t�sms of paya�eat. tbae amonots sDdE bta ir.�ar�t fi�am tbe d�le of
<br /> di�b�t at tbe Nde r�te aod sh�ll bo PQYab1e.witb ia�t.�+�+�±!!twYCe fmm I.e�drt to Ban�ret re�uatmi P�Y�
<br /> i.Morf�e Lwa�ce. 1f I�snda roqu�+rd mort�e iawhoce aa a oo�nd;tiwe af m�tin�the lo�n exue�ed by this Security
<br /> 1a�nuneat. HaQO�r st�11 P�Y �P�� �9uirod m maiotaio d�e mo�e im�oe iu dfect.If.far any rea�.tbe
<br /> mo�tpl�e i�or�nce wva�ge r�quired b�+ieadar l�pacs ar oea�s�o be ia effec�Bartow�er al�fl p�y the prcmiams roqII's�od to
<br /> d�io oovaaie subst+onallY oquivakat.ti the mon�o iawraooe pawiousiy in eff'a�.at a oo�t aibenntialty eqnivaiart t�tLe
<br /> cost ta Barrowes of tbe ciart�e ias�uaace prcaiously ia cffoct,fran aa a8an�e mu�t�e iawrer�ppo�+red br I.axla. If
<br /> a�bsnoti�ilY equivalmt mactgage ia�uaace covaa�o is nat avaiW�le.Baauwer s�ll p�y�u I�eoder e�ch mootL a wm eqnal w
<br /> ooe-tv►�elftL of tba yaciy mo�tg�e ios�mx permium�baa��aid bY Bua�awa whea tl�e iawr�oc•,e caven�e l�pud a cea�ed to
<br /> be ia effaa.l.eader will acce�t.�ue aed rdaia these p�ymaots as a loss re�ve in liru af moet�e iaawooa Loss resa�va
<br /> Fo���4il0
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