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<br /> 1. P�ym�nts. BorrowN 1ptN� LO f1µi:N aN paym�nt• on th� a�curad daLt wiwn dw. Unl�a BorrowH �nd L�+xNr W�a� atlw+wta+�� �ny '
<br /> p�Ymanti L�nd�r r�c�ivu fran B�x+�NR a ►or 8�x�owlr• b�Ml+t vvfll�app�Nd Iwft to ��y �mounts Barroww uwu on th� s�tur�d �bi
<br /> �ctu�iduu a x��inV� i�drduMd��n�++�++t�ihi��d�N�l��pa�d�1�uM�a�P�VrM��t of tM NCW�d d�bt aGCw�for 1nY��a1of►.it wW
<br /> 2.Clairn�Ap�Aut TNN.BOR01ti/I K'iil P1Y Ol�I�X��,��as��m�nt�.Rrxi otiwr Gw+�aa�ttrlLuta8ls ta thap�opoety ri�t+R��dtrs+nd w(1�d�f�d Gtlr
<br /> to tM propwtV�p�.�ut ony C�ainul whfch Nautt4 imp�lk tiw INn ef thl�dNd 9f trtut.L�ndK may��quA�Borrow�r to�sakln any r{phY�,c1a�n:
<br /> dat++w�whkh Borrowat msY Mvs a�siru�t 7�+'tW whe t�OD�Y�a mat�+�ata to►mWow or msinLS(n ttu GtopulY.
<br /> �,k�sur�.&xrow�� wUl kNp tlw prnpqttY �und ut�t tNm��cc�pt�bl�to lsnd�►�t BorrowN'a �upo��+�d tor Lo+id+r's D�rwlit.AH
<br /> {n;u;:;ti;,s p;,lE:,:�s�.hs1:L'tCl�e�atcr.+�lr:4 m+t!t k��!Glatis�in hva of LMd�t.Und�r wW G�Mm�d aa k►so payM o��t tM i►Ntx�d On sny wch
<br /> or to t!w W�c+ui�d�bii If�lw���mo�tw9tY+ u�inc�t Borro�,ap��s to�milraaln iw�ch fMiuw tinca a u lo p u f tl�+Kln�puk�i��V
<br /> 4.Propwty.BorrowK will kup tM O+cipN�Y in pqC�!Co.tidition u►d mak�W r�pak�nuon�WY Mca+aa►V•
<br /> 6.E�a•Borrow���q��aa to pay oU LaMar'e ttiponass�includinQ cs�sonabt��ttorn�yo'tNt,if 6orrowK bnaks�ny cov�runtc In thta dNd
<br /> of uust or in any oblipaUon sscund by Wa daeQ ut trust.6o�rowx wiU pay th�s�unoi+nU to L�nder u provldN in Cowna�l9 of tNs dMd ol
<br /> uwt.
<br /> 8.Prior S�tutity 4�tK��b•Uniess Bar�oH�r fwat obtafna l�rx�'s writt�n cons�M, BorrowK wiU not msk�or M+mit any chanqas to��Y ab+
<br /> ucwity intws�t�. BorrowK wi!! p�tcxm�il of B;�rew�r'e oWiQ�tiene und�► +ny P�ia+matpa�e. deed ot vuat o+ ottur aacur�tlt Wrs�m�nt,
<br /> ir�Judirp BorrowW'�coYaruna to make paymrnLf wMn dw.
