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<br /> �' rn�S��U�T DEED,md.inr 2��r day ol �� , �e�Z._.....br�nd�monp Rob�ert E. Baker� �-�-- .. _.
<br /> _ . . _ _. _ . . a a ng P �reon — -
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<br /> ! �hlr�ln"1'rul0or"1:�nd Ilr���.who��mWi �ddnt�N P.O.Box187,Wood Riwr.Pkbratk�88883.(Mraln"Trwlee�'�nd"B�rn11C1 '). L`=. -_=
<br /> �9 �� ����>�
<br /> FGR VALUABLE CONSIDBtATION,kicludinp th�i�d�bt�ss Ind�mNbd Mr�fn ad tha nust haNn a�m�d, th�r�ipt of whkh is hK�b� ��..
<br /> G.. r..1._.
<br /> ocknowbdp�d, Trosta frnracably pmrt�, tronsfas,carv��rs,and ossi���o TnntN, IN TRUST, WITN POWER OF SALE,for tM b�fit and �_..d,
<br /> s�curlt�of B�ikiary,�and sub�ct to 1M tKms ond condMions of this DMd of Tnnt,tl�nol prop�rt�d�scrib�d af foNow�� �"=--
<br />-�-� � Lots Se!�en (7� Ei ht fRl, NinP (9), TPn (ln), Eleven (21) nnd 7t�elve (121, ��-= �-°---_=
<br /> . , , L'
<br /> Block Z�wenty Seven (21)� in the Original Town of Wood River� Nall CounCy� Nebraeka �•' "_,°_:�:�`°
<br /> �l.ii'�nirr.::—_—
<br /> etJT{_AYa 1IJ��c'._
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<br /> + TOGETHER WITH,oll rents,profits,royolti�s,income and oth�r benefirs de+iv�d from the real prope�ty;all IQqses or subleoses coveriny the :��
<br /> � � ►�al propKty or any portion th�reof, now ar hKeallor existhq or entar�d into,and oll riyht, titN ond intorest of Trustor th�reunder;dl in• ,.,
<br /> � tN�:tt,�stot�a othK clofms,both in bw a�d in equity,whkh?rustw now has a mo�he�aft�r acquin in th�r�al poporty=dl wsem�nts. �
<br /> riQht4�nf-woy, t�n�m�nts,h�r�ditam�nts and oppurtenarKes 1hK�of aid fhar�to�all oil and gas rights �rd Qrofitt,water rights and woter �
<br /> -. sto�ks all rfyht,titl�and inferest of Trustor,now owned or hereoher acquired,in ad to any land lyiny within th�riqht•of-woy of ony street or �°�
<br /> ; hlphwoy ad�oininp the reol prop�M�,an�and all buildirqs, firtuns, improv�ments, and appurt�nanas�ow or her�oher enct�d thereon or
<br /> � bdonpinp th�nto, (hanin referred to os"Improv�nNnt"or"Improvemmts"1;and any ond oll owads mod�for th�takinp by emin�nt damaln
<br /> a by an�pra�dlrg a purchau in Ileu tM►wf,of the whol�a any part of the reol prop�►ty. � ..
<br /> � All of th�forpoinp estot�,property and int.r•sr h�r•b�conv�yed to TrustN h�r�in coll�ctfv�ly referrd to as the"Propehy".
<br /> (o)Th�po�mmt of Ind�bt�dn�ss wWmc�d by Trostor's not�of w�n dot�iunwith in the principol sum of T�i r�,�► Z�,ro�houpA^�
<br /> aru�no/lOQs----------------------------------------------------Dollas (S �2_OOO.aU — 1.
<br /> topeth�r with int�r�st at tht rot�ar rates provld�d therein, (he►ein,toq�ther wlth any ond oll renewds,modificatlons,and extensions thereof,
<br /> r�fer�d to as the "Note"1 both principal and interest on the Not�b�inp po�eble in acordane�with th�terms set forth therein,reference to
<br /> which is he►�by mod�,th�find poym�nt of p►incipol ond interest,if not sooner puid and if no renewals,madifications a�xhnsians a�mod�.
<br /> du� and pa�obl�on .]�mP 1� 1995 & all PYtPT1A�OLIV & c�n 1 a I'}1PTPAP ,
<br /> ' . � (b)The pKfamann of each apr�nont and coverant of Trostor h�r�in tontained;and r•,.
