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';.�i .• �t$�e�� r-N' 1. . . +1��N `r���� ...._ _ . ,��;.. <br /> .: '�,N�y • ',{ <br /> "1 r'zc . - — <br /> . �. . � .i • I .i�4.._:. — <br /> ii�. � . -:.r:.iil�' ':" __—_ <br /> � .( rll3�w �isit'�!'�w3S'.��^.�=__——.___"_'_ .. <br /> * , ,eLYI�l���9�G�'.:Y�'.�'+.�i,a . <br /> _ . ,. . . _.'n_ _' �� - - '4' — _.__. . . __ -_—_--_ <br /> , � 92— io��a�:± �- _-- -- <br /> . �.'`!S��n�t'�. <br /> � Zkiv7i: "..w�: :�:.{S� �•err+a.rns�nwnl fn �ni• ur*n`.,M�en�ein�l in �his r--__.._.- <br /> _ . - ppphcabie iaw may ���iiy iu� reins�are�m��;, r..., r_..__..._ _..., F'" <br /> � " Security Inatrumene,or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing thi�Secnrity lmlrument. Thosa conditiom are that Borrower: (�) �x, ,. �=__ <br /> " � s Lender �II sums which ihen would 6e due aader this Secutity Inswment �nd the Note a� it no acr.eleration hod ��-'-�_ -"- <br /> occurred;(b)cures�ny defiult of�ny other cavenants or�greetnents;(c)pay�all expeosec incurrcd in enforcin��his Secu�ity —'�'�� <br /> •• Imtrumcnt, including,but not limited to,rcasonoble attomey:' feea;and(d) uke�such action ns Lender may reason�bly , <br /> " � • rcquire to�ssure thn the lien oi thfa 3ecuriry lmtrumeot,Lender`a righu in�hc Property and Bortowerh obli at�on ta a �he •4'�'•� <br /> Q P Y �.-�-. <br /> auma securcd by ihia Secutity Inatrument ah�ll continuc unchanged. Upon reinstatement by llmrower. this Securfry , �};��., <br /> .� .. _ ' ' Inmument u�d the obliQadons ucured hereby ihall rem�in fully eftative u if no acceleruion tud xcurted. However.thi� :_�_' - <br /> � --. ri�ht to reinsu�e shall not Appiy in tik c�se of acceieratian under para�raph!7. �-� : --- _ ` <br /> —� 19. SAIe o!Note; Chen�e o�I,m+n Servirr� '1'hr NM� nr e p�hial intercst in Ihr Nate ftaRethu wflh Ihis SecuritY E .:;�.���_��"-- <br /> � lmwment)may be sold one or morc lima wi�hout prim nodco to Bortower. A ule m�y rcsult in a chmge in the entiry �— . <br /> � (known as the"Lo�n Servicer")that collects monthly paymems due under�he Noc_•and this Security lnatrument. Therc slao e --_-- --- -� - - <br /> m�y be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to s sale of�he Nae. If therc i:a chan e of Ihe Lom Servicer. "'" — <br /> B �:a;t;2,r{r,-- <br /> Bo�rower will be given written notice of the ehu�ge in accord�nce wfth pangr�ph 14 above and applicable Iww. The notfce .t��:y=�„ <br /> will cmte the aame and address oi the new Loan Servlcer end the�ddra�to which payments should be msde. The nakt will �,�,;� `�" <br /> �Iw contain any other information required by applicable law. �'�sR;�"-" <br /> 20. Ha�rdoua Subttaaces. Borrower ahall not cause or permit the presence,use,dlspo�al.stor�ge,or release of any F7..�'�'..`�. � <br /> Hozsrdous Subt�ces on or in the Properry. Borrower sh�ll not do, nor aUow anyone elsc to do. anything effecdng 1he • �•���•� <br /> Property that is in vfolation of any Emironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not opply to the prcsence,usa,or =��. <br /> atorage on the Propeny of amall quandties of Huardous Subsumces that ue generally raoanized to be�ppropriate to normd �4;t�„�;, <br /> ,, �� residential uses and to meintenu�ce of 1he Property. '�"-� <br /> Horrower shall promptly give Lender wrinen notice of any investigation.claim,demand,lawsuit or ather action by any ����,�'�:-° <br /> + govemmental�r regulatory agency or private party involving the Prop�ty�nd any Hazerdous Subatance or Envlronmental �'-"��:���=-_ <br /> T � Law of which Bortower has actual knowledge. lf Horrower leams,or is noti�ed by any governmmW or regulatory � . <br /> authority,tha[eny removal or ather rcmediation of any Hawrdous Substance offec�ing the Property ia necea�ry,Horrower #;,,�,�,.