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<br /> � E��'�-�
<br /> u , "��"'` � ; VJUSTABLE RATE RIDET 92"'�Q�Q�� ��-�'°-�.
<br /> � " 11 Yar Trsuury Indmc•Rue C�ps)
<br /> -_„`-- -
<br /> ' THIS ADJUSTABL6 RATE RID�R b m�d�thb 15� d�y of �Y - �ly�� --
<br /> �nd iw Incorpan�d fn�o+�nd�hNl be bemed to�mmd�nA wpplemee��h�Mon��e.Iked of Trup.or 3au�f1Y�Ilhe"Security Inurumenl"1 ot —
<br /> • , . � Iht�du��iv�n b�r Ih�ut�dMitnrd(the"Bo►rowp")to ucur�6orrowtr'�AdjuYOb{�Rue NoN(IM•'Nde")to !.'��-'
<br />,. �Q IIM"I.enQ�r��)ot Ilu wn�d�t��nd eovain��M P�oDMY danlbed In llw 8eeuriq IaNrwr►aM uxlloatM)Ns
<br /> 4040 West Cauital . C+�'and Islarrl NE 68803 _-
<br /> -�.._------�-- - �- j cP�r r�aam,> ---_-_
<br /> . I TMh .o�e eo�Wia provklow�Uo�la� for cb�wae�Ia �aY Intaresl nte wd my moatbly i_'�- _
<br /> I pqwu�U.rib wu�Iw Qwlu IMt�ww���1 I�terMl nw cu�ela��I u�y or Ilo� _ .
<br /> I �yo IM�IN���/W��nM 1�wt/��.
<br /> lADAITIONAI.COVBNAM'S. In addition to the coren�nu wd aRreomenu mads in th��avdly lnrtrua�atll,po�rawa aad l.ender �L.�
<br /> � Nrther coven�nt 11nd wea as followt:
<br /> - � - ---
<br />—� ._ ------'--
<br /> ' . , 71�e Note provkfas tor�n InitW inurcst n�te ot.. ��•Q �li.SeeUoa 4 ot tht Note p�avida for ch�uli{�f in 1be Interat rate�nd the
<br /> moatNr wr��u rouow.:
<br /> .:�.�--
<br /> (A) CAn1�e 11�tr ��"
<br /> � The intq�at►ate I will p�y may chan�e on tha flnt day of J1� .19 93 .and on that day every -_
<br /> �y monclu thetwftar.F.n�h d�ta an whloh my inurdt nte eould chan�e i�calkd�"CMn�e Dua." .
<br /> � ; ' �s� �•�N� _
<br /> ' &Rinning with Iho fint ChanQe D�te,my interest r�le will be based on an Index.The"Index"is the wakly avenQe yfeld on UnNed St�ta ��
<br /> . � Trq�sury xcurGiea�djukod to a canstant matu�fly of f Ywr.a�mule ovdlable by�he Federal Raave Boud.The most recent Index fl�ure -
<br /> ' • �wilabk a of Hx d�le IS dRy�hefore each Gh�nge Dne i�called the"Cur►ent Index."
<br /> If tla Indez ia no lon�a��v�ltable,[he Note Holder will choae�naw iadmi which i�based upon rnmpanble InfamaUon.The Nots
<br /> . �,'��. HoWtr will pive me noUce of�his cFiolce.
<br /> (C) C�kuu�tlo�otCM�es TNnp ana OC1e-half
<br /> Bsfore each Chm�a.qale,�he Note Halder wlll c�lcul�te my new intemt rate by addina percem�4a —
<br /> polnu( 2 5 �)�o the Currmt Indea And roundin�to the nearat 1/8�h of 1�li,:ubject to the limits�tated in Section MD)below.
<br /> � .___.____—_:.._'.c. . i Thu rounded amount will be my ne�v intcrest nte uot0 the next ChmQe Date.
<br /> - ___ ---- ,--
<br /> , • • � The Note Holder wlll Ihrn determine the amount of the monthly payment th�t would be sufOcient to rep�y in full the prindp�l 1 un
<br /> I apected to owe on that Chanae Date in:ubstantfally equal peymenu by the mnuHty due at my aew interat rata.Tha resull of this cdeulaUon
<br /> ' � , wUl be the�uw�maum ot my montMy payment.