<br /> ' � (c)11�poyment of any sum a sums of mon�y with int�r�st th�non which moy b�he�oher poid or advonc�d und�r tha t�rms of this Deed of . �
<br /> � Trust.
<br /> ' , (d)The ppyment of any future odvont�s rwtessary to protett the seturity or ony futw�advante mad�at th�option ot tM parti�sj ond
<br /> � , (e)The p�rformanc�of on o611patbn of an�other pKSOn named in this Trust Deed to o beneficiory.
<br /> ' ! 1.f��f d hl�dNl wi MNmt.Trusta shall promptl�pa�when due the p�intipal of and inNrest on the indebtedn�ss evidenced by the
<br /> - �' � ' Not�,and all otMr charp�s and fNS os provid�d in th�Not�,ond tiw prineipal of ond intenst qn ony Wtur�Advanc�s setwed by this D�d of
<br /> ' ?rusf.
<br /> � 2.NrrMty d?itN.TNSta is lowfull�s�i:ed and poss�ss�d of good und indef�osible title and estate to�he Prop�rty hereb�conveyed and
<br /> ; has tM ripht to qront ond conv�y the Prope�ty;the Prop�rty is fne ond cleor of all li�ns ond Qncumbronns axc�pt litns now of racord; and
<br /> Trustor will warrant ond dofend tlw tltle to tha Properiv aqoinst all cbims ord dernands
<br /> ' . 3.M�t�a w�Co�pYMe�rhM l�w�.Tn�star shall keep the P►operty ln yood conditbn and repair ond sholl not commit woste or pe�mit
<br /> impalrm�M or det�rlorotion of tlw Property arrJ sholl comply w�th tIN provisions of any lease if this D�ed of Trust is on o leasehold.No improve- •
<br /> rtNnt now or hereaft�r er�eted upon the Property shall be altered,renaved or demolished wifhout the pria written consent of 8eneliciory.
<br /> Trustor shoN comply with all lows, ardinances,regulations,covenants,caiditions ond restrictions aff�etinp the Prope►t�and not commit,suffer.
<br /> ar p�rmit an�act to be don�in or upon the Propertp in violation of anq Inw,ordinonce,repulotion, covenant,candition or restriNion.Trustor
<br /> shall tompl�te a rectae pron�ptly ond in pood workmonlik�nqnn�r ony improvemx�t on the Property which mo�be donwyed w destro�ed and
<br /> poy,whm dw,all cbims for labor performed and materials furnisMd th�r�fae and for anr dt�rations thereof.
<br /> 4. In�wwa.Trusta,ot its expmse,wiN mointaln with insuras approv�d by B�neficiary,insurance with respect to the Improvements and
<br /> p�rsonol prop�►ty,constitutiny tha Propeny,uyoinst loss by iire,I'phtninp,tomodo,and other perils ond hatads covered by standard extended
<br /> �.
<br /> � core►op��ndas�mmt,in on amount equol to ot least one hundred p�rce�t of th�full reptacim�nt vdu�thereof end insuranc�against such
<br /> � oiner i�aros and in sucn omoums as is asiomariiy carrieu oy owners aq ope►otps ot simular properti�s ar os&nefkiory moy require for its
<br /> , prot�ttion.Trustor will comply with such oth�r repuirem�nts as Benefitiary may from tim�to time request fa th�protation by insurance of the
<br /> Int�r�sts of Rhe respacliv�portks.All insurant�polkies mai�oined pursuant to this De�d of Trost shall nome Trustor ond BerNficiory as in-
<br /> sur�ds,as thsir respective inqr�sts ma�oppear, and provide thot then sipll be no tancellation or modification without no lass than 15 da�s
<br /> prbr writt�n notiflcotion to 8en�fklory.In tM evant on�policy hereunder is rtot rentwad on or betort 15 days priw to its expirotion date,
<br /> 8en�fkiory ma�pra�xe such insurance in atordant�with the provisions of poroyroph 7 hereof.Trustor shoN delirer to Beneficioryr the ori�inol
<br /> policies of ins��ond r�wols tl�eof a m�mo copies of such polici�s and renewals th�r�of.foilu►e to fumish such insurance by Trustor,or
<br /> r�wals as r�quind hKeu�dK shall,ot Ih�option of Beneficiary,constitute o d�fwlt.
<br /> - ��
<br />