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<br /> Ti�e Fww1s alwl! b. h:ld in aa irsst�t:ltI011 11�hotie cieix�sit, brt ii►cur�1 hy u fc:ler�l �ectxy, ia�tcun�e�tality, or cntity —
<br /> (incluclin�I,citiJcr. iP l.r�uk�is.ruch a�i in�iltution►or i►i uny Frderl! Nonx l..wn&uik. I.�ixkr.lull upp!}- thc t�u»d�tci pa}�th. --_
<br /> �n,a•ltenu. L:ndec nwy ikK eiwrY�[i�un�wer fur fu�tding a�u1 uE►plying the F�uiw.l., anu�wlly rculyzing ttte eKraw aecount,ar F
<br /> �•erifyin�thc E:ur��w Itemc,unle�.r•Lcixke{�ays BarrciK�er intere�t��n th+�E•u�xls wul upplic:►ble law�xrmit� Leixier tu male+�:ih
<br /> K ch:u�e. Nnw•e�•e�. Laxlcr nuy n.�uim &+rcuw•er���p:y a wu-time charde fiu w�iixk4xixl�nt real e:tue tati repcming urviee
<br /> u�td by I.,eixler in connecti�wi with thic lcw�. ui�les.r u�pli�;able law provides cuherwise. Uniesti a�i agreenxnt is macle or
<br /> w}�plir:ibte law Ryu?res inurrsi to he paid. l.eu�ke slw{I rxu tk r�.:�uireel tc1 psy Hc�rruw�cr any intcre�t��r e�rniocs a�the Fu�xls. __
<br /> �,�w�r� (�yy��y�y,rc+�in wri�i��g, hc�w�ever. �h�t intCrest �1u11 be Naid��n tbc Fwu�c. l.eixler�hall gi�e tu Bc�rruwer.
<br /> u•it}wut char�e,un wu�u::l ncc+w�uing of:he E�unds. +}xiwin� crcJits arxl clehiis k�tFu F�t►d�and the pur��fi�r wt►ieli exlt _
<br /> debit to the Fu��t�was��le. The�unds are plalgal:�s udditianal security fu�all�un�.secucai by this Set:u�it�� Instrument.
<br /> ff tt►e i�undF hcld by[.e�xicr ex���i t�e�xw�is Es:rmitt;!to�held by upplicable law,lxrxier shall acccwnt to Bcxrow•ee �
<br /> for the exees.�FunJs in accordance wit�i the requirranents uP appliczble law. If the;►nu�unt of th:Funds heid by Lender at any
<br /> �in�is not sufficieiu to p�y tlx Escraw Iteu�.c when due,Lencie�may so n�t�fy Borrower in wricing.Anc1, in such case l3orrower _
<br /> �t�all pay to l.eixler thc 3nxwnt necesuuy to mai;e up the deficiency. Borruwer stwll nwl:�up the defciency in no nwre than
<br /> tw�el��z nxxuhly paynxras.at l.ender's sulc discretiao.
<br /> Upcx� payment in full of all sums secured by this ScxuritY Instrument, l.eiuter shall prumptly refund to Borc�wer any
<br /> Funds held by l.ender, If,underpar�graph 21, Lender shall acqwre or sell the.Property,Le�xler.prwr ta thc acquisitian or�ale
<br /> af th�Property,sha�l apply any Funds held by l.e�xier ut the tiuie of acquisition or sale as a credit againa:t�he sunu secund by
<br /> this Security lnstrun�ent.
<br /> 3.ApplicaUon of Pa,1'mtots• Unless aPP�icable law provides atherwise.all paYments receivcd by I.erxier under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applie�• tirst. to any prep�yit�ent eharges due under thc Notc;ucond,to anwunts paynble undu paragroph 2:
<br /> third,to�ntorrst due;fourth,to principal due;s►nd last.to yny late charges dtu under the Note.
<br /> q,Cp��; Lie�.gonQ�ver sh»1!pay all taxes.assessmetus.charges. fines and impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> whicA may attain priority over this Security In�tturrtient, and leasehold paYments or graund nents, if any.Bnrcower s1w11 paY
<br /> these obligutions in tl►°n�u�er Frovided in paragr+ph 2.or if not paid in thlt�r.Borrower shall pay them on time diroctty
<br /> to tix person owed Payment•Bom�wW'sh�11 Pmmpt�Y furnish to Le»der all notices of amounts to be pvd under this par�raph.
