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<br /> COYEN�NTs
<br /> 1, ��y+axn2�. 6w�oww ��o tu n��k� �!1 c�AV�»anta on tM c�cw�d d�bt wh�n due. Unl�a Baravwr ��xl I.MxF�+ �rw od�iww!i�. Iw�y
<br /> D�%MM1U i.Yit(IM f'iCily�iA I�Ott� B3r�OWit M far Borrow�r's bor►fPrt wtll ba�pA�Nd fH�t to�ny�moW�ti f1M(aww uwaa on tl►O iaCWW OYt1t
<br /> no�i r�id��w t���Inct�Mdi�iwt D+Ymi+t,un41 �s��ou�e+d dobt�la�paid in¢t►u1��P�W+YmW►t o4 tM s�owr0 d�b�oGO�w�la W�y wawn.N wdl
<br /> 2.CIY�Ap�in�t TMM,�lOrtevNe wIM piY�t�x��,�����+►t�.�nd otha cMrpu anributat�N to ttwp�opNty w1►at dua�nA wNl cU�trnd tltia
<br /> to Rha p�opw�� sy aiM1�r�y cia�m�w11ch waui�i k»ira�r tha i�i+�aP thi�daad of uust.l�r�may r�ralr�Bnrrowxr ta wW{1n�ny rEUha,o1Wmw or
<br /> d�twwr�iorrorwr�►ay hrw�p�tn�l W�1+M who K+PPlY labor a m�t�laM w 1n+orow a malnWn th�P��►W
<br /> ]. i�ww�. Borcowlr wIN kNp th�prop�ty kwur�d ur�dw t�rtn�atc�pt�bi�co l�ndK n 8orrowa'��xponw «rxt fnt L�oQar'r t��Mtlt. AR
<br /> 4►auunc�palictw shaN IncNid���ta�dKd mor �pcpi�x{����i�tava oP L�n�.l�r+Ow wiN W r�w�►td�a ta�payw nr ra tha NuurW an�ny such
<br /> wW til�eYd d�6t.�lf wlu�dw�squita maWaG�iritwaiK.�i.�BotrOw�it•iQtN�t�miiti�n�wGii wr�ta Co fot w Io��iHyj�q f ti��������Y
<br /> 4.Prop�rty.Borrawir wilf kwp tM OropWtY!�yoo0 oonditbn�nd mah�W np�k�naso+u0iy MaaqrV.
<br /> 6.ExpMw�.BorrowN�prop�to pay W l�du'��xp�nau•i�ckidY►0 rouonabN�ttarrnys't�a�,it BarowM qr�k��nY Favan�nt�In thl�dNd
<br /> af trwt or in�n1t o6lip�tion s�CUr�d by th4 d��t!of Vuat.Borrcww wiil piY tMM at►totx►t�to d�nd�u Provkl4d it1 Co��t 8 of tt�dNd ot
<br /> uw�.
<br /> •. 1+►Ior��y�y M�rNts.UnNsc BorrowK fKSt o0t�k►s Lw+da's writt�n cons�nt,Bonow�t wW not m�i:�or pwmlt any cMnp��ta any prfor
<br /> ucuriry int�ra�. BorrowN will pNform�SI of BoROtwfs oWipatlon� 1r�stW pria mo�tpap�. clMd of vust w ottMr a#Cw�1y UptNm�nt,
<br /> inct�dinp Borrowr'�wwnanb to mak�paym�nt�wtw►dw.
