,.' .� 1, '1 ' • , � ••�, -. ".___ .. �.I'[�..
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<br /> _ �1 . . - ��.�Llf�i�i�� � 21S.i _u __ J" •. :r4�C��-__
<br /> .. ^ „ . �1! I ��y -_----_—__
<br /> . . "._ . . {�L�� /•O���O ��---`•T�r�1Af.A-._�
<br /> �� i �ru�.,.,=_-
<br /> TOC3�THER W1'CN all the imerovements now or hercaRer erected on the Property.and ell a�emente,rppurtenw�.and -..--��, :._�,��_
<br /> . . fix[una now or hereafter a part af the propeKy. All replocement� and additions shall �I� be covered by thlt 3ecurity ��='''°
<br /> "� .J ���......:....�. Imtn�mrnt. All of the farcgoing!s tic�i�cxl w io ti�ic S�curity iu+twtuent as the 'Cmperty.' ` - —.__-
<br /> � BQRROWEI2 COVBNANT31hat Borrower ia lawfully Reised of tha eslwta hereby canveyed ond has the right to Qmnt w�d ° -�.-�--
<br /> � oonvey�i�e Property and Ihat the Propeny is unencumbercd.except ior etKUmbr�tc�s of rc,card. Borrawer war�ta end w!!! �-°t"..�-- _,� --�.:�-
<br /> detet�d generally the tide to the Property ag�inst all claitm and detnands.subject to any encumbrances of rccord. �., .'.j="�;:_
<br /> ; TH13 SECURlTY INSTRUMENT combines unifixm cavenanta fnr netbnal use and non-uniform covenwnt4 wilh limitod � ° __
<br /> � vulations by jurj�dictfop tp constitute e uniform secu�ity Instrument covering real pmperty. ��-�'..'�w'��.pm�-
<br /> ^ UNIFORM CQV�NANT3. Borrowerard Lender covenant and agrcc a.�followa: •• � �'�' �'��
<br /> ' 1. Payroent ot Prindp�l and lnte�est; Prepaymenl and I.ate Charges. Borrower ahall promptly pay when due the F � ;��':�''�`
<br /> - — ,-- � - - pdtticlpal uf and pitgre.5{un A�J�bt rvidcaced by the Ndte utwl auy Nrepayment and late churges due under the Nae. . - .�==�
<br /> 2. Fwtde[or.�'sxe6 and I�u�nce.SubJect la applicAble low or to A writtan waiver by l.ender. Borrowe� shell pay to f.�,:, �„�..�.
<br /> LendGt an�hc dey mofpth�Y{►�Y , .:�;�T� •—_
<br /> ments arc due under the Note.until the Noto is paid in full,a sum('Funds")for:(a)yearly taxcs � - ••��sr:r
<br /> and aucssments whish qwy etlain priority over thjs Secudty Instrumeot ea a lien an the Propeny;lb)ywrly leasehold peymcmts l. -.•��R���1��;'
<br /> ' • • � or gmund rcnta on the,�raperty, if any;(c)yearly ha7ard or property iosurance premiums;(d)ye�rly flood insurence premiums. � . ::a n°.�ti�"'.;�,�•
<br /> if�ny;(e)yearly mo�t�ge in4uronce premiumv, if any;ond(� any sums payable by Borrower to Lender,in accordance with `,�r-
<br /> j 4��.�,� .���.�:���
<br /> the provisions of pana�Vaph 8, in Iku of the payment of moAgwge insurence prcmiums.These itema ore called'Escrow Items." � �-�--•....r.,--,••
<br /> ___ —"'~ Lender rnay, at any.,�jme, collect and hoid Funds in an amounl not io axceai the m�ucimum amount a lender for e federally i • � , ���
<br /> , nlated mongage loen may requirc for Borrower's escmw account under the federal Real 8state Settkment Proxdurcs Act of ". . :, '
<br /> � 1974�s amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"),unless anolher law that applies to the Funds i . , .
