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<br /> 17.71•��uiss�u7 tGe th��►�ki ty ur�ttexul�tWl tatc.rat in Bomc�wrr. !f nll��r anv pan nf thc i'r��cny ��r�m� intcreat in it _
<br /> is x�W ur Irau.l�rr�•d(ur il L hc�tieiirla) intcrest in&�rn�wer ia�.�W o�•tran�fcrrc:l u�tid E3+�rn�utr is not 3 nutural prru�nl wl�ix�ut
<br /> [.cixlcr's priur w•rittcn conscnl, L.c�xlcr may, st it� aption, raquiro imnwdiu�c pay►neiu i�i full of uil wms securod by this
<br /> S�.urity Inatrumrnt.Nou�cvcr,ti�is optiun shall i�at t+e exerciscd by Lendcr if e�crc�se ia pruhihiteci by feckral law ns of the Jiue
<br /> uf�t►ls Security Iua�runxnt.
<br /> If l.entle�exercices this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of;uceleration. Thc i�atice�hail pn�vide a periai of not
<br /> kcs than :ttl dayc irom thr date the notice i� clelivrmci ��e n�ilecl withln �hich Borcau�er niust pay all sun�s u;cured hy thi�
<br /> Security Instrument.If Borroue: fails ta pay these su�ru prior to the cxpiration of thic perie�d,Luuier uny invoke any r�nuxliea
<br /> permittctf hy thi�Security Instrument withaut futther noiice ar den�and on Eiorrow�er.
<br /> 18. Borrowrr's Rig7�t tu Reliuis►te. If k3orrower nxets certain conditian�. Burrauer shall have the right ea havr
<br /> enfarcement of' this Seeurity instrument disearuinued at any uine priar ta th� earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other periad�c
<br /> applicuble law may specify for minstatement) before sale of ehe Property pursuunt to any power of salc rnntained in this
<br /> Security Insaument;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Thase conditions are that Borcawer:(a)pays
<br /> Len�cr all sums which then woutd be due under this Securiry 1n�rument and the Note as if no xcetetntion hucl accurred; (b)
<br /> cures any defau(t of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays nll expenses incurcecl in enforcing this Security Inttnmient.
<br /> including, but not limited to,rcasonzble attorneys' fees; und(d)takes such aetion as l.encier may reasonably reqmre to assuce
<br /> that the licn of this Security Instr�ument, l.endcr's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Socurity Instrument st�a11 enminue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Boaower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shal! ren�in fully effective as ii no�celeration had occurred. However,this right to reinstate sh�l!
<br /> twi apply in the cace of accelerntion under para�raph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oti'Note; Ctsan�e of t.oan Servtcer. The Notc or a parlial intemst in the Nate (toge:hcr with this Securiry
<br /> InsiTUmeat)n�ay be sotd one or rrx+re times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a char�ge in the ent+ry(known
<br /> as tha "Laan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Nate and this Security Instrument.There also m�y be one
<br /> or more cltanges of'tl�e i.oan Servicer unrelaicd to a sale af the Note.lf them is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrou•er wiU be
<br /> given written notice Uf the chuige in acwrdaru.�uith paragraph 14 above�ri applicabte law.The notice will state the name a�d
<br /> address of the new i.ctian Cervicer and ttfe�i4L:.:�,,to which paymenu shea�id t�e made.The notice wilt also cw�tain u�y otl�:r
<br /> infomtiation roquir��+��a�plicabl�lsw. •
<br /> Zp, Hszardous�, 6�cmwar si�ll not cause or permit the presence, use. disposal. storage, or release of ar�3
<br /> Hazardous Substanoes on � ia rb:Property. Borrower shali not do, nor allow su��*cx: t�se to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Froperty ti�t is in via�tion rf:�L E.hvironmental i.aw. The preceding two sentences s�a.l not appiy to the presenae, use,or
<br /> storage on the Propeatb:of sms:t �uantitirs of�Yazardous Substa�xes t1�ac are generally recognized aa 1�appropriate to normzl
<br /> residentiaf uses and ca�ainten�.�a.ef the Pre{��+.
