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<br /> �-�--��-�-�-rx-t+ +�+--c--x,•:,tvistn:� ieatlG?ae�-a*. __"'A"'°'.sr -_ -----_— �-�
<br /> ' _ � 'qt'• - __ _� -ri_�� ___"'_'___
<br /> 9G- ��4
<br /> [3tiir-�K�zr stull p�o�i�ptly �i��c Lcnd.r uritt.n ncitica c�f any inctntigstian, cin�m, dzmand, lawsuit or otlur action b�� �u�y
<br /> �o�cr���;�,iit�l or��gul;iw�y:�;.iky ur p�i�•�sc�rty 9nti�ulti�in�;th: Pro�+c�rtp aix!:u�y Hsz;anious Subxtarxt ia Fnvimnnxntal l aw
<br /> of w•hiuh C3om�utr tu►xtuul kiww•ledre. if Bormw•cr le:uns,or iy ia�tili�xl by w►y go+•ti�ii��entx! ur rz�;ului��ry �utho�ity. that
<br /> a�tiy rcn;m��l ar cuhcr rcmc.�lisiion nf u�iy Hazan�laus Substxttce at'tcxdnY tM Ptupetty is rocessYty.Barrowet s�hall pranptly take
<br /> rtll pa-eswry rtntallul�tit+nv in acmrdaixe wiih Envira�unrr.tal i.aw.
<br /> Ac u�e:l in this p:►rjtgr��li 20, "FlwrJou. Substa�x�s" urc th�u�: subxUUxYS cic�ncd :�c toxic ar h:niard�xu�aubstunces b�
<br /> Environnxnw! Law and the �ol!owing �ubstw�ces: �asolii�e, kerose��e, c�ther (lwnnwtble ��r t��xic pctr.ileum puxlucts, toxic
<br /> pext{ri�c:arxi hcrbirides.cotatik sedvrnts.mauerialx cc,nuiinir�sz.�t►cbt�►�:a•fi�rtn�ldel�ycte, :uxl rxlic�xtivc nutrri�ls.As uFC�d it�
<br /> thi.parsgru .0, "Envinxu»:ntal l,aw" mea�u federa!l�ws uuc!tsws af tAe Jarisdi.�tiw� where thz Propeny is loeatecl thsu
<br /> relate to th,safety o�cnvironmecu�l pratcctian.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM C�VENAN7'S.Banower and Le�xter further cavenant aix!agroe�c foilows:
<br /> 21.Accekratkw;Remedlec. Le�x{er s6a11 give aot{ce to Bonbw•ee{xbr to�e�tiva toll�wiag Bormwv's breach
<br /> ot any covea�ut or �reema�t Ip thls Security [astruintnt (twt rat prior to aecelerAtion uader {�nra�trotph 17 uNe�c
<br /> �yeplkaDk iaw pr�vtde�atherwi�e).Tbe uotice clwll speclf�: (�1 the defaWl; l6) tbe�ctbn requircd to cwre tbe defsult;
<br /> (c)�dste,not lac tb�n 30 d�y�tFom t6e date tbe natice ls given ta Barraw�,by wW�ch tl�e defanit p�ucE•be cured;�d
<br /> (d)tlwt faiture to cure tLe default m or bcfore tbe date cpacitkd ia the noticr may result ta accelerAtion oP the;uow
<br /> wecured by W{�Serurity Instnuncot and sale ot the Property. '11k twtice slwil ftiutber tnform Borrowcr ot thc rIQW to
<br /> retu�state atter aocderaUoa and tbe rt�ht to brlu� s�mart actba to ass�rt tbe rwn-existence ot A defAUlt or any other
<br /> dekpse o�Borrowex to aocelcratioo pnd sale. I[tbe detpult i.v nat cural on or before tf�e dstte specllled ia tt�e ootice,
<br /> l.ender, At its optiaa,m�y requtre tatnxdlate p�y�nt in[1�11 ot stll snms secured by tbls Security Iustrua�ent wtthout
<br /> (�rt6er dentand and may ipvoice tl�e power ot sale Aad s�ny otha�remedks peemQtted b,y�pplicahk lstw.I.en�er sba11 be
<br /> e�tWed b cdixt W apeares iac+iurcvl ia pur�uio�We remedie�pwvided tn tbis prra�pi��!,tudwliqY�but sot Linsited
<br /> to.re��oa�b{e att�reey�'[ea and ooets of title rvideace.
<br /> I�?tbe power ot sak is inroked,Trustee�!! record p aotke ot deCaWt ia ac6 oo�wty io whkL any p�rt of tJie
<br /> PropertY 4located siod shdl a�aU copies ot suc6 notke in tbe nuaoer p�cdbed by appiicable law to Bormw�er�od to
<br /> the otba�persow pnacribed by applicabk law.Atter the tLae requiced by�pplkabk law,'IY�tee sfu�ll�ive pubUc ootice
<br /> ot sak W tbe persons and in tbe atiaaner presctibed by appiicabk 1aw. 11rv�ta,wltMut dana,ad o�n Bon�nwer,drll sdl
<br /> the Pt+aperty�i puWic auction to the ht�he�t bidder st tbe tta�e and pt�ce and noder tLe terms dedgnated in tNe notloe ot
<br /> s�le ia ooe or�oore p��ds aud ia aay orda�Tn�sta detennioa. Trustes awy poctpooe ssk ot ali or any pu+ce!o[t6e
<br /> �Y bi' P�� aosouacemmt ct the Ume aad place ot any previousty scheduled sak. I.end�t or its d�a s�y .