<br /> 7.As�ipire�nt of R�r.s rb Pcotiq.Bo�rcrhar�sulpt�s te Undu tM ronte�nd ptofits o1 th�propKtY.Unieaa BorrowK�n0 L�nd�r luw ay►Nd
<br /> ott�wa�+M wHtkq. Borrow�r may colWct arx! muin tM r�ntc �s lonq aa Bortoww is not In default. i}Barrovw� d�taults,L�nc1a.L�ndu'a
<br /> a0��t, a m cpurt rpiwint�d rac�tvar rtw�y uka F��s�ssion�nd m�naQa cha propartY and colqct the ronU. Any rants Und�r cotqcts shall b�
<br /> appli�d frat to th�costc of mar4aplaQ the ptoFH�1V. inc��CWft COfLi illd�L�O�Myi' tN�, commistlonc to tsntalap antc, and snY otlrr
<br /> n�c�ssary v�laUd sxp�rua.TM rMna+ni+W arncun+of nnts w th�n eDD�Y to paVm�nts on th�s�cur�d d�bt as Provkf�d in Cowrw�l 1.
<br /> e.lNSNwidi•Caxlo+nkiM+rta:P��nnsd UNt D�vaaopmMKs•Borrowu wa to compIy with tM provisbns of�ny I�ss�it thk de�d ot trust u on
<br /> s Isas�lakS.It ihis deod ot truwt w ort a unic in a coixiom(nium a s��xwd urr't de-v+bpm�+�t Barow�r will pertocm aU of 8orrow�r's duti�i
<br /> utb�W cownana,by-Isws.a npulatiurts o'r 2ha�+K+rt+a Phrxud unit dsv�iupn�ru•
<br /> 9.AuthoeitY of l�nd��to P�(am for donnw'v, U Borrowsr fail�tca peform iny of Borrow�r's duti�s w�der thi+ dMd of truse, ��nd�r may
<br /> pKform c4a duti�s a c�ws tMm to lw partcrnnd.L�ndK may si�r+�owa't�sm�aps Y+�Y+�^1 if n�assary fw prfacnanc�. if My
<br /> construchx+on th�propwty i�discontinu�8 or rai carri�d on in a naaonabl�ma�x�,lw�d�r maY'�O What�'r�is M�suary to p�'�'t�t u+�+��
<br /> s�curiiy M�otast in th�P�oD�Y.This msy inckut�co+npl�L'n0 tl�Ca+ac�a:Ctio�.
<br /> UMsr'a 9aitur�tc p�¢+�wdl not pr�clud�I.w�dar hom uwcicinp a�Y of iu othu riQhts w�ths taw a thla dNd of trust.
<br /> Any amo;t�ta paid D1� �.��dar to protect Lettdat't cacuc+ty ir►tKast will M s�cund D.;�is dMd cf mut. Such amounts w111 b�du�on d�m�nd
<br /> �nd wi4 Wa intuut L�m th�dst�of Uw WYm�(u w�tii W1d In fuY�t th�int�r�sf rat�in�f�et orr�da s�ar�d d�bt.
<br /> 70. D�f�uM�nd AeeMsrWon. If Bonowar t�lta to mak� �nY payrtw+�Q wMn dw or Dnaks�Y' '��w^u�to undsr this dMd aS trust or�ny
<br /> cN�nw+d in,°m�idiau p�i�m�+�►t a�na°may`�irwo ti�,a oo�w�r�,�a d��r�D�Ud��t�DD���I�turitll of 1tN acur�d d�bt and
<br /> ��.tt.a,.ae ea�a aawe.rc�.iwrr�y�rcu�s*.«t�sse co�.s ot cn.�o�w oe d.rwn ar+a s�.t»�.,n m o�n c+sk..-�wno�s a wny
<br /> h�r.to.�t tht addncc ot�ach suct�pWCOn.sc sot tort�+A�r�in.