�^' <br /> � sh�li promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordence wieh Environmental Law. �, . ,,,�...; <br /> ( As used M this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"ue those substanccs defined as toaic or hazardous substanccs by f , ,�;;Cr*::�1 <br /> � Environmental Law and the foltowing substances: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts, toxic � .s <br /> 1 pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and redioactive materids. As � � �'' _ <br /> uaed in this peragraph'!0,"Environmtntal Law"means fedenl laws and lawc of the juriadiction whae�he Rroperty is located �.- --r`-` <br /> �� tiwt relate to health,safety or environmcn�al protection. ��'� <br /> I NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowe�and Lender Purther covenant and agree as fa0aws: - <br /> . Zl. Acceleration: Reme.`ies. Lender shali give�otke to Borrowcr priar to acceleroNon followiug Botrower's ��" <br /> ' breach ai an}�covenant or agreement 1n lhis Security Instrument (bul not prior b acceleralbn under par��rapb 17 � W <br /> I ualess applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: lal the default;(b)ihe pction requlred lo cure lhe <br /> i default=(c) a date.not less thaa 30 dAy�Prom the dale Ihe notice is given lo Borrow�er,b}�wbich the default must be � <br /> - ___._ � cured;and Idl that PAilure to cure the dePault on or before the date specitied in the ootice mAy result in aecelerAtion of <br /> _____ -- - <br /> . the aums aecu�ed by this Security:lnstrument and sale of the!'roperty. `i`he notice shaii further iniorm Borrower o ° <br /> • the right to relnsWle aner accelerntion And the riRht to brinR a court aetion to asserl the non�ezietence of a defoull or � <br /> _ • Any other deiense of Borroa•er to accelerallon and sale. If the defauU Is nnt cared on or before the dAte speciRed in ���-�,,.,- _ <br /> � the oodce.Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of aN sums ssecured by lhis Security Instrument �'`"'"`''` <br /> without further demand and mav invoke the power of sale and any�uther remedies permitted by appltcable law � <br /> Lender shall be entftled to collect all expenses incurred ie pursuing the remedks provided in thi:parogrnph 21, �- <br /> � including.but nol limfted ta reasonable attorneys'Pees and costs oF fitk evidence. ;'��- <br /> • • l f t he power o f sa le is i nva ke d,Trus tee s ho l l r e cor d a no t ic e o f d e f�u l t i n e a e h co u n t y� i n W h i c h a n y p a r t o f t h e � ';'t:,� <br /> Property is located and ahall ma8 capies of such notice fn the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to • •t•°•- <br /> �•.,�� . . the other persons prescribed by applicable IAw. Aiter the time reyuired b�• applicable IaH;Trustee shall give publfc � ��"'`��"� <br /> notice oi sale to the persons and in Ihe manner presc�ibed b�•applicabk law. Trustee.withoul dem�nd on Borrower. , -__ <br /> ahwll sell the PropeMy at public auction lo the highesl bidder at the time and place and under the terms designnted in � ., _ <br /> the notke of sale In one or mnre parcels And in nnv order 7Yustee determines. Trustee ma�•postpone sale oi all or ony ' <br /> ` pArcel of'the Property by publk announcement pt the titne and pls�ce uf s�n�• prQViously scheduled sAla I.enda or its� � ..,� ,:�.,,�,_-- <br /> . � daiQnee ma��purc6ase the Propert}•a1 am�sale. f ' = <br /> � Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.Trustee shnll deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed convevin�the� �'=` <br /> {�• ;.� :�,�.r <br /> _ I Property. The�ecilals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evideacQ of the truth of tne sWtements made therein. ; , v-• <br /> 7Fustee slwll a 1 the of'the s�le in the iollowia order� lal lo all costs And ex nses of exercisin the ower s'� �°''' <br /> PPY Proa�ds Q P� � P � .;f�:': . <br /> � - <br /> I ��.� -- - <br /> .. ' , __g� <br /> �. <br /> .�� <br /> .. .� I 4�` - ��r.. <br /> � <br /> :'�." <br /> / . �.� <br /> - . � <br /> Form3028 9i90 �pu�tr���n/wgeai <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> _ � � . � <br /> i <br /> � � 1 <br />