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�"i'' ' r ��� ,�� - _-_ . ...,-::,.�_ <br /> 1- � . � . i V . _ <br />, ,��.' _ .. ..._ .. <br /> lc• ' ' '� it:.'1�.. •1ttF .,�:. . ____ . .—._.... - <br /> � . .. � .. �na.•,�w �jJ�(y( vY-K.�.. . . .btB: • •v��. .�xl.�����.t� .. T <br /> , . , . �s��`�-.�w1i+�NA- .u�..�_..., r��'` ,-�:'�"137'1�'��7� N ' �.��x'� 6_�_ <br /> ' " :'J� � '�h;�i��r+�`�.'- }� ' � 't iwis.- � _�.'`Qr'�--t'�'' _- -_ —�— <br /> `�r `:':�""---. .t V� <br /> _. � . _. �a:tn�:--=_- - <br /> � : �. ;�:.{r. 92_. 104525 � _.._ _ -- <br /> ° • S. HazaM or Properly Iacnrsnce. Borrower ehall keep Ihe impmvemrnu now eai�tfng or harcafter erectod on the .�.t.��..Y-.:.:- <br /> � ' ° Property insurcd o�ainst loss by firc. h�ards included wflhin the lerm'exle�ded rnveraQc' w�d ony nther hazArds. in¢IudinQ _M <br /> - �kp;._.�•�:..��--. � t!ar..a� ^r n�c..a::�, f•:r::.*.!c!: �..:.,.,:..� �wu��c,� in�wrnnce.7�hle in�+urancc shall bc tnulutriirod in Iha wmuuMx rixi 1'i�r Iho periuJn '— --�- - <br /> � �� ' that Lender roquires. Tha insurance carrier providing the Inwrance �iudl be char.en by Borrower�ubject to Lende�'�appmvAl <br /> ' which shall not be unrcasonably withheld. If BaROwer fAils to mainuln coverage descritxd �bove. l.eMer may. �t Lrader'� <br /> ' aption.abtain covernge to protect l.ender's rights in�he Praperty in accordance wi�h paragraph 7. ._ __ <br /> ^ . All insurance policies and renew�IR shall be acceptwble lo I.tfldl�&fld SFIYII IIICIUi�G Y RtAfldYfd IlfOriSA(��CIMU�G. Lender T ,�--,':.--�„�-« <br /> � � shall have the dght to huld thc policieu and rcnewals.lf L.endcr roquires,Borrower RhAll pramptly give to Lender�11 raelpts of '_\� ,::t-::��� <br /> � <br /> paid premiuma and rcnewai ndfas.In�he evenl af lass.Borrower�hall�ive pmmpt notla to the irowran�x carrkr and La�der. � ��•'^�-��s°`•'" <br /> -- . l.ende�may mnke praof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. -__ _ _ - - __ <br /> — ' ---— - " Uniess i.ender and Hurruwer utherwiue�gra in wrfliug.insurr�k�o pr��la ahwll i►e appli�xi lu r�turwiu►�ur ���wi�uf{lro `° <br /> � Property demaged,if the rcstorntian ur rcpdr iR economically Peasible wnd Lender'a eecurlty ia not Icssened.lf'thc re�torotbn ar �. <br /> � ..' rcpair is not cconomically feaalble or Lender's socu�lty wauld bc�ue proceeda�hall be appUod ta tho eums <br /> . • � aocurod by this Secudty Tnstrument. whether or not then due, with mry exceaa p�fd to Borrower. If�rmwer abandon� the :_.,_�—_ <br /> " ' Peoperty,o�does not xnswer within 30 days a notice f'ram l.ender that the insu►ance cartier has offercd to setUe a claim,then ' "`` <br /> � Lender rtwy collect the insurance proceeda. l.ender may use tho proceeds ta repalr or �rstore the Property ar ta pay sums �`'`�'_����tl��� <br /> � securod by this Secu�lty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begln when the notice ia given. <br /> _-- _`-_ _ ` ._ - :- °_---- _ . _ <br /> Untess I.ender w►d Bocmwer otherwise egree in writing. any application af pmceeds to ptincipal shqll not extend or <br /> . pos�pone the due date of the monthly paymcnt�rcfercod to in paragrephs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If _- <br /> � under paragraph 21 the Property is acqufred by LetMer. Harcower's right to any insurnnce policies ond proceeds resulting from -' -�= <br /> � damage to the Propeny pdor to the acquisition siwll pass to Lender to 1hc ea�ent of Ihe wms cav�od by this Secu�iry Instrum�ent ��`°- <br /> immedietely prior ro the acquisition. � � � y��e <br /> - � • 6. Oocupancy, PrerservAtbn� Mpintenonce ond Protectlnn ot tfie 1'roperty; Borrower's l.oan Applkationt l.easefi+►fda. ��; ------ <br /> � � � Bomower shall accupy,eawblish,and use the Pmpehy ns Rormwe�'x principal r�idence wilhin sixty dnys ufler Ihe execudon of <br /> . this Security Instrument and shall contfnue ta occupy the Property asc Borrawer's principal re4idence for at lesu�t ane year aQer <br /> � the date of occupuncy,unless Ixnder otherwi�e agrees in wriling, whlch ccwsent shall not he unreaconably withheld,or �'.-�- <br /> �• � extenuating circums�ances exist which ure beyond Borrower's rnntrol. Borrower shnll nat des�my, dumagc or impair the <br /> ;,�.