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<br /> 7't)0�'L'f�!'.12 W11'FI oii tl+e i�rovcmmts now or hencsftcr cr�ou t2�p:.�,.i-�y.Wxl�II wua��►a�t,�. �purtr,u�rwa�,e�nd
<br /> t'ixiur� i�w u�� I�eatlor a p�r�t o#'the pr.�}wt;. All ropiacearaus �c! addltionc ainll alw be cvverod by tblr 5eau�ity
<br /> iiutn►mau. All��f thc foregoin4 is ref�;!to in this Stcurity Inutument wi the"Pruperty.'
<br /> �1tRf�WEiR�pVENAN'fS ttut 8utrowzr ir lawful�y u1LOC!of'the e►t�te hercby oorwcyai�uxl h�the ri�ht to�rwi�nd
<br /> r.u�vey it� Fr:.pz�ty ��1 ihrt tne E'n�rpcny is uncrn�umberod, cxce{�1 for er�;.un�br�k�s oF ra.�nl. �orruw•cr w�rrawc w�!will
<br /> uc.�i gn�l{y tfns tlde to dx Prnptrt}r�iust alt clzins���ctatiw��wbjct^t ta�a�y cnc�:mbnmces of ranrci.
<br /> THIS SECUk1TY[NSTRUMEN'1'canbin�s unift�rm co��rnants for r�ation�! use anJ �wn_unifunn��v�p�� wwy���
<br /> variatiot�s by jurisdictlon to caucitute�uniform recvrily instrument covetit�rc_!p.*o,�e,ny�.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'I�. Bart�wu end Lerder oavenatu and�gr�oe as foltowc:
<br /> l. Pl�ymsoi ot Prt�cipi! �srl tute.,est: IhYiu�Y�uent ao� i.ate Chxrica. Borcawa st�tl promptlY PaY �'hrn due the
<br /> princJpal of�u�d interat oh the debt cvidtmd by the Note and�ny PrcpaYtnent uxi latc ch�rres due under the Hute.
<br /> 3. �l�odo f�r Taxec spd Incuraoce.S�bjxt to spplicable!aw or W a writtei�waiver by Lender. Barrower c1u11 pay w
<br /> �'�r°n��y��Y PAY�s�due under the Note,until tAe Note is pdd iu fWl,�sum("Fuadc")far:(A)yearly wces
<br /> and assessments which nuy�tuln priority over this Sxurity Instwnent�s a lien on che Property;(b)ycarly leasd�old pAymencs
<br /> or�rau�d re�us oa the Property.if any: (c)Yeariy{uzard or p�+opa'ty iaun'u�ce prtmiums:(d)yeul y flood insurmoo prcativau,
<br /> if aoy; (e)YearfY mortg+�e iawra�e pm.rniums.if aay:aad(�u�Y�PaYabk by Horrower w Lenda� in�coordu�oe with
<br /> the provisions of paragrap�$,itt liai of tho paymeat of emrtgqge insuraoce Qrenuums. Thrse itruzs ar�qlled'Fucmw Ituqs.'
<br /> Lende.�mey. at�ny tiax. colta�t �ad fsold Funds ia an+unouat not ta excoed tbe muiroum�mount a lender for�fedeally
<br /> r+�latod uyo�tgaYe low mzsr require for Borrower's esc�+ow acoouiu uader thc federal Rea!Estate Setda�ent Prooedurcs Act af
<br /> 1974 as am�nded from tie�e to time. 12 U.S.C.SecNoa 2601�t u9• ("RESpA').uuless�aot�r law th�t spQ��u;��
<br /> oets a lesser amount. If�. L�ender may. u�ny time. colloa ud hold �in an amouat not to excud the lessa aowunt.
<br /> Laxlet pmy atim�te the ainowu of Fw�ds due oa the b�sis of curneat dua aad reasooabk atin�tes of ezpwdiWres of futut+e
<br /> Esarow Items ot otfierwise in sooenduroe with applicAble law.
<br /> 'Ihc Furds stwll be held in sn inuiduion whose depusia are irswad by � fedcnl s�gency, inctiumeaWlty.or eiuity
<br /> (including Lender,if icndar is such an iastitution)cx in any Federal Home L.onn Bank.L.e�cies sl�ll apply the Funds to pay Ihe
<br /> E,zc�tow Itans.I.et�der sm�y nat cl�arge Botrower fot holding and applyia�the Fw�ds.innu�lly�ra[yzi�g the escrow aocc_�uM,or
<br /> vuifying thc F.x:�uc It�,�nlas L�ea3er p�ys Bormwu n�on the Funds aad applipbte Isb•pem�iu l.ender to awlce such
<br /> a clwrga. l�owe��, i�eader m�y requin Bomawa ta pay a one-wae charge for�o indepaxlau rol estste wc repoctia�t servioe
<br /> used by Ler�+...;z in c�;..�ion with tius loui. onlas apaicaD6e law provides otherwise. Unkss an �groeipent is�or
<br /> applic�le law c�eyuir�s moerest to be paid,Lecxfu st�ll not be nqnirad w psy&►ri�wa any iaterest ar eamiags on the Fuads.
