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<br /> ' ' l7.Tranxkr ot the Property or a Bmeflciwl lntercst In Borrower.lf all or any pa�t of tho Property or any intsreat io it ��—-
<br /> ,��,�, ,r,_, lA sold or lransfcr►ed(or if a bcncficial inlercst in Borrawer i�Rold ar transfcrn0 und Borrnwer is not a natural person) wi�hout _— _
<br /> �.: � IxtulCt�� Nil�� �v�{tiru �uuxut. Ix�itlu iitay. dI II\ �iplluu. i+•yult'. lmsr.tdln!� ^sy'm!'Rt fn fts!! n!' d!! ^sri'S :.CC'�3rfd hy' thls ''���'-
<br /> __� _ _i` � Security Ina�rument. Hawever,thio optlon aiwll not be cRerci�od by Lende�if eucrcise ia prohibited by federwlls�w us of thc Jate � ' - - `�°
<br /> , . . oi'�his S�xurity Inrtniment. � ------ -
<br /> " •� If l.ender exercisea thi�option, l.eiuier ahall give Bormwer notice ai acceleratian.The notice shall rovkle o peric>d of not
<br /> � � less�han 30 deys fmm the dwte �he notice is delivercd nr mnilecl within whicb Ham�wer mus�pay aIP eum4 �ecured by this
<br /> Security Inslrume�t. If Rc�rrowe�failR la pay these sumx prior to the expiratiun uf this perial,i...ender�rwy invpke any remedies ---_
<br /> pernuttcd by this Sccu�ity Instn�ment wilhr�ut funher nodce or demund on Borrowcr. ^-
<br /> � t8. Borrower's RIRht to ReliaAale. li Barrower meetx certain condllions, Bormwar shall heve tl�e right to havQ �
<br /> enfbrcemen�of this Security Inatcument discontfnued W Any time pr�nr to Ihe eadier of: la) S duy�(or such aher pe�iad as
<br /> -•�� appllcahle Iow may specify for reins�atement!befare iwlc of thc Property pursuant to any powor uf�ule ccxitainad in thi5• � �- "'_-
<br /> � ` � ~ Secu�ity lnb�rument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securlty Inswment.Those coMitiorus are thnt Borrower: (a)paye � -� `
<br /> � • Lender all�uma w��ich the�wauld f�e due under this Secu�i�y Instrumenl and the Nate as if np ceceler�tion had occurrnd: 1b1 �'�'�`"'`
<br /> cure�any default of any othar covenanls or agrxmenle; (c)ppys all expenses incurced in enforcing Ihis Saurfty Instrument,
<br /> • including, but not limited to,reasonablc atwrne s'fees;and(d)take.g such ac�lon es Lender may rear,�►nably require to aasure �+��.�=�.--
<br /> . that U�e lien of'this Securi�y Instrument, L.ender�s righta in�he Propeny and Borcower's obligation ta pay the sums socurod by � '�''�i�
<br /> this Security Insuumont shall continua unchwngal. Upon reinptatement by Bormwer, this Securl�y Instrument nnd the "°' ;'
<br /> obligutians securai hercby ehall remain fully eifectivc as if no accelaredon had occurraJ. Hawever. this rlght to rein�tete shall - -�-
<br /> not apply in ths case of nccelemtion under paragraph 1�. �_
<br /> 19. Sala o[Natei Change ot I.oun Servlcer. The Nate or a partfal intcrcat in ttw Nate (togethcr with thia Securiry =____
<br /> • ' Insuumant)may be sold Aoa ar marc tlm�s without priar nntfce to Bonawor.A sale may reault in a chenge in the entlty (knawn ��---
<br /> � as the "Loen Sewicer')that collcets mnnthly payments dus under th�Nota and this.Security Inatrument.There alsa may be ane
<br /> , or mor+e chenges af tha I..oan Servicer unrela�ed a a sale of ttie Note, If there fs a chenge nf the Laan Servicer,Borrawer will be �'. °�'�"'"
<br /> , �. , . given written notice of the changa in accordance with parngraph 14 pbova and applicable luw.The notice will atale the name and I ;�-,;,,,
<br /> addtess of the new l.oan Servic�r and the addrcss to which payments should be made.The notice will alsa contafn wny other - �
<br /> ' infarmAtion rc uired by n licabls luw, '"���y`r ` -
<br /> q PP k •.:;;�„w..:.:.y�_
<br /> ' 20. Hazardous Substances. Borcower shal: nat ceuse��r permit the presence, use, dispow�l, s��r�ge,or releaie of any w. ;,r,. -
<br /> He7ardous Subatances �m or In the Propeny. B�ROwer ahall not do, nor allaw anyone els� to do, anyIhing s�ffecting the I s-
<br /> Propeny that is in violution of uny Environmemul l.Aw. The preceding ttivo�entenccs shnll not upply io thc presence. u�c, or ' ��=x--=.