<br /> a �, ' (D) Umiu w lettnal R�te CY�qes
<br /> The inlmat rate I am requfred to pay at ihe first Change Date will not be greater �han —�•�0 9� oL leas th�n
<br /> � . d_O�. 4�,Theteat�er,my interal rate will never be increased or decreased an aoy sin8k Chmge Daie by more t han 11i�ID
<br /> (��_Rom Ihe r�te of intaest I have bcen p�yfnQ for the preceding twelve monlhs.The minimum interat rate on�hh loan will never be
<br /> � ku than 4_00 ��nd�he muimum intercst r�te will never be Qreater th�n ��•00 gi,
<br /> IE) Etlecuve IMIe of C6an�a "
<br /> ' " My new intereet rate will become efkctive on each Chan4e Date.1 will pay the amoum of my new monthly payment be{innfnQ oa the flnt
<br /> • monthly p�yment date after the Chmae Date until the�mount oi my monthly payment chanQa apain,
<br /> � . �� Notice af CAM�a
<br /> The Note Holder witl mdl or deliver to me a notice before each Chanae Da�e.The notice will nddse me oi: `
<br /> ' ' (i) the new fntercst rate on my loan aa of the ChanQe Date:
<br />_ (ii) �he�mount of my mon�hly payment following the Change Date;
<br /> �.�__
<br /> (iii) any�dditionnl matters which the Note Holder is required to disclou;and
<br /> . � pv) ths�ddras of the woduion you couW eontact taQardfna�ny quations ebout the ad}uscment nala. c
<br /> � �`...w,`.
<br /> ' � �. CHARGFS;LIENS � y.•• '
<br /> • � Unifam Covenant 4 of the Saurity Insuumen�i�unanded to tead u follows: � '
<br /> � �. CMr�e�=Uew.Bonower�doll p�y dl taxa.ossasmenu,and other charQa,fina,and impositfoas atl�ibut�bk to the Propeny which may
<br /> � �tain�pr;ority over�his Security IMtrument,�nd lasehold paymenta of ground rems,if any,in the manner provlded under par�raph 2 hercot
<br /> � � or,it not psid In�uch m�nne►,by Bortower makina payment,when due,diratly to thc payee thereof.Borcower ahall prompely furni�h Lende►
<br /> vl notloa of�mounts due under thif puaaraph,�nd io the event Borrower shall m�ke payment diratly,Borrower�htll ptomptly turnish to
<br /> � t.enda rece4pts evide�cin� �uch pymrnts. Borrower shall prompUy dischuQe�ny lien which hu p�iority over thif Seeurity Instrummt;
<br /> : howeva,Borrower shall not be requircd to diuhar¢e any such Iien so long as Borrower:(a)�hall aeree in writin�to Ihe payment of the •
<br /> — � ' obU�llon secured by such Ifen in the manner a¢ceptable to Lender;(b)shdl in good falth contest�uch Ifen by,or defend agdnst enforttmem of
<br /> such Ikn in,k�al proceedings which In the op)nion of Lender operate lo prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of Ihe Propeny or eny
<br /> -- � part lhereof;or(c)thall seeure from the hotder o(such Ilen an a�reement In a form wti�factory�o Lenda:ubordfnq�lna such Ilen �o�his
<br /> -- ' Secudty Imtrument.
<br /> � If Lender determina thn nll or an
<br /> y part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain a priority over this Securi�y Instrument,
<br /> ,, Lender slull give Borrower a notia ldentffyinQ�uch Ilen.Borcower shall�atl�ty such Ilen or take one or more of the actlons xet forth above
<br /> within tcn days of tha�ivina of�he notice.
<br /> �._ . �
<br /> :_.__—.— � C. �:v.:�� .
<br /> - � Uniform Coverwnt 14 of the Securlty Insuumem Is amended to read as follows:
<br /> 11. Notlee.Except for eny natice required under applicable law to be given in another manner.(a)eay nolice lo Borrower pruvided for in this
<br /> - j Security Instrument ahal)be given by ddfverfng it or by mailing N by(irst class mafl to 8orrower at the Properly Address:r o�such o�her address
<br /> � � os Borrower mvy designeie by notice to Lender as provided herein,and Ib)any nolice to Lender shall bc given by first class mall to I.ender's
<br /> � addras stated herein or to such other nddress as LenJer may designate by notice�o Harrower as provided herein.Any nuiice provided(or in�his
<br /> Securfty Insttument ahall be deemed to have been gfven to Borrower or Lender when Qiven in the manner designated hcreln.
<br /> r
<br /> I
<br /> l
<br /> --- _ � '
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