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<br /> nFFn oF'rtti I�T
<br /> This DEED UF TRUST is made as of the 23r�d daY of August,199b by aud among tha ���,�
<br /> Trustor,B�DSSELMAN,INC.,a Nobraslca corporation,whose mailing eddress for PurP°ses of Q
<br /> this Decd of Trust is P.O.Box 1567,Crand Islaad,NE 68802-1567(berein,"Tr�.r",whether \
<br /> ane or more),the Trustee,AREND R.HAACK,Attorney at Law,whose mailing addcess is P.O.
<br /> Box 790,Graad Island,NE 68802-0790(herein"Tn�stee"1,and the Beneficiary,THE
<br /> pVERI,AND NATIONAL BANK OF QRAND ISLAND,whose mailw8 ad���p•O.8°x
<br /> 1688,Grand Islaad,NE 68802-1688(herain"Lender")•
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIUN,including I,eader's ext�nsion of credit ideatifiod
<br />- herain ta BOSSELMAN,INC.(herein"Borrower",whet�er one or more),and the trust herein _
<br /> creaud,the roceipt of which is hGreby ackaowledged,TroLSwr herebY inxvocably�ants,trans-
<br /> fers,conveys and assigns w Trustx,IN TRUST�WITH IP�WER OF SALE,for the beneSt and
<br /> security of I.cndar,uader and subject w the terms and corx�itioas�set forth,1�8a11Y
<br /> describad as follows:
<br /> Lots Oae(1),Two(2).1`hree(3)>Four(4)aad F��e(5),Stelk Toomaa Plaza
<br /> Subdivision,Hall County,Nebraslca;
<br /> - wge,th�r with all buildings,improvemeats,fvctiurs,s�'eets,�CY�P�S��Y�+�:
<br /> _. i�w�.,.�.,,.�.�A„�„ntenances loc�sed therooa�{o.�r in,,apayw�se pert��a�nA�n�Bq i�0.e�d the
<br /> s"`......p�..�.._.rr-- �ilcawif 1""�"�'!"�,-°_+ {i1iLL 13 --° - -
<br /> raus,issues aad profits.reversions a�d reas3ia�rs a��
<br /> - aitacl�ed W the improvenneats so as to constitute a fixture,includin8+bui not limited to,beatin8
<br /> ' etY.er with the homestesd or matital interests,if anY,w}uch
<br /> asd coolin8 e9�P�t��
<br /> in��oi�;���y,:,t�:�.-r�•.r:..•�`.'•,°--;y^��!1�f wl9ich:includimi rca�Ls aad additions
<br /> thereto,is hereby declared to be a part of the reat estate secw�ed by the liea of t1�I3ad oi�'1 r�.st
<br /> = aad all of the foregoing being referred to here;�as the"PrupertY".
<br /> 17iis Dood of Tnut shall secure(a)the paymeat of the primcipal sum aad inierest
<br /> evideacod bY a Pron�.ssory Note dated Augu�t 23rd,1996.having a maturity date of Septembss
<br /> Five'Il�usand and No1100
<br /> 15,2001,ia the original PnnciPal amouat Q�Four Hundred'1'w►eatY- .
<br /> `= Dollars(5425,080.00),aad is further inta�dod pursuant to a Cc�oss-Collateralizarion Agi�t
<br /> of evea date hcc+ewith w seeure tbe pafoimance of a Pcomissory;Note datod August 23rd,199E, � .
<br /> haviag a maturity daie of September 15,2001,itw tbe original pnaci aawunt of One Hundt�oa'C
<br /> 'Thousa�ad and Nol100 Dollars(5100,000.00),aad any aad all�cations,extensious and
<br /> - renewals theroof or tbet+eW six:aay and all fiuure advances and t�eadvances�w�or credit��agree�
<br /> of them if more thaa one)herc�ada pursuaat to one or mnre promigsorY
<br /> ments(herein calltd"Note"};(b)th�e PaYm�at of other sums sdvanad by Lender Pt'ote�
<br /> security of the Nata;.(c)the performance of all covenaats and aSraments of Tn�stor sat forth
<br /> hereia;and(d)alI preseat and future uukbtedness aad obliga�ons of Bonow�er(or aay of them if
<br /> more thaa one)ta I.rnder wl�ether direct,indircet,absolute or contmgeat aad wl�ethe�ausin8 bY
<br /> - note,SuataatY,ovecdraR or�ottaacwise. The Nota,this I3eed of Tnut and aay aad all other
<br /> docu�aeats that seoure the Natc or otherwise exocuted.in connectioa thercv�ath,includin8 without
<br /> limitation guaraatee.s,securit3'a�e�ts and assiSn�e�of teases and rents,sball be referred
<br /> �.14�1Cl�CIII AS�IC"LABII�Stii�S~•
<br /> `�
<br /> = 1. . .�ll icdebt,edaess securai hereby stiaaU be paid whea due.
<br />�y
<br />- ° 2. Tiil�. Trustor is the owaer of tir�Property,l�as the right and suthority to convey the
<br />-''"� pnoperty aad warrants that the lion created hercby is a first aad pzior lien oa the Prope��a�a�dw
<br />'_,� execution an�d delivery of the Deed of Trust does not violate an contrad,cu othet'ab
<br />= wbich TrusWr is subject.
<br /> 3. T,�_etc�c�„ -n G. To pay,before delinquent,all taxes,special a�ses�u:nts aad all
<br /> otlur charges against the Ptoperty now or hereaifter levied.
<br /> 4. Il�S1u'du�. To keep the Property insured against damage by fire hazards included wiffi
<br /> the term"exteaded coverage"aud such other ha�ards as Leader niay require in amounts aad with
<br />�i� companies acceptable to Lender,naming L.ender as aa additional named uisured with loss
<br /> � .
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