<br /> Bocrawer shall pmmptly si.��e i�nder w�ritten notice of��� im•estigaaion. claim, de:aac�3. Eaws�:i:a�x other action by anv
<br /> go�•t�►tal or ngulatory age�c,�c�r private�tv invol�•icr,�tir�Property and any}L�zacr,�au Sul�sc�.�se�or Envic�erro�tal l.aw
<br /> ' of wt�l�'�Borrower has xtu�l imawledge. If S�xn�w�er Ie�rns,or is notified by any go��e�ntat cK'regulatory aaElwrity, that
<br /> any rem�val or other remediuio�of any Hazardous Substatxe affecting the Property is nooessary.B,�a�ow•er s�hall promptly take
<br /> all aeeess�ry romadiat actians in accordance witt�e Environmental I.aw.
<br /> � As usod in this paragtaph 20, "Haz�rdaus Substances"ue those substances definod as tozic or ha�rdous subuattoes by
<br /> ' Environment�l Lsw and the following substances: gasoline. {�crosene, other flammable or toxic petrolcum p.nducts, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicidas,volatile solvents,materials containing aslxstos or fom�ldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> this par�graph 20, 'Environmental Lsw' nxanc fodera! laws and laws of the jurisdictioa where tbe Property is located that
<br /> � oeiate to health.safay or enviroiunental Protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVF.�IANfS.Borcowe�and Leisder further oovenant and�8ree�c follows:
<br /> - 21. A�;�Resn�es.�ender ai�ail g(ve aatke to Bonnwer prior w seoei�atfoa�oi�vr�R aa*vwsr-s ws�a --
<br /> ot any coveramt or sgt+een� in this Security Iactnuoeot (but aot p'iw' W sccderadoo uader p�r�►gi'sp6 17 uoieac
<br /> .,,+e.w�i.... ...Y..�a.�e.h....a�.�_ ��rrtioe sMll soedfvs (�1 tl�Ae,lwlt:(b) the actbn r'e9��to cur+e the detsu[t;
<br /> ;.;,,...r,_.__.. r.....�..
<br /> (c)a date,not lesc thAa 30 dsy�s trom t!u date tlu notice is givee to Bomowcr,by which t!x defaWt a9ud be cureQ;�sd
<br /> (d)t6ait!a!lure to cure tbe de�aWt on or bd'ore tbe date speciikd in tbe notiee rnpy rault ia�ecderatlop at t6e suaas
<br /> ; secured by tl�is Socurity Ioctrument and cale ot tbe Yroperty.Tbe notice shal!furtber tnfatn Bor�nwar af the rl�ht W
<br /> rdsctate aiter sw►�ailou and the rig6t to bring� oourt seNon to acsert the non�cxiiteoa ot' a defs►Wt or nnny otLer
<br /> � defeo�e ot Baroper to raeleration and sale. It the ddauit Lc oot cund on or be[ore the date specified in tbe aotioe.
<br /> . I.ender.at itc option, maY�9���PoY�ia i�ill ot aU svtns savred by this Senirity Inctn�o�eat wW�wt
<br /> fiut�=r d�aud�!ms�invc1r tbe pa�zr ot cale and stny dba'remedies permiUed by appiicsbk law.l�tder sliW be
<br /> entjtk�W edkct aU expeaces incurred iq pursufog tbe r�o�provjded ia Wic p�raph 21,iadudiug�but iwt UmitM
<br /> to,r�ooaWe sttorneys'[ees aad oosts of titk evideace.
<br /> U tLe po�rer o[sa�le is fnvaked,Tnestee slwU record a ootiee ot default in esch oouatY in whicb any port o�We
<br /> Pwpeity is focated and slwll matl oopies oC such aotice iu the roamer presrn'bed 6y appliabk Ixw to Borror�a�aad to
<br /> the otha�peiwas�,resc�bed b�applksbk laR.Atter tLe time required by appikabk law,Trustee slwli give po6lic notice
<br /> oI sak to tbe persoas and ia the man�r pnscribed by applic�We iaw.'lY�tee, witbout danaod oo Bonnvres,shatl sdl
<br /> tbe A�operty at pubiic aoction to the hi�best bidder at tbe time and place anc!under tl�e tetn�s designsted in tlu aotke of
<br /> � sak ia aoe or mort parcels and ta any oc+dkr Ttvstee dettrmines.Tnistee maY P�P�sak of stlf or any porai ot tbe
<br /> Froperty by Ewbiic anaouocemeot att iLe time aod plaa o!aay pceviously scbedded r•ale.I.mdet or its desigoee a�y
<br /> ,
<br /> purcitase the Property at any saie.
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