<br /> 7.Awlp�w�Mt of R«w and hoAb.Borroww ssi�p++s to Lw�ths r�►t��nd profits of tM p�oM�tY.Unf�sa Borrow���d UndK haw�Nd
<br /> othorwia i+i vwitinp. BorrowK may coti�et�nd nt�in th�r�ntc as iorq u Bwro�we i�not i�datwtt. H BarrowH dat�uttc,L��, l�ndw'�
<br /> ap�nt or� co�xt sp�olnpd nc�iwr maY tak� poss�ssion u►d msaay�tM prop�rty and coRoct tM tentP. Any rmto l�ndW collrcta�haU b�
<br /> a�lwd f'rat to tT►� cwts ot n�wuy th+ pro�tY. tnck�dina ecurt eo=ts u�d attorrnyi'b�f,commksi4na to n�t�l �ntr, and any otMr
<br /> k
<br /> n�c�sary r�lat�d sxpwwo.Th�r wip amount ot r�ts w�71 tMn ap�1Y to P�Y�►U���'++��t u provWW in wn�nt 1.
<br /> t.tus�holdr Condon�urtw;Plam»d lJnk O�vMoOnwnh.Bo+�ow�►aprNS�to comoht with tM prm�isWns af�ny Nas�if thl�de�d of trust ls on
<br /> �tesatwtd.��tnis d�w ot trust is on�w+it in a cor�domwwum or�o� unit d�wbpm�nb Borrnww wdl p�torm a!1 of Borra�w�r'�dutiu
<br /> undw tM oownusts.�M-0+w�,a npulstions of tM oondort�Y�ium or Wsrxwd wrt dwdoPmtnt-
<br /> 9. Autl�aity of L�wriir to h�fan�tor�oi►or►K.If Bor*ow�r faiN to� arty cf Bortoww'�duti�ur►dw ttiK d�sd of trust. L� may
<br /> p.►t«m t�+�.auws«csus.a,.m to c.pKtorm.a.Und�r m.y sta,�ortow«•s n�n.otpa v.nv.amourn if r»c�ssarv ror p«rorm.nc�.�t any
<br /> co�suucta�+on th�ptop�rty i�disconWw�d a not carci�d on i�a naaa�N�M mwr►.L�tWw mtN da wMaw�r k n�c�swY to p�otrct L�'�
<br /> s�curitll i�t In th�propMtY.Thi�may Inck�d�comPMtinO tM tonstrucifon.
<br /> I.wxbr'a faikr�to p�rlam wiN not pnckd�Urxiu itom�cisinp�rsy o)ks Othv�iptW urdM ttN{aw ot this dwd of trust.
<br /> My�rtw�.n+a p�id by L��dr to prot�ct L�xNr's�ity Intw�st wiN b�a�ar�d by tAM dNd of uust.Such amounta wiY b�dw on d�n+and
<br /> and wi110�ar intwsat tro�t�tlf�dat�ot th�payrt�u unW P�{d in fuY�t tM int�rMt rat�in�ft�ct on th�a�av�d d�bt.
<br /> 10.DMwk�nd Aoo�slion. 1} sorrOwM faAS t0 mak� MY WYR�nt wMn dw or braYto �n'Y.cove�anti undK thic dMd Of Vuat orat�y
<br /> d�r�tw�d hrnWi+t�bpayrtwk a�i�d�rt►�Y�w i� a sW a d anY ottw�diM p�iaeda�iK�t�ImiwWity of tM s�ctr�d d�W aiW
<br /> 11.R�t ta MoMa af ON�+it.k is hK�Dy r �A AK��int•copi�s ot th�notias of d�f�ui!arn!saN b�wn ta�ach prson who i�a party
<br />" h�r+to.�t ttw addr�ss of weh auch pesa4 as s�t•
<br /> 12.PswK of S�.N th+Lr�irwolcw tM Dcr�r.�t saM.tfw TrustM shaf!first rseord In tM ofRc�of tfi�nQitter of d��ds of�ach aarNY
<br /> wMr�in th�trwt prop�rty or sortw part a p�rcr�C LMv�Of i�sitwt�d a notia oi d�tault tha fnfo�matio�nqulnd by law.Th�TrustM
<br /> fhiN YiW R1MI CO�W 0}UM Iq�jq Of�fM11I t0 th�BOffOMNf.tO�iCA�ftOfl 1M�q 1i���t0.atK)t0 OthW p�fW�lf M Q�NCf1O�d py
<br /> k1C0��d l�01 V11�Q�M1d Yi�d k1�ifR11fIQO(�f IT�OfIt��111�SIUiLOf,ZIIi�'I�LL'tM i�{�Q�V'�'RIIlbbO I10i1p O}f�LO L�M�fOfli
<br /> �fld YI 11Y��11itY1N D�MCfI�d�i/�Ct�IaW.TfUitl�.WIt1i0Yl dlT�fld Ofl BOROMNt.f11W ieY HM P�OPK�Y i�P��M�1Gti0f1 t0 t1M�1Nt
<br /> bicidu. U��quind bY th�Farm Prot�ctroa AcL TrustM shatl oihr tM P�oF�Y h two a�arate caMc a�nCu�nd bY�AO�bM law.
