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$r'+�=-�_r-a`= <br /> ���\\ .. , __..JOYUal,._r.e.,ei:w'�Y— " <br /> �-7�i . ._. . . "�.`�y �.rLL�.h� _"__— <br /> ."'�+s-__ , r'.` ' , f:. —.'-�F-c'�AiT'. <br /> -• .>r. a� ` _ '_--_ _".�..�_.... <br /> -� 'w.��+�t. �-'�s�v ' � — � ' _—___ _— — _ __ <br /> • __— <br /> ' � '�.:sa�:_mr�r...�i.rt�ri _"' "'_'.." _"'..__""__ __ — --- _ <br /> . _ — - ..�._ _' _'——_ __t_ <br /> � • • 96- �.(�� <br /> 17. Tr�f�r of th� P�op�riy o� � Bonaficlal Intor�a! In E3o��owar, n .a a.ny pan or�ne F*rc�a«ry or <br /> � any intarsst fn f! is sald o�transfrrred(a M� GonefiClsl intete�t In Borrower la �okl or tnnsNned�nd HO+tOwer k not� n�1t�v�1 <br /> p�rsai)a�ithuut Lanttar'� prior wrtttan consmt. Lende�may,at its optlon, rMquke immediate paymant in tuq ot�N aums srcur�ot 6y <br /> thif SaauHy Instrum�nl. F+owww,ihta upUan ahatl noi b��arcJsed �y Landar 'rf nxxGSe is prohibitad by 1�dani kw as ol th� � <br /> dat�ol thl�S�curiry tnsWm�nl. <br /> H londr axorcls«lhk option. L�nder shall yNe Borrowet noUcs ot�ccNantion. The noUce shaU pro�ride a perbd ol not <br /> tess than 30 days tran tha data tha noSica is �ored or ma!!ed w:thin which Barrawx must pay afl sums s�cured by thls <br /> S�curiry InsVurrwnt. It Borrowa t�ils to pay theso Yums prlor to Ihe anpkation ot thls prbd. L�nder mty hvoka any renwdioa <br /> pamrttad Gy this Sccuriry fnstn,mant v:nhout furth�r�otire a d�rt�nd on Burtoww. <br /> 18. Borruw��'a lal�h! to RYinst�to. If Barrowar mows coctaLi ccndUons. 6orrower shaU have the ri9ht to hav� <br /> onlorcwtitiwit ot thls S�curiiy Inslrumanl disconlinuod �l any tinw ptWr to tha wrliar ot: (�) S days (or such other pariod a: <br /> applicaWe {aw may spocity lor reinstatanont)betore sale o1 the Roperty pursuant to any poww ot aala contakied in Ihts Socur�ty <br /> MsUument, or(b) mtry of a Judpment ontordng this Securfty{�atrument. Those conrLUons are that Borrower. (a)pay� L�nde► aU <br /> sums whtch than would he dua under lhts Sewrity Mstrument and the Note as if no acceteration had occurred; (b) cures any <br /> defauh of any otha coverwni o► ayreements: (c) pays aU expe�ses incurred k► entorcing thts Securiry Instrument, including. but <br /> nat krited to,roaswtiabb �ttorneys'taes; and (d)fakas such actio� as Lender may reasonably raquko to assur�that the li�n ot <br /> lhls Securiry Instrument, lender's rights in the Property and Bortowef a obGgation to pay ihe sums securad by thls Secunh <br /> kisirwnent shaY contirwe unch�nged. llpon reinstatement by Bartower, this Security Insirunwnt and tha oblig�tlons secured <br /> haroby shaU rar►�n fully etlecUve as if no accelaration Fwd occuaed. However,thls�ht to rei�state shall nat apply In the case <br /> o:accelatation undet puagrnph 17. <br /> 19. 8ale of Note; Changs of L.Qan Servtcer. The Note or e a partial intwest in the Note (toyetha wilA thls <br /> Securiry Iristrumenp rt�y bo sold one or rtw�e Omes without prior notice to Bwrower.A s�le may result in a chanqe In the entiry <br /> (known ss the'Loan Servicer')that coYects monthy payments due unde►the Note and this Security kutrument. There also may <br /> ba ona or more chanyes o1 the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sat� ot tho Nota. If es a cAan�s o1 the Loan Swvicr. <br /> Borrowr wiY D� givMi written noUca of the cleange in Accwdance with pxayraph 14 atr.atia a^..��A:i.c1ble aw. The naUce wiY <br /> sUte tha name and address of the new Loar Serv'�cer and the address to which pay�rwnts,shc�bQ cs�ade. The natita wiY also <br /> contaM any olh�htomu�tion tsquked bY aPRGcable{aw. <br /> 20. H�WdOUS SubE�llCSS. Borrower shall no1 cause ot pemtii the presence, use, dispocal, staape. w rote�se ot <br /> any Husrdous Substances ort w in the Praperty. Bwrowcr shall not do, nw aYow �syaw elae to do, anyihiny attecUny the <br /> Propeny that is in violzUon of r.rry Envlrorune�tal Law. The precedinq two sentences shall not oppty to the presence. use, or <br /> storage on the Property of sma�l quantilies ot Hazardous Substancsa thai:u� genently recognized to b�appropdato to noomal <br /> resldential uses and to n�aintensnce of the FToperty. <br /> Bwrawcx shWl prompty giv0 lender hr.tten noUce o1 any invesUyatir�, claim, deMand, tawsult or oth¢+r aWon by any <br /> govemmental w rxguf�tory nq�:ey cr prtr-a'e party invoNinp the Property and any Nazardaus Substance or Envlrorunentat Law oi <br /> whlch Bortower has xtual kc�o�v9ge. �f 8ortower learns, or is notiGed by any govemmenial or regulatory authority. thot any <br /> removal w other ranediatie�c: any N3rars,i,ws Substanc� atfadiny Property is necessa�, Bortowa shaB prompUy take W <br /> necQSSary rert�l octions in accordance w�h Environma�tal Law. <br /> , As used in thls pvayraph 20, 'Hazard.