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<br /> � .... ._.r�..-_. �_—�d��— —
<br /> '���r�?a.as�seet�-"' - -
<br /> ��4.�` •a�f i .7ti4 ._.Y�. -- --- -- -_._. . ._ . '-_.�-..
<br /> i1i.!!s'"q'A tr.+.�a L �ri iQii/ri[� ° -_
<br /> '�:�'.:s�,,,�,�,,,�,,,�:,.. .; . • . . . •. ADJU�TABI.E RA �i � 1!�
<br /> ';y<. .:• . . , . � (�Yp��Mi��II�'�i11f�•/A� V� �0�r �
<br /> �'� �" ' •f , . ...}� Mov � 111�Z�� �_
<br /> . •� , THIS ADIUSTA6LE RATH�IDBR u�dt I��ll.-dsY Of
<br /> �:. " .°� p;,�r , ud b Inompor�c�d Into�nd�II b*d�w�Nd to awe�d u�d wppl�nt iM Morls+W.Dud of TwN.a S�curitY W�d(IM"9�curNr Inp ran+�u")of
<br /> vi+.��_��l-.r..,f;, `.' IM wM dn1{Iwn by tM w�dw�ifnd(IM"Bonower"110 Mcun Yottorvp't A4Jw1abi�Rat l/o1f!IM"Ptol�")lo
<br />-. � " " ��(IIN"l.�ldu"1 of t�11 wae�dp�M�0 oorwlM IM Pr�Y dMalbld M IIM Qaurbr inNru�aM Md bqNd pt
<br />. d ,
<br /> � 122 Voee Rewd C.rand Tptnnd� NF. GAEIAI ^
<br /> -�,,. . ,� IPropnY Addr�)
<br /> - -_--,—°-- TW aot� coaldn pro�kWa� dtowlMt !a c�a Is �I�lernt n1e na nq �no�tMi7 �.—,.....-�.-
<br /> .' ^ ' n My��U.7111t IIN!vN�q lllt 11M��11�1�I�1/(�Ml Mh!N tw�N�11�OM 1�Y/ _
<br /> ., d1O lrf��M(�f�NN��N11�Q.
<br /> , ADDITIONAL CaVBNAN7'S.la�ddilioo to the co�oaanu wd qreameatt nada la Ibe 9ecariq laaruaie�t�8ortowlr�nd La�da �
<br /> � furtba covaw�uad yree�s fotln�n:
<br /> �..��,��
<br /> . A. INiEflP87'RA7E AND MQN7'HLY PAYM��S GFB j .
<br /> '. . fie No1e provida for�n hdtW tatadt nte of� • �.Se�ion a a(thc Na1e p�orkfa for cb�+pa io,tka(atarat nitea ad tbe . ..°.. .�.
<br /> ,.,� �Y P�Y�q.u tdbM:
<br /> , .;!'`'' �. 1. /NTEREST RAT�AN�D M[aNTHLY PAYMBIVT CHANOPS C" '-' - .
<br /> ::.�;�;' . (A) CM�D�ta 1 •
<br /> , '�`+�:�:� .: • The interat nrte 1 will pay may clun`e on the flnt daY o� June .19��.and on thN d�y avay
<br /> • . ' tt+elv� montln�hercafte►.E?ach d�te oa which mY imuayt nta coulA ch�ntQ b plled�"Ch�n�e Date." ��.
<br /> � (Y) '11t1�At�t --- -
<br /> � , Beoinnin�with�he first Ch�n4e Da�e,my intere:t r�te wiN be buM on an Indai.The"Inde�c"ii the wakly avmae yfeW on United Slata �••�+�;��;"'
<br /> . �� Trwury savritia�djusiM to a consunt malu�ily of 1 year.u mode avallable by the Federal Raave Boud.The aast rocent ladac ti�urc ' �-��.,,^�-.
<br /> ' �vdl�bte u of the d��e 4S dsya before uch ClumQe Date is called the"Currmt Indea." --_�
<br /> If the Irda i�no lon�a�v�il�ble,the Nae Eiolder w!N chaote�aaw inda��hkh is hased upon compuable IntormaHon.TUe Not� r��"'-
<br /> Holda wW�iva ma notica of 1hb choice. -�
<br /> (� C�Inl�doeolCM� [�:,�.--_
<br /> two and 1/2 ercent r'``� -
<br /> ., Betorc ach Chuy{e Date,the Note Holder wiH cakulate my nnv inte�est nte by addin� p peramta4e
<br /> �:' point�(�$,(�.__'li)to the Currcnt Indez and�oundia�to�he neuat 1/YIh af 19i,subJoct to tl�e Iimiu slated in Sectian I(D)6elow. [�=-�
<br /> .___,____;�_ ihfsrounded amount willbe mynew Inle�at nte undl the neatChan�e D�te.
<br /> -_ _ _.___ �
<br /> � The No1e Halder wlll ttien determine the unounl of the monthly payment that would be suffldent to rep�y in full Ihe princip�l 1 am
<br /> apeeud to owe on thwt Chan4e Date in substanNaUy eqwl p�ymenu by the malurNy dote at my new interat nte.'f'he msuU of�hia akul�tioa �""�r���r
<br /> - ; � wUl be the aew amount otmy monthlY paymenl. ..
<br /> - ID) IJ�Ib w I�laat R�t�(��a �G-
<br /> O11.uA...�.
<br /> The interat nte I am requlred to p�y at the fint C6ange Date will not be greater than 8•25 �l'i or less than •'f '°"'-"'
<br /> i 4.25 q�,mK�fler,my interat r�te will never be increased or decreased on any sinyle C�aa�Date by mae th�n tW� �
<br /> ,�wr�antrrom the nte otintaest 1 have been payina for the preeeding twelve months.The minimum finerat nle on thu lom wlll never be ' __ _
<br /> tess Uun 4-25 �F►and the mulmum intaat nte wUl neva 6e�rauer than 11.25 �. �=y-
<br />