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<br /> _ ___ _ DEED OF TRUST � � r�t�__
<br /> THIS DP.ED OF TRUST("Security Instrument")is made on May 26. 1992 �p a "7�
<br /> . ` � T h e tnuwrb Weole q A. Smith end Gladys A. Saiith (Husband and Wife) G ��� Y�~`�
<br /> : ;:` • („Borrowu">. Thc truatee i�� _. -,-- -
<br /> '���'��� Arend R. Baack. Attorney � ��
<br /> �,•,;�It,�';;'•.;;� ` ("7tustee"). The beneficiory is �
<br /> ' ' t..�,.,�,'.�n.,.:,::
<br /> - �''-�° �� �" Nome Federal Savings and Loan Asaocietion of Grend Island � °
<br /> �' "� ' which is organized and existing under thc laws of Nebraska •�d WhO����a �COieL. "
<br /> `�;";'�":�::•-':�':�� 221 3. Locuat Grand Island� NE 68801 ___
<br /> , . ��..
<br /> , • ("Lender"). SoROwer owea Lender the principal sum of ___
<br /> �`i Forty Thoueand and no/100 --- - -
<br /> . Dollara(U.S.� 40,000.W ). This debt is evidenced by Bortower's note dated the same date as�h is Secu�ity �::..�
<br /> ._ Ineuument('Note"), which provide� for montbly payments, with the full debt. if not paid earlier, due and paya6le on _
<br /> June l, '2012 , This Secudty In�rument secureg to Lender: (a) the rcpayment of the debt
<br /> .. evidenced by the Note,wilh interest.and all renewals,exten�alons and madificetfons of the Note;(b)Ihe payment of all other
<br /> :,,':
<br /> suiris.with Intercst,advanced under parngraph 7 to piotect the xecu�ity of thia Secu�ity Instrument:and(c)the perfotmance of
<br /> __ _ � Borrowenc�ovenants and agreementa. For�hia purpose,Botrower irtevocaWY Bra�NS a�d�onveys to 7turux.in uusb with
<br /> �`��'�':�'-- — power oi vde.the following described property located in CoutN .Nebraalco:
<br /> � Hall y
<br /> Lot 11� Bernhard Voss First Subdivision and part of Lot 1, Vosa Subdivision in —___..
<br /> the E 1/2 SW 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 af Section 11. T11N-R9W of the 6th P.M.. Hall
<br /> � � Couney, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the Southweat corner of eaid Lot 11. Bernha�d''Vosa First Subdivieion�
<br /> thence West perallel with the South line of said Section 11 a distance of 67 feet;
<br /> � thence North parallel with the West lot line of said�.Lot 11, Bernherd Voos F'ir�t
<br /> '� Subdivision a distance of 66 feet; thence Eest parallel with the South line of __
<br /> said Section 11 a diatence of 67 feet to the Northweat corner of seid Lot 11� —
<br /> ^ -� Bernherd Voas Firat Subdiviaion; thence South on the Weat line of said Lot 11� -
<br /> .. � Bernhard Voea First Subdivision a diatance of 66 feet to the point of beginning� � ,;.;._.
<br /> aubject to easements, restrictione and covenenta of record� if any. �!.r'�•��_"-�--
<br /> �-
<br /> _ ., .. ��.;r;,�.�;.._-
<br /> �, .. . , - .
<br /> i. .
<br /> � which h�s the addre�of 122 Voss Road�SM��� .Grand Ieland
<br /> �cuyl I_:•:;�: �. �
<br /> i.. ..
<br /> Nebracka 6880� l"Property Address"): '• �:!'•�.
<br /> p Cadel
<br /> NEBRASKA••Single Family••F�nak Madf�lreAdk Mrc UNIF'ORM INSTRUM�N'f Morm 3U2B 9�9ii �µ.�;r 1..Jr�p.r�.-s1
<br /> ' . irew�o,s roo�o� crer uta ewnM.t�anr.in�■ ,
<br /> �� - „ TuONe►CW:t•a06�i6Y0Y00 iAR6�67Y1•1131
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