<br /> If Borrowcr m�lces ttKSe payments dircctly,Borrower shall prom�tly fumish to Le�dcr receipts evidencmg the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dischuga sny lien which has prionty over this Security instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrxs in
<br /> writing to the payment of the abligation socut+od by the lien in a manner acoeptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement af the lien in, legal proc�etdings which i� the Lencier's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforoomrnt af the lirn: or(c)socures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender subordinztin8 the lien to
<br /> this Security instnunent. if Lender detemtines that any part of the Property is subjoct to a lien which may attain prioriry over
<br /> this Security Instnunent. Lender m�y give Borrower�notice idtntifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien oc take oae or
<br /> u�ore uf the actians set forth abova within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> 5� ��z�d or pwperty L�sur�tt�oe. Borrower slwll keep the improvements now existing or hereatter erected on the
<br /> property iasured against las:.by fin. hazards includod within the urm 'extudod coverage" and any other hazuds, incloding
<br /> floods or f[qoding.for which L�ender roquires insuraix�e.This inwrrnce shall be maintained in the amounts�nd for the periods
<br /> that I,onder requires.'The inwrance carrier providing the insurance sha11 be chosen hy Bortower subjoct to Lender's approvxl
<br /> tihich sl�all not be unreasonabty withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender maY. at I�ende��s
<br /> nption.obwin ooverage to protect Lender's rights ic tioe Property in acoonlanoe with paragraph 7.
<br /> All in.�usancs policies and rtnowais shall be a..^���ptable to Lxnder and shall irsclude a standard nwrt8a$e clause. Lender
<br /> stull have Bte�ight to hold the policies:�d renewals. If Leader roquires.Borrower shall promptlY 8ive to I.ender all roaipts of
<br /> p�id pt+aniurxrs,arrd rauwal notias.in t,tne event of loss.Borrower st�all give prompt notice to the insurance carriu and Le�der.
<br /> Lsader may m�ict proof of{oss if not made PromptlY bY Bo�rower.
<br /> - ----- -v�,ic;�l.e„�r:a.i°,.�.:.,::«. wh,,::�'s�-.°e^s�i�Wsi:�o,:�x��r��I►moeecic shall6e appliod to restor�tiOn or re�siz ot'the
<br /> property damage�.if t}x e�etoration or repair is economically feaciblc asd L.tnder's sesurity is not lessened,if�the rer�toiation oa'
<br /> rep�r�s not ecocwatic�tl?f�sible or L.end�r's security wouid be lasened,the insarance proceeds shall be aPP�����
<br /> secured by tttis Sa;urity Insuument. v�betl�er or not then due. with any excess paid to Bomower. If Borrowu abandoos the
<br /> Property.or�s not zncwer within 3Q days a notice from Lender tIs�t the uLwraztice carrier has offered to settle a claim.t1Kn
<br /> I.etder may ooDect the insuranoe pro�oeez:s. Lender may use the p�o►�eds to rt�air or ratare the Proporiy or tu pay suuu
<br /> sexv.red by this Socurity Insttutnent,whs�er or twt cfaea due.The �c:ay period v�ilf begin whdt tht t�otice is g�ven.
<br /> Unless Lender ud Borrower othenvise agroe in wriring. aaY applicatioc��f proca�ds w principal shsll aot eauad or
<br /> po�tpone tbe due date of the mont�lg �Ymenu re°r.�rrod to in pzr,�grapiic 1 and 2 or change the �tnount of tt�payma�ts. If
<br /> ua�ter pura,�taph 21 tbe Propaty is�ocguimd hy I.onder,Bwrowa's cight to any insurance policies and procoods res�ilting from
<br /> darorge ta tiLe Property prior to the xq��hon slull pau to L.eadu.artlfe exta�t of the sumc secured by this Suurity U�tnun�aR
<br /> ;,n.,._,!,��cy prior w the rcqu�s�aon.
<br /> 6.aecup�ocy,Pmei'vatbo.Msinteaana aod Protectioa oi tbe Propaty;Bo+'rewer's I.w�Applleallow;I.ea9e6o�fdc.
