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<br /> Yi1�t;&'fFE`c'w �kIT���11 c.'�,.ir.-,�sin�•cns:.iu.c•.aw• ar�ft:s etectsd cxt the�*mrchy, rnJ rll►�rnmen�y, �ppunr+uu�ei.+utii �
<br /> fixture� ►+�+w cy i���a�i'trr r p�rt .fl'che prapcny. All r�pi��»cr� rncl wlclltiww ctwli �Iw be u�vercci by tfilr Sacuri�y _
<br /> [!►uruntcnt.Ail��.'�iba P�N��;ui���Ic iaf.�r�J I.ti in►hia�x�u�ity Insc�umrtst:as thc"Pm�erty.'
<br /> l�RKt)u'F'�t S:UV'LNAN'1'3 thst!3�►rn�wer(� lawi�ully rcl�xl i�f'ti�e c�ic Ixrcby cunveyacl WK!tws thr riyht tu�c•�cu rtkl
<br /> �;;,;���y �; :::.�,�;� w,;: ::�:;: thc PnWcrt�• ia�uncncumbr�l, ez�ti�t fu� etkun�brwx�esi uf rac.ni. ki�►rn►we�a+rr��uJ wUl
<br /> �kfaxl rc�xrr.'1�i��:�ht�t��the Pr��rty:;Q;i�ut�!1 cl�l�►u uxi J,e.�tst�s, utbJect te�Wny s�xumbrrnces rP ray�nl. _.
<br /> TtilS Sf�`ri i��i't' INSTRl1MBNT a�ti�bines w�lfami wvciunp:for r�tlwta{usc�ul nan-unifan�i cuva�nts wiU� linillec!
<br /> v�rlsti��t+y jwl�+':�:-tion ta constitute a uniGxn security instnunetu coveriny�1 propeny.
<br /> UN�F{1�At C�iVGA;ANTS.Borrow•er a+xl L.encier covenant and�grce u falluwc:
<br /> 1. Wtynrt4d r.f Prittctpa! wd interesl� Pre�ymeat wd Late C�rr�es. So►rower sha11 prwnW�Y {�aY �+hcn du:.tls� -
<br /> pria:lpal aF srxl i:�-�'est on the debe ovidenced by the Nate and anY Pi�Ymeut and late cturges due under the how.
<br /> 2, Flu�t{f;�s 'yyixes swd lncurAUCe. SubJtxt to applic.�+bie law or to a written waiver by lxnder. Barrawer stwll pay to
<br /> L�,�r a-�U:;�;ty�,�+nth3y paym�s:s are due under the Note,until the Note is paid 9n full,a sum('Fw1ds")for:(u)yearly taxcs
<br /> �nd ass�ssa�tnc��b.�ich may atwin priurity aver this Socurity Inswment As a lien on tl�.e Propercy:(b)Yearly leasclwid paynxats
<br /> or ground t�:.t��,t4a Property,if�iy:(c)Yearly luv�rd or propaty insurance premiuens:(d1 Yearly�lood insura��ce premiumc.
<br /> if ony; (e)y'eauty rcxutg�ge iasuroc�ca prenvums, if uny; and(� any sumc pay�ble by Borrower to L,ender. in accardance with
<br /> the pro�isio�c��.tagraph 8. in lieu of Ihe payment of mortgage insurance pm.miums.These items are callod"Escrow Iteau."
<br /> Lendcr rn�y, �a w�} timc, oolloct and hold Far�ds in an amount not to exceed the maxinwm amount a lender for o federally
<br /> r,elate�aiortga�r l��n aiay cequire for Bomowcr's escrow account under the faderal Real Euau SetQenrnt Froeedurcs Act of
<br /> 1974 as amea�:d fcom tima t�time. 12 U.S.C. Sectioo 2601 et s�q. ('RFSPA'),udess suwther law th�t applies to the Funds
<br /> sess a lesser a�:w�,.^.!:.If zv, Lender may. �t any time. collect and hold Fuads in an arnount not to exoeed the lesser amount.
<br /> I,ender rn�y e,w;iruuC��he amount of Fw�da due on the basis of euireat�ata aad ceasooable estiuutcs of expwdiwns of future
<br /> Escrow Istms c�:t ott�wise in acoordance with appli�ble law.
<br /> 'fhe F� st►all be held in an institution whose deposits ue inwnd by a feY.S�ral agency. insuuroentality, or entity
<br /> (in;Iudi�ug Lea�er, if Lender is st�ch an institution)or in any Fodenl Hom�Loan Baa1�. Lender s,h911 apply the Funds tc►p�y t6e
<br /> Esemw Items. Z,cn`3er may not chazge Botrower for haWing ancl appEyiaig the Fw�ds.annually aa�wci,ag tht escrow accaunt.ar
<br /> � verifying t3�e E+cr��w Items.utdess Lendtr pays Borrowu iruettst on the FYcods and applia�ble taw p�,xmits Lender to n�aice suci.t�
<br /> a ch�rge. H�w¢r�•a. Lendor may rcquire Boreowu to pay a one-time ch�s�,-e fc�r w iadependau re�f estate taa cr{�cacting serviee
<br /> usod by l�k� irA cocu�ection with d�is loan. unless :►�?p�licable law provides oil�atiar�s,�. Unless an agreemea3 is rt�de ar
<br /> applicabl�I:iw ior�raira intuest to be pAid.Lerxler sh:�li n+at be required to pay Borrowet any incecr�or eamings on the Fwds.