<br /> storage on the Propeny af smull quantitiec of Hazardous Subatances that ere gencrally�ecognizal t��he upproprfate to nomwl � ° -_- '
<br /> ' '�. • residential uses and to muintcnance oP�hc Propcny.
<br /> . Bo�rower shall promptly give Ixncler wrilten notiee of any invesiigutiun,claim, demui�l, luwsui�or atl�er uc�inn by any �'A`-�'�_
<br /> � , gavcmmental or regulatory agency nr privu�c purty involving Ihe Propeny und any HaznrJiius Suhsluncc or Envirnnmental L,�w �:�:_
<br /> of whith Borcowe�ha4 actual knawledge. If Bcxrower lear�is, or is notitied by uny�avcrnmenlal or rcgulcNory aWhnrity,thut I
<br /> 1 any removal or ather remedlation of eny Huzardous Substnnce uffecting the Prciperty is necessary,&►rrower�hall promptly take '
<br /> all necessary remodial actions in accordance wilh Environmental l.nw.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Huz�rdous Substanees"are�hi►se substunce�defined as Inxic nr hn�Anlnus subslnnces My �-
<br /> � � Enviranmen[al Law and the foliowing s�u6atunccs: gaa�linc, ken�xene, othcr 1lummahle or toxlc helrulcum prcxlucts, toaic _
<br /> ." - . ". �iKiJc�aixi Lerbicida+.voluliie suivnnis.maieriulsconluining u+besio�ur io�nwldrLyJe.unJ rudivaciire��udc�luls.As use�t In
<br /> • � this paragrnph 20, "Envi�onmental I.aw" means federal laws and IAws af the ju�isdiclion whcre the Propeny is la�ated that _
<br /> rela�e to health,safety ar envimnmental prmecti�n.
<br /> -, NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.cndcr funher roveiwnt mKl ugree nx fallaws: _
<br /> -� ' 21. Acceleration;Remedicw.Lender shall Rive noNce tn Borrower priar tu orcelernllon followlnR Itnrrower's brcuch --_
<br /> _ ' ' of any covenoM or agreement In thl4 Securlty Instrument Ibut not prior to nccelernllon under pum�rnph 17 unl�
<br /> . applkable IAw provldes otherwlise).The notice shall cpecify: (a)lBe dei'uoN; (b) the actlon reyuired to curc the detaull; -
<br /> (c)�date,not less tMan 30 daya b�otp the date the notice 1h glven to liorrower,by'W6ich the dei�ult muct i►e cured;und
<br /> ' ' (d)that faNure to cure the defAUlt on or before Ihe date spoclf'led in the pnNce moy re.cuU In accelerution of the sums �
<br /> • secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale of Ihe 1'roperty. The nWice shall furlher Inform Sorrower oP the right to �' w _
<br /> � reln4tate after acceleratlon ond the�lght to bring e court actlon to acsert the non-exlstence oi a default or a�y other �-
<br /> defense of Borrower to accelerallon and sale. If the deiault Is nol cured on or I�efore the date speciited In the notice, ��'��
<br /> Lender, al Ils opNon, may reyuirc immediate payment in full oP all sums secured by IhiR Sccurily Instrument without �� ^�"`__
<br /> iuHher demand and mAy invoke the power of sale and any nlher remediec permitted by uppNcable luw. Lender chall be � �
<br /> entllled to rnllect all expenses incurred in pu�uing the remedfes provided in thia paragroph 21,including, but not Ifmited .--
<br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fees a�d costs of title evldence. ' ' �
<br /> � It thepo wer of sale is Invoked.Tru.stee s1w11 record a notice of default in eACh county in whlch eny part ot the � - .-
<br />"' ' Property is locutal and shaU m�il cupi��of sucb noNce in the manner prescrlbed by appli.able law to Borrower axd lo . • _-
<br /> ' i the other persong preccribed by appllcable law.After Ihe Nme requlred by applkable law.Trustee sholl give puMlc notice , ` ---_,
<br /> � of sole to the persons and In the manner prescribed by applicable low.7'ructee,without demend on Borrower,shell sell , � �'"�':
<br /> the Property at publlc auctlon to the hiRbest bidder ut the time gnd place and under the terms deslgnated in tMe notice ot , -'�
<br /> � sale In one or more parcels wnd fn any order'1'ruvtee determin�.w. Tructee may postpoue sale of all or any parcel oP the ,
<br /> , Praperly by public Annoum�ement nt the time and plece of any previously scheduled s�le.Ixnder or Its deslgnee mAy
<br /> . , purcbate the Property at any sale. .
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