<br /> B�orcower st�ail oop�py,establish.and�se the Property as Botrawu's principal c+esi�cknee within sixty days after the exavtion of
<br /> this Socurity In�uuroeac�ad shall oo�uiruu to ocaipy tbe Pmpaty as Boirowes's prinapal rcsidence fur�t leact one year afta�
<br /> tl�e date oF wcup�cy, �uilas l.ex�der ot2ierwise agrees in writiag. which conseat s1w11 nat be urueasonably witNxld,or unlasc
<br /> tacteouatit� circ,�su�s exist whict-e are beyond Borrower s oontrol. Bo�ro�er sh�ll aot destroy. d�ma8e or impair the
<br /> Property, albw the to deterior.ue. or ccx�unit waste on the Propert}�. Borrower shall be in default if�ny forfeiture
<br /> action ur proaeding.p�r civil or ctimit�l.is begm�that in Lender's 800d faith.ludSment oould re�il�in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwue muerially impair the titn cre�ted by this Security I�tnunetu or Lender's securiry inrcrest.Borrowu may
<br /> cure such a default aad reinstate,ac provided in p�ragraph 18.by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> d�at, in Leadcr's good f�ith detcimin�Yion. precludas forfeitwe of the Borrowu's inurest in the Property or other m�r�
<br /> impairn�e�st of tihe lien creatod by this Secarity Ituttument or Iaender's sacurity interest. Borrower slsall also 6e in dc5u�lt if
<br /> Borrowu,during the(oan applicatioa prooess,gave m�terially faise or iaaccurate information or statert�nts to Lender(ar Failed
<br /> tv provide t,pder w�us�oy u�terial infom�tina)ia oonaection with the loan evidenad by the Nou,including.but not limited
<br /> w�repr�tions coarertung Borrowcr's oaugaacy of the Proporty as�principal residena. If tlus Security Inst�unx.nt is on a
<br /> Ieasehold, Borrowu sl�ll mmply with all the grovtsions of the le�se. If Borrower xquires fee dde w the Property. the
<br /> ksceLoW aad tlae fa tiile shall not mesge unless Itader agrces to the merga in writing.
<br /> ?.ns�'.xt�a o�ltade�'�R�E!!tbs Pebod+y.If sorrowrr rtits to perew-m che c�rc�nis�aa'agrcements eo,Ya;ned in
<br /> this Security L�stwneni.or ther�is a kgal Proac�in8 rhat may significantly affect I.et�dec's rights in the Propetty (sucfi as�
<br /> p[000eding in badauptcy.probate.for condenuutioct or forfeitun or to enforee I�ws or regulationc). then Lerder may do and
<br /> P�Y for whateva is naessary to protect the value of the �'roperty and Lender's rights in the Property. Leadet's actiau may
<br /> i�d�de paying any sums sxurod by a lien which has prionty over this Security Instcument, appeann$ in ooart. paY�ng
<br /> n�awnable attomeys' fas and entering on the Property to m�ke repairs. Althoug6 Luider may t�ke aa.ioa undeF this puagrrph
<br /> 7.Lender daes not have to do so.
<br /> My artaunts disbarsed by Lender tu�der this paragraph 7 st�ll bxome �dditiot�l debt of Sorrowa secured by this
<br /> Socurity Instrum�u. Unless Borrower�nd Lender agree to other terms of paymetu. these arrwunts sha11 bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursanmt �t the Note rate and sh�ll be Wy�bk. with intsresi. upon notice from Lender to Borrowes requesting .
<br /> P�Y�.
<br /> 8.l�fortgage L�suranoe.If Lender required mortgage inwr�nce zc a eondition of making the lou� sdcurod by this Security
<br /> lruwment. Bortower st�l! p�y the prenuumc required to maintain the mortgage inwranoe in effxL. If. for any rezwn. the
<br /> mortgnge insur�na ooverage cequired by Lender�or oeaces eo be in effect.Borrower shal'p:Y the premiums requirod to
<br /> obtain covenge subsi�ntially equiv�lent to the mortgage iruurmce previously in effect, at a cost snbstZntialiy equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of tlu�rr�ortg�t insurance previously in effect, from an �lterrt�te mortgage inwrcr approvecl by l�ender. If
<br /> � �z ot• Form 3028 9J90
<br />