<br /> T;...r�....,r,,..T.�.,...�..�t.Y e,..�w n..ed.ot�.preo.rty by��r'c w�ou��ne ac tA�anM and qtaa af a�w.ar!v�a+iN s�1�kiMd a±h.-, -
<br /> L�rdr at ita ditlp��a►�V P�cMi�tM popwtY at�eM/wl�- _
<br /> Upon r�of ps�r of th�prics bid,TnutN s+�s8 d�i+wr to tM purchas�r TnutM's dMd corndy�'r�p ths p:o�ty.TM�adtlals contsirnd h
<br /> Tnut»'�dMd shall b tprima(aCl�arilisnC�of ttw tr:rth of ttN stat�mrnts CoMai�rd thK�in.SrustN-�tiaY�pply tfN P�ocMd�of ttN saM in tln
<br /> followinp «dK: (� to aM �xp�ns�s ei tM saM, inc.tidinD, bvt not iimft�d to, nssonabl� Tnu2M's fess, r�sso�abl� attorn�y's tNa and
<br /> r�irra�rrwit h�s:ihl to aY tw++s s�ccisrd bY ttw dMd of Vust.and i�tfr 6s�anca,if anV.W�ZAe pvsons tapilip ontiU�d to r�oaiw R.
<br /> 1 13.Fende�r�.At lridr's cPtion,this�d of Lwst isuY E�fanclos�d in tl»mas�r fra��Y ap�lica6i�irw tor for�doax�of mortpapn
<br /> on nM propwty.
<br /> . 14.Y�ep�e�bn.L�rx7w msy�r tln prop�rtY t���c.�t it if tneKl�r 9lva BoROwM notia b�fotahsrd.TM natiw must staL ttN naw�wbb
<br /> . cau�tor L�'s in�p�ctio�.
<br /> 16.COrd�wmYan.Baroww si�+�s t�a L«�theprocMds of sr�y award u dairt►for darnaosi•�t is wb�.K��a«o��
<br /> of al a arry prt of U»prop�rtY.Suds�oc»ds wi�appli�d as provid�d in Cownsrq 1.Tt�i
<br /> NatRY ipr�nt-
<br /> ; ti.W�r.By�x�re4hp�r r �y ava�d�bN to LM�.L��do�s not piv�up+nY ripAts to litys us�a�►y ottwr r�dY.By not�wWinO
<br /> ' �rry rwmdy upon 8ortowr'�dsfault.� L�rxl�►do�s not waiw arw�to 1�cas�dM tA��wra�4rt�ult if it n�PPrw+��•
<br /> , 17..Fei�t and l�w��Ce��iPMrr,Su�awora �ad As��s �asid. All duti�s tx�r tt►k dNd of trust an jowit�nd ��wrN. Any
<br /> :, 8wrowr who oo-sqr Ws of tmnt 6uc dc�a not oo�sipn tfN,unQ�rlw+o d�bt inttrumx�tis).dwe so only ta yrant�nd ca+wy thn
<br /> Bo�ro+a�s k�bnst n tl»propKri to tM Truta��ridv th�tKrtw of tfw dNQ oftr.isct.t ln s�dcrBtion.woh a BorrowK ayr�a dwt tM�w�and
<br /> d�oNwr Bortowr�c u+d�thi�dwd of trust ms�'Mx�:M�d,modiN or mak�an11� 071!i d�Md ot�truttof Wo drd of Vurt w th�s�ar�d
<br /> wi�tl�wt tlwt 8arow�1's oon�r�t and witho�t�Gs�sinC tlat�onowu trora ttw mrms
<br /> Ttv d.ioM and b�t�q of dtis dMd of vuu shaY bic�d snd b�ftt th�aucc�ssor�aM a�cia�s oi landr and BarowK.