^c:s Substances'are those substances deGned as toxk w hazudous substances by <br /> Env'aonmental Law �nd the ie�lowing subst�nces: gasoline, kerosena, other tlamnub{e w toxlc potrolwirn produds, toxk <br /> p�ssticldes and herbicides, vG:Cte soNents,materials containing asbestos a tamialdehyde and radioactivs matertals. As usad in <br /> �agraph 20, 'Env'ronmenSal Law' rr►eons tadral laws and Laws ot Uw jurisdiotion where tAe F'�operty is IoCated that reate to <br /> . hadth;x.tiety o�envitavnenLl nrobr2ion_ .. .-.- - -. _ <br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVENANTS.Botrower and Lender lurther coverw►t and ayree as foil�ows: <br /> 21. AccolaraQlon; Romadlas. L�ndor shall yiao notico to Borrowor p�ior to xcolarat�on <br /> following Borrowa�'s luQach of any covo�ant or agr�mant in tfiir Socurity tnst�umQnt (but r�ok <br /> p�ior to �ccsl�ratlo� undor paragrsph 17 unl�ss spplicaba law providas otlwrwis�j. Sra notic� <br /> �hall sp�cify: (a) th� d�fauit; (b) tlw actlon nquirad to cura tha dofautt; (c) a dsM, not I�ss than <br /> 30 days f�om th�dato Uw notica is givon ta Borrawar� by which the dofauR e�wat ba cuwd; and <br /> (d) thaR fLii�n tn cur� th� dafsuk oe or b�faw th� dato spocifled in t1u rtatic� may r�wft in <br /> aacN�ntion of tM suen� sacund by thts Socurity InsMumsr�t and salo of tlw Prop��ty.Th�noti�ca <br /> �hall furth� iniom� Barowor of th� right to roinsbib aR�r accalora�on and tlw rigfit to 6ein� a <br /> cour! action to ass��t the non-oxlst�nc� of a defwlt or any od� defeees� af Borrawer to <br /> aec�l�radon and sate. H tlw dofauR i� not curod o� or bofor� th� date spacEti�d ie tho noNcv, <br /> I.�nd�r at its optlon m�y nqui�o immadlato paymar�t in full of a1{ sums wcund by thia S�curitv <br /> Instrum�nt without fudtwr d�mand �nd may invoko tiw povro► of sala and sny oth�r r�m�dios <br /> p�rmitt�d by applicable law. Le�de� shall bo •ntitl�d to colloct all �a�nsas incurr�d in pursuis�y <br /> tEw �om�dioa providod io this paraynpb 21, Includiaq, but not Umit�d to. r�sonabta atton�ys• <br /> fa�s and cosb�of titl�svidence. <br /> If ttw pawer of sale Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notico of dafAUR in each county in <br /> vrhich any part of ttw Proporty Is locatod and shall mail copies of wch notice in tFw manr�r <br /> pr�sc�i6�d �oy applic� law to Borrowor and to the otlwr por�ons pnrcribod by 9�pptir�t�law. <br /> Aitar tlw timo reqvised by apPlicabio taw, Trustoo chall givo pubiic notico of saLo tc tho porsot►Y <br /> and In th� sse�n�r pr�scribod by appRcabl� law. Trust�..without demand on Barrowar, shall s�lt . <br /> tha Prop�rtyp at public auction to ttw highost biddor at itm tinw and place �nd unda� ttw 4ums <br /> d�signad�d in ttw eotico of sale in aw or mora parcals and In aoy ordar Tru�tae dot�►min�s. <br /> 4:us�� ��:jt Pc,s:�.o sato o� �1i or �.y p�co: ai Sa� PfOpOfi� il�r �tl��C �iiiOt/iif:Ottioii� � QiW <br /> timo and plac� of any pr�viously schedulad sal�. L.ondar or its da�ignoo may purchasa tt� <br /> � Pr�party at any ralo. <br /> Upon wcoipt of paym�nt of tha prico bid, Trusteo shsll deliver to tha purchasar Trust�'s <br /> dwd convoying the Proporty.Tfw recitals in the Trustee's deed shall bo prima facie avid�nca of <br /> tha truth of tfw �onts mada thvroin. Trustoo shatl apply tPw procoada of the cala in ttw <br /> followiny ordor. (s�) to �II costs and oxponsos of oxercisiog the power of sale. and th� �a[a. <br /> includinq tha payrs�nt of ttw T�usteo's faes xtually incuned, not to exceed three <br /> % of tha principsl �mount af tfw <br /> noto�t tha tima of the decluatjon of dofauk, and roasonablv attomoy's foos ac pa►miited by lavw, <br /> (b) to a11 sums sacurod by thls Sacurity Inst►umont; and (c) any oxcoss to t(w paraon or parsoi�s <br /> Ioyat�y antitt�d to it. <br />. F�376.1M6�3156) psqe 4 ot 5 <br /> 96739 <br />