<br /> 12.roreas o!S�M.If ttw L�ndK Invokst tha powsr of aaM,th�Treeste�shall firat r�cord in tM ottia of th�nyist�t of�da a�'ach oounty
<br /> wMntn ft»trust propKty or som�Wrt or W►�a!tl�e�wf is situst�d�notic�of d�twk containkq t'hi intart�stbn r�qufr�d by(aw.YM TrwtN
<br /> sMll ako msU copMs of tAs notic� of d�tauft tc+th�Borrow�►, to s:ch pKSOn who u a partS►fi�r�to, and ta othw pwsau�s prMaibad bY
<br /> appWeaWt 4w. Not I�ss than orn montA�tttr th� TnutN neorda tiw noUa of d�fwh, or two ma►ths if th�trust ProPwtY is not in uiyr
<br /> �pprMad oit11 or vil{�snd w wad G+tuminQ,op�ratJoru c�rrl�d on by tM tnutor.tM Tnutw sl�Y�iv�put�lic noHa Of sM�to th�pwwM
<br /> and in th�msnrwr D►�srrib�d b appplic.aDle lavr.Tr�rcb�.vvithout dsmsnd on Borco�wv.st�aq sall tM prop�ty�t P�blia suctio�to tM hipl�at
<br /> _ �...__ ..�_ � _e .��i �^�.....3. °7�`���M T��er whs11 nHwr th�eroo�rty b two a�o�rat�tiM�as rpuir�d bY 7�pDYCibM l�w.
<br /> uww....iF ii�iww:..L;:t...L.....;.....�
<br /> L�t�d�r or its d�is�m�y P�+�cAss�if�i p�ProR�Y it snY ssN. ����#u tfr tLn�ind plat�OT M1Y D��viOUW sctMtll�t�a wM.
<br /> Upo�n�t af pay�+� of tM pric�Eld,Tru�tM�haU d�Gvrr to tM purchas�r YnutM'�dMd conw�th�propKty.TM ndHsia contairwd{n
<br /> TnxtK'�d�W ch�u D�uPr�a fscN�vidlencR ot tM tnnh o}tM statsrtwnt�cont�irrd th�nin.TrustN-�FuJI apply th�procMd�of tMsaN ln ttN
<br /> - fO�OW�l1Q Wti1N: �� 4i! � iX{lrll�O Or tJt� iiii� �Ik7Nqq1{r. �nii i14i ��w�ris iV� i�Giinliiri�=TJG�w 3 :i�: iiiiw.'w:.��' iw:i'�'j��"►� �
<br /> . r�insta�rc�M fwt:lb)to W surtw s�cund by tl�a dwd of tnu4 and Ic�tM bslanc�,it any.to th�Pwwn�MQally�ntiWd to naivw�rt.
<br /> � 13.FoeKlwwa.At l�r's optiarL tHa daed of trust may b fu�dos�d in ttw msnrnr pro•+Id�hy appiicabM law tu fa�clown of mortp�
<br /> on r�at proprtY.
<br /> ~ 14.Mrlp�elion.L�tWM msy�ntK ttf�ptoP��Y•to kup�t it if LNKice piws 8orrow�r twtk� b�tor��d.TM nodC�must sUt�tM t�a�awb�M
<br /> i cauw ta Lw+dM'a�tlon.
<br /> 16.Cond�n+a�ien.BortovvKssc�na to Lsndar k�procMds of any award or c��kn for eoerwct�d witl��oo�dem�atbn w othK t�kinp
<br /> of�11 a+nY P+n ot th�propKtY.S4ch procaado wiu bs�PD��a�povid�d in CovrwKt 1. s�s�ipnew�t is whje�t W tM t�rma of�nY 0�
<br /> a�a�raY sprNRwx•
<br /> 1�.WaWM.By�xKC'�sinp anY r��y ava�taDl�to Lw�.l.�ndu da4s not piwup�sny�i0hta to tayr ua any othK r�dy.By�ot ax�rci�inp
<br /> �►ranrdY upon 8onowM's d�twts,lw�d�r dws not waiw any�h¢oo lat�r corul�th��wnt a d�Ea�+M if it n�pp�r apai�.