<br /> . � sets a lesser amount. If so, l.er:der may, at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to eacxd the lesser amount. � �
<br /> Lender rr�y estimale the amount of Funda due on the b�sis of current dala end ra�sonAWe atimrtes of eapenditures of futuro -y��'
<br /> EicrowItpnsorothcrwiseinaccordancewUho licabiclaw. t �'�'k'f�`''=;=�
<br /> _ . PP [ .�`•_:.-�e�
<br /> � '. ' The Funda shall be held in an Institution whose depoaits are insured by a federal agency. ingtrumentality, or entity ; ' ..-`, ., ..:�_�`-�
<br /> '��.• � . (including I.ender.ii Lender is such an institu�ion)or inany Federal Home Loan Bunk.Lender shell apply Ihe Funds to pay the �•���v�wi: '
<br /> Escmw I�ams.I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,nnnually analyzing the escrow account,or �� '.'°� *��::•
<br /> ; , ver�fyiog tha Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on!he Funds and applicable law permits Lender ta mnke such � . ; _ °
<br /> � • I a charge.Hawever,l.ender may require Barrower to pay a one-time chacge for an independent real estate tax reponing 4ervke , �. •_
<br /> . . � used bv Lender in connection wi�h �his ban, unless epplicable IAw provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or �; '-`'�
<br /> . ' , appliApblc law rcquires intercw�to be puid,Lender ahal l nc�t be reyuired to pay Barrowcr any interest or earnings on the Funds. r„
<br /> ��:•,;�',;�� '��;.. � Borrnwcr and Lender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Fands. Lcnder ghall give to Borrower, �•"��'�,=:�-
<br /> � � • ''��• .�. �� withaut chuga, s�n annual uccou�xing of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the putpose for which each ,+t,!t�" ��
<br /> � �� ' � debit,lp ihn Funds was macle.The Funds ure pledged as additional sccurity for all sums secura)by this Securily Instrument. • ?�'�'< ,
<br /> • ,�.;�
<br /> If tha Funds held by l.ender eaceed the amounts pertnitted to be held by applicable lew,l.ender xhall account lo Borrower �
<br />._ . . .. . ______ "_ ' •1 . .!_-..v_:---_--_---.- -
<br /> foc the excess Funds�n uccordunce�wuh �he requiremems of appiicabie iuw. ii�he u�m�uu�uf ti�Fu��i.iicid iiy i.encler at any
<br /> ' time is not sufficient ta puy the Escrow Items when due.Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing, And, in such case Borrnwer
<br /> shall pay�o l.ender ihe amount necessary to make up the deliciency. Born►wer shall make up �he deficieney in no more Ihan _ _
<br /> Iwelve monthly paymems,at L.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> �:—
<br /> Upon payment in full oP all sums securcd by this Securiry Instrumem, l.ender shull promptly refund to Bormwer any �rv��__� _
<br /> Fu�ds held by I.ender. If,undcr paragraph 21,l.ender shull arquire or seU thc Property, Lender,prior 10 the acquisition or sale j ,^;.,,"��_'
<br /> � oi the Property. shall apply any Funda held by L.ender�t the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by ' ���""'
<br /> � � Ihis Security Instrumen� 4 •�=�`:;,,-
<br /> 3. Appllcation of Paymenls.Unless applics�ble I�w provides othenvise.ull payments received by Lender under parograph4 ' �_
<br /> 1 nnd 2 shall be opplied: firs�, to any prepaymenl cha�ges due under�he Note: second, to omounts payable under paragraph 2; _-
<br /> lhird,ro fnterest due;fourth,to principal due:und lest,in any late chargec due under the Nate. ��"�
<br /> 4. Cl�rges; Llens. Borrower shall puy ull toxe�,�ssessments, charges, tines and impositions attribuablc to Ihe Pmpeny � ;,.,,.- °• -
<br /> which may attaio prio�ily over this Security Instrument, and leasehold puyments or ground rents, ii nny.Bormwer shull pay - '`-
<br /> .�..:.
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that monner,Borrower shull pay ihem on time directly • �•'%=•
<br /> ' ��}L�.
<br /> ' to tha person owed pnyment. Borrower shall pmrnptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pnid under this parngraph. ���•_��_
<br /> , • If Borrower mukes thesc payments directly,Bormwer sholl promptly fumish ta L.ender receipts evidencing the paymenls. ' ,
<br /> ' Borrower shull pmmptly discharge any lien which has priorily over this Security Instrument unless Bormwer: (al agrees in
<br /> , writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u mnnner accepwble to I.e�er;(b)contests in goad fai�h the lien
<br /> � by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> mfarcernent of the Ifen:or(c)secures from the tiolder of Ihe lien un agreement satisfactory to Lender subordina�ing the lien to
<br /> —' this Secudry Instrument. If l.ender deterni;nes that any part of the Pmpeny is subject to a lien which moy attain priorlty over
<br /> lhis Secudty Instrument, Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall sutisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> � more of the actions set forth ebove wilhin 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> i.
<br /> Fam 3028 9190
<br /> Pp�7 018
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