<br /> Borrower aad k,aader cury agree iR writiag, lb,iwever.tPiat interest stvl! be paid on the Funds. Lecr3er sh�ll give to Bomowes,
<br /> without chargc.aa snaual aa�au�tiog of tb�e 4�unds. showing credits su�d dtbits to the Funds and the purpose for which c�it
<br /> �it to t3x Flu�wu made.'E'he Funds are pledgod as additioaal security for all sumc sccused by this Sc�urity Insiru�r�eat.
<br /> If t}K Fw�cs 6e]d by L,ender excad the�*�,�«persnitt�to be heW by applicable law,L.e�der shall sxatnt W Bonower
<br /> for tLe exr,ess Il�ds in a000rdance witi�tbe requireaunts of applicable law. If the amount of the Fuads held by I.ader at my
<br /> time is not sufFk�t to pay tlse Escmw Itmu when due.L.ender m�y so rwtify Borrovrer in writiag.and.ia wch case Bomnwer
<br /> stwll pry to i.ead�a tl��c�cessary to make up the deficiency.Fiorrower shall tnzlce up the deficieucy ia na mnre thtn
<br /> tw�ive awiw�;}-yayiaaKs.st i.eoder's sok discretion.
<br /> �!}O°!�]vied ia l�ili of alt"su01s sOtlu�btl Oy tLis �cvrity i�� i.enaer siwii p�na�iiy�ri�iv aunvwa•a7--
<br /> Funds hdd bv�lewder.If.uader p,sr�grap�h 21.l.ender slsall acquiro or ull the Propaty.Lrnd�r.pior w tbe�oquisition or s�le
<br /> of tbe Properx,�.shaU�ppty any Funds 6eld lsy Lznder at the Nrae of xquisitio�or sale�a c�odit ag,ii�t the w�socu�+od by .
<br /> . tbis Security Laattuma�t.
<br /> 3.Appti'r�alioa of Pspmeats. Unless applicabLe!aw provides othcrwix.aq paymeats naivod by t.et�da u�dtr paragnplas
<br /> _ 1 and 2 st�18•�.s�ieid: first.w anY P�WYma�t ch�rges due uader tlfe Note; seaond.W aa�ouats payabk wider paw�n�ph 2:
<br /> tbird,w inteosst due;fauth.to principtl due:and tast,to any late charges due ander the Note.
<br /> . 4.CI�yRs; Lia�s,Bormwer shall pay all ta�ca.assaunerus. ch�r8es,fines aad impositiaos attribusd�le to tlie Propaty
<br /> wLich nssy�t�aio priority ovu thu Securicy Ituwma�t. wd luscboW payments or gttwrd rcats, if any. Horrowa sl�all pay
<br /> tt�ese abtigati,�oa in tbe mamer providod in paragrapb 2.or if not prid in thit manoer.Borrower shall pay tt�na on time diratly
<br /> . to the pessoic�owod paymeat.&xrower shail pnmptIy furc►ish to Lwder sl!notioes of a:aouats w be paid uader this pa�r�p�.
<br /> If Bamwu m�k�es t}iae paymeats directly,Barrower shall pt+omptly fumish w I.ender reaipts e�'idaocin8�WY��.
<br /> Bacmwer shall ptntnptiY dfschar8e any lien which has printity oves this Saatrity Iasznupmt unless Borrowu: (a)a�ras in
<br /> writin$to tttc poymart of the obligation sewned by the liea in a muuxr aooeptabk W Isader;(b)ca�tests in good fiith d�e liea
<br />" by. or de&:ads againu eaforoemene of the lien in, legal Prooeedin8s whid� in We Ltadu's opinion opaue to pre.wau t�c
<br /> n�faocancat of d�lien: or(cF�u+es fran the ho{da of the lien�n agreemeac s�'ucwry to i.mder��•�•.•,�•*_ *s_;;�the tia tra
<br /> � driu Security Tr►urumeat. If�r detemrines th�t wy (ztst of ihe Property is subject w a liu�which may auaia priority o�ez
<br /> tfus Sexu�-ity Lisliva�mt. I.eader may give Bomnwu a notiae iden6fying tl�e liea.Borrowa sh�13 satisfy tha liw or talce one os
<br /> more of tUc a+�ieas ses fonh above within 10 days of tbe�iviq�of mtic�. �
<br />:k ' i�m�w 3�� 9�i0
<br />.� , r.o.z as
<br /> ,� . ....
<br />