<br /> � 1 i.Mo��.lJnNias otl�wis�rput�d bl►1+w,snY rwtk�to Bortow�r sh�N bo piwn k+Y�KI it or hY maiFO n bY c�rtifi�d mai!addnss�d to
<br /> Barwwr at th�prop�ty adOrMS orany oth�r�d�r«cs tlwt Bortwwn haepv��to L��do.BucowK wiY piw�rry noUc�to La�by c�rtifi�d
<br /> m�M W l��dK's adOr�t on pq�1 of i�his dNd cf�st,a m any otlw addrsss wHi�ch L�+d�r hrc d�sipnst�d.My oth�t notic�to L�nd�r atW
<br /> b�s�to Lw�r's addrMS a�s�d on W0�1 ot tl�is QMd of Vust
<br /> c �noliG��111r b�dMfiMd to iHVa�JMfl 9iYMf t0 Bof►OtM�t of L�f1d�P wIM11 QIVMI in tM mafleMt atWd�iGw.
<br /> 1�.Tr�tN af UM f+opwty a��MMeitl Nl�ra�t in th�ioROww.H dl or anY p�t of th� p�rry ar anY kR�r�st i�it k wkl a transiw»d
<br /> wiNnut L��dr's prior wtRt�n ooni�t►t. LM�maY d�nw�d ir�diat�paym�nt of tM MaR� sd dWt LMWir rtu�► aiw dMnand inw�di�a
<br /> e.�p�avm�«�t�fO�aboV.�'si�Uw�s-`�"a a�aotf�w bv�iairr u�w u�of�a.a�d�.'s�d ai trtut.��t�wtirew. ta�xs.r mw not
<br /> Z�.�1l��.WFNn tM obiipation Nar�d by,this dMd af aust Ms W�n paid.�nd LM�dr hac no hrthw obiipatfon to msin�Ov�naR
<br /> undK tM inttr�xn�ttt o�aOr�nM�ts s�etr�d by ttw dMd of tru�L tM Ttustw shsM,uPa+ writt�n rpwst hy ttN L�nd�r.nconwy th�butt
<br /> � pro�rty.l'M Lw�du�hsN Wiiv�r to th�Borrow�r,a to 8orrow�r'a sucassor in iru�r�st.ttw wst dwd�nd•th�rwt�ar ottw�vidr�w of th�
<br /> obip�e+on�o sqisfi�d.BorroMw shNl pay an1'r�cadstion eoat�.
<br /> 27.tuooMwr T�wp�. LK�der. �t L�nd�r's o�+t1on nmov� Tnut» and WP� � sucasro� trustM bY tirat, rt►ailinp a ooPY of tfN
<br /> wb�titutlon ot truslw�s r�quind by appli�abl�Iaw.�nd� p�y fipnQ ttN wbsti0ution ot trustN ta��cud in.tha oitio�of th�rpkt�r of��de
<br /> p��ou�ny����op ay��part tfiu�oi,is srtwid.71w wcassot uustN,without canvsyan�w of tM P�oA�+tH.shW
<br /> f ttw TnutM r►�nrd in ttw dMd of trust ar+d af snY wco�ui uuct».
<br />� 4+Mpr Y dTl
<br />.. YA�ilIa1GGYL7iYC.1MC..ST.CLOID.YN i�.101 tt-�063f7•21�ll IS1Mr OCFMT4�E NtlAf
<br />