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<br /> ' 9$� �ftM�'�� -�'_
<br /> • providcd by�law;or sell th,e I'copa4Y as a whale,cu in�par�parcels or lots ai Trustec's discre- =
<br /> t1QI}. •`
<br /> 14. F��nd F�;�nses. 1n the event Tnistec sells thc PropertY by exercise of power af 6__
<br /> fust to cnt of all costs and
<br /> salc,'�'nusee shall be enUded to ap ly aay sale proceeds FaYm �_
<br /> e.�cpenses of exercising�ower o£�e,including all Trustee's f���a�n Sth�c�ent�a�n�owet —
<br /> aitarctiey's fees actually incurnd W tIu e�t permitted bY app�
<br /> or TnisWr exet�ises�►Y ri�ht provided by law to cure aa Event of Default,Lender shall be
<br /> entided w recover firom TnisWr all cost�and expetues actually incuned as a result of Tnutor's _
<br /> defau]t,includin��witI�out linaitation,all Trustee's and atwraey's fees,t�the extent petmitted by
<br /> applicable law. _
<br /> 15. Fjlt��� e►dva c�es. �Jpon request of Bomnwer,Lender may,at its option,make
<br /> additional and futur�edvances and resdvances to&orrower. Snch advances and read�o�
<br /> inier�st therean,shayl be sec�ured by this Deed of Tnut At ao time shall the pcinc Pal
<br /> the indebtedness seeured by this Deed of Tnist,not including sums advanced to pt�ta;t the secu-
<br /> ri�y of this Dad uf TnLSt,�xc�eed the original PrinciPal amount siatsd henin.or S r1�►_,
<br /> w�cLcver is g[�cater.
<br /> l6. _
<br /> �a� t or modification of
<br /> y�, Extension of the time for payaien
<br /> amortiz�iiott Q£the sums secured by this Dad of Tnut gcanted by����Y�o ,�,�r in
<br /> interest of Barcawsr slaall not operate w release,in aaY maaner�
<br /> Bormwer and Borrower's successors in tnterest Len�der si�all not be ro4wral�m�m�
<br /> ����g�st such succcssor or rafuse to extend tinu for payment
<br /> amortizatcon of the sums sercurod by ttns Dxd of Tnut by reason of aay desnaads made by
<br /> o�iginal Borrower aad Baruvv�s successors.ia interesi.
<br /> f�� d�efc Pow�s. Without affxting the liability of aa�y other person liable for
<br /> the payment of at�z obti�on herein mentioned,and withoiat affecting the lien or charge of tbis
<br /> . Do�d of Tn�si ug�n anY Pa:j�►°n of tbe Properiy not then or thentofat+e releaSOd as a socurity for
<br /> tHc frill amouat a�all unpaid obli�atioaS,Leader u�Y'� w alter eay of tbe tenms o�f a�ny such
<br /> t�i s+eisage say' so liable;(n}extead the matxa�itY or
<br /> �;(��otb�x indulgeacas,(iv)ze�t.��s.et or reconvey,or cause w be releasod --
<br /> -� -- - - v Ofl 8i STl ttffiC 8i I�C�Cia nW�u a"7'Y"";"'+�-�w"11 nf tiv Pe+OrfeitY:(v)t��C Qi - -- _
<br /> - T '�.�-'II Cy y OII�Ci�CtII�L011�s OL�Vt��C CO3l2�'
<br /> - retcase aay other or edditiaaal saurity for aay obi�ti
<br /> sitions or other arran8emmts with debtors in relation ther�ta.
<br /> = ��� • pay gorbeHrance by Leader ia
<br /> exercisin8 aaY nBht or r�Y�or otherwise affo�+ded by applicabk law sball not be a
<br /> waiver of,or preclude the exercue o�aay such right or re�edy. The p�ocuremeru of insuraace
<br /> a tbe paynleat of taxe.s or�lieas���by this Doed o Tiust'ver of I.eacler's ri8ht
<br /> ta a►ecelerate tbe matuiitY
<br /> ,a mc1• T ;nt evi�v�er�L_igh'�tV:CSM�IL4. T�
<br /> � e e...e o•L Ac¢i�R.^L O
<br /> � � hcein CODtaitled St181k hi�d,ead tbe n$hts ha�n�der s�11�����
<br /> co��eaaats and agi+�
<br /> r�peetive successors ancP e:�igns of I.eader aad Tivstor. All f �ag�cam�ts of
<br /> Trvstor sLall be joiat aa�s�veral. 11u captioas aad hesdiaSs of this Doed of
<br /> Tcust are for conveflieacx oeily aad ece not w be usod to int�erprzt or defix the provisinas heseo£
<br /> (e) Ren�est for Notices. The p�ties lxrebY ro9uest thst t�cup�►of any notice of
<br /> - d..�'......,,�i herounder and a copy of any notice of sale hereunder be mailod to esch pa.-ty to this Deed
<br /> r rGSCn'bed b le law. Exc,ept�ror
<br /> of Tn�st at the address set forth abovc ia ttx manna p Y��
<br /> any other n�otice required uada sPPlic�hle law to be given in a�me���y��
<br /> ptovidod for in t�us Deed of Tnut shaQl be giveu by mailin�such notice by catifiad mail
<br /> addressed ta tbe other partus.at the address set forth above. Aay notioe p�+ovecled for in this
<br /> Deed of Trust sball be e�ive upon mailin8 in t8e maa�er designaied her�ia. If Trustar is morc
<br /> = thaa oa�perse�a,notice sact to the address set forth above sball be notioe t�all such persons.
<br /> (fl I�, �,�r�ay malce,or cause w be made,reasonable entries upon
<br /> _ aa�d inspectioas of tBe Property,Pcovided that Lender shall give Trustor notice prior to aay s�ch
<br /> _ in.spoction spocifyia8 reasonable cause t�ercfar zciatod to I.ender's mtrerest in the Property.
<br /> _ (g� Reconvevatf�e. iJpoapayment of all sua�s sectu�od bY tl�is Deed of Tnut,
<br /> I.endcr shall requat Ttustee W roconvty the Propaty and sha11 surreader this Da�of Tn�st aad
<br /> - aU aotes evidencin8 indebtedaess socured by this Deod of Tn�st to Trusta. Tnistoe shall
<br /> - reconvey tha Propetty without wacraatY and without chatge W the pe:soa or petsons legallY ,
<br /> " eatitud�to. Tniswr sT�all pay all costs of rocordation,if aay.
<br /> ° As additional security for the
<br /> _� payment of the Note,Tn�stor hereby grants I.u'.dcr,uader the Nebraslca Uniform Camm�ercial
<br /> °'� Code,a socurity intarest in all fixtures,e4uiPment aad other personal property used in cnnnection
<br />-�:� with th�real estate or imptovements tocated thercon aad not other�tise declazrd or deeme�w be
<br />�� 4
<br /> �
<br /> t __
<br />