<br /> purch�se tbe Propa�ty pt any sale.
<br /> — VP� �A� �PpY�� �� P+� b�+ Trntee s7�il deliver W We putrhaser 7�t�e's d�ced owweyie� tbe _
<br /> P1�opaty. Tre reditsl�iu tLe Trustee'c dad sLall bs priiw t�de evldence ot We trutL of tbe state.aneots wat{�ther�eLo.
<br /> Tn�tae sb�l1 apply tAe pro��eedc oi the ssk in I�Le followia�order.(a)to all ooctc sad e:pea�es of exa�cici�t!u power ot
<br /> �le,aad tre s�le,�We Wyn�wt of tl�e Trmte�'c fas aeq�alty iocun+ed.not to aeoeed the>ofSS0.00ork �
<br /> ot tLe principd amou�t o�tbe mte at t6e time of We declaratioo ot de�auit.au�rea�onwWe attw�eys'fees as pe�itted
<br /> by taw;(b)to all sua�sewe+ed by thk Secnrity I�rume�:aBd(c)a�►Y ex�cszs 3o t4 pen+on as pers�o+rs lepily eotided to
<br /> iL
<br /> 22. R�eoonreyaaca Upon payaxmt of all sams sceured b�y tP,.�s Sxurity It►stiumet�t. La�d'er stwU roq�at T'iustce io
<br /> reoonvey t6e Pruperty aad siull sumader this Seairity Instnue�¢ and all noces evidencing debt sacured by this Seca�aity
<br /> Inct�umeot w Tcustee.Trusta slull roeonvey the Propeity without warcaaty uK1 witbout charge to the persoa or peisoas I�ally
<br /> r�t;dea co it.sud►persoa oa pasons sh�u p.y�ny ztiuc��uation ooscs.
<br /> 23.S�it�e Tr�4re. L�nder.� �u apcioa, arssy from time to time raaove T�ustee and appoint a s�ocessor triwee w --—
<br /> - - _
<br /> - __any'1 u�e.+e a�ni�intTer by an u�ctiuro6x ieoiHded�inifie county i"a wTiac7�t5is Seain'fy�siniaoeil2 i��ec6N0�:wimou[
<br /> oonveyaoa of the ProQerty,the suoa:�aar wstee shall woceed to�ll tl�e titk. powtr�od duties oaafe=n+d upon 7'tustee 6�aa9n
<br /> aod by appliable law.
<br /> 21.lteqnat foe Nouera. Borrower roquests that copies of the�of defiult and s�le be seat to Sorrower's�ddnsc
<br /> .. . :.-�..::s t`�F:ay,u���s. .
<br /> 25.ltides to ti6 S�cyu�ity I�hv�oeat.If one or mon riders are execuud by Borrower and recorded togdher with this
<br /> SecuritY�-�*+�TM�^�, th ooveaants ana���*+�R+r^*�of each sush rider sh�ll be inmrpocatod into sod shall amend and suppkment
<br /> the oovemats and ag�nanents of this Sa�:rity t++Ur,•�•u as it'tho ridei{s)wae'a{mrt of this Security Instniment.
<br /> [CChecic appticabk bax(es)) .
<br /> Adjustabk R�t�Ati3er CAadominiuoi Rida 1-4 Faaoily Rider
<br /> Giacivatod Paymeat Rider �anai Unit Developmeot Rider Biaedcly Paym�at Rider
<br /> • Bdloon Rider Rare Impravanest Itider Sacood flome itides
<br /> V.A.Rickr Othez'(s)[�fYl
<br /> � EOOIIY LI�18 OF C�$DIT �IDHt
<br /> '"' BY SIGNWG BEIAW.Borrower aocepts and agnxs to t�e t�aad coveaa�us 000tained in this Socurity Iast�utrre�d:snd
<br /> •�:;.
<br /> �J ia aay rider(s)executed by Borrowa and rxorded with it.
<br /> Witaesses: � � ,
<br /> �..,.`�'"'— l�)
<br /> ,. .
<br /> . TIHI�1 -aswr+�c
<br /> ' . ,,, � ��� "
<br />° -aw��
<br /> � (Seal) (Sal)
<br /> , �Batruwrt -a«t�wr
<br /> .����'��� � �;0110ty� �
<br /> 7bs foregoin�iastn�was acknowlaigod bofore we this 5� �Y of �qJST ' 1396 '
<br /> bY THO�lAS J T?2�lAId .
<br /> V�'imess my haod and notarial sal at � ISI��� � in ' C .the dste�foresaid.
<br /> My Commissioa Ezpircs: ggBitUARY 14. 1998 -- �
<br /> • . . CE11E�A1N01AR��YM�111�brn1+ �r P,�oGc .
<br /> .. . • �U011t�f»HON►l1R0
<br /> ' ��,�+ M.CoR.►E�a�iL K H!1
<br /> .. ... r.w s ot• ioraA 302a 9190
<br />