��� Property, Allow the Propeny to deteriorate, or cammit wuste on the Property. E�rn�wer shAll be in del'aull if any forfeiture : <br /> ., ;;;,.;•',;,;; action ar proceeding,whether civil or criminul,is begun that in l.ender's goc�d failh judgment could re.cult in forfeiture of the - <br /> .��_ <br /> • Property ar olhenvise msiterially impair the lien created by thi4 Securily Instn�ment or I.ender's cecurity intere4�. Born�wer may --T <br /> cure�uch a default and provided in paragraph 1 S,by causing thc action or proceeciing to be dismissed wilh u rul ing -- <br /> � that, in Lender'a gaod faith determinalion, precludes forieiture of the Horrawer's intercs� in the Pmpeny or other msxe�fal _ � <br /> impuirment of the lien crcated by this Security Instrument or l.ender's securiiy intercw�. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> —____-_-- Nermwer.during tht Inen a�+�+lieatin��Pec,g�ve mAteriepy f�IcP�r fnn�c��ra1� inf�rmnti�n nr�tatemrnla t�l.eml�►(�r fnff!YI �._——__, <br /> ta pravide Lender with nny material�infornia�ionl in connection with �he Ieum evidenced hy the Note, including,hut nnt limited �-�ar�-ti"��-- <br /> ��. to, representatianv cancerning&�ROwer's c�ccupuncy af the Pmpcny us a principul residcnce. If Ihis Securily Inslnimenl is on n — <br /> � lea.gehold, Borrower shall comply wiih all Ihe provisians of the If Barrnwer acquirec fe� title Io the PropeMy, lhe =---- <br /> leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless lw:nde�agrees tu the n�ergcr in wri�ing. ���'�-'"- <br /> ' ° °�"' 7.Protection of I.ender's Rights In the Prnperty.If Borcc�wer foUs ta perform Ihe co��eswa�c and u recmems con�uineci in � �� - <br /> ,�f: ,.. . .. R ,:�::is.';'��_=-�. <br /> ; '' this Security Instrument. or tlxre is a legul proceedinR thut mny signifkanUy afi'ect Lend"er's rights in t:�e Property(such as a '`=`"'''�"`,-n <br /> ; praceeding in bankrupt�y,probate, for condemnetion or forFeilure o�to enforce luws or regulatians), Ihen l.ender may do and •-r,,,�,�:�. ", � <br /> �"r ---- <br /> pay ior whatever is t�ecessary to pmtect �he value of the Property und L,ender'a �Ights in �he Propehy. l.ender's aclions may ,�_-,,;-�--.„_. <br /> • include u in an sums secured b e licn which has riorit over this Securf� Instrument, a arin in court, in '�'-� �-� <br /> P Y � Y Y P Y Y PP� B P�Y B �ycr..��..� <br /> rw.sonable attorneys'fees end entering on�he Properry to make repai�s.Although l.ender may�ake action under this paragraph • t'��"- <br /> �•- u: <br /> 7, L.ender does nat have to do ao. '�'���=�:. <br /> •� • � Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 sholl become additional debt of &xrower secured by this •..=1.:�"' <br /> Security(nstrument. Unless Borrower ond Lender aQrce in other tcrrns of payment,these nmounts shall bear interest from the � ` " � <br /> •�:::�-- <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate u�d shall be payable, with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesling � . ,�;�.,:.: � <br /> :�.,: � payment. •�,�....:,,i;; �_:.. <br /> .,`t�,. 8.MortQage In4urAnce.lf l.ender required mohgage insurance as a conditi�n of making the loan secured by this Securiry �-:_—_ <br /> � Instrument. Borrawer shall pay the premiums requircd to maintain the rnortgage insurance in effect. If, for any rcason, the ..,,,, .;��;� _ <br /> m o r tg ag e i n s u r a n c e c o v erng e req u i re d by L e n d e r l ap s e s o r c e a s e s t o b e i n e f iect, earrower shall puy the premium.4 required to • ' . <br /> � obtain toverage substentinlly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent �o the � � �� <br /> � ° cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altema�e�mongoge insurer approved by l.ender. if � <br /> � substantially equivelent monguge insurance coverage is not availuble,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month n sum equal to <br /> ane•twelfth of the ycarly mortgage lnsurance premium f�eing paid by Bonawer when the insurance coverage Inpsed or ceased to <br /> be in effect. Lender will aaxpt, use and retain these payments as o lo�s reserve in Neu of mo�tgage insur�nce. Loss reaerve � <br /> l <br /> - Fam 3026 9/90 <br /> � . <br /> - Pp�3 o�e �' . . <br /> .� .�.i�'-. <br /> _ i <br /> � 1 <br /> ' � . <br /> � � <br /> . �___._._.._ � <br /> .. ._. ... . � • <br /> � <br /> { ' <br /> _ � . <br /> . .. -- - ��� � <br />