<br /> 17. Jatnt �M S�v�nl �p�; Co�s: Suae�s�era �rW A��r iou�d. AN duW� w�d�r Ws dNd of Vust 1r�jok►t�nc! tw�ral.ARy
<br /> Barovrer who co-sipn�Utir dMd of truat but do�s rwt co-sipn the�xbK- Iyir�G d�bt instrum�nt(s)das so ac�ty w prsnt and convey that
<br /> Borrov►�et's int��tt in tlr prop�thr to tfM TruaUO ut�tM tu�ru of this�b oftrust.t��ddition,wch�Bortow�aprNa tMt tM L�rkNr�tb
<br /> �y otlrr Ba►owK undw thk dMd oE vuat may�xbnd.�msk�any ott�chKq�s in tM t�rty of Wa dMd oi ou�t or 21»ssax�d
<br /> d�t u�p�that Bortow�'s oa�snd wiW�t�M�q thst ow�trom U+�wrms of this dad of trwt.
<br /> Th�dud�s ana b�fits of ttds dwd of truat shaW bird and br.wfa tlye succ�ssors and�tsip�n of La�C�r snd BonorwK.
<br /> � ti.Ii4ie�.linMst ott►wwis�rpuind by law,any notiw to Bomow�r sh�M bs 01wn bY dNiwrinD'R at by,maiiitq it bY cvtif'Nd reaii�ddtYSS�d t0
<br /> Barow�w�t tfw aoa�rtv�ddnss orany�othor�ddnss th�t Bortow�has piwn to l.�ndK.BonowN w�N piw srr��iec�to t«�by artifib
<br /> mail to 1.�r's iddr�ss on p�p�1 of tfslo daYti of trust.a to soy otAw addr«s which lN�Iw dwipn�Ud.I+rl�cti�r notia to l�nd�r�1wM
<br /> a s.rx w t.nan's aadnss a.st�.a ort psps 1 ot tl�is a..e al tiuu.
<br /> My nwticr sh�N Or dMtrnd�o have bNn piv�n to Borcoww a L�rdw wtf«f yiwn in t!r m�nr►�t statMd sbove.
<br /> - t S.Tr�M►M 1M ho0wb a a i�rwlld�i fewMt In tM�arowr.If aN or anr Part of t!r aop�iy or any intkest in it ia told a uanshrrb
<br />- s r.�itte^��lstr!!t'E pti!+�wsieNt+ctx+�+t, twid�t�aay d�mard invt�f'iat�WYntw►t of tM�CUrW dibi.Larrd�t mry atea dustiat�d irtsrrw�6st�
<br /> , �p�s n�it�in tM�apow tain�sL'�oi i'��f it�'u a��i�a14 as�ot �d�*�+�t�M's d�b ot u�txtp. tart�d.Howsvsr. LMtdK n►�Y�ot
<br /> 20.R�:o�wry�.WIMn tM oWKlation sacurW by thic dNd ot trust h�s b�er►psid,w+d Le+dn h�s no furttw�oElipatio�to mak�adv�ncw
<br /> w�th� insuun�ts orspr�ts s�cunld CY this dwd ot trust,th�TrustM sMY,upon writt�n nqusst bv tM Undar.nconwy tM mm
<br /> o�bi'p�atb�is a�o sspstiW 8 rcow�ir disY p��aY�Y��dabon c�tu. ,�wcussor in ir►t�nsL tM vust dNd and ttw not�or oUw�vid�nc�of th�
<br /> 21. Suec�o�TrustM. Lender, ot Leodsr'sop tion, maY nrt�ow TnutN and �ppoint s wcc�ssor trustM by i'rsL msilwtip s coDY of tM
<br /> wOstioAion of uuct�+u tpuind by applitfsDi�law,�nd tt►�n,�fitiw4 tM wibstitutan of vustM fa r�cord in tM offic�of th�rpi�tw of dad�
<br /> or�sch cow+tY in wtwcA tM vust i+�oDertY,«sortwpart t1wN.is utu�tar.TM succksor trutts�,without eonv�Ysnc�o!th�aop�tV,sh�N
<br /> wCCwd to aM th�Povvw.dutie�.wtlwriiU w�d titM of tM Trutw n�d in tfii dMd of trust snd of�ny wcc�ssa trwiw. �
<br /> �
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