<br /> Bomowu�od La�der m�y agroe in writing,hnwover, that interest siWl be paid on tbe Fundt. I.ender sh�ll�ive to Boa+cwx.
<br /> without¢bnrge, an anuwl a000u�.�of the Funds. sMwing srodiu and debits to the Fuads aad the purpose for whic6 eada
<br /> debit W tLe Funds wac w�de.7i�e C,nmfec are pkdged u additiau�l security for sll auut�securad by this Sa.�urity ImGrumaM.
<br /> If tbo Fuadc I�eld by La�der e�tbe aawuats permittod to be b�ld by applicabie iaw, La�dtr shatl�coouat to Bo�rrower
<br /> . for the acass Fuads in s:oontanoe witb tho roqui�rtwmts of applicab3e law. I�r�aaiw�nt of Wc Fands bdd by 4ader�t any
<br /> tune is oot auf'fc.tia�t to pox she Escraw Itesm whea+,flu�e.Leadei may so notif'y�3onnwer ia writiqg.and,in wch csae Bormwer
<br /> �6aU pay m L.eader t��mount�xsxa�tY W r'_°.re up tloe defior.arar.Bnrr�aMer si.alt w�.t.�.�...►�..�.a«...,�.: .____.��
<br /> ��
<br /> ---- [WEI1IEdl0oiFiy�3lym�lltg�i4 9'J1t di�Sl�oii---.-• -------_ _...��T_..�.��� ..._�.:�.��-.��-
<br /> Upon payma�t in full of all swas saxired by this Sxi�rity Instrur�nt, i.wder shall proeiptly refuad W Borrower aay
<br /> � Funds h�id by Lander.If,aznder par�graph 2!. I.a�der shall
<br /> ^f�r�"..'-. �:::�i�: any Funds held by La�cler at time of �si:io�e��is�►Credkt������tioa a sale �
<br /> r"'" � a�ainu the sums securad by
<br /> tbis Security I�struraent. '
<br /> 3.Appliptipn otPaymeats.UNess appticable law pro�+ides otherwise,�!I pymrnts reodved by l.ender w�der pau�gnp(y�
<br /> i and 2 st�ll be s�pplied:first.to aaY�Y��8es due uader the Note; secoad,to unouats payabk wxiu par�r�py Z�
<br /> ' tLiid.to inteirst due;foueth,w PrinciPai due;ar�d L�st,to auy late cfiar�es duc uu�kr tbe Note.
<br /> �►�;T.seat.somrn,+u sh�u pay au tu�,assessm�s, a,arges. fi��aa impo�tiom ata;enabk ta thc�y
<br /> � which roay�ttain priority over this Secatiiy Iawumeat� 9nd lessdioW pymeats or Srouad t+exts, if aay. Borm�er sI�U PiY
<br /> � the�e obli�in tbe muu�er pcovid�ct`.in pat�gr�2,ar if not paid in tluit a�noer.Hori»��r sball pty tliem on fiarc
<br /> '�`W the paaou owed p�ymd�t. Borrowa�shall promptly fumish W Leader aU notices af�aouots to be paid uader tl�is �
<br /> If Borrowa aaices tl�ese pymars direaly,Bormwer shall prompttY furoish to I.eader receipts ovidepcin�g t1x p��.
<br /> ��'�P�IY d�8��Y liea�w6icb has priority over this Soat�y i�tev,a�et�t w�kss&�rrower:(s)�Brna ia
<br />, writing w the p�yment of the abligation sewrod by thc lita in a m�tu�a
<br /> ls . or deCeods �to I�ia;.E,4,),�uests in�ood faith tbe liw
<br /> Y � eaforoeaxnt of tLe lim ia. kgal Proo�in8s which ia iht l,et�det's opiaioe oPesat+e to Prevtnt tbe
<br /> eaforop�t of the lias;or(c)secunes from the I�otder of the lien an 9gro�nt s�i�f�ry��p.�����1��
<br /> this Socarity Iisurumeat.If I.ender dekrmines th�t Any part of the Property is subject W a lien which a�ay sutaia priority ova
<br /> this Security Iauniarac.Las�der m�y give Bomower�nntia id�naifying the 1ien.Bonowa sha11 s�[isfy the den or talce ooe uc
<br /> moc+e of tbe�ctim�sct fo�tb abovc within ]0 days o�tEoe givit�of potioe.
<br />, FoaM�OZt� NO
<br /> ' rw.saa . .
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